
Bruce Winchester: Locked Down Ch 11



I thought I’d been prepared for my first taste of Bianca’s lips. So much is conveyed in the conversational interplay of an intentional kiss. Kissing Raph was exactly what I needed from my life’s partner. Her kisses were strong, confident, and illustrative of her place as my equal. We were partners. Sometimes one of us was taking the lead in one aspect of our lives or another and sometimes it was the other person in that lead role. Our dance was complex, comfortable, trusting, and always ready to adapt to the needs of the moment.

Kissing Bianca was entirely different. Her kiss was soft, comforting, ultra-feminine, open, compliant. Where I shifted my lips, tongue, and teeth, she was always there to meet me but with the utmost of softness, tenderness, and welcome. Ready to relent and release. I’d dated women like this before, but it had been a while and I hadn’t realized that I’d missed it. I deeply admire strong women and knew I needed one as my partner – someone who wouldn’t let me hide my vulnerabilities behind a flimsy wall of strength but would challenge the parts of me I feared and force me to grow and strengthen them. The total acceptance of a soft and compliant kiss hardened my dick faster than I expected.

You might suppose I’d been hard through the entire meal and the scene that followed, but a lot of my role required focus, thoughtfulness, empathy, and orchestration. Those were all turn-ons for me and I was absolutely excited and hot the entire time, but my focus wasn’t always solely on my own pleasure. It would be, in time, but I wanted to make sure that the ladies were prioritized and feeling absolutely over the moon first. “She comes first…”or maybe, “First: she comes first.” I’ll have my moments to come first and leave each of them wanting and in desperate tatters. In the meantime, I felt my cock pressing relentlessly up against the sadistic cage Raph had forced me into. Well, two could play at that game. If she was going to control my dick, I was going to let my heart and feelings swell wherever they wished. I wasn’t going to be a simple fuck boy. I was going to put the fullness of my being into dominating Bianca since my most obviously dominant part was locked away.

To be fair, I think that’s what Raph really wanted. She felt a little threatened by my divided attention, but I think it would’ve devalued our bond if she thought I was fucking Bianca just for the physical release. She wanted a fully integrated man by her side as her partner rather than a two-dimensional fuck boy. She wanted a man with nuance and integrated layers who could channel intense erotic energy and unleash it, but also modulate the rhythm of that bass line with melodies and harmonies and leitmotifs all woven together. In my domination of Bianca I needed to demonstrate to her that I was more than a hard cock if I wanted her to ever set me free to actually fuck Bianca like the animal that I wanted to become in this moment.

Shaving her pussy presented me with a gorgeous site to behold. Every pussy was different and beautiful in its own right, but hers was a tulip. Her inner lips peaked out ever so slightly, hinting at the warm, moist center within. Truth be told I wasn’t a shaving fetishist at all. There was something special about shaving nonetheless — the nervousness of getting even porno 64 the smallest nick, the desire to squirm away coupled with the need to hold absolutely still putting the subject in a predicament. The sound of the blade sharpening and rasping against skin. There were plenty of other ways to play with sensation and predicament, but this one also had the added benefit that it resulted in an even more exposed submissive. She couldn’t even hide behind her hair anymore. The resulting skin that I found there was soft and smooth and completely bare.

Now I had to face my own dark predicament. I desperately wanted to fuck her but I was physically restrained in my cage. My cock must’ve been swollen so much that the skin pressed out between the steel ribs of the cage. The effect was to push my hard cock deeper into body and even further from sensation while the outer ring pressed forward, pulling my balls taut. It wasn’t painful but it was uncomfortable and psychologically disempowering.

My decision to bring Bianca to orgasm with my mouth and lips and tongue wasn’t as straightforward of a decision as you might think. Yes, I wanted to taste her sweet pussy. It tasted like a honeydew melon. It was delicious. Yes, I wanted to feel her thighs clench around my face and ears. They were soft and warm and firm underneath. Her skin was smooth and perfect. Even the little mole I found nestled deep into the cleft between her labia and her right leg. Perfect. Yes, I wanted to smell her wetness and feel the heat coming off of her body. They combined to awaken an instinctive desire inside me. I wanted to saw her body in half with my hard cock. And yes, I wanted to listen to her exultations of joy and awe as she slowly returned from object to subject to person with a million colors exploding behind her eyes. I wanted to give her deep seated pleasure and sensation like she’d never felt before. But…

If she and Raph were both coming, where did that leave me, confined and caged and at Raph’s mercy. Was I actually the pleasure slave? Was this entire performance for me or for them? Was my only satisfaction present in knowing that I’d offered them exquisite pleasure? I guess, at the end of the day, that might be okay. I wasn’t attached to heteronormative masculine ideals of power, strength, and ego. If my role for the next few weeks was to provide superlative pleasure to two gorgeous women who loved me, there was a deep-seated relief in that even if it didn’t come with full control over my own orgasm. We had a clear pecking order for now. I could do whatever I wanted to Bianca as long as my cage remained hidden away, leaving her to wonder why I wouldn’t fuck her. That was, ultimately, a pretty generous opportunity for me to explore her body in a multitude of ways. But FUCK I wanted to come all over her. That was going to be up to Raph. She loved me and she loved Bianca, but would she feel secure enough in our partnership to set me completely loose knowing what it would entail?

For tonight at least, it didn’t matter. Bianca was desperate for an orgasm and I needed to bury my nose in her pussy and explore it with my tongue. Whatever came next, came next. I wasn’t going to rob myself of the empathetic pleasure of experiencing her orgasm. My ego was strong enough to submit to this unusual form Türkçe altyazılı porno of torture that Raph had cooked up for me and I’d walked willingly into. It doesn’t entirely add up, but I felt like I was cucking Raph by focusing so much on Bianca, but I was also cucking myself. I could’ve just walked away and left them both unsatisfied but I decided that their pleasure wasn’t going to be contingent on mine. It was a lot to process so I focused on the task in front of me instead and gave myself fully over to the sensual pleasure of eating Bianca’s pussy. Honeydew. Screaming. Moaning.

Her thighs choking me and blocking out the sound of her moans.

Her body shaking.

Her tension building.

Her warmth encompassing my entire face and neck.

Her wetness dripping down my chin.

Her pussy and her orgasm had become my world and I raised and lowered my face to keep up with her bucking hips as long as I could. Finally her range of motion exceeded what I could physically keep up with in this position so I did my best to compliment her motion, lowering my mouth when she raised her hips and raising my face when she rolled her pelvis back.

For this moment at least, we’d traded places. I was now the object. The subject. My personhood reduced momentarily to a source of pleasure for this beautiful pet I was lucky enough to service. My tongue traveling from its nadir at the center of her perfect pink asshole to its zenith at the upper edge of her hood. The beauty of the role reversal and the symmetry of service were something I wasn’t sure anyone else would ever understand. Was this a unique experience for the few of us out there who were true switches? I halted my thoughts and focused instead on the tip of my tongue, hardening it to press against her asshole then softening and widening it to occupy the full width of her labia before pressing it’s softness forward against her clit to ensure she felt fully encompassed.

She thrust her hips up and down over my face, dripping all over me. I knew Raph had to be watching Bianca taking a new form of power over me and wondered how she felt about it. STOP, no. No more thoughts. I’m just this face. This moldable instrument of pleasure. Focus. Focus.

I finally lost myself completely in the act. Hard at the bottom, Wide in the middle. Soft and pressing at the top. Hard at the bottom, Wide in the middle. Soft and pressing at the top. Hard at the bottom, Wide in the middle. Soft and pressing at the top. I was her instrument. Her hips started to draw ovals and I countered her movements to find a new rhythm. They reversed. I countered. I stopped being able to make sense of our dance. It felt chaotic but I knew it must have a rhythm to it because eventually, her entire body quaked and quaked and quaked before she let go with a deep moan that seemed to go on forever.

When you’re just an instrument, time dilates in unexpected ways. Was I eating her pussy for a minute or for an hour?

As the world slowly returned to me and I started to regain my sense of sound and awareness that I wasn’t just a tongue, mouth, face, I looked over across the room. Raph looked astonished but at piece. Her soft curves were draped naked over an armchair. The movie had ended, but I had no idea how long ago sex izle that had happened.

Raph tip-toed quietly across the room. Bianca’s eyes were closed and her breathing was steadying. Raph bent down, her breasts dangling perfectly in front of my eyes. I rolled to the side and used Bianca’s inner thigh as a pillow with her legs lightly spread in front of me and her pussy still dripping. Raph gently, softly kissed Bianca full on the lips. Bianca returned the kiss. It was soft and tender and loving. It was the kiss you gave a lover who was just waking up from a fever dream. Raph took each of our hands and gently helped us sit up on the couch. She embraced Bianca first, then gently held my cheeks with her hands and deeply gazed into my eyes before kissing me passionately. My inner journey back from object to subject to person wasn’t complete yet. I opened my mouth to take her in. She explored my lips and tongue tenderly and lovingly, beckoning me back to myself.

“Come with me,” she said and took us each by the hand and led us to our bedroom. We collapsed, exhausted on the bed. Raph took the middle and lay on her back with Bianca and I each on our sides with one leg draped over Raph’s. The nightstand lamp in the furthest recess of the room was still on and the curtains wide open. No one had the energy or the need to turn them off. Just before I fell asleep in this stunning tangle of legs, arms, and soft skin I looked out the window, across the street and up one level and saw Puck standing in her own window. She was naked except for her panties and she was looking down at us curiously but with a warm smile. I wondered ever so slightly what she might be thinking about. Did she know that her presence had spurred us to find each other? She’d turned us on enough that we were willing to boldly make a leap forward in our relationship. Would she still be our inspiration in the window? Her tits were small and pert but I couldn’t make out a lot of details. She was lit mostly by the streetlight filtering through the trees.

I pressed my hips up against Raph and felt my cock starting to relax in its cage. It was still straining but with a hint less urgency at last. I reached down to feel the cold steel with my fingers and looked at the key still laying atop Raph’s chest. It slowly rose and fell. Would she force me to endure an entire week of chastity? It would’ve been hard even if it were just the two of us, but with Puck’s ever watchful eye and Bianca following my every command it would be damn near torture. Would she demand that I stay restrained even when the week was over? The pandemic lockdown had taken on a new meaning for me with Raph forcing my cock into its own lonesome lockdown.

I knew she loved me and that she’d negotiate if I got truly desperate, but in a way I almost wanted to stay contained. It forced me to be more creative in my domination of Bianca and took the pressure off of my physical performance of sex, relocating those demands to our minds, hearts, and our less blunt instruments. Constraints are necessary to drive creativity, after all and I did take a gleeful pleasure knowing that Bianca had not only trusted me with a blade so close to her most sensitive parts but that she would be feeling something new all over her sensitive and soft skin for days. It was going to be so much easier to display her now and I knew she’d feel that much more exposed.

I kissed Raph good night and fell asleep to the gentle sounds of Bianca’s softly purring breath while I took a long look at our mischievous Puck gazing at our relaxed naked forms from her window across the street.

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