
Brief Encounter: Steaming Up


Obligingly edited by shygirlwhore, as ever, and dedicated to AmberCummings.

I decided to write something quite a lot shorter than my usual as I’ve not really had much time for writing recently. It’s possible I may write more around this length in future.

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She had been instructed to run the shower as hot as she could bear. Once naked, she was to stand beneath the flow with her feet spaced apart and arms stretched forward, both her palms flat on the cool tiles of the shower wall. She had been required to leave her golden-blonde hair untied, hovering over her shoulders, until the cascade pasted it around the back and sides of her neck while lending it a darker, honeyed hue. She continued to blink back the drizzling water from her green-brown eyes as she waited, posed and still; she’d been told to keep her stare fixed straight ahead. Goosebumps began to raise alongside the freckles which dotted her pink skin, reacting to the swirl of changing temperatures in the shower and her rising anticipation.

She heard the slide of the screen glass door behind her as he entered the shower at last. The water was still hot, steam had built up appreciably, and the noise of the shower made it harder to hear him; her breath caught in her throat at the surprise first touch of his fingers pressing lightly between her shoulder blades. They rubbed there for a few moments, possessively tender, then pushed up into her bedraggled hair and cradled the back of her head. He shuffled up squarely behind her as the restless hand shifted again, down the curve of her neck to rest on her shoulder. His other hand took position upon the opposite side. She felt him tighten his grip to a steady squeeze.

It lasted only a second or two: he wasn’t one to indulge in frivolities. Kocaeli Escort Eyes still forward, she felt herself shiver in reaction for a heartbeat as he let go. She heard, in order, the click of an opening bottle lid; the squirt of a squeezed expulsion; the wet slop of shower gel being massaged between two palms. Her shoulders tensed as they anticipated the return of his hands, releasing when he grasped her with gel-slicked fingers and began to massage the soap into her skin with regular circling motions. She felt the rise of more goosebumps when his hands began to work their way down her back, seeming to chase the tingle along her spine. Gradually her flesh was covered in an expanding sheen of fluffy soap bubbles, spreading right to the base of her spine before his hands changed direction and swept to the sides. Sitting motionless for a moment just above the twin curves of her hips, they began to rise again and spread the soap up along her flanks.

Her next thrill came when his fingers reached her armpits and he let them circle, almost all the way around her biceps. As he squeezed her upper arms, she felt his strength anchoring her in place with more force than gravity. She was given no time to luxuriate; his hands slid onward to cover her forward-stretched arms in gel as if squeezing it along a tube. His fingers had closed together all the way around by the time they reached her wrists, then he leaned forward to place his palms flat over her hands against the tiles. She first felt the hard, jutting point poking into her lower back, a moment before his whole body was squeezing against her. Her breath caught and her back arched unconsciously as she strove to be closer than touching to his chest. His hands left hers and returned along the Kocaeli Escort Bayan length of her arms, but his body stayed pressed to hers in their breathless clinch.

The water was soaking both of them, sluicing away the soap bubbles almost as soon as he applied them, but it made no difference to the slow, relentless pace of his hands. As they reached her front his body practically surrounded hers; he began new kneading motions, starting with her collarbones and moving on down. Her heart was pounding when he slid down to cup both of her breasts, crushing the nipples beneath his heavy palms. He rubbed the gel in with forceful circles; she felt his hard length twitch as it nestled upright in the small of her back. Still he didn’t linger, finishing the task swiftly before sliding his soapy fingers down below her ribcage. It wasn’t far to her crotch, but somehow the interval seemed to her like an eternity as he worked his way over her belly before finally sliding down into the V between her thighs. She found that the breath was still trapped in her throat and gasped it out, desperate to draw in some fresh air before the inevitable paralysis of rapture overcame her.

She was just in time. Practiced and confident enough to spread without looking, his fingers delved quickly into her intimate valley and each sought out their own prizes; her senses shrank down to nothing but heat and steam and the feel of those electric fingertips teasing out every sensitive nerve ending, contrasting with the solid bass pressure of the rod at her back. The first crack in his self-discipline manifested when he drew his hips back a fraction, drawing a small sigh from her lips as one of his hands hurried to fumble between their bodies. A moment later and her body Escort Kocaeli was writhing in concert with his, her buttocks thrust out in a complimentary swell that allowed him to manoeuvre into position. His hand brought the tip of his furious ardour to the lips of her entrance as his fingers continued to play inside her sensitive folds, then let go and stroked upwards along the whole length of her body to reach her neck. He began to squeeze her throat and bull his way inside her simultaneously.

She was forced bodily up against the tiles as he began his onslaught; the cool ceramic surface against her chest made a pointed contrast to the swelter of the shower and his vigorous attentions. Her breath became gasps, then the gasps became screams. Everything dissolved in alternating waves of heat, chill and blinding bliss. Everything else faded in proportion to the growing primal swell inside her. There wasn’t enough air; it seemed like the life was being crushed out of her. The swell became a fearful pressure expanding out of her loins, rising into the pit of her stomach. Then suddenly, the pressure released at the end of his last perfectly timed thrust, burying his full length inside her to the hilt as she tumbled into an overwhelming climax. She felt herself being filled by his own explosive finale, burst by burst. Her final ragged scream tailed off into quiet moans of exhausted satisfaction, as he pinned her against the shower wall with the weight of his body. She became conscious of his hard, heavy breathing, close in her ear as the rivulets of hot water washed away the last of the soap along with the thick, creamy fluids dripping down the insides of her legs. His fingers, already a little unsteady, released the last of their hold on her throat.

A moment later the shower trickled to a stop and his presence vanished. It took her some time to recover, and a fair amount of effort to straighten up again; she stumbled around and left the shower cubicle at last, barely upright. He caught her in a towel, engulfing her body in its softness and his warmth.

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