


Subject: Bad Uncles and Dads Chapter 6: Black-Sheep Uncle This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locations is entirely coincidental. The sexuality of all characters is entirely a figment of the author’s imagination. For those of you that are NOT of legal age, please find other material to read. If you are offended by male/male material, or it is illegal to view such materials in your area, you should be leaving at this time. This story may contain scenes of a graphic nature between father and his sons, or under age boys and adult males, which may not be legal in your area. If you are under 18 or material of this nature is illegal in your present location, please leave now. By continuing to read on, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in this story. In addition, neither you nor any family members are employees of any type of government, law enforcement, or investigative entity. Moreover, you are either not performing any type of research in preparation for any forms of legal action, directly or indirectly, affecting the contents of this site. In addition, you are agreeing that the author, editor, and this site will not be held responsible for any con- sequences of you viewing or downloading the story. —————————————————————————– Bad Uncles and Dads Chapter 6 Black-Sheep Uncle Shit! I’d swiped a six pack from the football boosters booth at the town fair ealier, and now a cop had just flashed his lights as he approached the pic- nic table where I’d planted myself. I just wanted t’ be alone. Seventeen, first string fullback, popular in my junior year in high school with great grades, and I get hit with this. As if what else was goin’ on in my life wasn’t enough. I’d needed some time t’ think. I was a typical horny teenager, but the sex life I hadn’t really even started yet was already a mess. Kissin’ girls was nice n’ all…but, embarassingly, it did nothin’ t’ give me a hardon. On top of that, even guys didn’t excite me much. Not ones my own age anyway. Coach Evans did, and men like him. The big, burly, older, tobac- co chewin,’ bearded, red-headed redneck made my dick swell just about every time I was around the man. In a small town of only 700 or so, bein’ attracted t’ older men left me with nothin’ but frustration on my horizon. The small park at the edge of town had been empty when I drove in, and still was except for the cop easing his cruiser along side the used Ford Mustang my parents had gotten me for my sixteenth birthday. Aw hell…Charlie Kissler eased out of the police car and headed toward me. A long time friend of the family, he was sure t’ call my parents. “Curt!” He waved genially as he approached, “How’s it goin,’ son?” “Aw, not so bad, Mr. Kissler. How’re you?” “Just checkin’ up on the park right quick. Surprised t’ see ya here, what with the fair goin’ on n’ all. Everything all right, sport?” “Yeah, jus’ thinkin’ some things through…” “Looks like you’re doin’ more’n thinkin,’ son.” He looked poin- tedly at the five empty beers sittin’ beside me as well as the one in my hand. “I hate t’ do this to ya, but I don’t wanna see an accident n’ you or anyone else bein’ hauled off in an ambulance. Mind takin’ a sobriety test for me?” “Nah, not at all.” I lied, and then promptly failed the test. “Son, I’m guessin’ your mom n’ pop are still at the fair. I’ll try your Uncle Judd.” He picked up his cell phone. “If I can getta hold of him, I’ll let him come n’ get’cha instead of me takin’ ya in.” Shit, shit, shit… Uncle Judd, my mom’s brother, was about the last person I’d want called. He was a surly bastard that seemed t’ think he was god’s gift. Nothin’ anyone else did was ever good enough in his eyes, though he’d gone t’ prison in his younger years for stealin’ a car for joy ridin’ one weekend. Then, unable t’ get a job when he got out, he’d spent a few years in the military before startin’ an only partially successful rodeo career. So, what he had t’ be so damned cocky about was beyond me. “He’s on his way. Fair warnin,’ you’re uncle ain’t real happy about it, though. I’m gonna sit in the car till he gets here, Curt, I got some paperwork t’ catch up on.” “Sure thing.” I mumbled, dreading Uncle Judd’s arrival. Even at 6′ myself, the man seemed to tower over me at 6’4″ and always in a cowboy hat n’ boots that added another six inches or so to his height. He would have been handsome if not for the hard-edged n’ abra- sive attitude. Sun-bleached sandy-brown hair streaked with blond seemed permanently swept back in shaggy waves from a deeply tanned n’ rugged face. Heavy eyebrows sat over brilliant green squinting eyes and a long fu-manchu mustache descended down alongside his full lips t’ blend into a six inch long biker goatee. A broad forehead moved into wide sharp cheekbones and a wide square jaw finished off the chiseled landscape of the man’s face. As big and broad as I was from weightlifting and hours of foot- ball practice, I had a feeling I was no match for the solid muscle-packed physique under Uncle Judd’s clothes. Where he was tanned and dark blond…I was pale skinned, black haired, grey eyed, and everything but my crotch and armpits was as smooth as a baby’s butt. Even then, my crotch and pits only boasted small tufts of soft silky hair where his was coarse n’ curly. My physique was smooth, pumped up, and rounded everywhere it should be. Uncle Judd, however, was a brick shit-house built of solid rangy muscle that looked carved out of solid aged wood. I’d seen pictures of him when he was younger. Slender as a fence rail, the rodeo had kept him that way till his mid-thirties. The ten years since spent working his own small ranch without help had added about a hundred pounds to his lean frame and most of that was lean knotted muscle. His shirts now seemed t’ strain at every seam in their struggle to contain the massive body underneath. His pants did the same. Wrangler jeans…cut for men with small waists and muscular asses and thighs…were starched to a cardboard stiffness and showed off a hard square butt that I’d heard more than a few women oooh and ahhh over. The thing was, though, that it seemed as if he wore his clothes like that on purpose. Shirts open at the chest to show off the thick thatch of wiry hair that seemed to explode out of the wide-stretched vee. Even his belt buc- kles, the large ‘hubcap’ rodeo type, seemed to serve only t’ draw the eye to the low-hanging ball sack and huge cock stuffed down his left pants leg. Thirty minutes and the bastard still hadn’t shown up even though he lived only ten minutes away. Kissler climbed out of his cruiser and walked toward me pul- ling his cell phone back out. “Let’s give ol’ Judd another call right quick…” Just then, the high off the ground headlights of Uncle Judd’s F-350 4×4 pickup slashed the darkening dusk and signaled his approach. “Well, there he is. I’ll be takin’ off, Curt, see to it we don’t have t’ go through this again. I won’t be able t’ let y’ off with just a call t’ your family next time, son.” “Yes sir.” I responded dejectedly. Uncle Judd hauled his tall frame from the cab of his truck, leavin’ the door ajar as his long stride carried him past Mr. Kissler and toward me. “Charlie.” “Judd.” He continued lumbering forward, coming to a stop when his dusty workboots with his long tight jeans gathered down toward the heels entered my lowered gaze. “Screwed up, did’ja, boy?” His deep raspy voice accused. “Didn’t do anything. Jus’ stopped for a couple beers before headin’ home is all.” I started t’ look up at him with all the defiance I could muster. I got as far as that long thick lump stretchin’ down his thigh before my eyes stop- ped on their own. “A six-pack’s more’n just a few. Charlie has it ya flunked the damned drunk test, too, partner…” “What I wanna know,” Leaving the leg boasting the proud heavy bulge straight, he placed the other boot on the bench beside before leanin’ down t’ rest an elbow on his knee, “is why your spoiled lil’ ass is out here drinkin’ in the first place.” “Spoiled??!!” I protested, still staring at the fat cock clearly de- fined under his tight faded jeans…the long wide head and ridge where it met his thick shaft as obvious as if he were naked. “Spoiled, boy.” He lowered his leg and walked to my car. “Who got you this car, son? Mama n’ Daddy. Where your clothes come from? Mama n’ Daddy. Ain’t nuthin’ you got you worked for but your grades n’ your football stats.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his pipe and to- bacco, filled the bowl, and replaced the tobacco pouch back into his pocket. Striking a match and holding it over his pipe, he puffed lazily till the air around his weathered face . “I’d say…” He strode lazily back toward me. “…that all kinda says you’re spoiled, now don’t it, boy.” “I’m outta here…” I jumped up and stormed past him, knocking him aside with my shoulder as I passed. The next thing I knew, everything spun upside down and I landed with a solid thud on the top of the picnic table. The wind was knocked from my chest as it crashed into the wood. “Don’t think so, boy.” Dazed, I just laid there as my wrists were jerked behind my back and and pinned in the steely grip of a dinner plate sized hand. “What the fuck???!!!” I demanded. “What the fuck is that you’re sorry ass ain’t goin’ no where till I say so.” He responded harshly. “Fuckin’ teenagers…you all get t’ this age n’ turn into brainless sacks’a shit. Don’t think about nobody but yourselves n’ screw up ever time y’ turn your sorry asses around.” His pipe smoke drifted down around me, reminding me of a time when I thought Uncle Judd was like some movie star. One time in particular, when I was about ten or eleven, we’d all gone on a family camping trip up to Canyon Lake. The second night all the women had been cookin’ dinner, while the men drank around the camp fire and us kids played cards quietly to the side. The whole time I kept losin’ track of the game. Hearin’ Uncle Judd’s deep voice by the fire somehow made the pit of my stomach feel a little nervous. Stealin’ glances over at him, it seemed like he was lookin’ right back at me each time. Still, I couldn’t stop myself from lookin’ again a few minutes later. And, I couldn’t be sure if he was looking back as the shadow from the brim of his cowboy hat partially hid his eyes. Slouched back in his lawn chair he stood out impressively beside the other men in our family. Shirtless, with long legs strainin’ faded jeans and splayed out widely in front of him, the tight bulging muscles of his hairy arms, chest, and stomach left me staring in youthful awe. Before that night, he’d always been pleasant, even if dimissive of me. Afterward, though, he’d begun teasin’ n’ makin’ fun of me. It was as if that night had generated some kind of dislike toward me. And, as I got older, it only got worse. “Hey! I get straight A’s, never miss football practice, n’ do just about anything anyone asks. ‘I’ didn’t drop out, go t’ jail, make my family mis- erable, embarass my parents, join the army ’cause I couldn’t do anything else, and then get into rodeo’in’ where I couldn’t even do that right!!!” I fired back, mad and six-beer-brave. “You sorry little pussy…” He growled and then ripped my gym shorts n’ jock down my legs and off my feet as my legs kicked wildly in res- ponse. “What the hell’re you….” I yelled as he let me off the table and jerked my matching blue and white tank top off my chest. I fought back as best I could, my flailing arms connecting with an immovable brick wall until he slammed me face-down back onto the table. Chest heaving with anger, humiliation, and the sudden sense of complete vulnerability, I laid there gasping in fear with the knowledge that I’d clearly just pushed him too far. “Through the years…prison, escort kocaeli army, rodeo…I’ve found it’s mighty hard for a fella t’ be t’ be too sure of himself without his pants. Seems t’ bring even the fiestest bastard down a few pegs. Jus’ what I’d say your smartass tail needs right about now.” One of those huge hands came down solidly on my upturned bare butt. Wincin’ at the stinging pain, I gulped down the instinctive response t’ cry out. “You don’t know nothin,’ boy. I’m dyslexic, you sorry shit. They didn’t know about all that when I was a kid. Got called ‘retard’ by the other kids n’ ‘slow’ by the teachers. Tall, skinny, n’ red-headed, I got my ass beat on nearly every other day.” Another resounding whack came down on my ass. “So, I didn’t have all your pussy-assed advantages, you selfish lilttle fuck.” Another whack came crashing down. “I never started a damed fight in my life, either, but got arrested three times jus’ for defendin’ m’self.” Another whack…my ass burned, but if felt as if the power behind his swings was lessening. “When that car came up stolen, there wasn’t no way I was gonna admit the guys that did steal it had whupped up on me earlier n’ taken my damned jacket. When they found the car with my jacket inside, I said nothin’ n’ took the blame.” Whack. “Then, yeah, I went where not bein’ able t’ read wasn’t no big deal. And, for the record, I did make enough in rodeo t’ buy my farm n’ I’m doin’ pretty damned good, all things considered, you snot-nosed little fuck.” His hand came down again, but lingered cupping my reddened cheeks a few seconds too long. He grabbed me by the shoulders and hauled me to my feet before grabbing my arm at the bicep. “So, you jus’…..” He stopped and dropped his eyes below my waist, pipe smoke drifting from the bowl into my face. “What the goddamned hell???” His voice dropped to a deep incredulous whisper. I looked down and found, to my complete mortification, that my seven inch dick was not only hard…but, also dangling a foot and a half long strand of glistening precum. Ohhhhhhhh fuck……. I felt not only my face flush red with embarassed heat, but my pale chest and shoulders as well as I stood there humiliated into silence. I looked back up to find him staring at me with a deeply furrowed brow and eyes filled with both anger and astonishment. “What is it, boy…” His voice dropped almost to a whisper as he stepped closer so I had t’ tilt my head back t’ look up at him. I watched as he pulled his pipe from his mouth as if in contemplation. “…gettin’ spanked, or gettin’ spanked by a man?” His whisper dropped even deeper and quieter though it seemed t’ lose some of its hard edge. I gulped hard, his eyes pinning me in place and daring me t’ try n’ lie. “Well?” “I… I…. I don’t know….” I felt trapped, couldn’t look away, couldn’t make myself think under that demanding stare. “I’ve never…” “Always had a feelin’ about you, boy.” He reached up and latched his leathery thumb and forefinger onto the naked hardened nub of my right nipple. My jaw opened and my breath caught in my throat at the unexpected contact. “You’re a pig, aren’t ya, Curt.” It was a statement, an accusation, not a question. “Pig?” I asked, confused by the term and doing my best to keep from rising up onto the balls of my feet from the pressure on my nipple. He slid his pipe back between his teeth, inhaled, and then purposely exhaled a cloud of thick rich fragrant smoke over my face. “A pig, son. A boy that’s always got sex on his mind.” He pinched my nipple between his finger and thumb, leaning down to brush his beard n’ mustache against my face…the thick smoke of his pipe slipping into my chest as it rolled from his mouth. “A boy that likes it rough…hard…n’ unexpected…” His lips brushed mine, his pipe brushing the side of my face. Something brought me out of my delirious haze, I had t’ stop this. I wasn’t ready for where this might be going, and he was saying things I wasn’t ready t’ face. Hell, I didn’t even know if what he was saying might be true or not! I got out, “I don’t know what the hell you’re…” and pushed against the brick wall of his chest. Instead of shoving him away, though, I found my- self falling backward into the grass instead. “Oh, I think y’ do…” He stepped toward me, pulling his pipe from his mouth and shoving it in his back pocket…staring down as he came closer. What I must look like flashed through my mind. Naked except for my socks and tennis shoes…knees up and spread wide…arms braced behind my back…creamy skin and black hair framed in bright green grass… rounded muscular legs, arms, shoulders, and chest pumped up and flexed in fear and tension…my smooth prick standin’ straight up into the air above my hairless balls. “You may not know it here, yet.” He tapped a finger to his temple. “But, I gotta feelin’ y’ know it…” He shoved the toe of his boot up between the spread cheeks of my ass and against my bared butt-hole. …here.” “That is if you ain’t already been hightailin’ it off after the game t’ suck off a teammates cock or two.” He continued. “Hell, you might even be gettin’ up the tail already from the look of ya down there spreadin’ your damned legs like a two dollar whore!” My dick snapped up and slapped my hairless stomach with a loud wet ‘smack.’ I was so focused on the incredibly erotic sight of his dusty steel- toed boot shoved under my balls and the feel of the rough leather against the soft skin of my asshole, that I had no room in my head t’ protest what he’d just said. He lifted the toe of his boot higher, pressing it harder and more sensually against my contracting hole. It took everything I had t’ stifle the groan of pleasure that threatened t’ erupt from my chest. “I think it’s time we got t’ know each other a lil’ better, boy.” His voice was dark and thick, and the pit of my stomach quivered in response. He pulled his boot away and turned to lumber lazily back toward his truck. “And, don’t you move even one muscle, son…” He called back without turning his head. He returned with a dusty bottle of Maker’s Mark bourbon, a brand I’d never seen before. It looked as though it’d been been in his truck for over a year from the scratched n’ scarred label. He unscrewed the top and tipped it back for a long swig straight from the bottle. “Beer’s for boys, son.” He grabbed the can I’d been drinking from when Kissler’d driven up and tossed it toward me. I leaned forward on my hips and pulled my arms from where they had been braced behind me. Beer splashed across my chest as I caught the can, unsure of whether or not t’ drink from it. He set his bottle down and slowly strode toward me, rather bow- legged…something I’d never noticed in his walk before. Then, I saw the reason. No longer simply hanging low down his left pants leg, his cock was hard and angled outward toward the opposite side of his knee. Along with that, a dark wet spot spread outward from where the head lay making a stain larger than the bottom of my beer can. I licked my lips at the sight of that damp circle before I could stop myself, knowing full well I had just given even more weight to his claim that I was a ‘pig.’ “Want that, do ya, boy?” He stepped in between my thighs. “No, goddamn it, I…” He grabbed the back of my head and shoved my face onto the hard cock laying under the leg of his jeans. “Aw, jus’ shut the fuck up….” He dragged my mouth and face back and forth across the shaft shoved diagonally down his thigh. “…n’ suck it.” I couldn’t help it. I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t help it. I opened my mouth and groaned silently inside as I pressed my lips to his thick bulge. It jumped under my tongue as I suctioned and slid down to the head. It felt a lot wider than his shaft, but I was more enthralled by the taste of the cum- soaked denim covering it. Sharp, tangy, and slightly sweet…I felt kind of stupid in that it made me think of the filling in lemon meringue pie, just without the lemon flavor. When I felt him moving above me, I realized I had both arms around his thighs now and had begun making ‘mmmm’ noises in my chest as I’d sucked on his jean-covered cock. I let my arms drop and leaned away t’ look up and find him shrug- ging his tight western shirt off his thick arms and furry chest. My eyes grazed over the thick springy red-brown curls of his rippled stomach and solid chest. His upper arms and shoulders, thick with more chiseled muscle, were as tanned as everything else…but, as smooth as my own. His forearms, though, and backs of his hands were as densely furred as his chest and stomach. I forgot all about his abrasive personality and sat there thrilling his exposed upper body as the moonlight made it a mass of hard planes and sharp shadows. As much as I hated his superior asshole attitude, he was without a doubt one damned fuckin’ hot man! The brim of his cowboy shadowed everything about his face ex- cept the red-blond goatee hanging almost to his collar bone. Even without seeing, I could feel his eyes boring into me as he stepped back. Tossing his shirt to the ground, he stood there with his arms hang- ing loosely at his sides as if to make sure I took note of the strong width of his chest, back, and shoulders against the slim square waist sitting at his hips. One big paw reached across and popped the buckle from his belt as if puttin’ on show…as if he knew and enjoyed just how fuckin’ hot he looked in the moonlight. After pulling the other end of his belt free from the loops, his other hand joined the first t’ pop the snap open at the waist. I felt hypnotized wat- ching as his big thick hands slowly slid his zipper open. There was a power in his action that made my mouth go dry. As if done with his show, he stepped back between my legs. Staring down at me with his long heavy arms hanging loosely at his sides again, his deep voice commanded, “Now, you do the rest.” As much as I wanted it, as much as I wanted him…I couldn’t let him know that any more than I already had. I wanted t’ stay where I was and do exactly as he’d ordered. I wanted t’ act out my fantasies with a hot older man, and Uncle Judd was very definitely that! But, I kept thinkin’ about what he would think of me afterward. “Look, I’m okay now. I’ve sobered up some, and…” I started to stand, “…I gotta get home before this gets outta hand.” He kicked off his boots as I walked past him toward my car. “Curt…” “Yeah, what? I asked as I reached my car door. “Forgettin’ somethin’ ?” I turned around and looked up to find him holdin’ my gym shorts and tank top in one hand, and my keys in the other. Shit…. I stomped back over, glad that my hardon was finally lowering and leavin’ my dick t’ hang over my balls once again. When I got to him and reached for my keys first, he grabbed me by the back of the neck and threw me past him and back into the grass! Face down, I turned over and started to stand up just as I caught sight of him shove his jeans down and step out of them to stalk toward me. “Your sorry ass may recall I said you weren’t goin’ no where till I said so, boy. N,’ I ain’t said so, have I?” It wasn’t a question. Two things shocked the hell out of me. First, despite his deeply tanned face and torso, he was as pale as I was from the waist down. Thinking about it, I realized I’d never seen him in shorts. My guess was he probably considered shorts somethin’ for sissies. With those tree-trunk legs, the lack of a tan there seemed to separate him from other men and only made him even more sexy. Second, though I should have, I was no where close t’ bein’ pre- pared for seein’ the massive cock arching out in front of him as the weight of it defied gravity. Thrusting forward from a thick explosion of rusty brown curls, over nine inches of long fat uncut cock swung heavily in front of him as he stomped threateningly toward me. A hearty roll of foreskin gathered behind a thick dusky-colored mushroom head that stuck out a quarter inch all the way around from the already impossibly thick izmit anal yapan escort shaft. Under the solid layer of skin covering the whole hefty club of hard flesh, thick bulging veins roadmapped up the wide shaft and gave it a brutal menacing look. Though that brickbat cock was over nine inches in length, the girth topped eight and hung in the air at about three inches from one side to the other. I couldn’t imagine how any woman, or man, could take that huge fucker in any orifice! The underneath swelled outward, emphasizing the intimidating girth even further. It curved away from the shaft just below the head to give it the look of an oversized cucumber…fat, meaty, hard and packed with muscle. The brute standing mightily from over Uncle Judd’s hairy extra-large balls was a fuckin’ cock from HELL!! Wide eyes stared in awe as I barely breathed from between slightly parted lips. My eyelids drifted closed as he took the last step to bring him directly in front of me. With that step, the head of his wide cock pressed into my cheek before sliding past. The thick sturdy shaft stroked its way along the same path as he pushed his musky crotch against my nose. Feeling his fuzzy ball sack against my chin, I opened my chest for a dizzying breath of sweat, dry hay, smoke, and confined male crotch. Now opened to the night air, the rich scent and heat from his crotch seemed to pour over my face and shoulders. “Lick my balls, boy.” He growled. I could only shake my head. My silence wasn’t from fear of an- swering him, it was from the conflict raging through me. Here, right in front of me, was everything I wanted…everything I fantasized about. A big rugged bull of a redneck, forty-eight years old, with a huge cock, and demanding that I do what he wanted. I was crushed. Here was everything I dreamed of, but I couldn’t enjoy it. I couldn’t let go. I couldn’t admit to him that I wanted it…that I wan- ted his cock…that I wanted him. With my face in his musky crotch and his overgrown cock pressing into my cheek, I couldn’t give in to what I so desper- ately wanted t’ do. I felt more depressed now than when I’d arrived, and squeezed my eyes tight against the tears that threatened t’ fall. “I said, lick ’em, boy!” The cold bastard demanded again. I shook my head again, still unable t’ speak in the lonely isolation of my disappointment in myself as unshed tears soaked my eyelashes. “BOY!” He twisted my hair in his fist, jerked my head back, and raised his crotch t’ drop his balls under my nose and lay his fat cock against my forehead. I wemt on autopilot, reacting before my thoughts could stop me. I opened my mouth and slid out my tongue. Even as my scalp stung, the salty skin and fur of his ball sack made my blood rush into my head. I swiped my tongue across the left one, letting it as its weight roll it down my tongue and into my mouth. Closing my lips, my eyes drifted halfway open to stare at the thick base of his cock. It looked almost as thick as my wrist. The sight of it pressed into my face, so close I could see nothing else, caused my tongue to slather over the big hairy ball inside my lips. I barely heard the heated groan coming from above me as I sucked and tongued the firm fuzzy golf ball until spit ran down my chin. “Awwww, fuck…fuck…fuck….suck it, you lil’ sack’a shit, suck it!” He yanked his ball from my lips, grabbed the base of his cock, and shoved it against my mouth. I opened. I opened and let him push it in. Hand still twisted in my hair, he pulled me onto it until it hit my throat. He yanked my head farther back, forcin’ my eyes up t’ his and leaving only the fat head and a couple inches of hefty cock still inside my mouth. “Goddamn, you’re a fuckin’ handsome boy.” His cock flexed and filled my mouth with that sharp tangy taste I’d gotten from the wet spot of his jeans. “I like my women, got only one use for ’em though. Ever so often, however, I sure do like me a nice piece’a boy-tail. N,’ it’s been waaaaay to goddamned long since some pretty boy swung like a monkey from my fat bastard.” I lowered my eyes as he began sliding his cock in and out of the opening of my lips. “Look at me, boy!” I did. “Heh heh…never thought I’d come by the day I’d see YOU down there suckin’ on my fuckin’ hog. Sure did think about it alot, though.” What? “Trottin’ around with that hot young body, goin’ from a skinny lil’ kid to a real buffed up piece’a tail. Handsome young face with those damned eyes n’ that creamy skin…caught you starin’ at me n’ my johnson more times than I can recall, too, boy.” “But, never…never once…did I ever think I’d get’cha like this. No sir. Now that I have, though…boy, you’re gonna get ever damned thing I got t’ give ya.” He growled out the last part, makin’ my cock jump to an instant hardon even as fear spiked up my spine. “Open up, boy!” He jerked my head further back, angled his hips, and shoved his long cock down my throat without warning. I choked and gagged, pounded my fists against the hard muscles of his thighs and ass, and yelled against the fat cock stretching my throat around it. “Simmer down, simmer down…” He ordered as he hauled it back, leaving me gasping and sputtering for air. “Now, breathe first!” He aimed it at my mouth before I had time to recover. I barely had time t’ do what he said before he shoved it back in. “Good boy…” He pulled back out to the head as I took a breath and then shoved it back in. “Oh yeah, fuckin’ suck me, boy!” He began pulling out and then shoving back in with a slow rhythm. “Oh yeah, take Uncle Judd’s cock, y’ lil’ pig.” He released my hair and slid his hand to the back of my head. “Yeah, boy, suck that fat fuc- ker.” Every time his cock slid out across my tongue, it left a flow of that thick salty fluid that seemed t’ leak from the fat head like broken faucet. He shoved it in and held it there, “Suck…Curt….suck, goddamn it!” His voice rose heatedly. I swallowed around the shaft buried down toward my stomach and suctioned at the base as I lapped my tongue back and forth over as much of his shaft as it would reach. Apparently, that was just what he wanted. “Oh fuck….son of a bitch…son OF A BITCH…YEAH!! YEAH!! YEAH!!” His cock started flexing and jerking inside my throat just as I was running out of air. I started t’ pull off t’ get a breath, but his other hand joined the first in an immovable vise and held me there…shoving his thrashing cock even further down my throat! I fought back, needing desperately t’ breathe. Shoving both hands against his hips I pushed back with everything I had and was able t’ pull back and get him far enough out of my throat t’ breathe. FUCK !! Cum gushed into my mouth. “SWALLOW! SWALLOW IT, BOY !!” He yelled! FUCK !! His load filled my mouth faster than I could do what he ordered. I tried, but it spewed from the corners of my lips as my bloated cheeks strained at the sheer volume of his load. It felt like someone was turn- ing a firehose on and off at the back of my throat!! Jet after jet splattered into my mouth and filled it with that heavy cock juice that tasted better than anything I’d ever known. I was gettin’ more drunk on the taste of his cum than I had on that six pack of beer! Oh god, it tasted great and just kept on coming! Finally, I was in heaven. This had been what I wanted, but he hadn’t let me reject it. He’d forced me into living out what I’d been fantasizing about for so long. As his breathing began to slow in time with the slowing of the cum pouring from his thick cock, I realized I was gonna go home a damned happy young man. I didn’t know how I would face my uncle again, but I was fuckin’ happy right now. “Oh fuck…oh fuck, that was good….that was good….damn….” He staggered back, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. He looked up as if suddenly remembering he wasn’t alone. “Shit, boy, you sure know how t’ take a big cock. Seemed like y’ didn’t know what t’ do at first, though. First time with a fucker that big.” “Yes!” I answered belligerently, pissed he even asked. It didn’t hit me t’ tell him it was my first time t’ suck ANY cock. “And, I wouldn’t’ve done it this time if you hadn’t forced me, asshole! I’m goin’ home!” Happiness gave way t’ anger as I stood and stormed over to the picnic table for my keys. An arm the size of a tree shot out, slammed into my chest, and knocked me back onto the ground again. “Ohhhh ho ho ho….hold on there a minute, hoss,” He braced his legs wide and crossed those big arms over his sold chest. “What makes you think we’re done here?” “But…but…” I stuttered in confusion before my brow set in deter- mination. I reached past my momentary surprise at his reaction and stood back up in defiance. “Because, ‘I,’ not ‘we,’ AM done here!” His arm shot out again and knocked me on my ass yet again as I tried t’ stomp past him. I laid there feeling anger slip into the beginnings of fear as I wat- ched him pull his dusty workboots back on. “What’re you…” “Traction, son, traction.” He reached to the picnic table for his jeans and pulled somethin’ out of a back pocket. “Traction?” I asked innocently even as his meaning began taking shape inside my head. “Traction.” He quickly lifted n’ dropped one eyebrow pointedly. He stood there in with only his cowboy hat, boots, and hard cock still juttin’ out in front of him like double-barrel shotgun. “Ohhhhhhhhhh fuck no!” I got up yet again, wide-eyed and knowing only that I had t’ get outta there FAST. He slammed me back onto the ground, but dropped his full weight on to of me this time and rolled me over underneath him. I felt my arms jerked behind my back for the second time this evening. This time, though, I felt cold metal encircle my wrists and heard the rapid clicks of handcuffs closing around them. “What the hell? What’re you… Why do you even HAVE those?” I yelled at him. “Son, I been deputized more times than what you got fingers n’ toes. N,’ what I’m doin’ with ’em is savin’ you n’ me both the trouble of havin’ t’ keep knockin’ your rowdy ass t’ the ground every thirty fuckin’ seconds!” “Now, you jus’ lay there n’ do what I tell ya.” He reached around and wiped a big rough hand through the cum still clingin’ to my chin n’ cheeks. The next thing I felt was it bein’ roughly shoved down n’ slathered across my asshole. “Uncle Judd…NO!” I protested even as jolts of pleasure fired up my spine from the large crude fingers scraping against the soft flesh of my asshole. Though I tried to insist he get off me, my cock jerked hard and needy between my crotch and the grass underneath me. “You gotta stop!” “Don’t think so, boy,” He growled and slipped a thick abrasive sausage of a finger into my ass up past the second knuckle…both the first and second making my body buck in response to the feel of them pushing past my tight hole. “I think your punk ass…” My asshole rippled across his finger as he pulled it back in a torturous retreat, “…needs this every goddamned bit as much as I do, y’ randy lil’ fuck.” The minute it was fully out of me, I felt him move and something that felt like the bottom of a beer bottle being shoved up against my hole. His cock!!! I’d experiemented with a taper candle and the handle of a toilet plunger a number of times when I’d locked myself in the bathroom t’ beat off. But, I’d never had anything a fourth as big as Uncle Judd’s horse- cock up inside there. “No, Uncle Judd, no…please…” He pushed forward. My asshole clenched against his entry and fought to keep from being pried open. “…you gotta…ohhhhhhhhhh FUCK !!! PLEEEEASE…..” A blunt pain washed over me as my hole began to open and stretch under the unrelenting force of his determined cock pressing its way forward. “Did you say, ‘please,” boy?” Uncle Judd chuckled and then used the slight widening of my hole to punch the huge fat head of his cock through. In the sudden indescribable pain, white dots appeared in my vision. My fingers clawed into the air behind my back as the gebze escort dots swelled and blurred ‘ till everything went white. Then, as pain splintered into my head, everything abruptly went black. I don’t know how long I was out, though it was probably only a short time. When I began slowly rising back to consciousness, I felt a deep throb rushing outward from my ass…slow and repeated. Along with it, there was a sense of being stroked from inside…a slow, easy, abbreviated caressing of my assring and a few inches of the depths inside. “You back t’ enjoy the ride now, boy?” I heard Uncle Judd chuc- kle from behind me. Memory flew back into my head in a speeding slideshow of images of everything that led to laying here with my uncle’s huge cock in- vading my virgin ass. What did I do t’ start all this? What had Uncle Judd done? A picture of my hard prick jutting out in front of me after he’d spanked my ass hard and long burst into my head. Hadn’t my tirade over all his faults led to the firm spanking, and then all that occurred afterward? He could’ve just given me hell over that, though. Instead, he’d seized on the involuntary response of my body and dick. A picture flashed into my head of his huge cock straining inside the thigh of his jeans. That image was quickly followed by one of his mule-dick standing out from his pale naked thighs before plunging down my throat. Another image rushed in of him flood- ing my belly, throat, and mouth with thick, white cum before throwing me to the ground and cuffing my hands behind my back. We were both t’ blame for what was now happening. And, every- thing that’d just flashed through my mind left my body and mind pulsing with renewed searing heat. I bent my neck forward and pressed my forehead into the grass as a choppy moan hitched from deep inside my stomach. “Oh yeah, you’re back.” Uncle Judd announced, his voice low, throaty, and dark. Hands, big and gnarled from hard work, gripped my asscheeks and pulled them apart. I imagined his view. That long and grossly thick cock buried only a few inches inside my tight seventeen year old ass. I heard him spit and wetness slap inside the crevasse of my cheeks. Sliding over and around his cock, it then drooled down the back of my balls. He spit again…and, again. He held me there silently. Then… Then, he began pressing forward. Oh fuck!!! Oh god!!! Jesus!!! My asshole pushed inward, coiling around his huge cock like a bungee cord pulled too tight. His thick meat began to force its way further inside. I thought I heard a car door shut softly, but was too crazed by what was happening at my asshole t’ give it more than a passing notice. My whole body contracted. I didn’t know whether I moaned, groaned, or yelled. I twisted my hips from side to side. I didn’t know what I was doing or even care. Everything inside me was on fire as white began t’ cloud my vision yet again. It suddenly felt as if my entire body was experi- encing what was happening inside my asshole…as if every part of me felt the stretch and electricity jolting through the soft quivering tissues of my tender asshole. Slowly, his fat cock struggled against the taut ring of my ass… forcing my hole t’ scramble against his massive girth as it continued its grueling and obscene widening of my hole. He stopped just as he hit something inside me and my body bucked uncontrollably. He leaned over me. I could feel the coarse curly hair of his hard stomach against my lower back. Something about the unruly fur scraping my back seemed to in- crease the intoxicating sense of being dominated by him. “Prostate…” Was all he said as a strong arm circled underneath me t’ cup the head of my prick. He thrust his fat cock forward and white light blinded my vision as I cried out into the grass. Without the sense of climaxing, cum suddenly rushed up my shaft and spewed into his hand. “Heh heh,” He chuckled arrogantly, “learn somethin’ new every day, don’cha, boy.” I laid there gasping in shock as he rose and spread my load over the half of his shaft still outside my ass. “Should be easy goin’ from here, son…” He said as he gripped my hips and then thrust the last half of his mammoth cock all the way into my bowels! “AGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!” I cried in a mixture of shock, slight pain, and mind-wrenching pleasure. I flopped underneath him like a fish out of water…gasping, panting, and groaning in rapid succession. The feeling was like nothing I’d expected or ever imagined. It felt as if he were inside all the way up into my throat. I felt like a pig on a roasting spit, my whole body skewered on that massive cock jutting fiercely from his crotch. “Uncle Judd!!! Uncle Judd!!! Oh, fuck!!!” “Yeah, I was right wasn’t I, boy. You’re a fuckin’ lil’ pig, aren’cha, punk?” “Ohhhhhhhhh fuck…fuck, fuck fuck…” I groaned, realizing my mouth had been open in shock so long that I’d drooled into the grass under my face. He pulled half way out and then shoved back in hard n’ deep. “Say it, punk. You’re a fuckin’ lil’ pig, aren’cha?” He demanded. “Yes, goddamn it, yes!” “You’re so fuckin’ easy, Curt.” He spat out. “Actin’ all innocent n’ clean cut Makin’ everybody think you’re lil’ Mr. Goody Two Shoes. When, you’re really just a slutty lil’ pig lookin’ for a big cock shoved up that purty lil’ tail.” He pulled almost all the way out this time, and then shoved back in balls deep as my body convulsed and writhed underneath him. “Agggggghhhhhhh fuck!!” “Oh yeah. Y’ like it rough, too, don’cha, lil’ pig? Huh?” A big solid hand came crashing down on my right asscheek. I learned more about myself in that moment than I had in the past two years of fantasizing. He was right. It wasn’t just older men that attracted me. It was their strength, their self-confidence, their experience and arrogance that turned me on. It was the idea of being forced, dominated, and taught by someone older and bigger than myself…someone my opposite. The older, hairier, and more rug- ged the better. And….no one I knew fit that bill better than Uncle Judd. I couldn’t let him know that, though. He fuckin’ knew too much about me already! “NO! This isn’t what I wanted. I didn’t ask for this, you bastard! I just wanted a fuckin’ six-pack and some time t’ think! I didn’t ask Kissler t’ call you…” The fucker pulled out and thrust back inside as if t’ try t’ cut me off and make me admit I wasn’t telling the truth. His cock ramming deep in- side me almost dislodged me from my attempt to prove him wrong about me. “…fuck!….” I panted. “…you were the last person I wanted him t’ call!!!” I protested too intensely. “Oh yeah?” He thundered and plunged “Yeah! Get off me, you fuckin’ bastard!” His thick solid hand crashed down on my ass again. “You think your sorry punk ass can lie t’ me, boy?!” He jerked me up onto my knees and slammed into me again, his big heavy balls bruising mine in the process. He reached underneath me and grabbed my dick in a painful grip, “You think you can lie t’ me when you’re lil’ pussy prick is hard as a rock? Why is that, boy, if you ain’t lovin’ the hell outta havin’ my big-ass cock up your snot-nosed tail? HUH?” “Because, YOU’RE FUCKING ME! ! !” I insisted, realizing it made no sense even as I heard it come out of my mouth. “Because, YOU FUCKIN’ LOVE IT!!!” Somehow, he flipped me over at the same time as he drove that huge cock brutally back into the hilt. The cuffs bit into my wrists and back as my legs kicked against the big strong arms under my knees. Large hands grabbed my chest and secured my nipples between torturous thumbs and forefingers. Pinching and twisting, my body flopped and bucked even as his baseball bat cock rammed in and out of my guts. ‘FUCK YOU!! FUCK YOU!!” I cried, my dick already drooling a steady flow of precum onto my smooth belly as he fucked the hell out of my ragged ass. Sweat from his chest, shoulders, and jaw poured down on me as his animal scent assaulted my nose and the smell of his armpits bit sensually into my brain. I fought my own feelings, my own emotions, my own traitorous body as the slamming of his cock into my overheated body threatened to force me to tell him the truth. “GET OFF ME ! ! ! ! ! !” “SHUT UP!” He yelled back at me, fucking me harder and harder with each stroke. His left hand slid from my chest up to my throat, pressing my jaw back and against my upper teeth. The pressure made me work harder t’ breathe, made me feel even more dominated and small underneath the much bigger man. I turned my eyes down and looked through my lower lashes. His cowboy hat was cocked back, the look in his eyes was pure fury and lust. The intensity in his frown made his face hard and mean, and the chiseled cut of his clenched jaw made him look dangerous and sexy as all fuckin’ hell!! My eyes dropped to his straining shoulders, the muscles there flexing and rippling with the same pumped up strength in his bulging hairy chest and arms. A deep rolling growl started in his chest as his face blurred and dove downward. His bearded mouth attacked mine as his growl increased in volume and roared down my throat. My eyes closed as a combination of warmth and sizzling electricity washed over me from the top of my head to the tips of my toes and fingers. My body went rigid. His hips began slamming into me, jarring my spine and cutting the cuffs into my wrists. My eyes few open as I felt a tingle of pain at my asshole as his huge cock swelled even further than before and began jerking inside me. Suddenly, he was yelling into my mouth. No longer kissing me, just keeping his lips mashed to mine as he pounded my ass and yelled into my lips. It should have, but it didn’t dawn on me he was cumming until I felt his cock suddenly get slicker and something thick and hot running out of my asshole. A wet smacking began accompanying his powerful thrusts as the heavy scent of male cum formed a humid cloud around us. The hand at my throat clamped down even harder at the same time as the thumb and forefinger on my nipple twisted it murderously. I cried out, flailing as my mind went blank. I didn’t even know what was happening as I suddenly felt myself swept away on what felt as if my whole body exploding all at once. The next thing I knew, he’d leaned back and was hauling that huge cock out of my ravaged asshole. Without his thick meat t’ cork my ass, a good deal of cum poured out onto the grass underneath me immediately after his exit. “Next time, don’t lie to me, boy.” He said quietly and swiped a thick hand across my cheek. He then brushed it over my lips, smearing my own cum across them. Only then did I realize I must’ve shot at some point, and…shot all the up into my hair. “Roll over, son.” I did and heard him walk away only to come right back. He uncuffed me quickly and roughly with no apology. “Now, get yourself cleaned up n’ get home.” He turned and walked away again. I laid there and listened as he dressed, grabbed his bottle of bourbon, got into his truck, and drove away. Face in the grass, I didn’t move at first. Instead, I just laid there and replayed everything that’d just hap- pened to me. Even though I’d just cum, my dick began t’ harden again. I rolled over onto my and stretched my legs out wide as I slid my hand down to slide it across my puffy asshole and coat my fingers with Uncle Judd’s slimy cum. I brought them to my face to inhale the tangy scent as I reached down with the other hand to wrap it around the bobbing shaft of my prick still bathed in a thick layer of my own cum. Slowly, I began t’ stroke myself as I slid fingers dripping with my uncle’s cock juice inside my mouth. “He was pretty hard on ya.” A voice commented quietly and sympathetically from somewhere off to the side of me.’ I froze and then turned my head apprehensively t’ see Charlie Kissler walking slowly toward me. “Looks t’ me like he was right about ya, though….” He began unbuttoning his regulation shirt just as I noticed the long thick cock straining down the leg of his tight patrolman pants. Other stories: Discovering Uncle Tip http://www.//gay/incest/discovering-uncle-tip/ Teddy’s Discovery http://www.//gay/incest/teddys-discovery/ Hay Baling and Uncle Buck http://www.//gay/incest/hay-bailing-and-uncle-buck/ Bad Uncles and fty//gay/incest/bad-uncles-and-dads/

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