


I made my way through the pitch-dark streets, using my pocket torch to light the way. It was 1942, and the blackout was rigorously enforced.

I was stationed at the barracks on the other side of town, and I should have been on duty, but Ginger Williams, a mate of mine, wanted to swop passes with me — his sister was getting married at the weekend, and he’d fixed it with the Duty Officer, and I had no objection.

I was nearing home — Mum would be surprised to see me, but Ginger had fiddled some extra rations from the cookhouse, which I knew she’d welcome.

It was a cloudy, moonless night, and I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face. The few cars on the road all had hooded headlights, and the odd pedestrians I passed were, like me, groping their way along with the help of their torches.

Torches had another use, though: the prostitutes would hitch up their skirts and shine their torches on their bare legs to advertise their wares … there weren’t many of them around tonight, but suddenly a pair of legs flashed into view, and a husky voice said ‘Fancy a good time, darlin’?’

I hesitated — I hadn’t had a woman for a while now, and she’d hiked her skirt almost the tops of her thighs, and her bare legs looked very appealing.

‘How much?’

The voice named her price, and I laughed sadly.

‘Sorry, dear — that’s more than I can afford,’ and I started to turn away.

‘Hang on, darlin’! I’ll do it for ten bob — I — I need it real badly!’

Ten shillings still made quite a hole in my pay packet, but the woman groped for my hand and put it on her breast. It felt soft and yielding, and I squeezed it, feeling my cock starting to stiffen.

‘That’s just a sample, darlin’ — do me, please! You won’t be disappointed, I promise!’

I made up my mind quickly, still fondling her breast. ‘OK — where do we go?’

‘Well, the park’s quite a long way away — we could go round the corner and do it in a doorway,’ she said, and I felt her hand on my cock through my trousers.

‘Right — let’s try the doorway,’ I said, and she squeezed my cock before taking my hand and leading me to where she wanted to go.

‘It’s all right here — nobody comes this way,’ she breathed. ‘I come here a lot.’

She fumbled with the buttons of my battledress trousers, and struggled to get my stiff cock out. ‘You feel lovely, darlin’,’ she whispered. ‘Here — let me put this on!’

I felt her deft fingers rolling a Durex on me, easing it down, and then fondling my balls.

‘Feel me!’ she whispered.

I I pulled her skirt up and put my hand between her legs. She was very wet, and I fondled her cunt, rubbing it with the palm of my hand, and then slipping two fingers deep into her vagina, and she gasped.

‘I don’t normally let clients kiss me, but you can, darlin’! — I want a man to kiss me, and feel his ‘ands on me, and — fuck me!’

I kissed her, and she responded eagerly, and I pushed my tongue in her mouth as I fumbled with the buttons of her blouse, slipping my hand inside and pushing my fingers inside her bra to ease her breast out of its cup. Her breast felt wonderful, soft and warm, and I fondled it, playing with her stiffening nipple, and then I lowered my head to kiss it. I gently tugged at her nipple with my teeth, sucking it as I put my hand between her legs again …

She swayed against me, kissing me feverishly when I raised my head, and she squeezed my cock, rubbing it briefly, and then she hauled her skirt up and wrapped one leg around Başakşehir Escort me.

‘Put it in me, darlin’!’ she said, and I could hear her breath rasping in her throat.

A car drove slowly by, and in the dim glow of its hooded headlights her bare leg gleamed softly for a moment, and I slid my hand up it from her ankle, over her calf and her soft thigh, until I gripped her bare bottom, pulling her against me as I guided my cock into her.

The woman gasped. ‘Ooh, that feels lovely!’

I eased my cock back and then pushed it in her, and she threw her arm round my neck and kissed me wildly.

‘Don’t hurry, darlin’ — make it last!’ she panted.

I fucked her slowly, gripping her bottom with one hand while I put the other one back inside her blouse to fondle her bare breast, and she squirmed against me.

I fucked her steadily for several minutes, feeling her excitement mounting, and then she shuddered. ‘Now, darlin’! Finish me!’

I started to fuck her harder, and she rammed herself against me, meeting me as I slammed my cock into her repeatedly, until finally she gave a muffled scream as I exploded, feeling my semen spurting uncontrollably, and then she sagged against me, sobbing, gasping for breath.

I think she would have slipped to the ground if I hadn’t been holding her, and she clung to me, digging her fingers into my arms as she kissed me frantically, making little choking noises in her throat, and then a door opened across the street, and in the momentary ray of light I saw the woman’s face, and I froze.

‘Mum …’ I croaked weakly.

‘Oh, Christ,’ she whispered.

I was still holding her bare thigh up around my hip, and I released it to let her leg slide slowly down as I supported her with my other arm round her. She was still shuddering violently, and I felt her sliding the Durex off my cock.

Neither of us said anything, and I pushed my cock back inside my trousers and did up the buttons, still able to hear her panting for breath.

We just stood there, and then I said ‘I don’t know about you, Mum, but need a drink. I think there’s a pub along here somewhere.’

She took a deep breath. ‘I could do with one too — I need something …’

We found the pub, walking in silence, both of us preoccupied with our thoughts. I pushed aside the heavy blackout curtain, and we went inside.

The pub was crowded, full of servicemen of all nations, with their girlfriends — some of them may have been wives, but I doubted if anyone other than me were with their mothers …

I ordered a pint of weak wartime beer, and by some miracle they had gin, and I ordered a double for Mum. There were no free tables, but we found a shelf against the wall we could stand. Next to us were a bunch of Polish soldiers, and I thought we’d be able to speak freely without anyone understanding.

Mum took a long sip of her drink, staring at me, her eyes brimming with tears.

‘I — I don’t know what to say, dear,’ she said.

I squeezed her hand. ‘You don’t need to say anything, Mum.’

She held onto my hand, and I couldn’t help thinking this was the hand that had just rubbed my cock …

‘No — I want to tell you everything, and try to make you understand,’ she said urgently.

She took another mouthful of gin.

‘When your Dad was called up into the army, I — I was terribly — frustrated. He used to — give me what I needed …’

‘I know, Mum — that wall between your bedroom and mine Başakşehir Escort Bayan is paper-thin, and I could hear you …’

She looked at me uncertainly for a moment. ‘I — I was unfaithful to him a couple of times — I couldn’t help it … waiting for him to come home on leave …and then when he was taken prisoner last year I — I nearly went mad. Then I went to a dance at the Town Hall, and met this man … we danced, and he felt my tits and kissed me, and we went outside, and he fucked me up against a tree … I was afraid of picking up men at the dance in case someone who knew me saw me, and it was safer to — go on the street.’

Mum stared at me, watching my reaction, and I squeezed her hand again. ‘It’s OK, Mum,’ I said encouragingly, and she smiled gratefully.

We were standing on the way to the toilets, and as people passed by they forced me against her, and Mum’s eyes widened. ‘You’re — you’re still hard, darlin’!’

‘Do you mind, Mum?’

‘No — no — but let me finish …’

‘Wait while I get us another couple of drinks,’ I said, and we emptied our glasses and I went up to the bar.

I studied her reflection in the mirror behind the bar. Her lipstick was smudged, and I looked at her bare legs, remembering how they’d gleamed when she hoisted her skirt to the tops of her thighs and shone her torch on them … I could hardly believe I’d been between them, fucking her … she had a good figure, and she got a lot of glances from men around, and then I took our drinks back to her.

‘I was just thinking of the way you kissed me,’ she whispered. ‘It was special — as if I knew it was you …’

I pressed myself against her and kissed her lightly, and she pushed back against me.

‘Wait, dear — let me finish telling you … I’ve been going out every two or three weeks, when I can’t wait any longer … sometimes there are three or four men in one night, and I’ve got a couple of regulars, but tonight — you were the first …’

She drank some gin and took a deep breath. ‘Your Dad wrote to me, asking for a photo of me naked … I went to that photographers in the High Street and said my husband wanted a picture of me with nothing on … he took several snaps of me, and I didn’t have to pay for them, and I got a good fucking in the bargain … but it made it worse, somehow, thinking of your Dad wanking, looking at that photo.’

‘I’d like a picture of you like that if you’ve got one, Mum.’

Mum looked at me in surprise. ‘I — I thought you’d be disgusted with me, darlin’,’ she whispered.

I put my hand inside her coat — her blouse was still unbuttoned, and I touched my mother’s breast, slipping my fingers into her bra.

‘I couldn’t be disgusted with you, Mum. I’ve wanked hundreds of times thinking about you. I used to hear your bed creaking, and you moaning, and Dad grunting, thinking about you naked, and imagining what he was doing to you … if the wall hadn’t been there, I could have reached out and touched you …’

She touched my face. ‘I wondered, sometimes, seeing the way you looked at me. It gave me a nice thrill! But let go of me for a minute — I’m just going to powder my nose, dear. Shan’t be a tick!’

I drank my beer, remembering how it felt fucking her …’

Then she was back, squeezing herself between me and the wall. ‘There! I wasn’t long, was I, darlin’?’

She pressed herself even closer to me. ‘Put your hand back where it was, dear …’

I slipped my hand back Escort Başakşehir inside her coat and her blouse, and discovered that she’d taken her bra off, and I caught my breath as I fondled her naked breast.

She sighed, and slid her hand down to squeeze my cock.

‘It felt nice before, in the street, but it feels even better now, knowing it’s you doing it!’

We stared at each other for a long moment, and then she giggled. ‘I’ll go back to the photographer tomorrow and get you a photo — but I wonder what I’ll have to do to get it!’

She put her hand in her coat pocket, and withdrew it, holding something. She opened her hand, and I saw that she’d knotted the Durex we’d used. ‘I was keepin’it as a souvenir,’ she whispered, and kissed it.

‘There’s plenty more where that came from, Mum,’ I said.

‘Let’s go home, darlin’,’ she said, and I reluctantly withdrew my hand after giving her breast one last squeeze.

Outside in the street I took her in my arms and kissed her, pushing her back against the wall. I put my hand up under her skirt and felt her — she was dripping wet, and she squirmed against me.

‘Stop it! Or I’ll make you fuck me here and now! That’s if I don’t go down on my knees and suck you!’

Somehow we got home. We went straight up to her bedroom — she’d already shrugged off her coat, and I undressed her quickly. It didn’t take long — just her blouse and skirt, and then my mother was naked for me.

She sat on the edge of the bed and watched me as I tore off my clothes, and she leaned forward and kissed my cock.

‘I want it so bad again, darlin’,’ she whispered, pulling me down on the bed beside her.

But suddenly I was in no hurry — I started to kiss her beautiful body, her neck, her throat, her breasts, her belly, and then her thighs, working my way down to her feet and then up again, and she parted her legs and I went to work on her with my mouth.

I think she was already on the verge of an orgasm, because she started to moan as soon as I pushed my tongue into her — I found her clitoris, licking and sucking it, sucking the lips of her vulva, and soon she was shuddering.

But I’d only just started — my mouth worked its way up her trembling body, and I kissed her as I put my cock in her. She was sobbing as I fucked her, and then fucked her again. Her body was soaked with perspiration, and her hair was plastered over her forehead as she bucked beneath me, and she screamed the second time I erupted inside her …

‘Keep fuckin’ me, my dearest — fuck my mouth, and my tits, and if you want to you can fuck my bottom …’

I wanted to — I fucked her from behind, reaching under her body to grip her heavy hanging breasts, fingering her between her legs as I buggered her …

I had ten years of wanting her to make up for, and I wasn’t going to waste any time. I don’t know how many times I fucked her, until at last we fell asleep, exhausted.

I had to leave early in the morning, and I was up and shaved before it was light. Mum was still asleep, and I looked down at her naked body, wanting to imprint every detail on my memory.

I bent and kissed her breasts, and she woke up groggily as I kissed her mouth.

‘I’ve got to go, Mum — but I’ve got some leave coming, and we can pick up where we left off …’

‘Soon, please, darlin’ — but I can’t promise I’ll wait for you and be faithful …’

I grinned, and squeezed her breast. ‘Starting with that photographer today! I don’t mind, Mum, as long as you leave some for me!’

We put our arms round each other, and holding her naked body I almost succumbed to temptation and fucked her again, but I reluctantly broke away and made for the door.

‘Wait a minute, darlin’!’ she cried. ”You haven’t given me that ten bob for the first fuck yet!’

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