


Subject: Brotherly Games, Chapter 4 Hey there! Please do not forget to make a donation to Nifty for the amazing platform they provide for both readers and writers. If you wish to contact me, you may do so by E-mail: [email protected] Or follow me on Instagram: @Despanien I would also like to thank Max Potter for the taking of his time to check my chapters as I am not a native speaker. You can read his stories on: fty//authors.htmlmaxpotter Brotherly Games Chapter 4 “Don’t you think it’s a little over the top?” I asked Jean-Baptiste hesitantly. “No, honestly it looks good on you!” He confirmed, probably tired that I kept changing my mind about what I was going to wear. I still didn’t want to go to Vianney’s stupid party. But since I was going anyway, I wanted to make a good impression. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” I sighed unenthusiastically. “Let’s go downstairs already, Tim is going to arrive soon.” I suggested. Jean-Baptiste nodded and followed me in the living room. “What’s up dudes?” George casually greeted us when we walked downstairs. “Fuck, Baby Henri, you look good!” My brother sneered with a chuckle. Oh god, I knew this was over the top, I wanted to run back upstairs and change to a more casual outfit, but it was too late. Jean-Baptiste would literally kill me otherwise. “No one told you we were going to a party? Why are you still wearing your pyjamas?” Jean-Baptiste shot back to George immediately. I gave my best friend a sidelong glance that meant `don’t you start!’ but I could tell he didn’t give a shit. If I wasn’t going to defend myself then he would no matter what. “Oh no, Henri! Your girlfriend doesn’t approve of my style!” My brother lamented with a fake sad tone. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Saved by the bell, quite literally, before the 3rd World War started in the living room. “I’ll get it!” I announced quickly before rushing to the main door. “Hi Henri!” Julie enthusiastically exclaimed. I stayed dumbfounded for a few seconds before regaining my composure. “Oh, hey Julie. Uh… I didn’t know you were coming with us.” I clumsily declared. “Can I come in?” She chuckled. Of course not, bitch, go back home at once! “Sure!” I answered with the fakest smile ever. “Hey Babe!” My brother exclaimed when he saw her. `Babe’? I know where the kitchen knives are stored George, don’t push me. Jean-Baptiste must have caught my murderous expression because he shot me a confused stare. “Are you okay?” He asked with a concerned tone. “What is this bimbo even doing here?” I fumed in a barely audible voice only JB could hear. “Oh god, I swear this house is a reality show. What other drama did I miss?” He asked me with a laugh. “Whatever.” I simply answered irritated. “Isn’t Nad�ge coming too?” I inquired. Jean-Baptiste rarely went anywhere without his girlfriend. “Uh… No, I’m not sure she is coming tonight anyway.” JB brushed quickly. “Everything’s fine between the two of you?” I inquired worriedly. He gave me a sorry look that you give someone before announcing bad news, but before he could open his mouth the doorbell rang again. “That must be Timoth�e.” I declared before getting up and going to the door. Surely enough, my tall rugby man boyfriend was waiting for me in front of the house. I stood on tip toes and gave him a long kiss. “You two get a room!” George teased as he joined us in front of the house with Julie and Jean-Baptiste. “Come on, let’s go! The Uber driver is already here!” My brother insisted. After some back and forth negotiation between George and the Uber driver, including the promise of a generous tip, the driver agreed to take all five of us in his car. I had to sit on Tim’s lap during the ride, but I didn’t mind that much. I was still rather mad at my brother for inviting the bitch, oops, I meant our lovely classmate Julie, but I didn’t want to make a fuss. We were going to have plenty of fun and spend a completely drama-free evening together. Fingers crossed! My parents were pretty wealthy, but that was really nothing compared to Vianney. His dad owned half of Southwestern France’s supermarkets; he was crazy rich. The little brat lived in a large villa built on Pech David’s hill flank, in the south part of Toulouse. When the Uber driver dropped us in front of the house, Timoth�e rang at the house gate and we waited. “Yeah?” Vianney’s voice answered. “It’s me.” Tim announced, just before the gate opened. The five of us walked to the house and I was actually getting nervous. As much as I hated Vianney for what he did, he was my boyfriend’s best friend, and a good friend of my brother too. I couldn’t really afford to snub him. Tim didn’t bother knocking and directly opened the main door before walking inside. I followed him and kept shooting glances around the large luxurious mansion. It was a real modern palace, if I had a house like that, I would certainly be nervous to throw a party. Hell, I was nervous enough about throwing a party in my house as it is. “Here they are, my boys!” Vianney exclaimed joyfully. “Uh… and you istanbul travesti too Janny!” He added. “Julie.” She corrected him, vexed. I must confess I inwardly chuckled, maybe I should call her `Janny’ too. “Henri! I’m so glad to see you!” Vianney told me with a wide smile. Oh, so he recognised me even without the cum plastered on my face? Whatever, moron. “Thanks for inviting me.” I politely answered with a fake smile. Timoth�e poured us some drinks and the guests kept arriving. Almost all my classmates were there, along with a great deal of many other people from the Lyceum. I decided to be wiser tonight and carefully watch my alcohol consumption. Timoth�e, on the other hand, didn’t. He kept swallowing drinks after drinks, and soon enough he was really tipsy. Tim was in the mood to dance. The boy was unstoppable, I wondered where he got all that energy from. I was having a hard time following him, but he wasn’t taking no for an answer. Timoth�e was getting quite tactile, and I felt his hands on my butt as we danced. I shot a nervous glance around me, but no one was really paying attention. No one but George. As my boyfriend caressed me sensually, my brother gave me a death stare and I knew he wasn’t amused. George walked away and disappeared. I resumed dancing with Tim, but I couldn’t keep my brother out of my mind. At some point though, I badly needed to drink. I broke the embrace with Tim and told him I was going to get some water in the kitchen. After I poured myself a glass, I wondered where Jean-Baptiste had disappeared. His girlfriend wasn’t here tonight after all, so maybe I should stop being a total douchebag and spend some time with him, I thought. I searched for him in the house, but he was nowhere to be found. Therefore, I went outdoors and looked for him around the swimming-pool. I almost gave up when, suddenly, I caught the sight of George and Julie making out by the pool. They were indecently French-kissing and my brother had his hands firmly gripped on her ass. I stayed dumbfounded for a moment until George saw me. He broke the kiss and gave me a shit eating smirk. I quickly turned and walked back inside. Fucking whore, I hated her, I don’t know why, but I hated Julie, I wanted nothing else than slapping her stupid face again and again. “Where the fuck have you been!” I shouted at Jean-Baptiste as I bumped into him. “I was… uh… I was just there talking and uh… what’s wrong?” JB stuttered, completely puzzled by my sudden aggressiveness. “I’ve been looking for you! I was worried!” I angrily answered. “Whatever!” I added before passing by him and walking back in the living room. I spotted Tim, still dancing, and I hurriedly joined him. I grabbed his face in my hands and kissed him deeply. My tongue entered his open mouth and my arms squeezed him tightly. At this point I didn’t give a fuck at all about what other people might think. I could have fucked Tim right and there. Anger was exhilarating me, I kept caressing my boyfriend’s body as I passionately kissed and bit his lips. Timoth�e wasn’t bothered by my bold behaviour in the slightest, and he was too trashed to really wonder why I was suddenly so passionate. “Can I borrow your boyfriend for a moment?” Jean-Baptiste suddenly asked Timoth�e. I hadn’t even noticed he was there. He then grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the dancefloor to lead me to somewhere quiet. “What the fuck is wrong with you Henri? You’ve been weird ever since we left your house!” My best friend questioned with a stern face. “Uh… nothing, everything’s fine!” I retorted irritably. “I’m not getting your bullshit! I’m your best friend and you are going to tell me what’s wrong!” He warned with a serious tone. I felt tears building up and I was shaking. “I… I think I love him…” I confessed with a shaky voice as I was starting to cry. “What’s wrong with that?” He answered confused. “He is your boyfriend, and he seems to like you too!” He reassured me. “I don’t mean Timoth�e.” I specified shyly. Jean-Baptiste stared at me for several seconds, seeming totally lost. “Who then?” He asked with a soft tone. “You wouldn’t understand Jean-Baptiste, just drop it please.” I pleaded, coming back to my senses. What would he think of me if he knew? I really couldn’t afford to lose a friend right now. “Hey, Henri. You can trust me! I’m not going to judge you.” He promised with a tender tone. “I don’t want to talk about it. I’m just in love with someone other than my boyfriend. And that’s killing me.” I explained. “I’m sorry I shouted at you, I really am.” I apologised. Jean-Baptiste wanted to know more, I could tell, but he also knew I wasn’t going to further explain. “Okay. But if you have anything that bothers you, you can always talk to me.” He concluded with a smile. I nodded and hugged him tightly. Jean-Baptiste and I stayed there and kept talking some more. I asked him about his girlfriend, and he told me they were about to break up. He seemed genuinely sad about it and I did my best to reassure him and cheer him kadıköy travesti up. We stayed at least an hour talking, and when I went back to the dancefloor Tim wasn’t there any longer. George and Julie were though. My brother and his girlfriend, or whatever she was to him, were dancing. Their arms were wrapped around one another and I thought I was going to throw up here and now. What a truly disgusting sight it was. I decided to seek refuge by the pool, where I actually found my boyfriend along with Vianney. “What’s up baby?” Timoth�e stuttered. He was shitfaced, Vianney seemed in a better condition though. “Where have you been, you naughty boy!” Tim asked me before laughing like a lunatic. Yeah, this was kind of pathetic. “I was with Jean-Baptiste, he just left.” I briefly answered. I sat next to Tim and snuggled against him. He oozed alcohol from his pores, therefore he smelled like vodka. I liked his natural manly scent better. “Mmh, when I see your cute face like that, I just want to cover it with my cum again!” Tim whispered loud enough for Vianney to hear. Our eyes met and Vianney displayed an evil grin. “Why don’t you then?” I asked Tim while my eyes were still locked on Vianney’s. “Where is your bedroom Vianney?” I then inquired. He painfully gulped and looked back at me with a mix of fear and confusion. “Uh… There is a guest room, first door on top of the stairs.” Vianney explained submissively. “Are you coming with us?” I asked provocatively. Vianney’s face flushed and he seemed taken aback. “Me? No… I… uh… no I don’t think so.” He stuttered painfully. I chuckled and helped Tim to stand up. I grabbed his hand and dragged him back in the house. Once upstairs I pushed the guest room’s door open and I gasped in shock. Julie was on her knees, her lips wrapped around my brother’s rock-hard cock. George’s hands were pressed on the back of her head and from his slightly agape mouth escaped a loud moan. When she noticed my presence, Julie backed off from my brother’s dick and I was able to catch a glimpse of its full length. George’s eyes met mine and he displayed a shit eating smirk. “What’s up Baby Henri?” He asked provocatively. “Do you think we can have some privacy?” He then added. “Fuck off, you jerk!” I snapped before storming out of the bedroom and slamming the door behind me. I felt a powerful jolt of rage going through me. I was “rightfully his”, he was “the man of my life”, he said so. I felt betrayed, I felt so jealous I could die. I wanted to punch the wall until the pain from my fist could distract me from the burning fire inside of me, or until I fell unconscious. And yet, I had a boyfriend. I was a fucking hypocrite. And he was my brother, for fuck sake, I was not supposed to be jealous of his girlfriend. Fuck, it was all so twisted. I was so confused, so disoriented. I felt overwhelmed, and I started crying. “Hey, baby! what’s wrong?” Tim worriedly asked. Fuck, he was so trashed he didn’t even notice what just happened. “Nothing, I’m just tired.” I brushed off while sobbing. I rushed downstairs and poured myself a glass of sparkling apple juice. People were still dancing, but many had already left the party. It was past 4am already, and I was fucking exhausted. When my parents were away, they left my brother and I a credit card that we could use whenever it was needed. As George was the elder, he was the one having it, and therefore it was linked to his Uber account. If I wanted to go back home, I needed his permission. Timoth�e was out of service, he was slumped on a couch and was almost passed out. I was left to my own devices. I danced some more downstairs, trying to forget all my problems, until I couldn’t dance anymore, until my feet were sore. I went back upstairs, and the guest room’s door was ajar. I knocked and pushed the door. George was sitting on the edge of the window’s guardrail, smoking a cigarette, and chatting with Vianney. “Where’s your boyfriend Baby Henri?” He asked while his eyes scrutinized me. “And where’s your girlfriend?” I shot back, still unable to contain my anger. He chuckled and kept staring at me. Vianney was witnessing our tense chat, without understanding any of the meanings behind it. “I would like to go back home, please.” I pleaded with a much softer tone. “Ok.” George sighed before trying to get his phone out of his pocket. Due to the fact that he was sitting on the edge of the guardrail, he struggled. Eventually, his cigarette fell from his mouth and he burned his thigh through his jeans. “Shit!” He exclaimed. In the blink of an eye, George lost balance and fell from the window. My eyes grew wide and I gasped in shock. “GEORGE!” I screamed in horror. Vianney rushed to the window to gauge the damage but I stormed out of the room. I almost fell on the stairs trying to go as fast as possible. I ran outside and went to where my brother fell. “George!” I cried out when I saw him. “Urgh! Fuck!” He exclaimed as he straightened up. “Are you okay?” I asked nervously, shaking. “I’m fine. I fell on bakırköy travesti a bush!” He explained with a chuckle. “Dude are you okay?” Vianney asked from the window. “Yeah! Yeah, all good.” George reassured him. I helped him stand up and his ankle was sprained. George called an Uber and I went inside to check on Timoth�e. He was fast asleep on the couch, I kissed him, and said goodbye to the people at the party. Ten minutes later, my brother and I were on our way back home. The ride was silent. Somehow, I was still mad at him, but he scared the shit out of me, and I seriously thought I could have lost him. The mere fact of thinking about that made me shiver and I shot him a glance. Our eyes met and I smiled at him tenderly, he was a handsome fucker, and I loved him very much. Once back at our place, George sat on the couch, and I sought for the medicine box in the parent’s bathroom. My brother unbuckled his jeans and I helped him taking them off. Undressing my brother was giving me goosebumps and I felt my heartbeat accelerating. His thighs and legs were wounded in several spots. I took a cotton tissue and wetted it with disinfectant. “It’s going to sting a little.” I warned with a faint smile. “I know.” He simply answered with a chuckle. I was kneeling in front of George. He was sitting right in front of me, his legs spread, his bulging underwear exposed in full view, centimetres from me. I could feel the heat radiating from his body and the scent emanating from him. I was rock-hard, and at that point I’m not sure I cared that much any longer. I took the wetted cotton and applied it on his wounds. I delicately put some pads and bandages on some of them and then I checked his ankle. It was slightly inflated, and I gauged the seriousness, mostly checking nothing was broken. Throughout the whole process, George was silent and simply looked at me. He was expressionless, just observing me taking care of his wounded body. Without being asked to, I started massaging my brother’s feet. I took his socks off one by one and rubbed his sore muscles. He moaned and I took it as an approval seal. I was breathing heavily. The sexual tension between George and I was obvious, and he must have noticed it too. I felt his muscles relaxing under my fingertips and the bulge in his underwear was slowly growing. “Fuck, you’re good!” George eventually whispered. I smiled, beaming with pride and was even more eager to do my very best to please him. “I think I also strained a muscle around here.” He added, pointing his thigh. “Here?” I asked while putting my hand on the naked skin. “Higher.” He instructed. I followed his direction and my fingertips were touching the fabric of his briefs. I gulped painfully and my face was flushed. I started massaging him and George spread his legs even wider. His underwear was obscenely stretched, and I smelled the scent emanating from his crotch. My head was spinning as I dutifully massaged his thigh. “Julie didn’t finish what she started.” George confessed. “she was so embarrassed after you interrupted us, she left the party.” “Sorry.” I apologised unenthusiastically. “No you’re not.” My brother pointed out. He was right, I wasn’t sorry at all. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. George took my hand and brought it even higher. I was now massaging under his underwear. At some point, what was bound to happen happened, my fingertips touched his rock-hard cock. I shivered and shot an expectative look at my brother. He was watching me with the greatest attention. “I think this part is inflamed too.” He said as he took my hand and placed it directly on his hard dick. “It certainly looks like it, yes.” I confirmed with a low voice. I was totally lost; I knew what I was supposed to do. I knew I was supposed to stop it all, but I didn’t. “Do you want me to massage it?” I asked sheepishly. George smiled and nodded. My fingers hooked the waistband of his briefs and he lifted his ass to help me lower the underwear. I was mesmerised by the sight of his dick. It was definitely longer than mine, and thicker too. Hesitantly, I reached for the shaft and felt the soft skin under my hand. I sighed of pleasure. George closed his eyes and his breathing was getting heavier. I started wanking my brother’s fat cock. With each movement of my hand gripping his shaft, his balls flexed and moved up and down. I was in a total trance, I had no idea of what I was doing, but I was doing it anyway. Slowly, I increased the pace of my hand-job. George was moaning louder now, and his ball-sack was getting tighter. His fists were clenching on the couch and his face was twisted in pleasure. Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and looked at me dead in the eye. Under the palm of my hand, I felt his dick pulse and then loads of cum erupted and splattered his t-shirt. My brother grunted as his last ropes of cum left his dick and wetted my hand. I gulped and looked at my brother expectantly. He took off his T-shirt and used it to wipe out the remaining cum from his cock. Then he stood up and my face was millimetres from his deflating dick. “Have a good night Baby Henri.” He said before kissing my forehead and walking upstairs buck naked. Leaving me dumbfounded in the living room, kneeling in front of an empty couch. God, what have I just done?

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