
Belle’s Life Pt. 02


***I wish to inform that this a complete work of fiction and somethings will be exaggerated and not be true to life. There will be some sex in parts of the coming series but is to be about someones journey. Be sure to read Belle’s prelude first and previous parts ***

My mystery boy has not there the following night or any night for the next two months I worked in the strip club. Starting to believe I might of imagined him out of exhaustion. Never mentioned about him to Anya or anyone else. Incase I or him get into trouble. It was stupid thought but Clare was an intimidating character changing room with random regardless what happened I’m sure my ass would of been out.

Doing the same dance routines my lingerie getting had got bit more exciting and expensive. My times on the pole had vastly improved. Doing elaborate acts like the rest of them. I’d been called to vip room a view times as my English improved. It was easier in there. Basically you acted more like a host chilling chatting doing silly or naughty things for them. Usually kissing and groping the other girls which I loved to do. So much better than stripping every 10 mins to some random cheap pervert. In vip you just had to act nice and create the illusion of naughtiness. Also telling the guy how cool and wonderful he was.

The private room eluded me, though I’ve been offered many times and with some serious money I easily declined I still wasn’t ready for anything like that yet. Sex has not been on mind since I left Prague.

Anya on other hand spent at least 2-3x a night in that room. She’d now began taking her work home. First night she did it, I wasn’t warned. Catching them in act as I got back to the flat. Both were happy for me to join in their naked romp but I decided against it. Anya was finding herself, in my view, hanging around the wrong type of people. Dodgy and unpleasant was best way too describe them. Guys started hanging around flat more partying harder and longer more often than not. Stacks of cocaine was being hidden in our flat which Anya and her new friends were helping themselves at times.

From her new found joy bringing punters back for drugs and sex I decided to stay away more. Now she warned me about a fuck session and I’d choose to wait it out stay in the 24hr cafe just down the road from club. However, this was happening almost every night and each time it was taking longer and longer. At these times I was shattered and wanted my bed but I had to remember I was her guest her flat I simply had to make do for now.

It was now approaching 5am it was getting light, the sun would be up soon. The cafe was nice despite being run down it was fair to say everything in the cafe was older than me. Very working class usually taxi drivers, builders and bakers etc were the ones in here at this time during week. Weekends was those coming in after a night out. Needing food to cure on coming hangovers. As sat in my chair, bring the sex appeal to the cafe I told myself, nearly drifting off I was the only one in cafe then I heard the bell ring as it opened. Startling me for a bit remembering where I was. Looking up and pleased to see it was my mystery boy walking in.

Catching each other’s eyes we smiled and waved to each other. This time he was better dressed dark navy jeans timberland boots on his feet with a white long sleeve jumper on. It was the casual look not the scruffy look. Meanwhile I was in purple leggings and a matching sports bra. I had my black zip up hoodie but I was roasting so it was unzipped displaying my chest and abs.

Grabbing some food and a drink he joined me at my table. “Do you fancy it in here that much you don’t wish to go home?” He asked. Being shattered I just yawned covering my mouth and shock me head. “I’m James by the way.”

Forcing a tired smile I shook his hand. “I’m Markéta but everyone calls me Belle”. That was the first time since I’ve arrived in London that I’ve given anyone my real name. No idea as to why I gave it I just wanted him to have it. “I’d really love to go home and get into bed but my roommate Anya is em… entertaining someone.” Yawning again. “So until I get a message the boy is gone or passed out I can’t really get to bed.”

“Well that’s a bit of a pain” he said with concern. “I’ve just finished working at one of the other clubs and on my way home.” Seeing how heavy my eyes were and how I was drifting off. “Why don’t you go back with I can guarantee you’ll be in bed sleeping a lot sooner than waiting for your friend.”

My constant yawning was not a pretty site I could of fell asleep in that chair. Exhausted and desperate I agreed. “Would you? That would be so kind.” No sooner than he finished offering I was grabbing my things and heading out of cafe.

Expecting antalya escort to walk to a near by miserable cramped flat but no. Right outside was a top of the range Mercedes Benz in stylish black gleaming in the light it was spotless. James walked round to driver side unlocked and opened the door. This wasn’t adding up how could a cleaner for a strip club afford this. “How is it you have this car?” I asked rather surprised.

He just smiled and starred back to me. “It’s not mine I’m just borrowing from someone in the family.”

Driving through London for a bit my eyes began to become too heavy and keeping them open was a challenge. This seat was comfier and warmer than chair in cafe. The last thing I remembered was we were stopped at the lights and milk truck going pass.

It was the deepest sleep imaginable and one I felt long overdue. Staying in that cramped flat with Anya. Sharing her bed with no privacy. I hadn’t had any chill time relaxation time or indeed quiet time. Anya did things at 100 mph and if she was up you were up. Wasn’t helping she was now doing cocaine. Having this sleep in the car was great just gave me that time for me. When I was eventually to wake I was horrified.

No longer in the car, I was in bed and it wasn’t mine. Under a red duvet in king size bed I was certainly in the wrong bed. My eyes adjusted to bright light of sun coming in a through a full length floor to ceiling window. Once adjusted I got my bearings it was bedroom and quite a large one, bigger than Anya’s flat. Scouring the room. With football memorabilia on the walls, games console, a massive flat screen tv and pictures of half naked celebs on wall. This was clearly a boys room. “Oh fuck” is all I could say. My next step was to check I hadn’t done anything stupid. Pushing the duvet off me I was shocked to see me still in bra and leggings. My hoodie, trainers and socks were off but the rest of me was still dressed.

Leaning over the side of the bed I saw them neatly placed next to each other. With my works bag sitting right next to them. The other side of bed was untouched no rustle perfectly undisturbed. A note was left at my side of the bed it read. *hey Belle, sleep as long as you like but when hungry come through and I’ll make you something. James xx*. Thinking how sweet I leaped out of bed and made my way out of his room.

His home was massive and a labyrinth odd twists and turns and it was only the first floor. Eventually finding the stairs I made my way down. Hearing the tv I thought there was a good chance that’s where could be. Seeing him there sitting in more comfy attire watching the football. “Hello, good morning” I said nervously. James jumped to his feet walking over gave me a good morning hug.

“Did you sleep ok?” He asked. “I did try to wake you when we arrived back but you were shattered. So I just took you up and placed you the bed.” We strolled through to his kitchen which once again it was massive.

“Em… it was fine.” I said bashfully tucking my hair behind ear. “Em… I’m I to understand that this is your house?”

Having laid out a selection of food for me to choose from for my breakfast. The opportunity to have scrabbled eggs on toast with sausage and bacon seemed like heaven to me.

He sniggered at my question. “No it’s not my house. I just live here better than being stuck at my parents all the way out of London.” He answered as he cooked. Still many questions needs to be answers but I was too hungry and the food was smelling lovely and sizzling away.

Nestled deep in the house a voice could be heard screaming. “You better be making some for me you little poof.” A young girl’s voice could be heard screeching from upstairs.

“I have cum stain”. He shouted back “but you have to come down and eat it. I’m not bringing it up”. Puzzled and confused I looked at him for explanation. “Oh she is my older sister. She is a bit loud, bit out there and not one to be messed with.”

Galloping from upstairs racing downstairs, I could see this girl trotting towards us through the door way and oh my god she was something else. With long wavy red hair she came bouncing along. With a big stylish bra just about holding in her enhanced minimum F cups boobs from bouncing out. Fighting to put on a sorry excuse for a short skirt around her waist. More like a belt than anything. As she attempted to hide the fact she had no panties on. Getting a glimpse of her smooth vajazzled pussy. Just about had it covered as she strutted her way in to the kitchen. With her mid drift still exposed I could see in detail a large but decorative sternum tattoo also on her upper arm and top of her thigh.

“Woo…” she jumped as soon as she saw me sitting in her kitchen. antalya escort bayan “Hello. Who are you?” She asked. Before I had time to answer. James did for me.

“Rebecca this is Belle. One of the new girls at the club. Belle this is my sister Rebecca.” Said James

Showing her my hand to her, she gave it a shake. Her fingers were wet and a bit sticky but rest of her hand was fine. Looking at me in the same unpleasant disgust as Clare did when she first saw me. “Hopefully you won’t be making a habit of letting strays into our home”. She said. James dished her up a plate of food placing in front of the chair next to me. James instructed her to be nice.

Sitting down next to me, she wolfed down her food as if she’s not been fed in weeks. A curvy girl she wasn’t a shy of a meal or two. As I chowed down on mine I was only mid way through as she was finished near licking the plate clean. “Oh… I so needed that.” She said turning to face me. “Sorry for my rudeness I don’t wish to be like my mum. How long have you been working at the club and what’s your price to fuck?” Nearly chocking on my food as she asked. I was too shy to answer.

“Rebecca!!” James objected. “That’s between herself and clients. None of you business.” Rebecca stuck up her middle finger at him and mouthed sarcastically away at him. Which I found amusing.

“I’ve em…” nervously admitting. “I’ve never been in private room and don’t do that kind of things. Well at least not yet anyway I’m not sure it’s for me.”

There was an awkward silence as I waited for someone to speak or acknowledge what I admitted. It was Rebecca first to speak. “Perfect”. She said with excitement. “Keep them waiting and wanting. Then when ready keep to a select few. Your prices can be way higher than rest of the girls.” Rebecca had this gleam of excitement as she began to more bubbly as she continued to speak. “So the rule of thumb between the girls is that room is £150. So £300 is price for blowjob and pussy fuck with condom. £450 without and same price for anal with condom. £500 without condom for anal. Be selective and you could get double. Though I charge treble for my star status.” Raising her arms in the air and doing a wee dance in her chair.

Confused I look at James for explanation. “Rebecca is a pornstar does porn shoots, glamour modelling, webcams, escorting, private parties, events and shows. Basically anyone willing to have her. She is either promoting or being paid to entertain.” Rebecca still having her groove going on didn’t seem to have a care in the world. James continued “Rebecca did dance and work at the club. However, the allure and money of webcams, porn onlyfans and such like made it far more appealing to her love of sex. She returns for special guest shows and fan meets with friends she’s made. Usually our biggest busiest weekend.”

Eventually she settled down and looked at me. I had to ask. “How much money can you make from these things?”

Rebecca looked at me and smiled. “I’ve been doing this full time since leaving the club for the last 2 years and I’ve managed to buy a luxury house in the London in cash.” Realising I was actually sitting in her house I assumed it was their parents but no it was hers. “I mean you do need to put in a lot of work. I sleep maybe 5hrs at night constantly film videos, taking pics, editing them. Then meet clients for extra fun other stars to collaborate with stuff. Parties and promotional events. We need to be at all these things to be popular and in demand.” It was at that moment her smart watch beeped. “Sorry got to go. A regular who wants to live stream.” Leaping to her feet she goes to walk back back upstairs but stops and speaks to me. “You ever fancy it and want to collaborate chat and visit me first. I’ll give you a fair price on any videos or pics.” Turning to James she says. “Thanks for breakfast but work calls. There is a traffic cone with my bum hole written all over it.” She skips out the room.

As she left I turned to face James. “Your sister is quite the character.” Unable to help my giggling. Yes she was full on but she seemed excellent at putting people at ease very quickly. “Is it not awkward having a sister as a pornstar. I mean what if you stumble across one of her films online or in the middle of making one.”

James shrugged his shoulders as he cleaned up the dirty plates and washed up. “It doesn’t bother me. To be honest not all that surprising. My dad owns a few strip clubs, a few night clubs and a gay bar. My mum was a glamour model she did the odd porn. The boss at your club. Both also swingers.” My brain now started to make connection who his parents were, Michael and Clare. It explained better how Rebecca pulled that same disapproving escort antalya face similar to Clare.

James continued to speak. “Teased plenty of times at school growing up about it. Now those same people want free access and invites to exclusive parties. Nudity, sex and adult industry is just second nature to us. I’m almost surprised it took Rebecca as it did to become an adult star. The one of the real awkward thing is when she is needing a camera man to help film.”

My eyes widen as in shock as he may of admitted something incredibly taboo. “Hang on”. I said pacing myself to ensure I get the English right. “You’ve helped your sister film porn and take explicit pics?”

The embarrassment and the shame was evident on his face. There was little he could justify this however he was giving it ago. “I’ll totally admit its odd and wrong in most peoples lives but this is how my life has been. It’s moulded who I am today. I’m healthy, I know wants right and wrong, what it means to be cruel and I’m not doing drugs”.

In some ways I could relate if I had a normal upbringing I suppose I wouldn’t find myself here stripping for seedy men and pervy boys. A drug addict whore of a mum and alcoholic pimp of a father wasn’t going to be much hope for me. In James home it was certainly an unconventional upbringing but he was in a home with love and it was all legal. It’s no real surprise his attitude towards nudity, sex and porn would be different to the conventional.

My phone finally pinged after nearly 12 hrs Anya finally said it was safe for me to come home. “Oh at last.” I said with relief. “That’s Anya she’s awake telling me the shit has gone home.” Looking up at James with my sweetest eyes I could make. “Any chance of a lift home.” James was more than happy to do it. I just had to grab my things.

Racing upstairs I head back into James room putting on my socks and trainers I pick up my bag and hoodie and head out. Just as I do Rebecca comes out fully naked with traffic cone toy dildo in hand. Having just finished her live stream. She stood there with her massive boobs and flat stomach and her sparkly pussy without a care. “Is that you off?” She asked. Walking towards getting into my personal space. “You know I am serious if you want to do some videos and such that together. You are cute and delicious. Your bum looks and amazing.” Reaching round she slaps it and gropes it. “Feels amazing too.”

Momentarily lost for words. She slapped me hard which felt nice and I could feel her fingers crawling towards my asshole. It was the first time in a long time I wished someone would just get right in between my crack. “I’m certainly going to give it a lot of thought.” Saying with excitement. “Will it just be us or is James going to be camera man?”

Rebecca mouth dropped as soon as I asked but it didn’t upset her. “He can be or we can use a stand”. She chuckled. “If you really want we both could share you. Lick and fuck your tight little holes. I can even film you two naughty fuckers.”

It was now my turn for mouth to drop. “James never mentioned to me about him being filmed.” I said. It became clear on her face that’s she’s put her foot in it.

With a look of panic she goes on to explain. “Yes he does get filmed from time to time. He’s got an ideal cock porn. Girls I’ve worked with, couples, milfs and the occasional boy. Often ask if he’s a available to film the odd scene now and then. When they are looking for to film with cock. He’s like the rest of us he gets horny wants to fuck and bonus he gets paid.”

Still in shock I couldn’t help but fixate on one of the things she said. “What do you mean occasional boy?”

Once again she’s realised she’s put her foot in and her head is her hands. “Oh please don’t tell him I said that.” She pleaded. “He’s bisexual does the odd cuckold, bi couple stuff had the odd gay scene. All been tops but privately and discreetly does bottom.” I still remain silent and confused. “Oh shit. I’ve said too much again.” Stress, panic and worry grew across her face. Hands now pulling her hair.

Downstairs we could hear him rustling around he shouts up. “Belle are you about ready?”

“Yeah I’m just coming.” I shout down to him. Facing back to Rebecca I do my best to reassure her. “Don’t worry he won’t be hearing it from me. My lips are sealed. I’ll stuff my mouth to stop me from talking.” Seeing her traffic cone dildo still in her hand I take it from. Bringing it to my mouth. Pressing it against my lips I gently insert it into my mouth wrapping my lips around it pushing deeper and my mouth getting wider till I couldn’t get it in further. Looking at her I gave her a wink before pulling it out and handing it back to her.

She’s delighted and looks turned on. “You know I was in my way to wash this after it’s been up my bum?”

With a smile I said. “I know and your bum hole tastes delicious”. We both burst out laughing as I head downstairs. James was confused and wondering what had happened. “Don’t worry girl stuff”. Is all I said to him.

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