
Being owned – Part 6


I awoke with a start. The sheets, drenched with my sweat clung to my body. Without turning on the light I got up, looked out of the window. Outside it was still dark, but dawn must be near. The nightmares usually came around dawn. Heart still hammering in my chest I moved to the kitchen. Here I turned on the lights, made myself a coffee. Being alone was hard right now. The dreams – nightmares – had become more frequent now. John, his face in the crowd, looking at me, smiling his boyish smile. But John was dead. And I had seen him after…

My fist crashed down on the counter. It hurt but it cleared my head, got me out of this thought spiral. At least for now. I needed to talk to someone. Now.

Without hesitation I took my mug and crossed over to the trapdoor in the living room. Up to now I hadn’t worked out how the lights down there worked, but it was dimly lit anyway. Hurrying as fast as I could without spilling my coffee, I made my way to the steel door, the kennels.

The dogs stirred as I entered the room. “Hello guys”. Yawning some of them got up, others just placed their heads back on their paws. Looking for the Irish Wolfhound I scanned the kennels. Today he was at the far end, alone as always. I crossed over to him and sat down next to the bars. “Sorry to wake you up, but…”, I broke off, sighed. “I’m going crazy and I need to get it off my chest.”

Holding the cup in both hands I pulled my legs up to my chest. The dog got up and stretched himself before he came to me. I scratched him behind the ears. “I had this mate, John, great guy, always good for a laugh.” The memory brought a sorrowful smile to my face.

“He got killed.” I didn’t want to go into the details, I just couldn’t.

“It was hard for me, I dreamed about it… him… for months. And just as I had come to terms with it, visiting another mate I saw him. He was just on the other side of the crowd in this club. When I got there, he was gone. I didn’t tell my mates about it. But a month later I saw him again. It was on a beach. I ran but he vanished again. After that I dreamed again, remembered.” Sipping my coffee while talking I leaned against the bars.

In the silence that followed I took more sips of my coffee. Dogs moved, claws scratching on concrete, the occasional snore from one of them.

“I couldn’t sleep, got more irritable, aggressive.” Laughing softly, I went on. “And I got into trouble. That led to my discharge. And there I was, no job, bills to pay and slightly going crazy. My parents were no help. I was a disappointment anyway. That’s kocaeli escort why they had Stan, my brother. So, one day I just packed a few things and left. As long as I had money I travelled to the places where I had seen him. Maybe I would see him again, find him.” Another shaky laugh. “Me, hunting ghosts and ending up with a werewolf and a pack of dogs.”

I finished my coffee and scratched the dog behind his ears again. “I never told anyone that I had seen him. Not even the shrink…don’t know why.”

After telling it today I felt calmer. “Thank you,” I whispered in his ear. He whimpered, turned his head and licked my face. Laughing I fended him off. “Don’t please.” And after a few more licks, one of them directly over my mouth and nose, he stopped. I smiled as I got clumsily to my feet. My body was stiff, I stretched before I made my way back.

After another coffee I shaved myself and showered extensively. Still yawning I made myself another coffee. I was still tired after some nights with little sleep, but I felt good. At least better than a few hours ago.

When he came to get me, I had just finished my fourth coffee. I placed the cup on the table as I got up. “Can I get the Irish Wolfhound?” I blurted out before I knew it, remembered after a few moments the “Sir”.

His eyebrows rose as he looked at me. I just looked back – and away after a few moments. “Do you want him for practice?” Still not looking at him I shook my head. “We’ll see.” My owner gestured towards the trapdoor and I followed his command.

“Wait here.” It was the room with the dog beds and bean bags again. Unsure why I had asked for that dog, why I had asked for anything at all I paced the room. Somehow, I felt that I owed him something. I sat down on one of the bean bags and waited. Would he bring back my special friend? And what did he think of me now? Suddenly nervous I got up and started pacing the room again. What took him so long? Or did it just feel longer than normal to me? I wasn’t sure at all.

I rubbed my sweaty palms against my thighs, looked to the door. The Irish Wolfhound had one of the biggest cocks of the whole pack. Would he think that I had developed a taste for that? Did he think that I liked it now? Did I? These questions running through my head I was nowhere near the mood to masturbate. I sighed.

As the door finally opened, I jumped. He was back. The Irish Wolfhound by his side. Smiling I held out my hand, let him sniff.

“You have twenty minutes.” With these final words our owner turned on his heel and left. Muttering darıca escort a “Great,” I scratched the dog behind his ears. Reluctantly I sat down on the nearest bean bag again. This was so weird. The dog placed his big head on my lap, begging for affection. I brushed him aside. “I can’t, not now.” He placed his head on my lap again. Trying to get him away was harder than I had expected, he always pushed back, and I gave up.

But I dreaded being fucked when I was not ready. Tentatively I spread my legs, tried to think of anything that would make me horny. His head stayed on one thigh I felt his hot breath brushing my skin. Still not in the mood I placed a hand between my legs, spread the pussy lips without much ado. For moments I just sat there, unable to go on. ‘There’s always spit’, I thought and sighed. If everything else failed that was the last resort.

I closed my eyes. Something to get me in the mood. But what? Being fucked by the werewolf and his dogs had become normal. It didn’t appal me anymore as much as it had at the beginning. But the thought did not arouse me either. I had never had an orgasm when they had fucked me. It was all their pleasure. Would it be different if I had?

The dog lifted his head just as I ran a finger over my clit. How much time had passed? Would he command him to fuck me if I wasn’t ready? I shivered, a cold feeling running down my spine. Mechanically I rubbed my clit, no real lust behind it. There was only the knowledge that I had to get wet. Testing with one finger I groaned. This might take longer than I had expected.

I felt the dog stir, move, then his hot breath between my legs as he was sniffing at my crotch. This new sensation made me shiver again. “You like that?” Spreading the lips wider I circled my clit with two fingers. The dog was watching me, panting between my legs. In a few minutes he would fuck me, I would feel his dick in my cunt.

Slowly I slid one finger inside, spread the meagre juices all over my crotch. As usual as my finger glided over my clit it felt good. What did it matter that I was ordered to do so? I could at least enjoy myself. And try to convince me, that it was my decision.

The dogs breathing got faster. He lapped, with his long-wet tongue all through my slit and I moaned. It was different to what I knew. He just wanted to taste me, not pleasure me as men had done, but it felt good all the same.

A bit embarrassed I spread my legs wider, hoping he would do it again. And he did. I did not edge him on, I just enjoyed what he was doing, rubbed gölcük escort my clit and moaned softly. The rest of the time I stroked my clit while the dog was licking me. Slowly I felt desire rise up inside me. A burning in my cunt, a longing to be fucked. I could do with a cock now. Would he mount me if I got down on my knees? Or was he too well trained?

The thought irritated me, unsure if I wanted it or not. I moaned again, unable to stop my hand from running through my now wet crotch.

Finally, I heard the door open and I opened my eyes.

Our owner smirked as he looked at me – us. My cheeks burned as I felt myself blushing. Ashamed I got up, looked at him and waited for his command to go down on my knees. Even though I was horny I did not want to seem too eager. I was confused, would have to think about this.

He pointed to the ground and I got down on my knees. Spreading my legs as wide as possible I prepared myself for being jumped. But the dog did not jump me. I felt his breath between my legs again, his long-wet tongue. He seemed to bury his muzzle right between my legs and I moaned.

Frantic he lapped up all the juices that were flowing freely now. Every now and again the pressure of his tongue on my clit made me shudder. I was more than ready. I wanted it. In this state I even wanted to be fucked by a dog.

“Mount.” The voice seemed to come out of nowhere. In an instant the dog mounted me. His cock jabbed at my cunt without entering. Without thinking I reached between my legs, felt his cock and guided him. Deep he buried himself in me as he started fucking me now. My hand left his cock, reached for my clit instead.

I gasped. It was like an electric shock. With the dog’s cock inside me, hammering away the touch on this sensitive part of my body was more intense. Even with a man I had not felt like this before. Two strokes with my fingers brought me over the edge. I might have cried out before I had all fours on the floor again. Panting, legs and arms trembling I cowered under the dog who humped away. But he must have felt it, for I felt his knot begin to swell. He shot his hot load inside me, rested his body on mine. Both of us were panting, I felt sweat on my body, we were connected through his knot in my pulsating cunt.

Our owner strolled over, smiled down on us. “You liked it?” Startled I looked up, hearing nearly my words echoing back to me. But there was no sign that he had overheard me.

“Yes, Sir”, I answered, still out of breath and hung my head in shame.

“Don’t.” I felt his hand on my hair, he petted me like a dog, then pushed my hair back over my shoulder. “Don’t be ashamed. It is easier for you, if you like it. I won’t judge you. And no one else counts.”

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