

Female Ejaculation


I was hired in the spring of 1965 as the nanny of two of the most precious little girls. Mr. and Mrs. Swanson were two, what were called hippies at the time that had made a fortune by skill and a lot of luck. At least that’s what they told me when I was hired. They confessed that drugs and free love had given them some insight that allowed them to capitalize on an idea and just like that the money poured in. How or what the idea was they wouldn’t share. I suspect it was more likely parents died and left them a bundle. However they came to it they had lots of money and were willing to share it. A great house, expensive cars, a cook and a tutor for the two little three year olds were just some of their expenses. Oh…and me, I’m Bridgett the nanny.

My duties were basically to care for the little girls on a daily basis. Wednesday through Sunday I was on duty from seven in the morning until bedtime which varied but was normally eight or so. I had my own apartment over the garage. I had a fully equipped apartment, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and a living room. With my free time, Mondays and Tuesdays I was free to use the pool or the gymnasium even the entertainment room in the big house. The salary was generous and with the free rent and most of my meals included I was able to put a goodly share of money away each month. I was quite happy with my work. The children were a delight and both parents treated me with respect.

That was until I found a porn video stuck in with a bunch of other tapes in the book shelve. It was a Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. had gone out to dinner. They had hired a babysitter for the girls and she was told to stay with the little ones so she was sleeping on a cot in their bedroom. I was inexperienced in the ways of sex and here was a movie about it. The temptation was too great. I knew it was wrong but what could I do? I watched the whole thing. Parts were very entertaining and parts were not. When I went to bed that night I just had to spend some time touching myself until I reached the plateau and plunged over the other side. Oh hell…I fingered myself until I had an outstanding climax. Then I slept great.

Wednesday morning the little girls and I were having a midmorning snack when Mrs. Swanson walked in the kitchen. “After your snack could you take the girls out to the garden so they can run and you and I might be able to have a bit of a chat? Say maybe in the next fifteen minutes or so?” Something about her voice or tone worried me. Was she going to fire me? What had I done? I was really worried. I loved my job and those children. All I could do was agree and hope it was just my imagination. Mrs. Swanson and I had always gotten along very well. She had given me many compliments over the past six months.

Sunshine and Moonbeam were running around in circles as Mrs. Swanson came out and sat next to me on the bench. Twisting her body so she could face me she told me what she had to say. “I see you watched one of Mr.’s videos the other night.” I opened my mouth and before I could say a word, she pressed a finger against my lips. “Don’t talk just yet. I know you did because it wasn’t back in the place where I left it the night before. Now before you say anything, be sure you Bornova travesti tell me the truth. I will not accept lies or falsehoods. Do you understand?”

I nodded my head yes I understood. I also understood that my wonderful job was on the line and I had better be truthful. “Now did you watch that movie?” I couldn’t look her in the eyes. I was feeling so ashamed of myself. I nodded yes. “Did you watch the whole thing?” Again I nodded yes. “Did you like it? And I want the truth. Don’t just nod your head. Now it’s the time for you to talk to me.” I could feel my face burning. “Look at me Bridgett.” I forced myself to look at her. “Well did you like it?”

“Yes…I liked most of it. I’m sorry for having done it. It was something I shouldn’t have done. Please don’t fire me. I love your girls. I love my job. Please.” And I started to cry. Big tears rolled down my cheeks.

Sunshine noticed and ran to me. She stopped in front of us and started to cry also. “Why is Bridgett crying Momma? Did she hurt herself? Kiss her and make it better.” By now Moonbeam was crying to and trying to hug me.

Mrs. wrapped her arms around me, kissed me on the cheek and lifted my head and kissed me on the mouth. Not a little kiss a real kiss. I felt her tongue slid across my lips. “No, Bridgett didn’t fall down and hurt herself. Just a little problem and Bridgett is feeling much better. Right Bridgett… is everything better now?” I had gained control of my emotions and smiled at the twins. With my smile they ran away forgetting the episode just that quickly.

“We love the way you care for our girls. Mr. is so pleased with your conduct and would be unhappy if you should leave us. How about I come to your apartment tonight and we can talk some more? Maybe around nine, would that be okay? After the little ones are asleep?” How could I say no? I told her that would wonderful. I would bake something and we could have coffee. She just looked at me with the strangest expression. “Yes something sweet would be perfect.”

At nine there was the knock on my door as expected. I had baked a pecan pie. It was one of my specialties. Everyone said I made the best pecan pie in the world. I offered Mrs. a seat at my kitchen table. I didn’t have a dining room in my apartment. I cut two generous slices and put one before the lady and asked her if she preferred coffee, tea or milk.

“You are what I prefer but we can talk about that after we have the pie.”

I didn’t understand what Mrs. meant and let it pass by without any answer.

Mrs. licked her fork clean after cleaning her plate. “That was so very delicious. Where did you ever learn to make it?” I opened my mouth to respond when she said, “Never mind about that. I have other questions that need answers.”

“I’ll try to answer whatever you want Mrs.”

“Did you enjoy the movie that you watched from my husband’s collection?”

“I’m so sorry for doing that. Please forgive me. I promise to never do it again. I will not even go into that room again. I promise.”

“I asked you if you enjoyed the movie. I didn’t ask for your apologies, did I? Just answer the question. Did you enjoy the movie?”

I knew I had to answer with the truth. I was in some much Bornova travestileri trouble it wouldn’t be smart to lie. “I’m afraid much of it confused me. Some of it I found very interesting but other things I couldn’t believe was happening.”

“Confusing, how could it be confusing? What was happening I believe was very plain to see?”

“I know that they are actors and playing roles but I don’t believe that people really do some of what was happening.”

“You might explain it better. I want to know what you found to be unbelievable. Tell me what you think people don’t do.”

“The two ladies doing what they did with that man. Nobody would really do that. Would they?”

“One on her knees getting fucked from behind while she licks the other’s pussy? Why couldn’t that be true? You’ve been licked haven’t you? You’ve been fucked from behind haven’t you?”

I could only shake my head no. When she looked at me with wonder on her face I confessed that no I have never ever been with a man that way and never with a woman that way.

“You are still a virgin? How old are you? I think you said you were twenty-one when we hired you. Is that true? You’ve never been fucked?”

I couldn’t look her in the eyes. She made it sound like there was something wrong with me.

“Answer me Bridgett. Are you a virgin? Never felt a cock slid up inside you? Never been sucked by a man or woman?”

I admitted, “No I have never had a relationship with someone that way.”


“I don’t know. When I had a boyfriend he would always try to touch my breasts when he was kissing me. I wasn’t sure I liked it and would make him stop. One day he said that he wasn’t in love with me anymore and I never saw him again. Maybe he only loved me so he could touch me like that. Then I went to work in the factory and never had time to see other boys. Then you hired me and I’ve been so happy. The guy that delivers the groceries asked me to watch a movie with him and I turned him down. He was always looking at me funny and I didn’t like that.”

“I’m going to teach you. I want you to stand up and take off your blouse.”

I just sat there not believing what she had just told me what to do.

“Are you going to do it? Do you want me to take it off for you?”

I was in shock and then I did as she commanded. I put my blouse across the back of my chair. And when she said to take off the bra I did that also.

“I don’t know why you wear a bra. Those little tits don’t need the support. Come closer I want to touch them.”

In a fog I moved close and she reached out and pulled me closer. So close, she was able to kiss me right on the nipple. Then she kissed the other nipple. I had never felt anything like it. When I would play with myself at night I would sometimes touch my breasts but when she kissed them it was a whole different thing. I felt all tingly. Even between my legs.

“Now your slacks, take them off.”

I was completely under her control. If she told me to stand on my head I would have do it, even if I had never been able to do it before. When I had pulled them down and stepped out of them she told me the panties next. There I was naked, well almost naked I still had my socks Travesti bornnova and slippers on.

“Turn around slowly. I want to see all of you. Very nice, you have a wonderful body that you can be proud of.”

She let me stand in front of her for maybe more than a minute. She moved her eyes up and down slowly taking in every detail and having me turn around several times. “We will have to do something about that bush you have growing down here,” as she touched me between my legs. “I think a little trimming and it will be much more appealing and it won’t leave hairs between my teeth.”

What was she saying? Hairs between her teeth, was she going to do to me what I saw in that movie?

“Come Bridgett into your bathroom and bring lets clip away some of that extra bush you have growing between your legs.”

She was serious. In a minute I was almost bald down there. I only had less than an inch of hair covering me.

“Yes I like it like that. Be sure and keep it trimmed just like that for me. Now let’s go to the bedroom.”

Mrs. led me into my bedroom. All I had was a single bed but that didn’t even slow her down. “On your back Bridgett, I’m going to make you feel something you tell me you’ve never felt before.”

She grabbed my legs lifted them high in the air up over her shoulders. I was so embarrassed everything was exposed down there and then she bent down and put her tongue all over. From my anus to my clitoris, over and over she licked me until I was almost losing my mind. I could not believe what she was doing to me. I exploded so hard I almost fainted. It was unbelievable. Every part of me was awash with tremors, from my toes to the top of my head. Eventually I stopped shaking and came back to earth.

When I opened my eyes there she was standing next to the bed naked. “It’s my turn now Bridgett. Move off and let me lay down.” When I did she surprised me by lying on her stomach. She grabbed my pillow and put it under her hips raises her buns higher in the air. “Lick my ass; lick it all over, the buns, the crack and especially inside the crack. I want to feel your tongue everywhere. But inside the crack is where I want to feel your tongue the most. My ass hole, lick my asshole. It felt really…really good when I did it to you didn’t it?”

I did as she wanted. I licked; I kissed all over her backside. And when I got in-between her cheeks and was tonguing her like she wanted I took a chance and slipped a finger up inside her vagina, I mean up in her pussy. It was a stroke of brilliance on my part. She exploded in frenzy; she shrieked and sobbed like a school girl seeing a spider. She bucked so hard I couldn’t keep my mouth on her hole and I fell on the floor. As I struggled to my feet hoping to give her one more finial lick she rolled over and held her arms out, “No more…no more, I think you killed me.”

She moved over and made room for me and we cuddled together for an hour or so. Finally Mrs. got to her feet looked around and started to get dressed. “I’ll see you tomorrow Bridgett. Thank you for a lovely evening. The pie was delicious. I will tell Mr. that you make a wonderful pecan pie. I’m sure he will want to come up sometime, maybe tomorrow night, and have a piece. And please don’t be concerned about your viewing habits in the library. When I tell Mr. about it I’m sure he won’t mind. He thinks those movies are educational and enjoys putting some of those things into practice. Maybe he can practice some of it with you. You wouldn’t mind would you?”

The end

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