
Brother and Sister Learn Together


Hey, my name is Kara, I want to tell you about some big changes that have happened recently.

Well, I was half way through my first semester in college and so far, from an academic viewpoint all was going well. But, that’s what most anyone who knew me would have expected. After all, I was near the top of my high school class and had exceptional SAT scores. What also wouldn’t have surprised those who knew me, was my very pedestrian social life and zero love life. My dormmate Sarah, was more outgoing, so her efforts to encourage me to accompany her to some of the campus activities kept my social life score from being totally pathetic. The other help, was that my twin brother Craig also entered college with me. Though his social and love life “scores” were running neck and neck with mine, we always got along well and got together a least a couple times each week.

Both my brother, Craig and I seem to have a high degree of shyness when it comes to the opposite sex. While both of us did have “dates” to the senior prom, mine was a good friend of my brothers and his was a friend of mine. We all really went as “friends”. While I would have wished for more, my prom night ended with a, “Thanks, I had a great time,” and peck on the lips from my equally shy date. The only “action” I received after the prom was when I was tucked into bed for the night, with my own fingers providing the excitement, as I dreamed about what “might have been”.

If my brother and I weren’t both such introverts, we would at least have had a few more friends we could set each other up with.

There were certainly plenty of cute guys on campus, but I didn’t have the courage to flirt with them. There was probably a half dozen that I fantasized about going on a date with. I would sometimes undress them in my imagination, and then picture them kissing me all over, removed my clothes, and then make passionate love to me.

I know I am an attractive girl. At 5’6″, I am on the slim side with long straight blond hair and blue eyes. My breasts are on the “small” side, but they are a perky “B” cup and match my frame well. My twin brother is the “male” version of me, but a few inches taller at 5,10″, weighs in at around 140, somewhat athletic, as he was on the tennis team in high school, and at least in my opinion, had a cute ass. I know my friends in high school thought he was the best looking “nerd” in our high school class.

My roommate Sarah and I occasionally had talks about guys we saw in class or around campus and would speculate on their personalities, looks and their physical characteristics. While I had virtually no first-hand knowledge of the intimate male anatomy, I certainly knew how to search the web. So, when I was interested, I could at least partially satisfying my curiosity.

One night, Sarah shared with me a few video shorts she had found online. In each one of them a young guy was fully clothed, often in the company of one or more girls, who were also clothed. Then, at the encouragement of one of the women, he would start to take his clothes off. The whole clip often didn’t last more than a couple minutes, but it certainly kept my rapt attention as I eagerly awaited the final reveal, when he exposed all of himself to his small “audience”. Most of the time, the guy already had a full-blown erection by the time he lowered his briefs. If he didn’t, one of the clothed bystanders might give him a little help. “Well, that was fun,” I said to my roommate, after we had watched a few of them.

Now, about those “big changes” that I mentioned earlier….

“Well, if you liked that, let me tell you about something that I leaned about just a few weeks ago,” Sarah said.

“Ooookay,” I said with a bit of skepticism, wondering where this conversation might be headed.

“There’s a new phone app that someone gave me an invitation to last month,” Sarah exclaimed. “You create a profile with information about yourself and where you go to school. Then a couple times a week you get a message with some details. Those details include instructions on where you are to go and what time to be there. Usually, the location is a private study room on campus, some unused classroom or maybe even a practice room in the music building. Meanwhile, some guy that also has a profile on the App has received the same instructions. You both go into the location instructed.”

Here, Sarah paused, I guess for dramatic affect. And, dramatic it was, as it about left me dumbstruck. “You both flash each other. The guy will pull off his shirt and lower his pants to display his cock. You pull up your top to expose your breasts to him and then lover your shorts and flash him your pussy.”

“Oh my gosh!”

“Then you both get dressed and go on your way.”

“Have you actually done this,” I asked incredulously?

“Yes, five different times so far.”

“Wow, what was it like,” I asked?

“Of course, each time it was a different guy. I think one of them I might have seen somewhere on campus before. The first Lefkoşa Escort time I did it, the friend who sent me the invitation to the App went with me. I got a text the day after I created my profile and it instructed me to go to specific practice room, in the music building, at 2:35 PM. I went over there with my friend, and we went into the practice room, a minute or two early. A few minutes later, a young man entered the room. He said, “408” which was the code word the app said we should expect, as a safety check, to make sure he was the one we were expecting. Then, without another word he took his shirt off, revealing his nice chest and then lowered this shorts and briefs to the floor.”

“Then what happened,” I asked?

“I guess I was like the proverbial deer in the headlights, as my friend elbowed me slightly and we both started raising our shirts and quickly removed our bras. The whole time I was staring at the guy, and his cock. It had started out mostly soft but began to rise as we exposed our tits to him. Next, we both unzipped our jeans and slid them down, revealing our panties. I was so excited at this point I was practically shaking. I finally tugged at my panties, and they slid down to the floor. By now the guy’s cock was standing straight up and hard with his eyes checking us both out. My friend said to the guy, “Nice package”. He rather sheepishly replied, “Thanks, you gals look spectacular.” With that, my friend raised her panties and jean back up while the guy got dressed too, and was gone less than a minute later. “

Sarah went on, “After that my friend went over some more details with me and asked if I had any questions. I did ask if what just happened was typical? She indicated that it was, but that depending on your app preferences, the meetup can vary a little. Over the next couple weeks, I did 4 more flashes, as the App calls them, without my friend. Boy was I nervous the first time I did one on my own. But it went off without a hitch. The guy was gorgeous, and had a beautiful cock too. Unfortunately, I had some very damp panties for the rest of the afternoon.”

“I don’t know”, I said. “It sounds like a lot of fun, but I think I would be too shy and nervous to do anything like that.”

Sarah remarked, “I thought I would be too, but because the App arranges it all, I guess you sort of feel like you are just following instructions, and there is no fear of rejection. All you need to do is just show up. You could do a couple practice flashes together, to get you started.

“Let me think about it for a couple days,” I said.

That night, I visualize what a flash encounter would be like. Showing my breasts and pussy to some random college guy and seeing a real live hard cock for the first time. My fingers brought me to a very satisfactory climax that night as I played over various scenarios in my imagination. The next day, my mind seemed to think of nothing else as I started to become obsessed with the idea.

Various pro and con arguments went through my mind. I also thought about my twin brother Craig, both what his opinion might be, as I always seemed to use him as a “sounding board”, and also whether this might be something he would be interested in too. On the other hand, this could be a very awkward conversation.

After going back and forth in my mind a half dozen times, I asked Sarah, my roommate her thoughts. “Well, if I had a brother,” she said, “I don’t think I would be comfortable doing talking to him. But, having seen you and your twin on multiple occasions, you do seem to have a ‘best friends’ component that is not present in most brother/sister relationships.”

That night, I got together with my brother, and told him about the App. It took me a while to get up the courage to steer the conversation in that direct. I think at first, he was not sure if I was pulling a prank on him, as it just seems little hard to believe there was such an App and that students really do this. I showed him one of the video clips Sarah had shared with me.

“And you’re saying the girls take their clothes off too,” Craig asked incredulously?

“Yes, that’s what Sarah told me.”

“I think I would be too self-conscious to do something like that, though I have to admit the thought of seeing a girl like that strip naked in front of me certainly sounds exciting. I do like that there are some safety features built into the meet ups”

“Craig, I know you’re my brother, but I can tell you, you’re a handsome guy. You look better than 90% of the guys I see on campus. It would certainly give both of us an opportunity to become more comfortable with the opposite sex.”

“OK, Kara, If you decide to sign up, I will too. Ask your roommate what I need to do.”

The next morning, during breakfast, I told Sarah about the conversation I had with my twin brother Craig.

“That sounds really exciting Kara, you might even be able to compare notes after you get started. I will need to talk to the gal Girne Escort that invited me to the App, as it is by invitation only, and I don’t know the procedure for inviting a guy,” Sarah said.

“OK thank a lot Sarah,” I replied. “Let me download the App and see about creating a profile.”

Sarah emailed me a link with a special invitation code. I downloaded the App and loaded it to my phone. I entered my invitation code, and then it took me through a number a profile screens. I had to enter my first name and phone number. College, Sex, age, and some details about what days and times would be best. It asked whether you preferred to flash a guy, girl or either, so apparently it was bi and gay “friendly”. Then it asked some question about your flash boundaries. Keep a minimum distance of: 6 feet, 4 feet, or 2 feet. Conversation: minimal, some, lots. Touching: no, only above the waist, yes. I was surprised and a little apprehensive about some of the options. I selected: guy, 4 feet, minimal conversation, and no touching. My anxiety level was pretty high by the time I was finished and my finger was shaking as I hit the confirm button.

Sarah, said she got a text confirmation indicating I had signed up. I said I was a little surprised by some of the options. She indicated that a lot of users change their preferences after they get more comfortable with the App. She said, according to the friend that introduced her, it’s always supposed to be a short encounter, but some girls like the idea of getting in a quick feel of a guy’s cock and certainly lots of guys would love a chance feel up a girl. Some like to be verbal too. We should both get a text in the next day or so for your first meetup. I’ll confirm back to you that I got and saw the text and then meet you a few minutes before the indicated time at the location provided.

Later that day, Sarah, also got back to me about my brother Craig. “Good news,” she said. I talked to my friend and after I few questions she had about your brother, that I was able to answer, she has gone ahead and sent him an invite email. She’ll arrange his first “flash” herself. While most girls actually prefer another gal with them on their first “flash” a lot of guys are not comfortable with having another male with them. The woman that does his first flash, will know it’s his first one and make sure it goes smoothly.

I texted my brother and told him to look out for an invite email.

I was a nervous wreck the next couple days, and was more than a little startled every time I got a text of any kind. Finally, during my lunch time, the text I was hoping/dreading came. Library – Study room: G 1:30 PM Pass Code: L241. Needless to say, my anxiety level shot through the roof. A minute later I got a text from Sarah, indicating that she would meet me at the appointed location and time. This is really going to happen, I thought to myself. I could feel my whole-body tingle with excitement as I was about to participate in something totally foreign to me for the first time.

I had plenty of time to get to the library, so was in no hurry there. I thought about the clothes I had on and decided they were fine. I didn’t finish my lunch, as I was a bundle of nerves. I finished up and dropped my book bag off in my dorm room and headed over to the library. On so many different levels, I couldn’t believe I was actually doing this. I got to the library building a few minutes early and headed for the study rooms. On my way there I ran into Sarah. She asked the obvious, “Are you nervous”? “Petrified,” I exclaimed. Sarah replied, “I felt that way the first time too. I still get a rush of excitement when I get that text.” We headed down the hallway, found room G, and opened the door. As expected, no one was in the room. I could feel my heart beating and my palms were sweaty as we both waited for someone to step through the study room door. I am not sure if I was more anxious about exposing myself to a stranger or seeing my first naked guy.

After what felt like a very long wait, though it was only a couple minutes, the door handle turned and a young man entered the room. He had a bit of a startled look at first that gave way to a broad smile. “Wow, two of you,” He exclaimed. Sarah, standing next to me, loudly cleared her throat. This apparently had its desired effect, as the boy realized he hadn’t given the safe code yet, “Oh Sorry, L241”. Sarah then spoke up, “Thanks for that. This is my friends first time.”

I didn’t recognize the guy who entered. He looked like your typical college male and I could have passed him 20 times on the way to classes this semester and just not realized it. He had an average build, not skinny, not a jock, but not overweight either. Average height, with dark brown floppy hair and a pair of glasses too. He was clean shaven and had a friendly smile. If I judged correctly, he seemed a little nervous and excited too. Apparently, it was some unwritten rule, but Sarah Magosa Escort said the guys always strip first. He took another step forward which put him about four feet in front of us. Then without another word, he started taking his clothes off. The t-shirt went quickly and he dropped it onto the chair next to him. He had a nice smooth chest, with no chest hair that I could see. Next, he unbuttoned his pants and down went the zipper. They dropped to the floor on their own. He had on dark blue briefs. Now was the moment of truth. He hesitated just a moment and then he grabbed the waistband and lowered the briefs over his hips and they dropped to the floor too.

Of course, my eyes focused in on his cock. He was not erect, but he had a nice neat package and was circumcised. I was a bit transfixed on looking over his naked body until I realized Sarah started removing her shirt. I joined her and we both discarded our shirts promptly. Then for some reason I was struggling to remove my bra. Sarah quickly saw my exasperation, and helped me unfasten my bra that I had taken off effortlessly a hundred times before now. I turned to look at our fellow. Appropriately, he seemed to have a very satisfied look on his face and his cock had begun to harden. Sarah was undoing her pants so I did the same. Soon we were both down to our panties. The Sarah smiled at me and said, “Should we do it together.” I nodded my approval. “Okay, we’ll do it on three. One..Two..Three” So there I was, with my panties down at my ankles, standing next to my roommate, exposing myself to a guy I had just met three minutes ago.

I felt tingly all over, maybe I could even describe it as exhilarating. My nipples were hard and I could feel myself getting damp. The boy, just a few feet in front of us, now sported a full erection. I could have almost reached out and touched it. Though Sarah was with me too, it gave me some confidence knowing that a guy went from soft to hard in about a minute just from seeing my body.

“Both of you girls are so beautiful, could you please turn around once, I would love to see the back too.” We both turned around slowing allowing him the view he requested. Sarah said, “Now your turn.” He turned around for us too. He did have a cute ass, and it made his stiff cock bobble back and forth.

Sarah moved to start putting her cloths back on and both the young man and I followed suit. Within a minute, he was dressed and out the door. I actually found myself a little disappointed that it was over so soon.

“Well, I think we gave him his thrill of the week,” Sarah exclaimed. “He sure went from soft to hard in a hurry when we exposed our tits. Don’t forget to fill out the little survey in the App about our flash later today.”

On some level, I was proud my myself for going through with it. If you had told me I was going to do what I did today a week ago, I would have laughed at you.

I went into the App and was presented with a little questionnaire to fill out.

Was he on time? Yes. Did you feel safe? Yes. Did he respect your boundaries? Yes. How would you rate the overall encounter on a 1-10 scale. 9. Describe one thing you liked most about the person in this meetup. His hard cock. I felt a little slutty, writing down “his cock” for what I liked the most. But, having never seen a hard one in person before, it was certainly what left a lasting impression on me. From photos I have seen on line, and Sarah’s comments and analysis on the way back to the dorm, I think it was just average in size, but it had the unique distinction of being my first. The final question on the survey was. Are you ready for you next Flash? Yes.

Late that evening when both Sara and I were in bed, I asked her what she knew about some of the App options I did not select. Like what if I said I wanted “Lots of conversation” or allowed some touching?

Sarah answered, “Kara, unlike you I have had some serious boyfriends in the past, so I think I probably have a greater comfort level with the opposite sex. The App settings for me set to “lots of taking” and touching above the waist. Of course, it’s different with every guy, but I like to hear them make comments about my body, and I know they like to hear them too. But some people are just awkward or uncomfortable talking to a stranger that way. I love it when a guy reaches out and teases my breast and hard nipples. It also increased the length of the interaction a little too. When a guy gets a text for a flash, it tells him what your limitations are. They know that they will be dropped from the App if they cross over those boundaries. I’ve even considered changing my profile to allow touching below the waist. Sometimes, I really want to reach out and give their hard cock a stroke or two.”

After our conversation, I decided to change my profile to “lots of conversation” and leave it as “no touching”. Then I drifted off to dream land.

Friday night, I met up as usual with my fraternal twin brother Craig. I usually don’t keep secrets from my brother, but I wasn’t sure how many details I wanted to share. On the other hand, I was really curious to know all about first flash experience. I wondered what his response would be to my meetup.

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