
Captain Emrah Jackson Ch. 05


This ongoing sci-fi series will contain non-consensual elements.


Finger nails glided gently up and down my back. It was a wonderful feeling to be woken up by.

I turned to see Lilly, smiling at me.

“Morning.” She whispered.

I smiled back at her.

My quarters were much brighter than before. There was sunlight coming through the window.

“We’ve just landed.” She said, happily. “We’re home.”

The way she said ‘home’ brought back feelings of despair. I wasn’t home, I wasn’t even sure what planet we were on.

Her fingers slid further down my back over my rear. I winced as she stroked a finger over one of the welts I had gotten from Orton’s cane.

“I have some cream.” She said.

I was about to thank her, but she leaned forward and gave me a lingering kiss. It was a lovely way to be interrupted.

“Come on, lets get dressed, I want to show you around.” She said, cheerfully.

I would have rather stayed in bed.

She dressed herself in a little skirt and loose top. There wasn’t anything practical for me to choose from. Lilly laughed, when I suggested that I wear my uniform.

“We can do better than that.” She said.

Her choice consisted of a very tight pair of shorts and an equally tight halter top. Both were white. Thankfully they weren’t as revealing as her outfit.

There weren’t any shoes. Lilly told me that we would be okay barefoot. I tied my hair into a loose ponytail. It felt a bit softer between my fingers. The showers on board were excellent, much better than I was used too. All the products were top notch too.

“The servants will bring the rest of our clothes.” She assured me and took my hand.

As we left my quarters we nearly bumped into some servants carrying handfuls of boxes. There were more people about now. It looked like they were unloading.

I wasn’t used to having my legs exposed like this, and certainly not my midriff. No one seemed to be paying an attention though.

“Come on.” Lilly said joyfully. She pulled me quickly though the ship almost skipping as she went. I was dragged along as we dodged past the crew getting on with their work.

I would have liked to have seen more of the yacht. Especially the bridge and the communications room. Lilly had filled me in on some of the yacht’s details. For one there was a gym onboard, which was a real luxury. There were two shuttles in the cargo hold as well. That was something I made a note of.

It wasn’t long before we were at an exit ramp. It was the middle of the day and the sun shone brightly in the sky. Before me was a large complex of buildings. Not officious or business like, more like a expensive hotel complex. There was a mixture of architectural styles. Smaller buildings led into larger ones, the bigger ones seemed open and airy with balconies and uncovered walkways. There were large courtyards full of trees and ornamental gardens.

Beyond the buildings was a lush green forest, and further into the distance, snow capped mountains. At any other time it would have looked breathtaking.

The air was warm and sweet. Lilly stood next to me breathing it in. It was such a stark contrast to the recycled air aboard a starship.

“What planet are we on?” I asked.

“It’s called Mexor.” She said.

I asked what system we were in as I wasn’t familiar with the name. She told me not to worry, and went on to say that the planet was very exclusive and that only the wealthiest people got to live here.

“And us.” She said, squeezing my hand.

As we walked down a ramp and further into the complex I started to understand why all those outfits had been so skimpy. Mexor was a hot planet, although no uncomfortably so.

I took a look back at the ship we had arrived on. I hadn’t seen it properly before. It looked very sleek. It’s white hull glistened in the sunlight. It was a good size, about five or six decks, but not something that couldn’t be piloted solo. I wondered if there were any other ships nearby.

The docks themselves were on a large raised platform. The yacht stood proudly on the top. Underneath, it looked like an area for maintenance equipment.

Lilly showed me around a large pool area. It looked like it could easily accommodate a hundred people. There was a rustic feel to everything. Like a grand villa from days of old.

I asked her how many other people lived here, and she told me it was just Orton and about fifty staff. She went on to tell me he did lots of entertaining, and business meetings.

“Lots of parties.” She said, happily.

She told me there were areas I wouldn’t be allowed in, but they were clearly marked with a red line on the floor, the collar would make a noise as a warning. I had almost forgotten I was wearing it. It was thin and light, and not something I was always aware of. I think that was the point of it, to make me forget my situation.

“How many of the staff are slaves?” I asked.

“Most of them, but not all.” She went on to say that the ship’s crew were all employees and that we wouldn’t see much of yeşilköy escort them.

It made sense that everyone wouldn’t be a slave. Orton wouldn’t want the people in charge of his safety to bare a grudge.

Already knowing the answer I asked her if we were allowed to leave the property. She shook her head gravely and told me not to even try.

After the pool, she took me into a large hall. It was surrounded by balconies. The floor was marble with intricate patters. It was very grand and impressive like the rest of the complex.

We climbed up a staircase. At the top there were two servants polishing the floor. They kept their heads down.

“If you ever get lost. Just ask someone.” She said, gesturing towards them

I nodded.

As we moved out of earshot, I asked Lilly why they ignored us. She just waved her hand casually. “They know not to bother us.”

It was all very strange and new. I was used to rules, I just wasn’t used to being this powerless in my choices.

“I’ll show you, your room.” She said, leading me out onto a walkway.

I noticed a large grey pillar standing on its own.

“What’s that?”

She shrugged. “Something to do with security. It protects the buildings, I think.”

I hadn’t seen anything like it before. From what Lilly had said, it could be some sort of defense system.

I wondered what other security measures I wasn’t being told about.

“We are neighbors.” She said, pointing at two doors.

They were wooden, without locks. It seemed I could come and go as I pleased.

She showed me into mine. It was large and airy. There were a pair of doors that led onto a balcony.

“You’ll be able to decorate it anyway you wish.” She said. “Make it feel like home.”

Like the rest of the buildings, it was all tastefully decorated. A rustic country house feeling.

It did look nice, but I couldn’t forget why I was here. I wasn’t here willingly, and as soon as I could I would be leaving.

She jumped onto the bed.

“Come on, feel how comfy it is.”

I went over and pressed my hand into the mattress, and nodded.

She made a mocking laugh and grabbed my hand pulling me onto it, next to her.

It was comfy, I had to admit that. The weather was pleasant and Lilly was gorgeous. It was so very close to being paradise, but then there was the dark aspect to it, that I couldn’t shake.

“So what do you think?” She asked, expectantly.

I didn’t want to disappoint her, so I told her it was all very beautiful. This made her smile.

There was something youthful and joyful about Lilly that made it hard to express my worries. Had she ever questioned her situation, I thought.

We talked a little more about the facilities. She told me there was an extensive entertainment suite, a gym with a running track, and a kitchen that was open at all hours. All I had to do was to ask a servant, and they would satisfy my every need.

As she said it, her collar made a beeping noise.

“It’s Orton.” She said, with a grin. “I better go.”

She rolled off the bed, but before she left, she fixed her hair a little in the mirror. She blew me a kiss on her way out.

I sighed, it was a lot to take in. I lay on my back looking at the ceiling. I had a certain amount of freedom, but I still didn’t know all the rules, and what was expected of me. What if my collar started to beep. Would I be expected to go to Orton? To be punished for a made up crime, or just bent over his desk and fucked. Killian the pirate had taken me because I was available. Orton bought me, he was going to get his money’s worth, no doubt. I would be finding out sooner or later, I guessed.

Thoughts raced through my head as I just stared into nothing. Then there was a polite knock at my door.

“Enter.” I said, sitting up.

It was a servant. He was bringing my clothes, he looked to have some other things, toiletries, and towels.

I didn’t know if I should speak to him. I gave it a shot.

“Hello.” I said.

He looked a little take aback.

He nodded curtly, but kept his eyes averted. There was no collar around his neck.

“I need a communicator.” I said to him.

There was a little shake of his head, and he scurried out. I let out a sigh. Maybe, I could strong arm one of them.

I couldn’t just sit here waiting for Lilly. I went out to the balcony. It was a nice view of the forest. The sun warmed my face, and I looked down at my bare legs wondering if I was going to be here long enough to get a tan.

Something pricked my ears. It was someone moaning in pleasure. I listened closer and it seemed to be coming from a open window above me.

Then I realized. It was Lilly. I didn’t want to stand there and listen to it, so I left to explore.


I manged to find my way to the large grey pillar. It in a small courtyard, and was ringed by a red stripe. It was something I wasn’t supposed to get close it. I could hear a faint humming coming from it. Something mechanical was inside.

That confirmed it. It yeşilyurt escort was some sort of anti-ship device. Was it just programmed to stop unfamiliar ships or would it react to a ship leaving without permission.

My next port of call was the perimeter fence. Lilly had given me a strong warning that I wasn’t to leave, but she said nothing about looking at the barrier.

There was a fence, about twenty feet high. In front of it, was that familiar red stripe.

I could see the forest beyond. Even if I could get there, what then. This wasn’t a friendly planet. Would there even be people out there to help.

The dock was next. I didn’t get far before I ran into another red stripe. I thought I might have been able to enter the ship again. I must have walked over it as we disembarked. Did that mean it could be disengaged, or was it a one way type of thing.

I looked at the ship a bit closer. It was very pretty, and looked fast. I couldn’t get to it, so I moved on.

The house must have some sort of communications array. Even if I could find it, it was probably a restricted area.

I met some other staff, and tried to engage them in conversation. They were polite but didn’t want to talk. I started to wander aimlessly. There were endless corridors and empty room after empty room. Sometimes I’d come across a restricted one, but not being able to enter I didn’t know what they contained.

My spirits were low. Thoughts of escape were dwindling. What had I expected? An obvious way out on my first day. I could be here years.

My thoughts went to crazy ideas. Like maybe grabbing a knife from the kitchen and taking a hostage. How long would I last?

All my training was tailored around how to behave as a prisoner of war. Not as a pleasure slave, or whatever I was.

I found myself in the dining area. There were a number of the yacht’s crew eating. I sauntered over to the chef and asked for some fruit.

I took it and sat down near to the crewmen. Then an idea formed.

“Your ship is a piece of junk.” I said, loudly to no one.

If I knew anything. I knew how much a crew could become attached to their vessel.

One of the younger crew took the bait.

“What do you know.” He said, under his breath.

“It looks nice, but it flies like a pig.” I said, and took a big bite of an apple.

He was a young man, probably in his twenties. Very fresh-faced and clean cut.

“You don’t know what you are talking about.” He said.

Some of the other crew were grinning.

“They build those things for rich fools who don’t know any better.”

“You won’t find anything faster. “He said, confidently.

“In a straight line.” I said, quickly. “In a real fight, it wouldn’t be able to maneuver for shit.”

“And what would you even know.” He said, looking me square in the eye.

I looked him up and down with as much diffidence as I could muster.

“I was flying Zip fighters, before you were even born.”

His eyes widened, a little shocked.

One of the older crewmen spoke up.

“You flew Zips?”

I nodded. “Not the newer flight assisted ones, the older twin sticks.”

He gave me an impressed look.

I turned my attention to the older man, and asked him what types of engines they used. He told me, and then agreed with me that they might have been fast, but they weren’t as responsive as other designs.

The younger one was quiet now, but I could feel his eyes looking at my legs. A memory of teasing the bearded pirate came back, and a plan formed in my mind. This guy was a lot younger, but he was most likely the same deep inside.

I stroked my hand slowly up and down my thigh, making sure he could see. With my little finger I teased the hem of my shorts up, scratching an imaginary itch.

The older man wanted to talk more about engines, and I didn’t just want to be dismissive, so I told him that I was very impressed with the noise canceling effect. He agreed that it was all there to maximize comfort.

“Maybe you could show me around the yacht properly.” I asked, catching the younger man’s eyes as I did.

“We can’t, I’m afraid.” The older man said. He suddenly seemed aware that he shouldn’t be talking to me like this. As he turned away, he told me to enjoy my meal. The young man eyes never left me, but as he started to speak he was hushed by the others.

“If you change your mind.” I said, and got up to leave. “Come and find me.” As I said it, I caught the eyes of the younger man.

They didn’t say goodbye, just a few cursory nods.

If I knew anything. I knew how much a crewman would gravitate to an available woman.

As I exited the dinning area, I entered a courtyard with a large fountain in the middle of it.

There was a voice behind me.

“It’s a shame we can’t show you the ship.”

It was the younger man. Either of them would have done, I was glad in a way that it was him. He was cute, despite his age.

I turned to see him approaching nervously.

“It’s okay.” I shrugged. “Are you going back yıldırım escort there now?”

He nodded, and got another good look at my legs.

“I’ll walk you back.” I said.

I wasn’t really sure of the way, but we headed in the general direction.

We talked a bit about his situation. He told me he was a new hire, and that it was good money.

He admitted that there were a lot of silly rules. “What could it hurt to show you around?”

“It could be our little secret.” I said, as we walked through a sheltered pathway.

His body language changed, and I could see that it was making him nervous. I wasn’t sure if it was due to the talk of rule breaking or because he was around a woman.

“They told me some of you people would be restricted from areas.” He said, and pointed to my collar.

“Maybe you could help me get it off.” I said, sliding my thumb into the waistband of my shorts. “Just for a while.” I continued, pulling at the fabric. He blushed slightly as I exposed a little skin.

“I wouldn’t know how.” He mumbled.

“You could find out.” I said, as I reached out for his hand.

He jumped back suddenly.

“We can’t touch you.” He said, quickly. “The collar has a sensor. I would get in trouble”

It seemed to have shaken him, and he didn’t seem as keen on my company anymore.

He made a weak excuse about being late, and hurried off.

I sighed. It was hopeless.


I had resigned myself to laying by the pool on a sun lounger. There was a cool breeze that made the water ripple. I stared into it trying to clear my mind.

I heard footsteps approaching. It was the sound of bare feet on tile. It was Lilly.

We greeted, and she told me not to get up.

Instead, she climbed onto the sun lounger behind me and draped her arms around my body. She was in a good mood again, and I could feel her breasts pressing against my back.

With her legs at either side of me she started to rubbing my shoulders and then asked what I had been up to.

“Exploring mostly.” I said, her fingers felt very soothing.

“I’m glad you are feeling more comfortable.” She said.

I could feel her energy in her touch. It was very relaxing. She kissed my shoulder softly, and stroked her nails down the sides of my exposed arms, making me tingle.

“Seeing as it is your first night. I could keep you company tonight.” She suggested. I nodded silently. There was still some lingering guilt over Talia.

Her hands moved to my breasts.

Before I could tell her to stop, she assured me that we wouldn’t be disturbed. Still though, I felt a little exposed being out in the open like this.

Her hands felt nice and my nipples hardened under her touch. She wasn’t squeezing, just softly caressing.

I closed my eyes and started to relax more. Her mouth was on my neck, planting kisses on my bare skin. My hands were on her legs, feeling the softness of her skin on the backs of her calves. She had amazing legs. Tanned and toned.

Her hands pulled at the hem of my top. I was a bit unsure, but she whispered that it was okay. After not much protest, I raised my arms letting her take it off. The warm air felt amazing on my bare chest. Then her hands moved there, and felt even better.

Gently she grazed her nails over my nipples, making them hard. I shivered as she stroked them. Her lips found my ear, and pulled it into her mouth. I cocked my head letting her get better access, and in response, she tugged at it lightly with her teeth. I sighed in delight.

I turned my head and found her mouth with mine. Our kisses were soft and tender. Her mouth tasted sweet and warm. She began to stroke my stomach, and then her fingers started to work the buttons on the front of my shorts.

Being in the open like this felt a little strange, I wanted to tell her to stop, and that we could continue somewhere more private, but I didn’t want to spoil the moment. I held my tongue as she slipped her hand down the front of my shorts.

The pressure of her hand against my pussy felt wonderful. The tightness of my shorts restricted her movements. She just rubbed against me. My mouth was watering, and her kisses only added to it. Goosebumps ran all across my body.

Her mouth went back to my ear. She chewed and nibbled on the lobe. I was breathless, and was getting hotter. Her teeth teased me in such a delicious way. Sending every nerve on edge. My pelvis rocked against her hand.

“Take them off.” She whispered.

Without a second thought, I eased my shorts off, and kicked them off the lounger.

Both of her hands moved between my legs now. I spread my thighs for her, giving her better access.

The hot sun beat down on my naked body, as I lay in Lilly’s embrace. Her hands stroked and massaged my pussy. I was wet, and her fingers explored me intimately.

Only the gentle lapping of the water and my soft moans filled the air.

My hands lay limply by my side. I wasn’t kissing her anymore. Just laying against her, greedily enjoying her attention.

Then there was a finger against my lips. I knew what she wanted and sucked it into my mouth, wetting it. Once she was satisfied, it went to find my clit.

“Ohh, fuck.” I moaned, as her slippery finger stoked my clit. The made little circle around it. My body shook, and I closed my eyes tightly.

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