
BFF’s That Slime Together


BFF’s that slime together stay together.

Ripley wants a turn.

This is a sequel so it’s best to read the first part Rachel’s slimy good time.


Ripley pulled into Rachel’s driveway glad to see her car parked outside. Ripley was near bursting with her good news and so wanted to share it with her BFF Rachel before she posted it on Facebook for the world to see. She and Rachel had been friends since preschool. Their moms had trade babysitting duties, carpooling, etc since they were 3. They were more like sister since they each spent as much time with the others family as their own. They always told each other stuff before they would anyone else in the world. Today she wanted to tell Rachel she had landed her dream job and then drag her out if she had to and paint the town red.

Her knocks on the door went unanswered and Rachel’s cell phone went straight to voice mail when she tried it. “Maybe she is in the backyard” she thought. As she started to the back yard she had to pass in front of the garage door. “Well that’s new” she said as she saw the windows in the door that had been clear glass were now reflective and she could not see in. Just as she round the corner she saw the side window also had the reflective covering. The backyard was clear but Ripley was sure she was home so she decides to use the hidden emergency key for the back door.

Once inside she called out once to see if Rachel was home and then quietly made her way to Rachel’s bedroom to see if she was napping. The sound of Rachel’s snoring confirmed her location long before Ripley got to the door way. Ripley stood there awhile watching her sleep and then retreated to the kitchen to decide what to do. She knew if Rachel was sawing logs like that she was dead to the world and even the house falling down would not wake her. When they were teenagers they had a slumber party and she had been the first to fall asleep. She started snoring and the other girls end up rolling her all over the place trying to wake her up. When she slept thru everything a couple of them tried posing her body. Two girls even pulled her shirt up and played with her tits. She slept thru it all. That was when Ripley started having sexual thoughts about her friend, she did not touch her that night but on later occasions she did do some exploring when they had sleep overs together. It never went beyond light touching and now she found herself thinking about it again. But the time was not right, Rachel did not know anyone was in her house. She had decided to just plant herself in the living room with the TV and wait for her to wake up when she passed the door to the garage.

The garage with its covered windows, that Rachel hardly ever parked her car in. More than once she had seen Rachel come out of it and shut and locked the door behind her. She knew Rachel had been working on something but could never get her to talk about it. Maybe now was the time to spy out what it was if only …”YES” the door was not locked.

The first thing she saw was what looked like a shower made out of a wading pool and a tarp for a curtain. There were pipes and wires running everywhere. The 4 video cameras point at the inside of the shower thingy drew her to the still running laptop. Since she was a computer whiz she had no trouble pulling up the video files. What she saw left her speechless. Clean cut Rachel was one dirty kinky girl. There on the screen was her BFF naked, bound and getting cover in green slime.

She stopped the video and went around looking at things in greater detail. The timer set up for the nozzles was good but it would be so easy to have a computer program that would do the job. The bondage system was ok but she would have had the arm part pull up higher. The way she had rigged the elbow clinch was inspiring. Going back to the videos she watched in amazement as Rachel had orgasm after orgasm while covered in the thick slime. Ripley had never thought about slime being sexy but she remembered Rachel always love to watch those kid shows where people get slimed even when she was a teen. It was plain she got off on being slimed. A little more digging and she found a couple more videos of her early attempts. The slime thing was starting to look like something she may have to try at least once but the bondage part she was already on board for.

Rachel had her secret fetish and Ripley’s was self-bondage. For some reason the fact they had been BFF’s since toddlers, told each other about everything and yet both had kept their secret longings to themselves was just down right funny right now. Both of them had been so afraid to speak out and here Rachel’s secret was outted by a simple unlocked door. Letting her know her secret was out and that she too had a secret was going to take some careful planning. Ripley quickly made her way back into the house and checked to make sure Rachel was still asleep. Then left to go home and get a few things.

The sun was setting by the time Rachel woke up. Her hair was a mess from going to bed bursa escort with it still wet and she started toward the shower to rewash it when she heard someone downstairs. A fast look out the window showed Ripley’s car in her drive so no need to panic. Ripley had seen her looking worse than this so she just put on a sundress and went downstairs.

She found Ripley in the Kitchen opening a bottle of wine that she must have brought with her. “Hello sleepy head I thought you were going to sleep all day. We have some celebrating to do, I got the JOB!”

“That’s great I knew you had it in you” Rachel replied.

“Ok here take a glass, I bought these two bottles ages ago and we are going to drink both of them tonight.” This was step one in her plan, if she could get Rachel buzzed enough the secret would be easier to pry loose.

“Ok but I’m ordering pizza because I have not eating since breakfast. Take the glasses into the living room and I will call Freddy’s and get an extra-large kitchen sink pizza.” While she was on hold with the pizza place her eye was drawn to green dots on the floor. “O Crap” she thought I must have still been dripping when I came in. She tried rubbing one out with her foot but the slime was already dried out. It was going to take a wet mop to clean them up and she could hardly start cleaning her house with Ripley here.

Once the pizza order was in she joined Ripley on the couch. Ripley told her about the new job about how it came with an intern. Ripley as she went on talking she keep taken sips of her wine knowing Rachel would follow along. What Rachel did not know was Ripley had watered her own wine down. By the time the pizza arrived the second bottle had been opened. Deciding to see just how drunk her friend was Ripley dared her to flash the pizza boy.

“Ok but you have to do it the next time”

Rachel pulled her dress down off one shoulder and pulled one boob free before she opened the door. The deliverer girl Sammy hardly flinched at the sight before her. Shit like this happen far more often than one would think. Freddy’s even profiled its customers list so only Female driver’s delivered to some address on weekends when most case of R/NC17 stuff happened. Sammy for her part did not mind one bit the flashing. She like both guys and girls and the flashers give the best tips. This lady she had delivered to before but this was the first time she had been flashed by her. She could tell the lady was drunk and somebody she could not see was laughing softly so she decided to have a little fun with her. She took her time looking her over before telling her the price of the pizza. She liked what she saw, the lady was mid 20’s wide at the hips and did not have a stitch of makeup on. She could tell her slow stare of interest had caught her off guard and made her nervous. “Thank you for choosing Freddy’s, and next time you order just ask for Sammy, I work must weekends” she said as she turned to leave. “We will” came the cheerful answer form the unseen person in the living room.

Ripley could not believe how much fun that turned out to be. A male deliver person or straight Female deliver person Rachel could have handle but Sammy had been very overt in her interest. Rachel was two shades of red as she put the pizza down and went to get plates and napkins. Now the question, was she all fluster because Sammy was gay and had hit on her or because she felt something. Both of them had had tried girl on girl in collage. Ripley had enjoyed several flings but had only told Rachel the water down versions of what went on. Rachel had told her stories about drunken dares but nothing serious.

While Rachel was gone Ripley refilled the wine glasses and turn on the DVD she had gone home to get. “Exit to Eden” the film version was only loosely based on Anne Rice novel but Ripley figured it was a good way of bring up the subject of fetishes. As they eat and watched the movie Ripley asked if Rachel had ever read the book. Rachel admitting she read the book and also the 3 sleeping beauty novels. With that information Ripley had no trouble keeping the conversation going in the direction she wanted. Each of them had opened up about what turned them on. By the end of the movie (and the second bottle of wine) she was ready to take it to the next level.

“Rachel would you like to take turns tie each other up? I sometimes do it to myself and its great fun but not nearly as good as when someone else does it.” Ripley stopped there and waited to see if she had read Rachel right. She was sure Rachel was not going to freak out, but yet not sure if she was ready or not to act out her desires in front of another person. Rachel just sat there for second and nervously brushed her hair off her ears. Final she answered with a single “OK”.

“How about I tie you up first so you see how to do it and then we can switch. I think I have a couple packets of new rope in the car. Why don’t you run to the bathroom while I go get them?”

While Ripley went out to her car, Rachel ran upstairs bursa escort bayan and used the bathroom than changed her dress for workout shorts and sports bra top. When she got back downstairs Ripley was cutting up what look like a roll of white cotton rope into shorter lengths. She would cut 4 pieces one length set them aside and then cut 4 more pieces a different length. When she was done she had 6 piles of rope.

“O nice touch Rachel I was hoping I could get you to change or ditch that sundress. It would have interfered with some of the ties I want to show you. Come over here and stand with your back to me.” Ripley picked up the ropes she wanted and started off with a simple arm binder. She was amazed when she found she could get Rachel’s elbows to touch. By the time she was done and had her turn in a circle Rachel was showing signs of arousal. The arm binder tie made the shoulders roll back and the chest stick out. Rachel’s nipples were hard and straining to get free of the sports bra that now looked a size to small thanks to her effect of Ripley’s rope work.

“Ok Rachel I want you walk around some and get use to what I did while I get the next part ready.” As she laid out the next piece she watches Rachel walk around and test her bonds. After a couple minutes she called her over and helped her to lie down on her belly. “Ok next I’m going to tie your ankles to your thighs.”

Rachel could not believe she was letting her BBF tie her up like this. Yes she was enjoying it but she was just realizing she had been set up. Ripley was too darn good with the ropes and who carries ropes in her car anyway. It took little time before both of her ankles were touching her ass and she could feel extra rope left over. She could also feel herself getting very damp down stairs and tried to close her legs but Ripley leg was in the way.

Ripley could smell Rachel’s arousal and watched as she tried to close her legs to cover the damp spot forming on her shorts. She nudged the legs apart and places herself between them and started to attach the leg ropes to the arm binder. As she worked she tightened the ropes more and more until Rachel was bent into somewhat of a bow shape. She then stepped back and walked around her a couple times. The view was enough to get her own internal fires burning. Her BFF was at her feet helpless, if she chose to explore her tightly bound body with her hands she would be powerless to stop her.

Rachel had not talked much but judging by the glazed look in her eyes and the smell of female arousal in the air she was enjoying every minute so far. So Ripley decides to take it one step farther before she reveals what she found in the garage.

Rachel was surprised by how turned on she was right now. If her hands were free she would be finger banging herself even with her BBF in the room. The need was so strong. Looking up at her friend she saw the same look of interest the pizza girl had gave her. Her friend had done this to her and maybe was planning more. The idea of going father was both frighten and yet her body seemed to more of it. But the sane part of her brain was still awake and applied the brakes. She could hear herself asking Ripley to untie her. She was shocked but yet delighted when Ripley said “No not yet there is one more thing” then lifted her upright and leaned her back against the sofa. She was now on her knees with chest and crotch on display thanks to the way she was tied. Ripley than ran her hand up her leg across her crotch and up to her bra. Once there she hooked her finger under the edge and pulled up. The elastic band hurt her nipples as it was pulled up, but in such a good way. She pulled the bra up until her breasts were free The look in Ripley’s eyes as she did this left Rachel speechless. Her BBF since preschool was looking at her like she had always wanted her boyfriends to look at her but somehow never did. As Ripley’s hand started the return trip down her body passing between her now exposed breast, Rachel found her voice and whispered “Why are you doing this?”

Ripley knew she was pushing things more then she should. But the increase in her friends breathing as her hand traveled up her body encouraged her to go on. Her shorts were soaked clear thru and her fingers were slick with her arousal as she hooked them in the sports bra. She was just going to run her finger up between her breasts but the look on her face seem to say she wanted more. The soft plea from Rachel’s lips stopped her as they locked eyes once more.

“Rachel I’m sorry I did not mean for it to go this far. But the more I did to you the more you seemed to like it. You do like it don’t you?”

Rachel’s mind was a mess. She did like what her friend had done but yet knew this was the point where she had to give in to what her friend offer or stop here. She looked to her friend’s face for answers and it was the tender look she found there that made up her mind.

“Please untie me I think we need to talk before we go any farther.”

As Ripley untied escort bursa her friend she rubbed her arms and legs to help get circulation back and was glad when Rachel did not object to her touch. Once all the ropes were off Rachel went to use the bathroom and returned in a short night gown carrying a second one. “Here go put this on we need to talk and I think it’s going to be an all nighter so you are sleeping here.” Ripley was glad her BFF was still talking to her and at least for tonight not throwing her out. The night gown was a two piece boy shorts teddy that may have fit her friend’s 32 B cup just fine but was a tight fit on her size 36 D chest. She knew Rachel had a draw full of oversize tee’s to sleep in so the choice of the Teddy’s must mean something.

When she returned to the living room Rachel was sitting on one end of the sofa so Ripley took the other. It was a bit surreal feeling now, Ripley’s plan was off the rails and it was now Rachel in charge.

“Ripley did you come here to seduce me?”

“No things just got out of hand. I have wanted to tell you about the Bondage for years and I thought today was the day. The rest just kind of came out”

“I don’t understand how telling me about your new job leads to wanting to tie me up”

“I was here earlier and let myself in when you did not answer, after I found you asleep I went to leave but on my way out I don’t know why but I opened the garage door.” After seeing what you had been up to I saw my chance to final share my bondage secret. So I laid out a trap to get you tied up or get you to tie me up. I figured you maybe would then share you secrets without me having to admit to snooping in the garage.”

Rachel’s head was spinning, her BFF had tied her up, come on to her and she had liked it. She also knew about her Slime fetish. The cheery on top was all this was happening on the day that same fetish had brought her the biggest longest orgasms of her life. Hell maybe the only reason she got so worked up when Ripley tied her up was an aftereffect from the that morning. She had been still horny when she went to sleep and only her soreness prevents her from dealing with it then.

As she sat there thinking she looked across at Ripley. The teddy she had loaned her was way too small for her bust size. If she lifted her arms her boobs would pop right out. She should have given her a tee shirt but she had grabbed the teddy instead. Maybe it was her Id’s way of tell her she did want Ripley as more than a friend. Studying Ripley closer she could see she was about two steps away from turning on the water works. Her friend was terrified about what she had done and Rachel wanted nothing more than to forgive her and find a way forward.

“Ripley I think it’s your turn to be tied up. Stand up and turn around.” Ripley quickly did as she was told as Rachel sorted thru the piles of rope. She started with her wrists and then tied her elbows together. She was not as flexible as Rachel and hers did not touch at first. Next was rope around her each ankle before she was lead over to corner of the room. Once there Rachel climbed up on a chair and unhooked a wicker basket chair from its ceiling eyebolt. A rope was passed thru the eyebolt and then attached to Ripley’s wrists rope. Ripley could see where this was going as the rope was pulled tight and her arms were lifted behind her. Rachel pulled and released a couple times with each pull being just a little higher. Final she tied the rope off with Ripley’s arms pulled back to about 20 degrees.

Next she took the ropes on her legs and pulled so her legs were about 3 ft. apart and attached one to a chair leg and shut a door on the other rope. Spreading her legs cause her arm to go up a little more. Ripley had to admit what Rachel did not know about bondage knots she made up for in inventiveness. The position she found herself in was every bit as restrictive as what she had put her thru and she worried about what was going to happen now.

Rachel stood back and watched as Ripley adjusted to her bondage. She had to admit it was kind of fun tying someone up. The more Ripley moved the more her boobs tried to pop free of the teddy. Still not sure what to say to her Rachel fished around for something else she could do to Ripley. Then she remembered something she had seen online. “Don’t go anywhere” she says as she turns toward the garage.

Rachel returned carrying a handful of long white plastic strips. She dropped most of them on the floor and then pulled the straps of the teddy down off Ripley’s shoulders. Once the top was down and Ripley’s breasts were free she picked up one of the strips. she then wrapped it around the base of Ripley’s boob and pulled it tight. She repeated it with the second boob. “Ok now we should talk. Just why did you go into my garage and how much did you figure out?”

Ripley at first does not hear her as she was busy looking down at her expanding breast. The zip strips were just tight enough that the blood that was getting in could not get out. Her attention went back to Rachel when she reached out and started running her finger tips over the tighten skin of her breast. The feeling of the finger tips was different than anything she had felt before and it distracted her thinking.

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