
BRF 01.1: Michael vs. Brooke


Michael stood in the ring for the first time nervous with anticipation. The room was buzzing as over a hundred spectators excitedly chatted about the upcoming fight. The venue was the backroom of a dive bar called Jugs ran by Claire Sterner. Fight night was her idea of creating a unique bar experience while also generating extra revenue. Claire entered in the ring with a microphone to make an announcement,

“Ladies and Gentlemen, our first fight of the night is a no limits mixed boxing match between a sexy, strong young woman and a hot, fit young man. The bout will take place in three minute rounds with one minute rest periods in between. The bout will only end with a knockout. Dirty boxing is allowed but opponents must allow each other the full ten count when a knockdown occurs. Each fighter has a $1000 fight bonus available if they win the fight. Additionally, both fighters have agreed that the loser will orally pleasure the loser. Now introducing in the red corner, he is 5’11”, weighing in at 159 lbs, a 22 year-old college student, everyone please welcome Michael!”

A few cheers went out from the crowd as Michael removed his robe revealing his lean, skinny body. He was wearing only a tight pair of grey boxer briefs that showed some details of his ample bulge. He had dark brown eyes and short brown hair and was attractive in an average, boy next door way. A light covering of hair lay across his tan chest. Michael raised one gloved fist to the air and bounced from foot to foot in excitement. He was doing this as something to spice up his usual Friday night. He worked out a couple times a week doing cardio and light strength training and figured he at least had what it took to win a mixed match.

“Now in the blue corner. She stands at a 5’6”, is 24 years old, and weighs 153 lbs. A waitress from out of town, everyone give it up for Brooke!”

The crowd cheered and there were even a few whistles as Brooke removed her robe revealing her pale, fit body. She had a little extra weight to her body but working out almost daily made her carry it well. She had long blonde hair tied back in a loose ponytail and bright green eyes. The audience could clearly see her strength from her well shaped shoulders and arms. She was topless and Michael initially couldn’t stop staring at her perky tits. A pink thong partially covered Brooke’s firm, large ass. She raised both fists upward as the crowd cheered but her posture remained one of determination. The two fighters were brought to the center of the ring by Claire for a final reminder of the rules and to touch gloves.

“Brooke. Michael. You both know the rewards on the line for this fight. Fighters get a ten count on a knockdown and the fight ends with a knockout. Punches below the belt are allowed. Touch gloves, go back to your corners, and prepare to fight”

Brooke firmly pressed her gloves against Michael’s while maintaining intense eye contact. This fight was to help regain some confidence in herself plus the extra cash never hurt. Her opponent just looked like the type of guy she would dominate in her hookups. Surely she could handle him. Michael stared back into her eyes with excitement and arousal. Brooke wasn’t the typical woman he went for but he found her to be very attractive in the ring. Both fighters went back to their corners awaiting the first round.


Round 1 started and both fighters put their fists up and went to meet each other for combat. Michael kept his guard high to protect his face and rushed towards Brooke to keep her in her half of the ring. Brooke’s guard was lower for a more partial protection of both her pretty face and body. Michael threw the first punch. A quick, left jab to Brooke’s face that caught her on the temple. Her head snapped back a little with the first punch and she grunted in pain. Michael tried to follow up with a straight right but Brooke managed to get her arms up in time to block it. She circled out of her corner so that she wouldn’t be pinned in but her opponent relentlessly kept coming forward. Brooke went for a right hook toward Michaels body as he went for a straight tokat seks hikayeleri left. Brooke’s body shot landed with a satisfying thud but Michael’s punch landed right below her eye. His opponent’s punch was much stronger than he expected it to be so Michael decided to put on the pressure.

A scramble ensued as both fighters wildly tried to land shots as they circled each other. Michael landed more with jabs to the face and a couple hooks to the body. A particular right hook landed hard against Brooke’s left breast as she gasped in pain. Brooke only landed one more body shot out of over a dozen punches she threw. Both fighters were missing more than they were landing as their inexperience showed. Brooke took the worse end of their exchange and began to back away to regain her composure. Michael didn’t let her get away as he shoved her against the ropes. He followed up with an attempted superman punch but Brooke managed to block the brunt of it as the two fighters crashed into each other. Brooke went for a clinch and held her opponent in her strong arms as she took a break. The fighters felt their now sweaty bodies against each other and Brooke felt her opponent’s bulge begin to swell.

The moment was short lived though as Michael let loose a barrage of small punches to her body in the clinch. Brooke tried to respond with a few punches of her own but didn’t find the angle to put her full strength behind the punches. She released Michael with a powerful shove. She raised her fists and marched towards her opponent as both went for punches to the head. Brooke’s right hook cracked against Michael’s cheek as his left once again landed below her eye. Both fighters stumbled back as the bell rang and the round ended.

Michael returned to his corner feeling pretty good about the round. He had definitely dealt more damage than he received and was confident Brooke would be knocked down soon. He subtly rubbed his glove against his big white cock as he rested on his stool. Brooke plopped down on her stool feeling disappointed. Looking across the ring, her opponent still seemed fresh and confident in himself. Brooke on the other hand felt swelling under her right eye and there was significant redness on her left breast. She drank some water and hoped things would go better next round.


The bell rang, calling the fighters out for the second round. Brooke charged towards her opponent like a wild bull. She went for a fast, powerful combination of a right hook to the head, a left to the body, and tried to end it with a right uppercut. Michael’s guard was still high so the first punch was entirely blocked; however, the second landed hard for the same reason. He backed away in time as the uppercut whistled through the air. He circled around his opponent so as to not be backed into a corner. Brooke kept marching towards him throwing powerful punches. Michael took notice of her reckless aggression and decided to bide his time until she began to tire herself out. Brooke threw another combination: jab, jab, hook towards Michael’s head. He stepped out of the way of the two jabs and cockily parried the hook with a single glove. As Brooke pursued him, he kept throwing light, testing jabs to test her defenses.

Brooke became more frustrated, her punches became sloppier until they were just wild haymakers. Michael admired the jiggle of his opponent’s body as he continued evading her punches. Two minutes into the round, Brooke’s punches were noticeably slower and even Michael’s light jabs were able to pierce her guard. It was time to go on the offensive. Michael threw a powerful left hook that crashed into Brooke’s face. She stumbled back but he kept coming, throwing more jabs to the same spot. Droplets of sweat flew from her face as each connected. A dazed Brooke continued stumbling back into her corner. She tried to move her arms to block punches but they weren’t responding fast enough.

Michael continued the onslaught as he threw power straight right. It slammed into Brooke’s cute little nose and blood began to flow from it. Still, Brooke was standing with her fists up ready to fight. She tried to initiate a clinch but Michael’s range advantage kept him out of her arms. If her defense wasn’t effective, Brooke figured she might as well try to trade punches. She landed a jab as Michael decided to punish her left tit again with a powerful haymaker. Brooke instinctually moved her arms to cover the left side and her opponent used the opportunity to send two quick jabs into her right boob.

Punishment continued for both fighters as the wild exchange continued. Shocked that his opponent was still standing and sensing that the round was coming to a close, Michael tried a new strategy. He dipped low, sent a left uppercut below the belt. It crashed into Brooke’s cunt and she cried out in pain. She hunched a little and lowered her guard. Lightning fast, Michael threw a powerful right hook at her temple. It collided with a loud smack. Brooke staggered forward and collapsed boobs first onto the floor. The crowd were on their feet and cheering wildly as Claire began the count.

1….2….3…., Brooke came to her senses and realized what had happened. She felt incredibly light headed. 4…., Brooke slammed her fists against the ground and began pushing herself up. 5…6…, And Brooke was up! She stared across the ring and saw that Michael’s bulge had grown into a very noticeable erection. He had been confident that the knockdown was the end of the fight. They met in the center and Brooke put all her strength into a body shot that knocked the wind out of Michael. He stumbled to one knee but the bell rang before a count could begin.

Brooke slumped back to her corner exhausted. She had taken a beating that round and the fight was not looking good. Her face was busted up with large swelling under her right eye and nose that was steadily dripping blood. Her beautiful boobs were splattered with blood and red from the punishment they had taken. Michael was still feeling good about the fight as he caught his breath back in his corner. Other than some redness on the sides of the body, he appeared relatively untouched. He took a little bit of water and continued rubbing his erection in anticipation of the finish. Brooke couldn’t wait to deprive him of victory.


The third round began with both fighters having at least partially recovered from the previous round. Sensing a knockout could be close, Michael laid on the pressure, throwing a jab, jab, uppercut at Brooke’s head. The jabs were blocked by her renewed guard but the uppercut went straight up the middle and clocked her on the chin. She stumbled back into the ropes. Seeing an opportunity, Michael charged at her and threw another wild superman punch.

Brooke regained her senses in time to side step the punch and send her opponent into the ropes. She pressed her sweaty body against his, holding him in place, as she threw two powerful right hooks that connected against his temple. She felt Michael begin to lose his balance but held him up to land a body shot on his left side. His response was to clinch, forcing her to carry the brunt of his weight as we threw quick little punches to her sore breasts.

The fight continued in this stalemate as each fighter inflicted pain on each others’ bodies. Both fighters became increasingly horny in their tight embrace. Brooke knew how tired she was and that she could not continue this fight into the later rounds. Feeling Michael’s meaty cock against her, she came up with an idea for how to create an opening. She began grinding her hips against her opponent’s lean body and gave his tight ass a smack with her glove.

Michael audibly moaned and in response Brooke herself moaned loudly. The crowd hooted and hollered as this round suddenly became a lot more interesting. Then in one explosive moment, Brooke shoved off Michael’s weakened grasp and threw a devastating haymaker into his chin. Her opponent stumbled and was clearly dazed. She followed up with a strong shot to his stomach that made him gasp for air.

Brooke didn’t have much energy left so she knew she had to make her punches count. A still compromised Michael tried to throw a hook but his opponent easily dodged and countered with an uppercut straight to Michael’s chin. Sweat flew from his body as Michael went crashing to the canvas.

The count began. 1….2….3….4….5….6…., Michael realized what was happening and began to get on his feet. As Michael began to stir, Brooke rubbed between her legs longing for her coming reward. 7….8…, Michael was on his feet but clearly still wobbly. Brooke marched towards him with determination in her eyes. Panicked, Michael retreated back until he was stuck in the corner. Brooke threw a jab that broke his guard and put her full weight behind the straight right that followed. Michael’s head snapped back as it connected and he crumpled to the ground.

1….2….3….4….5….6….7….8…., Michael began sitting up but surely he would not make it up before the ten count. 9…, There was a ding and the round ended and Michael was saved by the bell.

The young man staggered to his feet and barely managed to find the way to his corner. Michael was seeing double as he sat down on his stool and tried to recover. He had been brutalized last round by his opponent’s dirty trick. His body ached from the damage he took and his head felt like it was spinning. The path to victory seemed non-existent for him. Brooke sat back in her corner knowing this end of the fight was drawing near. She was exhausted but it was clear to her that Michael had nothing left. A quick knockout would be a mercy for him. She reached below her legs and rubbed at her dripping wet cunt. She looked forward to having her opponent between her thick legs.


The fourth round began as each fighter took a deep breath and met in the center of the ring. Michael threw a combination of jabs that were entirely too slow and too sloppy to do any damage. Brooke easily blocked all three of them and returned with a combination of her own. Right jab. Body shot. Right hook. All three landed hard against her opponent and he stumbled across the ring and leaned against the ropes. His hands were down and there was only one thing left to do. Brooke approached and with one final right uppercut, she ended the fight. Michael crashed onto his back as the count began. 1….2….3….4….5….6….7….8….9….10…. “The winner is Brooke! What an amazing comeback!” Claire yelled.

Michael came to, laying in the ring. Somewhat bewildered, he pushed himself up and saw Brooke sitting on a stool in the middle of the ring entirely nude. She beckoned to him with her finger as she spread her legs inviting him to give her the reward. He dutifully crawled to her and knelt down before her. As Michael removed his gloves, Brooke gave him a kiss on the cheek and whispered to him, “Be a good boy for me.” He removed his mouth guard and started by giving her a long French kiss while rubbing her large clit between two fingers. She gave him a playful spank as Michael worked his way down, biting her neck, and then licking the sweat and blood off of her tits. She moaned and began running her finger through his brown hair. Michael teased her by licking her inner thighs and grabbing at her ass.

Brooke quivered and struggled through the pleasure to say, “Stick your fingers in and suck on my clit already.” He obliged her by inserting two fingers inside her but continued just licking her thighs. Grabbing him by the hair, Brooke forcefully shoved his face onto her clit. Michael licked all around it in a circle before taking it between his lips and sucking on it. He repeated this pattern while lightly massaging her vagina with his two fingers. After a few minutes, Brooke’s hips began to rock as she cried out, “Yes. Yes! DON’T STOP!” She wrapped her legs around his head tightly as he continued pleasuring her. Brooke lost control of her body as she orgasmed onto Michael’s face.

She tumbled off her stool onto the mat and dragged her former opponent down with her. The two separated from each other and stood up. Brooke gave him another kiss on the cheek and licked some of her fluids from Michael’s face. “It was a good fight.”, she whispered to him as the two weary fighters helped each other out of the ring. The crowd was wild as they discussed the spectacle they had just witnessed.

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