
Camping Trip


Kelly and William were next door neighbor their whole lives. They were also best friends from age six until they entered high school. She slowly became more popular and blossomed into the most attractive girl in her class, while he remained a lanky wallflower most of his teen years. They went from spending almost every day together to casually saying “hello” between classes or when crossing each others’ paths on the way to their separate activities.

William formed some resentment over her popularity. He recently realized he shouldn’t have been bitter. Most of this dawned on him while he was away at college in northern California. It took a lot to admit he was actually the one with bigger issues. He was looking forward to seeing her so he could rekindle their friendship.

Kelly was disappointed about them growing apart as well. Although she’d certainly thought about it less. She hadn’t exactly reached out to stay friends with him. She seemed to grow prettier by the day. Upon leaving for college the beautiful blonde stood 5’6″ with a voluptuous body. Her curves were highlighted by her 34C breasts. She wore her hair shoulder length and had soft, hazel eyes. Her smile was bright and her lips a soft pink against a light complexion.

Her beauty absolutely helped her fit in, but she still managed to stay polite and kind to most of the people in her school. Unfortunately, she consciously drifted away from her longtime friend and hoped it wasn’t too late to bring her feelings to light. It would be easy to become friends again if they knew how each other felt. The question was if either would find the courage to say so. Would they even get the chance?

William drove his Subaru Outback all the way back to his suburban Minnesota hometown and was pulling into the driveway of his parents home. It’d been a strenuous drive with a couple overnight stops on the way. It was now two o’ clock in the afternoon. He parked in the driveway and grabbed a couple bags. He looked over at Kelly’s house and wondered when he would see her next. He never confirmed she was even coming home. He just assumed it.

The tall, slender student grew excited, although he knew nobody would be home to greet him He was an only child and his parents were both working. He brought his bags into the two story colonial style house. He decided to go to his room for a nap. He climbed the stairs immediately in front of him.

He undressed and laid down on his bed naked. It was over three hours later when he woke up after hearing a basketball dribbling in the driveway next door. He peaked out the window and could see Kelly playing.

It would be the perfect opportunity to speak with her. Basketball was one of the last things the two connected on. William didn’t have the size or talent to compete much in high school, but he’d grown to 6’3″ tall at college and while he wasn’t a huge guy, he was certainly stronger than a year ago. Maybe he could impress Kelly with his new ability to dunk the basketball.

He looked at his naked body and realized he needed to get dressed first. He hadn’t been able to sleep naked in the dorms and felt so free now. He threw on some gym clothes and looked over himself in the mirror.

He’d certainly come a long way in the past couple of years. He usually wore a five o’clock shadow or a thin layer of scruff on his face, which he pulled off well. Who knows if Kelly would even notice him. His lighter features turned darker as he finished puberty. Now his hair was nearly black and trimmed rather short in a fade style. He wiped the sleep out of his brown eyes and left his bedroom.

He quickly used the toilet in the bathroom connected to his bedroom. He spent a few minutes brushing his teeth and then walked downstairs. He grabbed a bottle of water and endeavored outside to greet Kelly. He was a bit nervous, but mostly excited. Although they hadn’t talked much, they were still on good terms. She made a jump shot when she noticed him walking toward her. She smiled as he waved, although he still kept an awkward distance.

She looked amazing her tight, pink tank top and black, mid-length shorts. The outfit accentuated her curves. She was hot and cute and the same time. He stared and took in the view for a second.

“Are you going to keep standing there or are you going to give your neighbor a hug?” she yelled in his direction. William was a bit surprised. It’d been so long since they interacted that a hug seemed rather intimate. But he wandered toward her and leaned over. It felt strange because an immediate level of attraction developed within him. He’d slept with a few ladies during his first year of college, but none were as pretty as Kelly. And somehow she no longer felt like the girl next door. But he got a grip quickly and thought back to how things used to be.

“It’s great to see you, Kelly. I wasn’t sure if you were going to be around. When’d you get back from Connecticut?”

“Just yesterday,” she replied. “The flight was great. My first time in first class! My parents kocaeli escort thought they would treat me because I did so well with my grades. It’s sure nice to be back. How’d your first year go in NoCal? That’s what they call it, right?’

“Yeah, I guess some people do,” he smirked and looked at the ground with a laugh. Then he gazed back into her pretty eyes. “It went pretty well. I made the Dean’s List second semester and decided to major in Sociology. I think I’ll be able to apply my love of statistics a lot with the degree.”

“Okay nerd.” The phrasing seemed to put a damper on the situation. Although she really was joking, she saw the look in his eyes and diffused the situation quickly. She threw the basketball to him, distracting him from her jab. He smiled and reminded himself not to be so serious.

He dribbled a few times and then threw down a powerful slam dunk. The adrenaline must’ve been pumping because it was his best dunk yet. Usually he was too nervous to even attempt a dunk in front of other people. Clearly, she brought out a different side of him. The two used to be competitive with each other, but he merely wanted to show off for her. He sometimes felt the need to impress her, although rarely thought of her romantically.

“Damn! Where’d that come from? I’ve never seen you even touch the rim before. What else are you hiding from me?” Kelly was certainly surprised.

“Well, stick around and you might find out.” he smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

She reacted a bit defensively. “I hope you know I never meant to ditch you, if that’s what you’re referring to,”

He spoke calmly, “Oh, no. I’m sorry you felt I was bringing up the past. I wasn’t referring to anything. Look, I haven’t seen you in a year and I’ve barely talked to you in five. So I really do hope you stick around. We should find out who each other is now.”

“You’re right. We’ve probably changed and changed back again too many times to count. If I hadn’t seen you walk out that front door I might not have recognized you.” Kelly shot a jump shot and the two resumed playing basketball.

There was a silence, but it wasn’t awkward. It seemed to set a proper tone for the atmosphere. They began to take notice in one another’s physical attributes. While he paid attention to the basketball, he also noticed her breasts shook a little with every dribble or jump. And while his shorts were loose, she still tried to get a glimpse at his crotch.

While he’d always found her beautiful, it was one of the first times she noticed him physically. He was no longer the stick figure she remembered. She decided to break the silence and started talking about college some more.

“It’s sort of funny we decided to go to school on opposite coasts when we both talked about going to Northwestern all the time when we were younger. I heard you got in. Why didn’t you go there?”

“The weather really attracted me to California and the programs seem to fit my needs better. Plus, it’s sort of cool being far from home.”

“Yeah, but sometimes I get homesick. I think about transferring back here sometimes. “

“Sorry, to hear that. I guess I do a bit, but I feel more at home out there. Hanging out with you is something I’ve missed. So that makes it cool to be back. It makes sense how we went our separate ways, but I wished I would’ve reached out a bit more. I guess I let your new crowd overwhelm me,” William explained.

Kelly laughed lightly, almost in disbelief. “Wow, I think you’re being hard on yourself. I could’ve reached out to you any time. I guess being popular changed me a bit. However, I’m rather flattered you came all the way back here and talked to me right away. You’re always pretty classy. I knew you wouldn’t just use some Facebook message.”

“I figured our paths would cross again eventually,” he smiled.

They’d been playing basketball for an hour when she noticed the time. “Well, I should shower up and get ready for dinner. There’s a little party at Brad Allen’s house tonight. His parents are gone. Do you think you might want to go?”

“No, thanks. I appreciate the invite, but I think you’re enough friend for me right now. Although, I hope this is far from the last time I see you this summer.”

“Oh, we’ll see each other plenty. We’ve got a lot more catching up to do. It’ll be just like starting over.”

The nineteen year old students smiled and waved goodbye. William grabbed a book from his car and headed to the backyard. Kelly made her way to her personal bathroom and began to undress.

She hopped into the shower and the heat immediately alleviated any soreness in her body from playing basketball. She detached the corded shower head and ran it across her body. She stopped between her legs and the stimulation began arousing her. She grabbed a bar of citrus almond soap and massaged it all over her body.

Her breasts were shaped like giant tear drops and her large nipples pointed downward. They were yahya kaptan escort a medium hue, hardened, and surrounded by large areolas. Her vagina was mostly shaven. A thin, upside down, triangular patch of dark blonde pubic hair was above her slit.

She didn’t enter the shower intending to masturbate, but was intent on reaching an orgasm once the water hit her clitoris. Ted popped into her mind as she masturbated her clit with her right middle finger. He was a student in her ethics course in Connecticut and they had an open relationship throughout the second semester of school. She thought about his cock and his stout, compact frame. She pictured her hands running through his wavy brown hair, as he ate her pussy.

Soon her back was against the wall of the shower. She brought herself to orgasm quickly and some cream ran from her pussy down her inner thigh. She smiled before thinking about her time with William. The psychology major wondered to herself if he subconsciously influenced her to rub her pussy. But she didn’t want to get too psychoanalytical.

Meanwhile, William’s parents both arrived home from work at about seven o’clock.

Rick shared many physical features with his son. He was a bit over six feet tall, with a small gut. His hair was sprinkled with salt and pepper. He’d be gray in a couple years. His eyes were dark like William’s.

Jill was about 5’4″ tall. Her hair was dark, but her eyes were much bluer and brighter than the men in her family. She carried a few extra pounds, which she wore well, given her curvaceous body.

They greeted each other and hugged. He told them about his summer job on a golf course maintenance crew. When they asked about dinner, he told them he ate pizza. He proceeded to walk into the living room.

William’s parents began to make some dinner. They ran a restaurant and had the skills to prepare great meals quickly. William probably would eat some leftovers later.

When the food went into the oven the men started watching some baseball on TV. Jill peaked in but decided to work in the garden while dinner baked. William was glad he ate earlier because it was almost eight o’clock before his parents started dinner. He went to his room before they finished.

Despite his nap, he was almost ready to go to sleep. All the travelling and basketball really wore him down. At the same time, Kelly was just leaving to go to her party.

Kelly arrived at the event wearing a loose fitting sun dress with a floral pattern. It showed off her bust a little, but wasn’t too revealing. There were about fifteen people present. A couple old friends greeted her and then her ex-boyfriend gave her a hug. He held her a bit too long and she had to make herself clear she was no longer interested in him. She grabbed a beer and began talking to her two best friends, Jackie and Mindy.

Mindy was a cute, petite, Japanese young lady from Kelly’s class. She asked, “Have you seen anybody before now since you’ve been back? I’ve got a date with Todd Marshall tomorrow. I’m a bit nervous about it.”

“Not too many people. But I actually talked to William this afternoon. It felt like we never were apart, even though we haven’t talked much in several years.” Kelly answered

Jackie stood a head above her friends. The 5’11” Scandinavian beauty spoke up.

“I always thought he was kinda cute, but he was always so shy. A bit awkward. I know he’s really smart. How’s he doing these days?”

The three carried on their conversation. Kelly mentioned how fit William had become. Her friends showed more interest in him than expected. Now she thought of him as she went to get a beer. She aimed to keep up appearances, but somehow felt out of place. She had a couple more drinks before she wanted to leave the party.

“Hey Mindy. I think I want to go home. Is there anybody who could give me a ride. I’m not drunk, but I shouldn’t be driving.” Mindy couldn’t believe she wanted to leave so early.

“It’s not even ten-thirty. The party’s just getting started. Besides aren’t you looking to get some action tonight? Ricky has been checking you out all night and he’s single now. It’s your chance to start a summer fling.” Mindy was a loose young lady who prided in her sexuality and was always encouraging her friends to “get some.” It wasn’t on Kelly’s agenda that night.

“No. Maybe I’ll just walk back. It’s a nice night for it. I think almost everyone I know’s here and I can’t call my parents. They’re asleep and this isn’t exactly an emergency,” she explained.

“I don’t know if it’s safe to walk that far at night. Why don’t you call up William? Maybe he can help you out,” chimed in Jackie.

“I don’t know. We just started talking again. Don’t you think it’s a bit early to be asking for favors?” Kelly replied.

“Well, it’s better than walking three miles and a lot better than a DUI,” said Jackie.

“I don’t even have his cell phone number. I could try his home phone. I izmit eskort don’t think I’ll wake anyone up. His parents don’t open the restaurant until eleven. What should I say to them?”

Kelly pulled out her cellphone, but seemed quite conflicted. She memorized William’s family phone number ages ago and would probably never forget it. She put the numbers in her phone and looked at it. She wasn’t sure if they even used a landline anymore.

“What are you waiting for? I don’t know William well, but he’s a nice guy. Give him a call. You said his parents love you. They probably won’t even care if they have to wake up.” Mindy was right. Kelly had spoken more to William’s mom than him over the last five years. And that’s when she hit “send” on her phone.

The phone rang twice when Jill answered. “Hello.” Kelly spoke up. “Hi, Jill this is Kelly from next door. Sorry, I’m calling so late. I hope I didn’t wake you. May I speak with William?”

“No, honey. You didn’t wake me. Are you okay, though. I hope you’re alright. I’m pretty surprised to hear you asking for William after ten at night,” she replied.

“I’m okay, but I could really use his help. My parents go to bed so early and I need a ride back from a party. I hope you understand. They don’t really mind me drinking, but they don’t want me doing anything foolish.”

“That’s okay, honey. At least you’re being smart.” Jill knocked on William’s door. He was in a light sleep and woke up almost instantly. She spoke to him through the door. “Willie, you’ve got a phone call.”

He wondered who could be calling this late. “Okay, mom. I’ll pick it up in here.” He grabbed his phone and answered, “Hello.”

“Hey William. It’s Kelly. I’m over at Brad’s party and feel like leaving. I thought I’d have more fun. Is there any way you could come pick me up. It’s a bit far for a drunk girl to walk. Pretty please!” she pleaded.

“I guess I could do that. A popular girl like you can’t catch a ride home?” he joked.

“Everyone is drunk already and I don’t want to get a DUI or even an underage drinking ticket if a cop sees me walking home. Plus, who knows who else is out here. I know it’s a lot to ask, but I’ll pay you back.”

“Relax. I’ll come over. You don’t need to beg. It isn’t too far. Give me about fifteen minutes. And be outside. I don’t want to come in.” He rolled his naked body out of bed.

“Thanks so much.”

He stood up and looked down to realize he was sporting a rather impressive seven inch long erection. He laughed at his bald cock and knew it would go down by the time he gathered his belongings and got dressed. He put his phone in his pocket and grabbed his keys. His mother was in the hallway. Luckily his dick was no longer hard.

“What’s going on? Are you giving Kelly a ride?” she asked

“Yeah. I’m a bit surprised she called me. We caught up a little this afternoon, but I still didn’t think I’d be her emergency contact!” he laughed.

“Well, you’re doing the right thing. You’ve always been courteous. Drive safe and don’t stay at that party. I don’t need you to start drinking and driving.” she warned her son.

“Okay, Bye.” He scurried downstairs and went out the front door. He jumped into the car and was off. He sang along with the radio and pictured the summer to come. Change was definitely in the air and he was excited to see what laid ahead.

It was a little before eleven o’clock when he pulled up to Brad’s house. Kelly was waiting outside without anyone around. She’d already said her goodbyes and was in a bit of a hurry to leave. She quickly jumped into William’s car.

“Thanks so much for picking me up. The party wasn’t so bad. I don’t want to sound stuck up, but I think I can only handle that crowd in bits and pieces.”

“You’re welcome. I gotta say though, I’m a bit surprised you called me,” William replied. “You don’t sound stuck up, but I figured you’d be the last to leave the party. You’ve always been a butterfly.”

“Yeah. But I’ve been keeping to myself more lately and focused on school. I still go out on the weekends, but my parents want me to find a job this summer. I should’ve done it by now. I feel like a kid and a grown up at the same time.”

“Geez. You’re kind of bringing me down. Are you always this way when you’re drunk?” he laughed.

“Oh, shut up! I’m not that drunk and I’m just trying to have a conversation. I thought we were starting over,” she responded.

“You’re right. I’m just giving you a little shit. Are you missing campus life already?”

“Maybe a bit. I’m still going to be friends with some of the people at the party, but it feels like trying to be in two places at once. It’s so nice of you to pick me up. I really think you would’ve had a good time at the party.”

“Maybe so, but I’ve been traveling a lot and was pretty tired. It would’ve been nice to see some of those people. Not so nice to see some of the others. Perhaps another time.”

Kelly and William talked a bit more about college and some of their plans for the summer. He mentioned his parents needed help in their restaurant and she could make good money on tips. They pulled into his driveway and she was so delighted by the news. She gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks so much, William.” She almost shouted and exited the car. He was pleasantly surprised.

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