
Building Utopia Ch. 14

Aidra Fox

Once again I want to thank my editor “Wires” for his assistance with this story. His advice has improved this chapter drastically. I have made a few changes since his last review and want to emphasize any errors are definitely mine.

Over the course of the next nine years Roger’s country continued to grow. He stopped building new naval ships when he had six steel Frigates but they continued to build metal merchant ships and patrol boats. To his pleasure his engineers began to improve his steam engines and were working on diesel engines large enough to power the ships. Tankers were on the drawing boards to accompany his small fleet and refuel them. His ships had the capability of burning wood to produce steam in the off chance they exceeded the range of travel his fuel bunkers would support.

All of the merchantmen were armed with at least two naval cannon and modern semiautomatic rifles. As the young nation expanded along the coasts so did the Navy presence. Each settlement also contained a small Army unit comprised primarily of Native Americans but also consisting of some of the younger whites and the soldier emigrants. There was also a small airfield near every large settlement. The aircraft were used for observation and mail delivery. One or two Air Force planes armed with small guns and bombs were stationed at the seacoast airports. By now Roger was certain he had split or forked the timelines when he was sent into the past by whatever means had sent him there. It was already obvious that history as he remembered it was no longer occurring.

In his new timeline every child was required to attend school until the age of majority which was 16 years of age. In that time the majority of them attained a level of education analogous to that of a Bachelor’s Degree from Roger’s time. By the time the child was 10 years old they possessed the equivalent of an uptime high school diploma and chose their life’s work path then continued their education.

Of course many children chose to go into the trades so their education followed the pathway that would enhance their performance in their chosen occupation whether that was business, agriculture, medicine, mining, manufacturing or any other of the important occupations. The children who chose to go into the military began their military training at age 14. Of course this was the formal training. Living in the society they lived in they had already mastered much of the basics such as camouflage, basic unarmed combat and weapons qualification. Their formal military training only honed those skills and taught tactics, basic military subjects and the laws of warfare.

Roger kept his patrols out in case some of the colonization attempts he was familiar with from his timeline still occurred. From this point on many of the events from the history Roger remembered did not occur. After the treaty England gave up attempts to colonize America. England began treating people and ships from the NAU just as they would those from any other country. The NAU grew and prospered. The local populations were still assimilated into the NAU peacefully if they so desired. If they fought they were annihilated.

The NAU became known for its enlightened society and for its Universities. Scientific discoveries came rapidly based on the jumpstart available from the vehicles and the lone aircraft left at old Birmingham. Many countries were clamoring for the NAU’s new inventions particularly those that could be converted to use as weapons of war. Roger tried to keep that technology transfer to a minimum but with only marginal success.

By the time Roger was 80 years old in 1631 his small nation was doing well. He had accepted several thousand settlers from England, France, Spain, the Scandinavian countries and many from Germany. Surprising no one, the new colonists were all happy to be there and anxious to learn. His standing army and navy were strong enough that no country cared to anger or attack the NAU. In fact it had been several years since any attacks were directed at them. Roger’s factories and mines were producing at a stellar rate. His technology was the envy of the world. Other nations sent emissaries to negotiate trade agreements and treaties. They almost bankrupted themselves purchasing the items of technology Roger was willing to export. Every housewife wanted the labor saving devices Roger’s factories now turned out. Every husband wanted the better tools and machinery Roger’s factories produced and above all they lusted for modern weapons.

Roger refused to sell his modern weapons and ships but he did export his transportation technology and even steam engines. With this technology the NAU continued to grow and prosper, becoming the strongest power in the world even if it’s Navy and Army were small by many standards. The Union now covered the entire North American continent and was pushing south into South America. There had been some problems with the Indians in the western lands but not as many as in Roger’s original timeline. The NAU kept their treaties and did not steal from or disrespect the Indian enough to anger them. Roger hoped by the time settlers made their way west in significant numbers the Indians would be amenable to peaceful coexistence.

NAU explorers, merchants, and military ships were running all over the world’s oceans bringing NAU technology and ideas to the world. The ships returned laden with exotic goods and spices making the NAU even richer. Colonists began arriving from China and settling into many of the traditional businesses. Any race was welcomed IF they wanted to assimilate into NAU society and IF they came voluntarily. Every slave ship was captured and the slaves returned to their port of origin. Soon none came to North American shores. Of course very few Africans came to North America as colonists or immigrants either because they did not have the ships or the inclination to do so.

King Roger the First died in his sleep August 21 1644 at age 84. His dynasty continued with his first born natural child ascending to the throne to follow in his footsteps. Almost every responsible job in the NAU was held by a child, grandchild, or great grandchild of King Roger the first. However, that is not to say children of others could not and did not move into positions of power. Many of the public positions fell to other’s children. Roger’s descendants did govern many of the states and were spread throughout the military.

By the time Roger died his small nation was working on space exploration technology. Plans were to send a man to the moon by 1750. AD ASTRA PER ASPERA

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