
Best Friend’s Big Problem Pt. 03


Billy and Brandon fell in to a routine the following months. After work, the latter, instead of heading straight home, took a detour to the former’s house to have his needs taken care of. Of course Lilly was looped in on the arrangement, without the husband knowing, and asked no questions on why her man would often arrive an hour after clocking out from his job.

The two saw each other frequently during the week. Rarely on the weekends to avoid inquisitive eyes. Brandon’s family was pretty close and usually got together on the weekends for barbecues, picnics or lunch. Him leaving such gatherings for an hour at a time would’ve raised some questions from his brothers and their families.

What they did notice about him was his new attitude. Like his brothers, Brandon used to be more rigid, but lately, he was more relaxed. Not a drastic change, but enough to detect. This obviously correlates with his hidden activity. Getting his balls drained constantly affected him in the best possible way, improving his mood overall.

This didn’t mean that before his ‘deal’ with Billy that he never had any action. His wife Lilly did put out, but those events were quite rare and often boring so most of the time, he took care of himself.

On a Monday morning at work, Brandon suddenly had the urge to empty his bladder so he went to the one bathroom of the entire auto shop and was stunned by the sight.

“What the fuck are you doing Mason?” He said averting his eyes.

“What the fuck do you think?” Mason answered annoyed as he beat his pud.

“We’re at work, do that shit at home!” Retorted Brandon, not liking his brother’s tone.

Since the moment was gone, Mason put his dick back in his pants. “The house is a disaster and Lindsey is fucking mad at me.” Said Mason a bit frustrated as he washed his hands. For most of their lives the Lockwood siblings were usually in the same boat sexually. Not even marriage nor a wife could fix that problem.

“When is she not?” Said Brandon grinning, poking fun at his brother’s pain.

Mason was a year younger than Brandon but he was just as tall and massive. He was taller by an inch standing at 6’7 feet and just as built. He had a head of dirty blonde hair and preferred having a perpetual five o’ clock shadow that captured the heart and opened the legs of his now wife Lindsey five years ago. One adequate fuck for him, a painful intercourse for her and a broken condom were all it took to change the trajectory of their lives. Even the morning after pill she took the next day was no match for his virility.

Because of the bun in her oven, they were practically forced to wed by their parents despite being adult themselves. They felt obligated to accept and they did. But as time passed, regardless of how their story started, they eventually fell in love with one another and were now proud mother and father to two boys and a girl. That being said, their marriage was not immune to problems. Like his brothers, Mason also had a hefty member that his wife had a hard time taking which resulted in frustration, anger and fighting.

“I’m cumming!!!” Shouted Brandon as he unloaded his spunk directly in Billy’s throat.

Billy easily swallowed his hefty load and felt his stomach getting full. He must’ve swallowed gallons of his semen the past few months. ‘This sonuvabitch is always fucking full.’ He thought to himself. After the deed, he sat next to Brandon on the couch.

“That was good.” Said Brandon still revelling in the sensations of his release.

“I’m so full. I might skip dinner.” Said Billy jokingly, causing the giant beside him to snicker.

“Well I need a sandwich after that.” Retorted Brandon.

The two of them made small talk, a habit they adopted throughout the time they spent together. They started discussing about what’s in the news until Brandon remembered the incident with Mason that morning.

“He forgot to lock the door?” Said Billy, in disbelief after Brandon recounted his unexpected run-in in the toilet.

“Yeah, his pants and boxers all the way down.” Continued Brandon.

“Well, if you think about it, it’s just you guys there. You’ve seen each other naked I assume.” Said Billy.

“I don’t wanna see my fucking brother jacking off.” Brandon exclaimed.

“You say that like you never jack off.” Retorted Billy. “When was the last time you spank the monkey?” He continued.

“I don’t know. Months maybe?” He answered.

“Cut the crap.” Said Billy, thinking Brandon was joking. From all the stories Lilly had told her and from what he knows about him, he found that hard to believe.

“No, I don’t jack off anymore since we started doing this.” Said Brandon truthfully.

“Damn.” Said Billy. In that moment, it dawned on him how much his oral service impacted Brandon’s life.

“Yeah. You drain my balls like no other.” Responded Brandon.

After a couple more minutes, Brandon cleaned himself and headed out.

“Oh, he told you the thing about Mason too?” Said Billy a Çanakkale Escort little surprised Brandon would tell such a ridiculously vulgar story to Lilly. The two of them were having coffee at their usual place.

“Well yeah. I’m his wife, he tells me everything.” She said.

Billy looked at her funny which made her roll her eyes and add: “Ok, maybe not everything.” This last statement elicited a laugh from the two of them.

As their laughter came to a halt, Billy took a proper glance at his best friend. She looked better than ever, as if she was glowing somehow. Long gone was the constantly haggard woman from before.

“What are you looking at?” She inquired.

“Nothing. You look really good.” He said, making her smile from the compliment. “Did you do something with your hair?” He asked.

“Thank you. No, I’m just… Everything’s going really well lately. The kids, the house, Brandon. It’s just great. We…” She stated but was cut off.

“You’re welcome.” He interjected, which again made them both snigger. They developed a way to talk about the matter without actually talking about it explicitly especially in a public place like the cafe.

After a bit more of exchange and gossip, the two went their separate ways.

At home as Lilly finished her chores, she heard a knock on the door. She wasn’t expecting anyone to visit but by the sound of rowdy cheer from outside and the exhausted voice of a woman trying to calm the children down, she had an idea of who it could be.

As the cousins played in the other room, the two women sat in the kitchen to talk when out of the blue, Lindsey bursted into tears.

“How do you do it?” Asked Lindsey as she wiped her tears and blew her nose.

Lilly felt really bad for her because she knew what she was going through since she was in her exact same position a couple of months ago. In front of her was a woman overwhelmed with her kids and constantly fighting with her husband about sex. Judging from the story Brandon told her about Mason and her personal knowledge being married to a Lockwood, she must be going through it.

Billy was seating by himself at their favourite coffee place waiting for Lilly to arrive. She had texted him that she would arrive a little late and that gave him time to think about his current predicament. His relationship with his best friend barely changed since everything started. They were as solid as they always were despite the favour he provided for her husband.

At the beginning, Lilly couldn’t help but ask for details between Brandon and Billy’s encounters to the latter’s chagrin, but as time went on, the novelty of the situation diminished and she stopped badgering him for information. The entirety of the situation became a normal occurrence, it was acknowledged but not dissected and analysed any further.

As he lifted his gaze from his cup of coffee to the window, Billy saw the person he was waiting for but was surprised to see that she didn’t come alone.

“Hi Lilly. Lindsey.” He said feigning delight, although the confusion in his tone was genuine. “Good to see you. What a nice surprise. How’ve you been?” He added, greeting them and while doing so, he got up to give each of them a hug.

While embracing Lindsey, he mouthed ‘Why?’ to his best friend who was standing behind her and that was when he noticed the awkward stance, the guilt ridden face that he knew so well. He could tell Lilly fucked up, and it might have something to do with him.

The silence on their table was deafening as they waited for the beverages the two ladies ordered. Lilly was fidgeting in her seat while Billy and Lindsey awkwardly stayed put in theirs.

“What’s happening?” Billy asked, finally breaking the ice. He felt like he was in a set up.

“Ummm you know, the thing I asked you to do?” Lilly started answering vaguely.

“What thing?” Billy asked curiously. It was not that he had forgotten about sucking off Brandon whenever he came to see him, in fact, he had just guzzled his load the other day, but he wouldn’t have imagined her opening that subject in front of someone else especially not someone who was family, his sister-in-law.

Before either of the two ladies could answer, the waiter arrived with the orders, prolonging Billy’s curiosity until he had finished serving them.

“I know about you and Brandon.” Said Lindsey after the waiter had gone.

Billy, caught off guard by that declaration, almost spat his coffee. Baffled by her knowledge of his liaison, he slowly turned his head to his best friend who couldn’t even look at him in the eye. He knew at that moment that Lilly was the one who told her. It was the only logical explanation, and it was painted all over her face. There was no use denying it.

“What the fuck Lilly?” He almost shouted.

“I’m sorry. But she was crying about her problems to me and she reminded me of myself.” She stated, making it sound like she had no other choice but to spill the beans.

“So? Çanakkale Escort Bayan You should have kept your mouth shut.” He argued.

“It was all my fault.” Lindsey interposed trying to defuse the tension between the two.

“No it’s not.” He said. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” He turned his attention to Lilly once again. “This will affect you more than it will affect me. You know that right?”

“I know. But I was just thinking about the kids.” Said Lilly.

“What kids?” Asked Billy confused. Regardless of their circumstances, they never talked about the children.

“My kids.” Answered Lindsey. Her statement calmed Billy for some reason. “Mason and I fight a lot. It’s gone to a point where I’m seriously considering to divorce him.” She said, on the verge of tears.

“And I don’t want that to happen to my niece and nephews.” Continued Lilly.

“Wait. What do you mean?” Asked Billy.

“You’ve seen my husband. He’s… big.” Said Lindsey while dabbing a napkin under her eyes to absorb the tears before they could fall.

Billy knew exactly what she meant. If Brandon’s dick was any indication Mason must be packing something similar in his pants. And if it were true, Lindsey must have been having a hard time satisfying him.

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” He asked, having an inkling on what was going through these women’s minds.

“Would you mind sucking off my husband too?” Lindsey finally asked.

The offer was tempting, but Billy was still in turmoil. He had no problem dealing with Brandon, but two of them might become an issue. His jaw had just stopped hurting a month ago and now these two were asking him to service another set of cock and balls. Not to mention the secrets he had to keep. It helped that he actually fancied Mason.

“What have your husbands done to the both of you?” He asked finding them pitiful. “Lindsey, do you know what you are asking of me? Have you considered how this would impact your marriage? There are alternatives you know.” He continued. Having gone down the same road with Lilly, he was more lenient with the request this time, but that didn’t stop him from pushing back a little.

“The only alternative I can think of was the divorce. I just want to be happy, like Lilly and Brandon.” She answered.

To be fair, Lilly has been looking livelier and happier lately. Having his balls despunked frequently changed Brandon’s outlook and general mood which in turn, improved his relationship with his wife. He helped her more with the kids and was more loving in a non sexual way. She enjoyed the new type of intimacy her plan provided so much so that she thinks that they might be deeper in love with each other more than ever.

While her plan was currently in full action Lilly found herself more attracted to her husband. Maybe it was the pressure being off of her shoulders to satisfy him sexually, maybe it was the lack of his pestering to fuck, but in those past months she felt so turned on by him; to the extent that a couple of times, she actually initiated sex with him, which he gladly accepted. Knowing that with or without her, his sexual needs would’ve been taken care off, made her open to being more intimate with her man. Brandon picked up on this new sexual phase of their married life and didn’t want to ruin it by being over zealous and was more gentle with their love making.

It wasn’t all rainbows and roses. There were a few times when he didn’t get to finish because she was too sore to continue which in the past would’ve usually resulted in a fight between the both of them, but having another willing hole to help out, he didn’t see the need to push the envelope. He was happy for the effort she put in.

For an hour, the women kept pestering Billy to also perform fellatio on Mason. He eventually agreed to the absurd request and the two immediately briefed him of their already devised plan.

The following week, Billy lied about being unable to accommodate Brandon at his place and that he had to work in the office for some time. He had to hold out on servicing him and push the horny bastard in to a corner. He had to make him want it enough to agree getting blown in his own marital bed, something they agreed at the beginning that could never happen.

The secret to their successful affair, other than Lilly’s blessing, was that they had time and place to do it. Feigning a busy schedule and unavailability of his home, Brandon had to either wait it out or find another place where to do it. Billy was ordered to turn all his suggestions down but the horny bastard was so persistent that he had to get creative with it. From hotels, to the back of the car, to bathroom stalls, the lust filled beefcake proposed all of them but was always met with a ‘No’.

Lilly updated him on her husband’s mood. She noticed that he was crankier than usual. Like he was suffering from withdrawal. Not getting his dick sucked and his balls drained must have Escort Çanakkale been torture. When she thought that he was ready, she moved to the next phase of their scheme.

Billy got a call from Brandon.

“Lilly and the kids are going away for the weekend. We have the house to ourselves.” He said.

“I heard. Are you sure you want do it at your place? Doesn’t it fe-” Billy asked but was interrupted.

“Fuck it. Who cares?! I’m about to burst. I need that mouth of yours on my dick.” Said Brandon.

After agreeing on a time and saying their goodbyes, Billy immediately called the rest of the squad and informed them that Brandon took the bait. Lilly was secretly proud of herself for knowing how her husband’s head worked. She did feel guilty about manipulating him, but it was for the best. Lindsey’s family deserved happiness too, specifically their children. She was not gonna let them grow up in a broken home especially when she had an answer to their problem. Of course she knew that she owed her best friend a very big favour. Two very big favours.

Brandon waited patiently in his robe. His wife and children had left an hour ago and all he had to do was bid his time until his guest arrived. Just like clock work, he heard the knock from his back door and opened it. He never would have thought to be that excited seeing his wife’s best friend. He tried to keep it together, but in no time, his cock went from a light chub to fully rock hard just by the sight of Billy.

“Well hello there. What do we have here?” Said Billy openly eyeing the one eyed monster that slid out from the front slits of Brandon’s robe. The handsome studmuffin looked at him hungrily like a tiger staring at his prey ready to pounce. He took a deep breath and let the cocksucker in.

Billy could not believe how good Brandon looked in his attire. The muscular father wasn’t the only one abstinent that week. So was he. He missed the taste of his cum, the heat of his flesh and the girth of his fuck stick expanding his oral orifice. They just had to wait a little bit before proceeding.

Brandon took his hand and began dragging him up to his room. He had no intention in waiting any longer. Billy on the other hand was panicking since he had yet to send the signal before kneeling in between his legs and devouring that manhood that his lips were longing for and vice versa.

“Wait!” Said Billy as he tried to pull his hand from his tight grip.

“What?!” Said Brandon. Billy could see the annoyance and rage in his face.

“I… I n-need a glass of water.” He said stuttering as the mixture of horniness and nervousness affected his speech.

Billy quickly went to the kitchen with Brandon following suit. He knew the house well enough to know where the glasses were. The towering man was just right behind him, too close for comfort with his dick poking at his back.

As he got the glass and filled it with water, Brandon started touching him. His paws went from his shoulders to his back gently massaging him. His hands were warm and he could feel the need from them. After finishing his drink, he noticed he was in between the sink and a hard body.

Being caressed felt nice. It was a first for him since their relationship was never established to be more than just him giving head and yet just a week of no action and here they were, touching intimately.

Billy turned around to find Brandon standing before him, somewhat leaning back with his torso while his hips jutted out towards him to keep balance. His angry dick was proudly pointing at him, hungry for his attention. He pulled at one end of his robe opening it, putting his muscular physique in full view. He was beginning to lose himself. His temperature was rising, his cheeks blushing and his mouth watering but he needed to do one last thing before devouring this stud.

“Let me just, send a message.” He said breathlessly, Brandon’s seduction clearly having an effect on him.

He took his phone out from his pocket with his right hand but at the same time Brandon took his left one and placed it on his cock. This took Billy by surprise and was stopped for a second.

“Don’t you want this? You’ve been holding out on me lately.” He said as he looked Billy straight in the eye, moving their hands in unison in a stroking motion.

“You have no idea.” He answered.

Billy quickly sent the message. It was so fast that it barely registered to Brandon that he even did it.

“Let’s go.” Said Billy pulling Brandon by his dick to the bedroom as if it was a leash.

Billy sat Brandon on his marital bed. He could smell Lilly’s perfume in the room, but it didn’t deter him from getting her husband to flood his mouth with the same batter that gave her a family.

Billy pushed Brandon down on his back his head towards the door, his legs sprawled open while his feet were touching the ground. He assumed his position in the middle. The manhood stood tall and pulsing with life and the balls were hanging low. It was time.

Brandon’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he felt his cock getting engulfed inside a moist hot cavern. He moaned at the feeling of the vacuum effect Billy did with his mouth, as if sucking the life out of him. His body tingled from the pleasure he had been missing the last few days.

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