
Brad Loses a Bet


It was the Friday night social after work. Ten of us showed up for snacks and drinks.

We had pushed three cafe tables together and were all just gabbing. There were three distinct groups since the folks on either end were too far apart to talk comfortably. I was in the middle so I didn’t belong to any particular group, but also could shift my attention to any group. For my part, sometimes I would join in on the conversation to my left, sometimes I would talk to the few on my right, and sometimes I would get drawn in to talking with a couple coworkers sitting across from me.

At one point, later in the evening, the discussion with the three to my left had just fizzled out when I happened to hear one of the two girls to my right saying, “…guy would do it under the right circumstances.”

Then Brad, who worked on my floor told the girl who’d said it, “No way! There’s just no way you could get a straight guy, like me, to give a blowjob. It’s not like you two beautiful girls taking out your fantastic tits could have that much influence.”

Now this really peaked my interest. Any talk of blowjobs would make me sit up and take notice. Talk of them taking out their breasts sounded pretty darn good too. But it sounded like they were trying to get Brad to give a blowjob. I never thought of him as anything other than totally straight – bordering on homophobic if anything. Naturally, I just had to see what was going on.

It helped that the two girls were hot as fuck and did indeed have fantastic tits. One of them I thought of as Hot Wanda and the other, aloof one, I didn’t know – yet.

I turned to the trio, “Tell me more Brad.” I looked the blonde in the eyes with my best smoldering charm, “Oh, and I’m Pete, what’s your name?” It was Stefanie. And to help me remember I played my name game, calling her Stuck-up Stefanie in my head. Don’t get me wrong, both her face and her body with the huge jugs, were very very fine, but she definitely came off as stuck-up.

My suspicions about them wanting him to give a blowjob were confirmed as he explained that the girls were so smug and sure of their own prowess that they thought they could convince men to do anything for them, including giving a blowjob.

Now this was the best conversation I’d had in ages. But then I got pulled back into a heated debate with Fat Trina, Frumpy Dolores, and Tall Viktoria. I mean literally, since Trina pulled on my arm, expecting me to weigh in on who was right.

When I was able to rejoin the girls and Brad he was saying, “OK, it’s a bet then.

I couldn’t believe he’d taken the bet, I couldn’t believe the girls did. All he had to do was resist their efforts, knowing what they were up to. And the girls knew he knew as well.

I asked them all, “So what are the stakes?”

Wanda spoke up, “If we win he helps us move, but if we lose we process his quarterlies.”

“Sounds fair,” I offered, but what if you just tie him up, or force him, or blackmail him?”

The girls exchanged knowing glances, “Oh, those are all against the rules. No one can be bound or coerced. No money either. It all has to be based on emotional dynamics – sexual energy if you will.”

I felt my own ‘sexual energy’ increase while looking at the girls in their party dresses.

“I’m intrigued.” I said to Wanda, the better one. “Does it matter who’s dick is sucked?” I was kinda thinking that if I were nearby when they launched their plan I might be the recipient of the blowjob. What did I care if a dude swung on my dick? And who knows, I might even end up bedding one of the girls as a side effect of all the ‘sexual energy’ being thrown around.

Fat Trina pulled my arm again, exasperated I let it all out, bluntly telling them that Dolores and Viktoria were flat out wrong and Trina was right. I really wanted to get back to the talk of ’emotional dynamics’, to see how it turned out.

Unfortunately they had moved on. Next they talked about the roommates’ upcoming move, then they discussed our waiter and whether or not Brad thought he was handsome.

I decided that it didn’t matter to me if Brad won or lost, as long as the contest continued. Still, my first priority was that he would win so he and I could get the girls, and my backup plan was that he would lose so I received a consolation blowjob. A win-win for me.

The girls asked if we liked their outfits – and what body part we thought their dresses best showed off. Brad told Stef that he loved her yellow dress and that it really made her blue eyes stand out.

The girls complained that he wasn’t being honest. Eventually he admitted that he most liked her ass in the flowy dress. The girls smiled and high-fived.

I told Wanda that I really liked her snug dress and that it really made her perfect boobs stand out. I was sure that was a winning line, but the girls said I’d chosen a boring response.

So I tried again. This time I said, “I really like your snug dress and how it shows off so much of your creamy legs. I want to kneel in front of you and Demetevler Escort kiss your inner thighs.”

This the girls loved!

Our little group decided to take our party to the girl’s place where they had some weed.

Once there, the chicks started to grill Brad. I’m not sure if he noticed, but to me it was obvious they were building a profile on his likes and dislikes so they could use it against him.

We sat around on floor pillows as they asked him questions like, “Do you think a guy is ever attractive or do you only like the more feminine traits?” And, “If you found yourself in bed with a guy, and it was feeling good down there would you let it go on?”

Our foursome was starting to pair up, as Wanda was sitting closer to me while Stef was inching closer to Brad. I made sure the conversation included talk of the girls’ likes too, turning their questions back around on them, or making them group questions.

All the sex talk was having an effect on me, keeping me in a constant state of heightened libidinous feelings. It was my intent that they felt it too.

At one point Stefanie took me aside. I had my heart set on Wanda but the touch of her hand on my arm thrilled me. She asked me, “Do you think a guy would be more inclined to suck a dick on a chick or the cock of a big manly stud?” I thought of myself as the manly stud with Wanda, or Stef, or even Brad kneeling before me.

Getting back to her question, I thought about Brad and how he tended to to chase anything in a skirt. He would ignore a plain woman in slacks but as soon as she put on a skirt he totally disregarded her flaws. I winked, recognizing that she was talking about Brad and not ‘a guy’. I told her that all the masculine attributes worked together to make men less attractive to men and more attractive to ladies. So a feminine looking guy would be more appealing to Brad.

She also asked me if ‘a guy’ would be more likely to make sacrifices to please a woman or to please himself. To me that meant: was Brad more likely to be wrapped around a woman’s finger or selfish?

To bed one of the girls I needed to put my best foot forward, even at Brad’s expense. I answered, “Brad can tend to think of his own needs first rather than his dates’. I don’t completely get that since I’m always very concerned with making my women happy?”

Then she asked, “Can you think of a reason why a guy would put on ladies sexy lingerie?” Meanwhile, Brad was getting chummy with Wanda across the room.

I shot off an insincere quip, “Victor/Victoria did it to make money. Mrs. Doubtfire put on stuff to disguise herself.” I saw Wanda touching his arm and wanted to get back right away before he muscled in on my territory. I felt agitated, spurred on by simmering desire mixed with envy.

Stef wouldn’t let me get away, “So you’re saying he does it for selfish reasons, or to be a new person? I answered quickly to get back to Laura, “Uh, yea, sounds about right.”

When our foursome was reformed, Stef suggested some games: Pictionary, tripoly, or maybe poker. Brad wanted to play for money, but I saw through his ploy. If we played for money it would invalidate any progress the girls made toward getting him to blow me. I said, “No” to the suggestion of money. And the girls agreed.

Witty Wanda told us about a game we never heard of, called Reverse Strip Poker. If you win a hand you have to take an item of clothing off. But when you lose a hand you have to put on an item from the pile in the middle. You could win by either being the first person to be dressed completely in another one’s clothing or by completely retaining your own clothing. The winner would then get to make the others do a strip tease.

It was far more exciting than regular strip poker because while we still got to see snippets of bare flesh everytime everyone changed, it wasn’t a boring trek in just one direction.

So yes, I got to see all the boobs, pussy, and ass that I wanted to see throughout the game. Plenty was left to the imagination too. But at the end three of us would be totally nude.

It didn’t play out the way I thought it would. After every round there was a mad rush to grab your own clothing from the pile before someone else grabbed it. Think of the game Spoons but with bras and socks.

A short way into the game I was dressed in clothing from all three of the others: a mix of men’s and women’s clothing, which meant I was losing. Appraising the mix of clothing each of us wore I could see the writing on the wall.

That’s when it dawned on me that there was more than one way to win. Instead of competing for my own clothes I could switch tactics and grab someone else’s. I just needed to be completely dressed in one homogenous set. And logically going for the girls clothing was unexpected and would give me an edge.

My plan worked perfectly and I won. I claimed my prize demanding that Wanda, Stef, and Brad all strip for me, dancing to the sound of sexy music. Otele gelen escort They were all good sports, making it really suggestive as they removed their mixed-up clothing. And boy was it sexy! My lust seemed to drift into the air, permeating the room.

I started to change into my own clothing but Wanda said as soon as I did the others would be allowed to change as well. Then I tried to join them in the nude but she said that would also end the game. I was free to do it of course. But there was no way I wanted the girls to be anything but naked so I stayed dressed up in Stephanie’s yellow lacy underwear and sundress.

We were all acting like immature teenagers, smoking pot and playing strip poker, so when Brad suggested we play Twister everyone agreed. We actually didn’t have the game but Wanda was crafty and made one from cut up paper and a spinner app on her phone.

While she made the board Stefanie baked brownies to satisfy our munchies. We all had fun smearing batter on each other and kissing it off. Can you think of a better way to ratchet up sexual energy? I know my body was practically humming with built up energy. So much so that I worried the sensual feeling of Steff’s panties on my cock would cause me to lose my load prematurely.

Stef complained that even being nude Twister felt like it was a child’s game. As a result we added two rules: one, if someone fell they wouldn’t be out, but would have to take a drink, and two, if two people tried for the same spot the last one there had to drink and kiss the named body part of the first one there.

Brad added that one. I didn’t notice at the time but if he ended up giving a blowjob as a result it would be considered to be coerced because it was a requirement of the game.

After such a long delay we were all ready to play. Wanda called out, “Siri, spin the spinner.”

Her phone played clicking spinner noises, then Siri read out, “Left foot green.” We all stuck our left foot out onto a green circle.

Then it read “Right hand red.” Easily enough we all leaned down to place our right hands on a red circle. Brad’s face ended up being near Wanda’s side where he noticed an errant smear of brownie batter and licked it off. It made me jealous. She giggled.

So far this was pretty exciting playing with two nude girls, even if I wasn’t nude myself. I really didn’t care if Brad was nude or not.

Then Wanda surprised us by how she had set-up the spinner, Siri played spinner noises, slowing down as it approached its final call, then announced, “Right hand boob.”

I’d been waiting for an opportunity to touch one of the girls’ boobs all night and here was my chance. Brad was right next to Wanda so he simply stood and clapped his hand on her nearest boob. Stef was between us, but I wanted to touch Wanda too. To lay a claim. In fact, I needed to touch Wanda’s boob deep in my soul. Reaching all the way across I caressed her other tit.

Stef complained, “What? Nobody loves me?” Since my arm was draped across her chest I tried to lie believably saying, “I wanted to touch both of you and this way I could.”

Then I made an observation, “Ahem, I see two of the players aren’t touching any boob with their right hands.” It was true. Wanda and Stef hadn’t touched each other.

Quickly they each reached for one of Stef’s boobs, the same one. I didn’t expect that Stef would touch her own titty but she did. We debated and decided that going forward you couldn’t touch yourself.

I also noticed that she had touched it last, and therefore, according to the rules, lost and needed to drink.

She drank. Then complained, “How am I gonna kiss the named body part? I can’t reach my own tit?”

Brad said that the rule was to kiss the named body part of the first one there – so it had to be Wanda’s tit.

I gotta say. It was highly erotic the see Stef kiss Wanda’s boob. Brad and I ‘Oohed’ the whole time. I swear my cock grew two sizes larger, making a more visible bulge in my dress. My groin was on fire.

On the other hand Brad’s naked cock was sticking out pretty far. I wondered just which body parts Wanda put on the spinner. I hoped for something like ‘left cock pussy’, not that there was such a thing as a left cock. But what else would the spinner say?

On the next spin it said, “Right foot yellow.” Yellow was farthest from green so we all ended up standing in a wide stance. Brad was standing in front of Stef enjoying her jugs mashed into his back and I was facing Wanda – perfect!

I looked deeply into Wanda’s eyes and flirted, “You’ve got gorgeous eyes and a real nice body.” I could see her pupils dilate so I knew her sexual urges were riding high too. Then I paraphrased my successful line from earlier, “And I really like how your birthday suit barely shows off your legs. I wanna kneel down to kiss your inner thighs.”

She winked, “Maybe you’ll get your chance. Unless I kneel down first.” If I heard her right she was offering Balgat Escort a blowjob. My knees went weak. My throat went dry. My heart throbbed with adrenaline. I didn’t know how much longer I could stand the tension before I abandoned the games and pounced on Wanda, or even the nearest girl when my self-control broke.

Behind me I heard Brad telling Stef that he could die a happy man feeling her melons massaging his back. She chuckled, “That’s not all I can massage.” I couldn’t see, but I’m pretty sure she reached around to massage his dick.

This was definitely turning out to be plan A. Which was better, first because I’d rather be with one of the girls, but also because he was clearly in complete control of his emotions. I doubted they could ever get him to suck a cock.

The next spin randomly required us to put our right elbow on a shoulder. Wanda shrugged, “They can’t all be fun.”

She and I put our elbows on each other’s shoulders. Stef put hers on brads and Brad who couldn’t reach behind himself put his on Wanda’s. So there we stood in a row with our elbows connecting us all.

Next was “left hand groin”. Naturally, I placed my hand on Wanda’s naked hairless cunt, making sure to finger her deliciously. I craved to remove my finger, to smell her pussy’s aroma. But the way we’d been playing, once you touched a colored dot or body part you couldn’t undo it until another spin told you to. Brad reached behind himself to cup Stef’s Nordic bush and she continued playing with his engorged and overstimulated cock, which was aiming right for Wanda’s butt. I swear she jumped once in a while – he must’ve been goosing her. In my mind I was boiling, “How dare he!” My outrage threatened to spill out at any moment. There were just too many feelings built up in me.

So far there were hardly any penalties but the game was young. The possibilities were endless. We all expected to stay, and get more, drunk.

When “right ankle neck” was announced we all laughed with marijuana induced amusement. Though the impossibility of it didn’t stop us from trying.

Brad and I helped the girls by lifting their legs. I don’t know about Brad but any excuse to touch my girl and expose her sex more fully was exactly what I wanted.

Stef lost her footing. She fell back, dragging Brad down with her. Brad, in turn, latched onto Wanda, and since I had just succeeded in getting her ankle up on my shoulder, we all went down.

Stef was on her back, cradling Brad’s body to her bosom. She had one large mammary on either side of his neck. They both sat on their bums, on the carpet, him between her legs, laughing uncontrollably.

Wanda ended up sitting on his stomach, reclining there with both her porcelain legs spread wide.

I was kneeling between her knees with both of her ankles crossed behind my neck. Her calves were spectacularly firm and smooth and I decided I would kiss my way up just like I had been dreaming about all night. Soon enough I would nibble her inner thighs, then find paradise.

I gave up all pretense of playing a game. I was now going to ravish her, and I didn’t care that we hadn’t paired off to go our separate ways.

I turned my face, nibbling, kissing, and licking, from ankle to knee. Then switched to the other leg. I wanted to make love to her, Bolero style, gradually building our frustrated passions to a peak. I would move to her knees, then outer thighs, then inner thighs, and lastly I would approach her sex.

But I also wanted to dive right in, not cunnilingus, but going straight to penetration. I held back because if I did that I would cum in seconds and ruin my chances for future sex.

Wonderful Wanda had her own ideas about things. “Bite me. Bite me.” She said. So I gently bit her legs, moving toward my goal, but not sure if I planned to eat pussy first or go straight to fucking.

Her ankles still behind my neck she drew me down. Fuck! I was loving her dominance and how ready she was. I couldn’t progress too fast now. My need could be delayed no longer.

She pulled and I started falling into her spread legs. It seemed like she was pulling me to her chest, but then she guided my body with her legs and she lowered my face to her tummy. It was the softest feminine skin I’d ever felt, but it wasn’t where I wanted to be. We’d missed.

I stared at her belly button. Her delicate feet were now on my shoulders. Again I heard her beg, “Bite me. Harder.” I wasn’t biting her but I could start again. Her belly flesh seemed too tender to bite hard so I was careful not to bruise.

Pushing me lower, way too slowly considering my need, she said, “I need you to kiss my clit. Don’t go past. Just my clit. Suck it like a nipple.”

I found it easily on her bald puss and immediately she started rocking to and fro, pivoting her hips as I sucked. She moved her hands to my head, holding me firmly to her clit. The way she grabbed me her hands covered my eyes and I couldn’t see, though I didn’t care. I didn’t care about anything except sex.

Blinded, I could still hear Wanda, “Will you suck me for as long as it takes. I’ll suck you after.”

“Yes,” I answered, I’ll suck you forever.”

“Bite me more.” She begged again. Ever so gently I applied my teeth to her clit. “Not you. You keep sucking. Tell me you wanna suck my clit. Say it!” I did. “Tell me you wanna suck the little man in the boat.”

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