
Bob, Ted, Carol, Alice


Author’s note: Many of my stories are actually narratives from friends, family and occasional strangers. I relate them as they told them to me. This is one of those stories. It has a bit of a fanciful, even bizarre, quality about it, even to me. The individual who told it to me swears that it is all true. Every event described actually happened although over a three year period, not the three weeks I compressed it into. I’ve tried to be true to the events he was engaged in and, for the events he wasn’t present for, I’ve taken the liberty to imagine the events myself with his agreement that the way I described the events were probable. So take Coleridge’s advice and suspend disbelief while you read what follows.

The summer of 2023 is finally here and the restrictions imposed because of the pandemic are mostly gone and those that remain are mostly ignored.

The reason that is important is our family is able to return to our three week annual island vacation. Except for the last two summers, for as long as I can remember, we’ve traveled to an isolated Caribbean island and rented one half of a dual condominium building on the beach. The building has a kitchen, dining area, living area with a sofa, two comfortable chairs and a television. There is a large bedroom with a king sized bed on the first floor and two additional bedrooms with queen sized beds on a loft that covers the kitchen and dining area and overlooks the living area. The loft is accessed by a spiral stairway located at the side of the dining area near the door to the downstairs bedroom.

Beyond the living area, through a wide sliding glass door is a smallish deck with a hot tub large enough for four adults. Two steps down from the back of the deck is the beach, a stark white, twenty foot wide sand strip on a calm lagoon of crystal clear water.

My sister, Carol, and I are overjoyed at the prospect of returning to our summer island paradise. My name is Bob. Only my mother calls me Robert. I’m twenty-two years old, a senior at the local university and I still live at home. Carol is twenty-one, a sophomore at a local community college and she also lives at home.

My father, William Davidson, Bill to everyone unless mom is pissed at him for something, makes all the arrangements. He’s forty-eight and he’s a limited partner in the law firm he’s been working with since he was twenty-seven. That means he doesn’t have a role in the daily operations of the firm but he shares in the profits.

My mother, Mary, also has a law degree and works in the state prosecutor’s office. By every measure, my parents are devoted to each other and look forward to our island adventure as much as we do.

The attached condominium on the island is the mirror image of the one we rent. They are not connected inside but the front doors are only a half dozen steps apart and there’s a gate in the fence separating the decks in the back.

The condo next door is rented by the Ferguson’s the same three weeks that we are there. The Ferguson’s are our next door neighbors at home. They’ve lived next door since the development was constructed when they and our parents moved in. Larry and Sue Ferguson have been friends of our parents since before Carol and I were born.

The Ferguson’s have two children, Ted and Alice. Ted is a year older than I am and Alice is the same age as Carol. The four of us grew up together although the boys and girls rarely did things together. The long term relationships have led, over time, to a large, virtual family with freedom of access to either house.

The usual routine was to fly to the island and rent a van with seating for eight to travel to the condo’s and provide transportation for supplies and entertainment on the island. This year, with the youngest of the kids being twenty-one, dad rented two vehicles, one of which was a convertible that was immediately claimed by the four of us youngsters with the agreement we would lend it to the old folks occasionally during our stay on the island.

We flew to the island on Saturday, arriving at the condo late in the day. The plan was to return home on Sunday, twenty-two days later. In between, we planned little except lots of sun, fun, swimming and soaking in the hot tubs. Several things occurred when we arrived. We went to dinner as a group and shopped for supplies, mostly breakfast and lunch meals, nibbles and snacks and an adequate supply of adult beverages. The four younger vacationers proposed to share one of the condo’s leaving the other for the adults. Neither pair of parents was in favor of a bedroom on one of the lofts and the proposal was summarily defeated.

Dad passed out key cards that would open both condos for each of us. That way we all had convenient access to both units.

After dinner and shopping, all eight of us settled in one of the living rooms for our well established routine of watching a movie together the first night. When we were younger, the movies were generally “G” rated and the adults sat on the sofa and chairs and we kids sefaköy escort scattered on the floor.

Since the last time we were here, a number of things had changed. We were all twenty-one or older. We could drink alcohol, watch “R” rated movies and didn’t feel comfortable on the floor.

Mr. Ferguson had the foresight to bring a Roku streaming device that, using the available WiFi network and internet connection to select from a large number of movies. The movie chosen by consensus this evening was rated “R” with additional labels of “V” and “N” which warned about violence and nudity. Seating was an intense conversation. We had available a sofa and two chairs, leaving at least two participants without a seat. Dining chairs were suggested and rejected as too uncomfortable for a long movie.

Carol took charge of the negotiation and settled the sitting arrangements. She put the adults on the sofa and declared that she would sit on my lap in one of the chairs. Alice agreed that she would sit on her brother’s lap. With the seating settled, our parents didn’t seem in agreement although they apparently consented although the sofa seating would be tight, Mr. Ferguson started the movie.

Carol settled onto my lap. She wiggled around until she was comfortable, put an arm around my neck and leaned back to enjoy the show.

The movie was intense and held everyone’s attention. It was an action drama with an early car chase and a scene where the protagonist managed to shoot five attackers during a narrow escape from an ambush.

The female lead helped him treat his injuries and, one thing led to another and to the first sexual encounter in the movie. The stars ended up in a bed together. The nudity included only a brief view of the woman’s breast before she disappeared under the man’s body and the scene faded.

However, it was enough to move my thoughts to all things sexual and my body responded in expected ways. Carol noticed and, without comment, changed her position to increase her comfort. I was wearing shorts and a golf shirt. Carol was wearing a one piece sundress and her movement only increased my thoughts and my response. The resulting feedback loop ended with when my erection was nestled between Carol’s cheeks.

Fortunately, Carol didn’t call attention to our situation even when a second movie scene with a prolonged breast exposure created additional discomfort for both of us.

When the movie ended, Carol lifted herself from my lap carefully, allowing me time to minimize the appearance of my problem, and announced that she was going to put on a bathing suit and spend some time in the hot tub on the back deck. Everyone else declined, noting the late time and the long trip as reasons to get some sleep.

Disappointed, Carol turned to me. “Come on Bob,” she pleaded. “Join me in the hot tub. It’ll be fun and I promise we won’t stay long.”

Reluctantly, I agreed to join her and she scampered up the spiral stairway to change into her bathing suit. Everyone else scattered to the various bedrooms and I headed up to change into my suit. When I came down in my bathing shorts and a tee shirt, Carol was already in the hot tub. I joined her and settled in the water, sat on the underwater seat opposite her and leaned back on the tub wall.

We sat, content in the hot water, for several minutes. “Bob,” she said. “I could use something to drink.”

I opened my eyes. “What would you like?” I asked. “I’ll get it for you.”

“That’s all right,” she replied. “I’ll get it. Would you like something?”

“Sure. Whatever you find is fine,” I said.

Carol climbed out of the hot tub. She was wearing a tiny bikini.

“Have mom and dad seen you in that suit?” I asked.

“Not yet,” she answered, “and they may not ever.”

I smiled. I didn’t know how she was going to wear it during the vacation without mom or dad noticing and I also thought Ted was going to lose his mind when he saw her.

I watched her walk to the kitchen and I watched her walk back with two beers. She pulled the drapes over the sliding door, moved around them and closed the door behind her. She handed me one beer and climbed back into the hot tub. I popped the beer and took a large swallow of the cold beverage. Carol did the same but with a tiny sip of beer.

We settled back into the hot water. Carol looked at me from across the hot tub. “Bobbie?” she started.

My sister never called me Bobbie unless she wanted something.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Can I ask you a question?” she asked.

“Sure,” I agreed. “Ask me anything.”

“It’s about that problem you had while we were watching the movie,” she procrastinated.

“Which problem?”

“You know,” she expanded. “That thing in your shorts.”


“Your erection, stupid,” she burst out.

“Oh, that thing,” I played along.

“Yeah, that thing,” she agreed. “Was it because of the movie or because I was sitting on your lap?”

When I didn’t şehzadeler escort answer immediately, she moved around the hot tub until she was sitting next to me. “Come on, Bobbie,” she said. “It’s a simple question. You’ve never been hesitant before.”

“Well,” I started, still playing for time. “I think it started with the scene in the movie but the way you moved on my lap quickly became the only stimulus I noticed.”

“Really?” she asked. “I did that to you?”

“You did and I’m glad you didn’t react. It could have been embarrassing,” I admitted.

“I realized that,” Carol admitted. “But I’ve thought about nothing else for the last hour.”

“You have?” I said. “Honestly, neither have I. I’m confused. I’ve never thought about you in that way before and I’m having problems dealing with it.”

“So am I,” admitted Carol. “What do you think it means?”

“Well, you’re a woman and I’m a man. It’s a normal reaction for both of us,” I suggested.

“But we’re also brother and sister,” Carol countered.

“I don’t think our hormones care about that,” I offered.

“So, what should we do about it?” she asked.

“You have a suggestion?” I asked.

“I do but it’s pretty radical,” she explained.

“I’m listening,” I said.

Carol stood up in front of me with the churning water reaching to her waist. “Tell me something,” she said.


“What do you think about my tits?” she asked.

“This is weird,” I said.

“I told you it was a radical idea,” Carol reiterated. “My breasts?”

“You have incredible breasts,” I said.

“Are they too small?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” I said. “Size isn’t the only criteria.”

“What else?” she asked.

“Oh, I don’t know,” I hedged my mind racing for an answer. “Shape, firmness, nipples, sensitivity, I guess. It’s a total package.”

“Would you like to see them?” she asked.

“I’m always ready to see a woman’s breasts,” I said. “But you’re my sister. I don’t think it’s prudent.”

“I thought our relationship wasn’t a factor when we’re dealing with hormonal challenges,” Carol reminded me.

“Okay,” you’re right,” I agreed. “Do you want to show them to me?” I asked.

Carol didn’t answer me verbally. She reached behind her back, unhooked her bikini top and it fell into the water in front of her. Her breasts were incredible. They were large, round and sat perfectly on her chest without sag or droop and her nipples where pink and looked hard. “You’re breasts are incredible,” I told her.

“You wouldn’t just say that to make me feel better, would you?” she wondered.

“I’d never lie to you about something like that,” I said. “Your breasts are the nicest I’ve ever seen, even on the internet.”

“Thank you, thank you,” Carol said. She moved closer, leaned in and kissed me before sitting next to me again.

The conversation, her breasts and the kiss was having the predictable effect on me, especially my penis.

“Carol?” I asked. “Are we headed somewhere we might regret later?”

She grabbed my face and kissed me again. “Not me,” she insisted. “Would you like to touch them?”

There was nothing I would like better. I reached out and held one breast in my hand. Carol leaned into my hand. “Fuck, that feels wonderful,” she cooed.

I leaned over and kissed her nipple. “Don’t do that unless you plan to go further,” cautioned Carol.

“Do you want to go further?” I asked.

“I don’t want to stop here,” Carol insisted.

I moved my hand down her torso and slid my fingers between her legs.

“Hold on a second,” suggested Carol. She stood up in the tub and removed her bikini bottom before she sat down again. “Do that again,” she said.

I did. She was completely hairless and I could easily find the space between her bloated labia and the hard knob at the top. “Yesss,” she moaned.

She put a hand on my crotch. “Take off your shorts,” she insisted.

“Here?” I asked.

“Why not here?” she responded. “Nobody can see us. You want the same thing I want, don’t you?”

“I do,” I confirmed. “I would just want our first time to be special, not just a quick screw in a hot tub. You deserve more than that.”

“You make me hornier by the minute,” Carol agreed. “Come with me.”

She gathered her bikini top and bottom from the water and climbed out of the hot tub. I followed her naked ass across the deck, through the door, around the curtains, up the stairs to the loft and into my bedroom. She sat on the side of the bed. “Okay,” she ordered. “Show me what I want to see.”

I stripped off my swim trunks and stood naked in front of her.

“That’s the most beautiful erection I’ve ever seen,” she said.

“You’re not saying that just to make me feel better, are you?” I asked.

Carol slipped off the bed, knelt and took my erection in her mouth. My knees buckled with the sudden sensation and I almost fell. Carol relented and moved us to the bed.

“I’d never lie to you,” she said. selçuklu escort “I want you inside me more than I’ve ever wanted anyone inside me before.”

“If we do this, we can never undo it,” I reminded her.

“There’s something more than just sex happening to me. I’m committed to you in a way I’ve never experienced before. It’s physical but there’s an emotional component that I’ve never experienced before. If I had to describe it, I’d call it love. Not just the love I have for you as my brother. Something bigger than that.”

Carol rolled on her back, spread her legs and pulled me on top of her. She positioned my erection at the entrance of vagina. I paused. “We can’t undo this,” I reminded her.

“I know that but I also already know that we can repeat it,” she stated and moved her hips up and I entered her a short distance.

I pushed inside her slowly. “Just like that,” she said. “Slowly so I can remember every second.”

I pushed slowly until I could go no further. “Hold it for a second,” Carol asked.

I waited until she shifted her hips. I interpreted that as permission move inside her. I started a slow rhythm that Carol matched. The intensity of our union was almost overwhelming. The result was that things were coming to a head sooner than I wanted.

“Carol,” I mumbled.

“I know,” Carol responded. “I’m almost there myself. Hang in with me for as long as you can.”

I tensed every muscle I could in an attempt to delay the inevitable. I felt Carol’s body heat and the increasing frequency of her flexing of her vaginal muscles. When I reached the point of no return, I began to pull out of her.

“What are you doing?” Carol cried.

“I can’t cum inside you,” I said. “You might get pregnant.”

“I won’t. I won’t,” she half shouted.

I pushed back deeply inside her and, seconds later, she convulsed beneath me and I began to release everything I was holding back inside her.

Later we lay on the bed. I had my arms around her and she was resting with her head on my chest. “Thank you,” she said.

“You’re welcome,” I said, “but I should be thanking you. I’ve never had a more intense experience in my life,” I explained. “But I’m still worried that you might get pregnant.”

“It’s okay. I’m safe. My period is due on Wednesday. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,” she explained.

We fell asleep with her in my arms. We had gone where we shouldn’t have gone and we couldn’t go back to where we were but we could repeat it and we did. The second time was a long, varied and satisfying encounter. We started conventionally and ended with us both on our knees and me entering her from behind. We collapsed together, sweaty and jubilantly happy. We hugged and kissed like the new lovers we were. Eventually, Carol looked and me and said, “Bobbie, this is the most difficult thing I’ve ever said to you. I have to leave and go to my own bed soon.”

“That’s the most difficult thing I’ve ever heard you say,” I agreed.

“I have to be in my own bed before mom and dad get up in the morning,” she explained.

“I get that and I agree even though I wish it wasn’t so,” I consoled both us. “Carol,” I continued, “‘we’ve been here for less than twelve hours and you’ve changed my life forever.”

“Mine too,” she said and kissed me. “We’ll be together again soon,” Carol promised before she left.

In the morning, I sat at the dining table with my parents sipping coffee and nibbling on some Danish we had bought when we arrived.

“How late were you and Carol up last night?” asked mom.

“Not too late. We spent some time in the hot tub and went to bed early,” I explained.

“I wonder why she’s still in bed,” mom continued. “She’s usually an early riser.”

“Probably just the travel and the time change,” I ventured. “I’m sure she’ll surface soon.”

I’d barely got the words out when we heard the upstairs bedroom door open. Carol came down the spiral stairs. She looked incredible. She was dressed in shorts and tank top, her hair was combed, she had a huge smile and a glow about her whole body. She got a mug of coffee from the pot in the kitchen area and sat at the table.

“You look different today,” commented mom.

“It’s just that I’m happy we came back here after all this time. Include that I slept better than I can remember and how much I love all of you and I’m surprised I’m not even more different,” Carol explained.

That seemed to satisfy mom. We spent the breakfast discussing plans for the day. Mom informed us that dad and her were planning to wander the island with the Fergusons and wondered what plans we had for the day.

Carol looked down at the table. I knew that if she looked at me she wouldn’t be able to keep from fist pumping after mom’s news. “We don’t have any plans. I think we’ll connect with Ted and Alice and probably spend the day at the beach, in the hot tub and generally goofing off,” I suggested.

“You’re welcome to come with us,” mom suggested.

“Thanks but I don’t think that will work too well,” I offered. “We can’t fit into one car and, honestly, touring the souvenir and gift shops isn’t all that interesting. Hanging on the beach is more our style.”

“Okay. Have it you way,” said mom.

At that moment, the Fergusons came through the door.

“Ready to rumble?” asked Mr. Ferguson.

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