
Cabin Fever Ch. 02


The sound of heaving wood awoke her. Ginny sighed in sleepy satisfaction. Whatever the noise was, she was sure it couldn’t begin to disturb her bliss. And yet another part of her was curious. Chase was up to something, she was sure; she wanted to know what it was. But to find out meant she had to abandon the warmth of the bed in front of the fire, something she was loathe to do. Maybe she could just wait until he came to tell her about it.

“Uhhh!” she heard him shout. She sat up, looking in the direction of his voice. He was in another part of the cabin. But what exactly he was up to was a mystery.

She slowly uncurled from her position on the mattress and held the open sleeping bag around her naked shoulders as she stood up. The cabin had become much colder in just the past few hours. Once the storm had hit, everything had changed. She figured that the temperature outside was near or below zero. The interior of the cabin was somewhere in the fifties, chilly even for someone like Ginny, who had lived in the Rocky Mountains sixteen years.

Clutching the sleeping bag at her waist, she walked in tiny steps like a geisha across the cold wooden floor. She came upon Chase standing on a chair in the hallway to the bedrooms, a crowbar in his hand as he worked on the attic door that was flush with the ceiling. He looked down at her and smiled but didn’t stop his labor. Nor did he offer a reason for this inexplicable activity.

Ginny watched him, growing more curious by the moment. Her interest was piqued not as much by what he was doing but rather why the attic door was so difficult to pull down.

She could well understand why he was trying to get into the attic: because it was there.

“Where did you get the crowbar?” she asked at last.

“From the shed out back.”

She watched him for another minute. “Are you hungry?”

“Why? What do you have in mind?” he tossed back, his tone full of suggestion. He looked at her with his warm brown eyes and winked.

Ginny gazed up at him, the aching in her heart making it hard to breath. He was wearing the black turtleneck and jeans he’d had on earlier in the day, before their lovemaking had taken possession of the morning. His clean-shaven face was still smooth even in the late afternoon.

He worked persistently at forcing open the attic door, his white teeth biting into his bottom lip. At last the door gave way to his muscle and jerked open. He pulled the hinged door downward to reveal collapsible stairs, which unfolded easily down to the floor. A rush of cold air from the attic swept down on them.

“I better make this quick,” Chase said.

“What are you looking for?”

“I have no idea. I just wanted to see what was up here.”

He took a flashlight and disappeared up the stairs. Ginny waited below, listening to him thump around. After a few minutes he reappeared at the top of the stairs with an armload.

“Look what I found,” he said, coming down the stairs with a pair of antique cross-country skis as well as poles.

Ginny’s hand moved over the slick surfaces of the ash-colored skis. “They’re gorgeous,” she remarked.

“I bet the Bakers don’t even know these were there. The bindings are adjustable. You should try them out.”

“Are you planning on us skiing our way out of here?”

“On the contrary. I was thinking that when the rescuers reach us, we can just disappear into the woods until they leave. With a little luck, maybe they’ll just give us up for lost.”

Ginny shook her head at him, smiling warmly at his suggestion. She too would have liked to ski into the woods and leave the real world behind. But eventually life, including her husband John, would catch up to them. In the meanwhile, she hoped to enjoy Chase as much as she could.

But for now there was the annoying business of putting on clothes. She went about the task with some reluctance, and not only because she had only one set of clothes to change into. She’d discovered herself in the past twenty-four hours in the arms of a younger man. Whatever Chase Nolan had been to her before—her son’s best friend—he was much more than that now.

After dressing, Ginny returned to the kitchen to try to put together a meal out of the boxes and cans of food they had brought with them from her car. In the end she served up a palatable couscous with minced artichoke hearts and pita bread. Chase was kind enough to rave about it; Ginny was just grateful to have a stove that worked.

“Well, ready to try out those skis?” he suggested when the dishes were washed.

She knew there was no arguing with him. Snuggling into her down jacket and boots, she looked out the window at the heavy snowfall that had begun several hours earlier. She had grown relatively comfortable with copious amounts of snow. Nothing short of an all-out blizzard could rattle her…as long as she wasn’t trying to drive in it.

They went outside using the back door since the front was already blocked almanbahis adres with snowdrifts. The snow around the back door was accumulating as well and Chase stopped for a moment to shovel it away from the stoop. He’d already cleared an eight foot long path away from the door, gently tapering upwards towards the top of the snowfield.

“Okay, let’s check those bindings,” he said, adjusting the heavy leather straps around her boots. They were genuine Nordic skis of the best quality. He watched as she pushed off with the poles and worked the skis up the incline. Unlike downhill skis, cross-country bindings were flexible so that the legs could force the skis in a forward motion. He watched long enough to feel confident the bindings would work for her, then put on his own skis and pushed off after her.

They glided easily over the new snow. After twenty-four hours in the high altitude, Chase was starting to feel acclimated. He certainly didn’t feel like the same person who had stepped off the airplane in Denver. But then, a lot had changed since then. He glanced at the woman beside him, a woman more than twice his age, who wasn’t even breathing hard despite their pace. What felt like a cacophony of fractured thoughts screamed in his head as he looked at her. The future…his parents…her husband…Randy. People asking questions, making judgments. Oh yes, he knew what to expect from them all.

But the burning question in his mind was Ginny. What had happened between them was beautiful and unexpected and he knew she would always remember it. But whether it was something she considered sustainable…he just didn’t know yet. He knew that while his feelings for her were clear in his own mind, he sensed that she couldn’t quite place or categorize her feelings for him.

They skied away from the cabin about a mile towards the north. Vail was still another fifteen or so miles beyond over much rockier terrain that in places was impassible on skis. As they swung around, a sound to the east echoed in the sky. It sounded like snowmobiles.

Neither spoke as they pushed on to the cabin. It was inevitable that the authorities as well as their families would want them found. Chase tried not to think about his mother crying her eyes out while he was here having the time of his life with Ginny. It just didn’t seem right.

As they crested a hill, the cabin stood out in the blanket of white as a thin sliver of dark logs with snow under the windows and covering the roof. The chimney rose above the snow, emitting gray smoke into the air. Just in the little time they were gone, several inches of fresh snow had accumulated around the back door. Chase took off his skis and went to work shoveling the pathway again. He knew from experience what it would be like for them if he let the path get blocked.

Inside, Ginny moved to the hearth to both warm herself and build up the fire. She heard Chase moving in the kitchen, filling the kettle with fresh water for tea. Thank God they had propane and the water pump worked. The thought of a hot bath made her groan. Oh yes, she would love to sit in a tub of hot water right now, soak away her sore muscles from the cross-country skiing. It was a rigorous sport that required much more endurance than downhill. Her forty-six year old body was feeling the effects.

A steaming cup of herbal tea appeared before her eyes and Ginny looked up with a grateful smile on her lips. Chase slid down beside her on the sofa, the length of their sides touching. Neither spoke but simply stared into the crackling fire. Until nightfall came there was no guarantee the rescuers wouldn’t arrive. They might come by helicopter, but most likely it would be snowmobiles that took them out. Snowmobiles could navigate in almost any weather, and the snowfall outside wasn’t heavy enough to deter them. It was just a matter of time.

Chase finished his tea and looked at Ginny. She hadn’t even started hers.

“You okay?” he asked softly, lifting his hand to play with her hair.

She took a sip of the tea, nodding not too convincingly.

Chase continued gazing at her profile. He wanted to kiss her, to hold her, yet he sensed that she was uncomfortable. Why now? he wondered. He hoped it wasn’t going to always be this way between them, their friendship lost because of sex. He thought of how free and open and warm with him she’d been last night…and how cold and reserved she was now.

“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked at length.

“I’m just chilled after our ski…and sore,” she admitted wryly.

“Well, I know what to do about that,” he said. “I was a trainer at my college. The first thing you need is a hot soak followed by a deep tissue massage.”

Ginny looked at him. He had no idea how delicious that sounded.

Watching a twenty-two year old man drawing a bath for her was what Ginny imagined was every middle-aged woman’s fantasy come true. With the bathroom door closed to conserve the heat of the almanbahis giriş steam, Ginny stood completely still while Chase undressed her. Then he turned her around, nimble fingers feeling the stiffness especially in her shoulders and back from the cross-country skiing.

“When you’re done with your bath,” he said against her ear, “I’ll give you a massage.”

Ginny stepped down into the tub of steamy water and sighed in relief. She closed her eyes and laid back her head, swirling her hands dreamily in the hot water.

A moment later a pair of big hands pushed her forward as Chase moved in behind her. Ginny giggled, not seeing how they could both fit. But he made it in, his legs wrapping around her and his hands dragging her back against his warm body.

She closed her eyes again, drifting in a kind of bliss. Nothing, she convinced herself, could be better than this. Cocooned against a warm, hard body and surrounded by steam and heat, the concerns of her heart and mind melted away. This time yesterday she couldn’t have predicted a moment like this if her life had depended on it. Now here she was, immersed in a bath with her son’s best friend, wishing that somehow this moment would never be taken from her.

A pair of soft lips brushed her temple and she lifted her face upwards as he turned her in his arms. He held her against him as he kissed her, tentatively at first, then deeper and with more urgency as her mouth yielded to his. They kissed, just kissed, for a long while, until the water grew tepid and Chase turned on the hot tap again. As he settled back against the tub he drew his legs together and turned Ginny so that she faced him and her legs straddled his groin. His cock was hard—had been for a while now—but he wasn’t concerned about it. What he wanted were her breasts squeezed between his hands so he could run his tongue over both her nipples at the same time, to suck them between his lips and feel the bounty of her against his face.

Ginny held his head in her arms, her eyes tightly closed as she gave into the seduction of his mouth. Last night, and even this morning, the newness of it was too overwhelming for her to accept the pleasuring he offered. Now was different. Now, having accepted that he wanted to be with her, she allowed herself to drown in the sensuality of his touch. His role in her life as her son’s best friend was fading as, moment by moment, he became her lover.

“Stand up,” he said abruptly.

Ginny slowly rose to her feet, one of which was planted on either side of his legs. He sat up higher and pulled her towards him until her crotch was in his face. Ginny leaned against the tiled wall, watching as his hand stroked her trim bush. Then, licking his lips, he pressed back her labia with both thumbs and leaned in, nudging her clit with the tip of his tongue. Ginny struggled to catch her breath; she let her head fall against one of her arms and lowered her eyelids, allowing her senses to focus on one single experience.

He continued licking her clit in slow, easy motions, amazed at how fresh she tasted, how the scent of her juice made him want more. His only frame of reference was his ex-wife who had treated all sex as something dirty and evil and to be used only for conceiving children, a concept he found bewildering. To him sex was a way of bonding and sharing that went far beyond mere words or gestures. The intimacy of pleasuring created a common experience that built a framework of trust and relief from the outside world. Touching Ginny this way, knowing from her movements and quiet moans that it brought her pleasure, he believed he was forging a bond that would be difficult to break. He wanted her to remember this when the time came for her to choose.

His tongue moved down from her clit into the folds of her labia, lapping the nectar that now ran freely from her core. She wiggled against his tongue, longing for more pressure, to be filled. Her eyes opened at the very moment his head tilted back while he dipped his middle finger deep into her pussy. Their eyes locked. Ginny gasped at the beauty of him, his dark, youthful face turned up to her with such trust and yearning.

“Chase,” she cried out, wanting so badly to hold him, to take him inside of herself and keep him there forever. “Chase, I—”

He grasped her hips and brought her down onto his shaft, unable to hold off even another moment. Ginny gasped again at the feeling of his fullness inside of her. She rode him gently at first, wanting to make it last as long as she could, but then he started sucking her nipples again. The ardor within her blazed outward, scorching her body in desperate longing to satisfy the flame. Her thrusts deepened until she was grinding her down into his pubes, her sex using his to feed its wanton desire. Her hands held his shoulders in her palms, her fingers deliberately bent outwards so that her nails didn’t cut him.

Feeling her orgasm building, Chase grasped her ass in his hands and almanbahis yeni giriş held her, rotating his hips to touch every millimeter of her precious pussy with his dick. Her breasts swayed before him and he arched his neck to catch a nipple in his mouth and suck fervently on it. She felt so good against him…so good. He wanted to make it last another five minutes, even just another minute. He didn’t want it to end. He heard her cry out and felt the telling constriction of her vagina around his penis. The silky warmth of her juice gushed over the head of his cock and he yelled involuntarily as his semen burst out of him. Only when he looked down and saw the gush of liquid on his pubes did he remember the condoms lying on the floor next to the mattress. He closed his eyes and held her close to him.

The water had gotten lukewarm again. Chase turned on the top and let it run for another minute. Ginny sank down in the water, closing her eyes as the afterglow of her orgasm made her sleepy. She felt delicious inside now, better than she could ever remember feeling. An hour ago her body had been stiff and sore from the skiing.

Well, it wasn’t sore any longer.

She looked over her shoulder at him, grinning mischievously. “So, is that what you meant by deep tissue massage?” she asked playfully.

Chase chuckled. “Yeah. Works every time.”

“Good to know. I can’t wait to strain my muscles again.”

He sat up to pour a little body wash into his hands. This he used as a massaging agent on her shoulders, rubbing his strong fingertips hard into her taunt muscles. She let her head fall forward. He worked her neck muscles to the base of her scalp, and pressed the palms of his hands into her larger muscles down her back.

“You really need to be lying down for me to do anymore,” he said.

“You would make a wonderful masseuse,” she remarked, lathering body wash between her hands to wash his chest.

“No, I have other career plans,” Chase replied, sitting back to take in the luxury by being washed by a beautiful woman.

“You were in sports marketing in Dallas, right? Are you going to stay in that field?”

“Yeah, but I want to start my own company.”

“No kidding.”

“Yeah, I actually have some appointments around Denver to look at space.”

“To lease?”


Ginny’s eyes grew wide. “Wow. That’s really serious.”

“Oh yeah,” he agreed. “I have a business plan and everything.”

She was happy for him. He seemed to have his whole life planned out, which in Ginny’s mind was a good thing. It meant he was optimistic about his future.

The fire had died down by the time they returned to the living room. Dressed in Chase’s thermals, she felt warm and cozy inside as she set several small logs into the dwindling flames. Chase looked out the window at the darkening sky. Another night—a reprieve—had settled on the little cabin in the snow.

She stood up to feel his arms encircling her. Smiling dreamily, Ginny leaned back against his body. Knowing that they had another night to be alone eased the sense of urgency. It meant at least twelve hours before the snowmobiles came over the crest to take them out. But it also meant time to reflect on what had happened between them, something Ginny was apprehensive to face.

“When we get home,” Chase began. He didn’t follow the statement, and she turned in his arms to look up at him.


“What will you tell John?”

“I don’t know if I will tell him. I’m simply going to leave, go stay with my mother in Englewood, get a job.”

“You’re going to leave him?”

“Yes. I have to. You understand, don’t you?”

“Of course. I just didn’t realize you had that kind of resolve.”

“I do now,” she said confidently. Until this morning she hadn’t had the tenacity to leave her husband of twenty-five years. But Chase had changed all that. He’d loved her in a way her husband never had and the experience had transformed her from a demure housewife to an independent woman. Like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis, so too was Ginny emerging from the walls of the emotionally protective thinking that had kept her married to a man who didn’t love her. Each moment with Chase, she could feel those wings hardening and growing stronger. By tomorrow she would be ready to fly.

“Ginny,” Chase said slowly, maneuvering her to the sofa and pulling her down with him. “I have an idea. You don’t have to agree with me right now. Just hear me out.”


“When I start up in Denver, I plan on roughing it for a few years to save on living expenses so I can put the money back in the company. I know for a fact I’m gonna have to hire administrative help; I just can’t do it all myself. If you plan on getting a job anyway, you should just come to work for me. I’ll pay you…whatever you want,” he shrugged.

Ginny grinned impishly at him. “You better be careful. I may just take you up on that.”

“From what Randy has told me,” Chase went on, “I know you have great computer skills. You designed a website for the high school that they’re still using eight years later. I know you helped John launch his insurance company in Vail, and look at how successful that has been. You have skills that I need.”

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