
Catherine Ch. 22

Big Tits

I live for the moment I hear that catch in her throat with our first kiss. Her breathing getting heavier with each tender touch and caress of her sensitive places, I wait for those three words she will not say…, yet.

Catherine Chapter 22

The Things She Tells Me – James

My phone buzzing to my left interrupts what I’ve been reading on my computer screen, which has me shifting my eyes down to the phone — why is she calling me now, saying out loud, surprised at seeing her number displayed.

Picking up the phone, swiping the screen with my, “Hello you.”

“Hi, it’s me.” I hear.

“Yes, I recognized your number and your voice; is every thing okay,” my concern because I wasn’t expecting to hear from her this soon.

“Oh every thing is fine except I miss you,” she’s telling me.

“My god I miss you too girl, so how did everything go — the other meeting you were going too.” Side stepping asking about the dinner and dessert elephant.

“The meeting, very informative, my reason for being there the same as yesterday, only this one, the discussions about changes to some of the veterans programs. At the moment, they’re only discussions. But knowing what they’re thinking about, may help keep us, meaning IIG, in the know just in case there’s a need for adjustments to our programs,” she telling me.

“It’s best to be ahead of the curve, huh Catherine? Especially when dealing with the government and their tinkering with things.”

“Yes it is.” she says, “So I take copious notes.”

“Catherine, I’m sure that’s not why you called me; poking the elephant now.

“What do you mean?” She ask.

“Your dinner with your friend James, how was it,” asking her holding my breath.

“Do you want to know…, all, of, it…, or just what I had to eat…, for dinner,” her come back.

“I’m not sure all of it, but that’s why you really called; isn’t it?” Telling her.

“Of course you want to know all of it!” she says. “An in very intimate, and minute detail too, I bet.”

Laughing out loud — the woman kills me.

“Even if I didn’t want to hear it, you would tell me anyway; right Catherine?”

“Well do you want to hear, all, about it?” she comes right back.

“Alright, but stop if I ask you to stop…, okay.” Telling her.

“Of course, but you won’t ask me to stop.” She says.

“Dinner then, okay?” she ask now.

“Dinner sounds like a good place to start,” telling her.

“So then, from the beginning,” she says. “And don’t interrupt!”

“I’ll be hanging on every word Catherine!” Now closing out what I was doing and shutting everything down and off.

“First off Bobby, James is very polite, courteous and well mannered; he’s a sophisticated gentleman. And when he speaks, people listen; he’s Jon, but with a high libido. I’ve teased him about being a dirty old man: he laughs hard at that,” she says. “An even with his back injury he remains active and fit and he’s tall, like you — I showed you his picture too.” She adds.

“But back to the dinner, the real dinner, for me was, a Lobster, shrimp and Alaska King Crab salad with a nice French dressing and French bread; he had the same. And he had already ordered a white wine, which was delicious.

“And if you’r thinking, Chablis; no,” she says “That he already ordered to be sent to his room, he called to have it brought up when we got there,” She says.

“You went to his…, room…, Catherine?”

“Yes!” She replies most affirmative. The tone of her reply, the reflection in her voice as if; why wouldn’t I.

“Oh…, okay,” as I slump back into my desk chair. I assumed, like Neil, it would be her room. I thought I heard the sound of a door closing, but then again; with all the other things I heard.

“Are you still there,” she ask. “Bob…,”

“Yes Catherine, I’m still here.”

“Do you want me to go on,” she ask.

“Of course Catherine, please do.”

“After we finished dinner, we had another glass of wine and finishing that we left the restaurant for the elevator lobby. An on our way there, he placed his hand in the middle of my back, just above my backside — just a friendly touch by a man anyone would take as just, two familiar friends.”

“It was only after we entered the elevator where things became more than just friendly, because, we were all over each other when the elevator doors closed — deep, hard, kisses, he even had his hand up under the hem my dress, rubbing my pussy through my panties. He asked why my panties were so wet? I told him, “It was because I had been thinking all day about tonight.”

All day, she’s telling me?

“Of course, I was groping that hard bulge in his pants at the same time,” she says now. “I wanted him and I was making sure he knew it!” She’s telling me.


“Yes Bobby,” she replies.

But I can’t ask what I want to know and that is — Was there a thought of me in all this pussy and hard bulge groping? But that’s fucking ridiculous, Travesti Swaggart! So I won’t, I can’t, because, when I was fucking Sally; other then telling Sally ‘I was seeing someone,’ I never thought about Catherine because I was totally in the moment with Sally.

“Bobby?” It’s Catherine bringing me back.

“Nothing Catherine,” replying to her.

“What we were doing in the elevator only stopped when the elevator slowed as it got to his floor; luckily no one was waiting to get on, my dress, obviously rumpled and a bit rearranged,” she says “

“Holding hands as we walked down the hall to stop in front of his room; where he fumbled the key card — I had to pick it up; his back injury makes it difficult for him to bend over to reach something that small on the floor.” She’s telling me. “I teased him about his excitement; we hadn’t seen each other since sometime in the early fall.” She telling me.

“He entered the room ahead of me, turned on one set of lights, where I mentioned the room was just like mine. The same king size bed, same desk-set and chest of drawers fixed against the wall. The same big mirror over it facing the bed too. And often staying in this hotel, but not always in the same room every time, so who ever designed the layout of these rooms must figure everyone likes to watch themselves having sex.” She says.

“I’d like to watch you having sex Catherine, especially with me,” joking with her.”

“I’d like to watch you have sex with another woman; maybe even Sally; like you did with her when you were in Virginia the last time.” She comes back at me.

Really? My thought, but I don’t reply with that.

“Anyway, I set my purse on the desk top as I walked by it and straight over to the window — you can see the city from that side of the hotel. My room is on the side that faces a park — I could hear him calling to have the wine sent up.” She’s telling me.

“After he finished with that he walks up behind me, puts his hands on my hips pulling me back hard against him — that hard bulge I could easily feel against my butt now as he kisses the back of my neck, then over my bare shoulder — it gave me chills and goose bumps!” She says.

“He said he could feel me shiver. I wa,s very excited at being there with him.” She’s telling me.

Obviously, no thoughts of me! Silently saying to myself.

“The dress I wore, the hem a few inches above the knee; a one-shoulder sheath dress style,” she telling me. “If you know what that looks like. This one, tastefully sexy, but not over the top sexy. He complimented me profusely about how beautiful I looked when I met him in the restaurant.”

“When the wine arrived, I remained by the window, watching as he open the wine bottle, pored two glasses, then he comes to me, handing me one, where we tipped them to each other; the Chablis was delicious. It always warms me up; especially between my legs, which he knew it would from our other times together — and you know it too.” She affirms.

How the wine works on her, yeah, I’ve learned. Her history I’m catching up with too.

“There wasn’t a lot of conversation between us, most of that was over dinner,” she’s saying. “There’s never any rush with him, — touching, light kissing, dirty talk, all caught in the build up to what we both wanted,” she’s saying.

“Dirty talk,” she said! What kind of dirty talk — ‘dirty old man,’ she called him? I also know the anticipation and build up to what she wanted, our fuck this past Sunday night.

“When our glasses were about, oh…, half empty, he set his down, took his suit jacket off and hung it on the back of a chair. Then he took my glass from me and set it down next to his. He comes back to me, kissing me, which soon turned into a full on make out with lots of long, hard, tongue filled kissing with heavy petting through our clothes, all of it right there in front of the window; oh, he’s great kisser — he has a thick tongue!” She’s telling me.

“When we broke from that, his hands went back on my shoulders, wanting me to turn my back to him, where he pulled the zipper down on the back of my dress, letting it slip off my shoulder and down off my hips, where I stepped out of it when it was almost to the floor. I was still holding my dress in my hand as he kissed me across my shoulders again, then the back of my neck,” her telling me more.

“He took my dress from me and placed it over his suite jacket then moved back behind me again to unhook my strapless bra, taking it from me, laying it over my dress. Then he’s back behind me once again where he wants me to lift my arms high up over my head so he can put his arms around me with his hands on my breast, squeezing, fondling, teasing my nipples, like you, he loves my nipples! At the same time though, he’s grinding his crotch against my cheeky pantie covered ass,” she describing to me. “All this happened Bob, as we were standing right in front of that window with the curtains wide open with with him grinding his hard-on, still in his Ankara Travesti pants, over my ass. Lowering my arms I reached back, and like in the elevator, squeezed and rubbed my hand over that huge bulge — I could hear his deep groan close to my ear.”

She’s really telling me this?

“He has a really…, fat cock — did I tell you that?” She ask.

“Yes Catherine,” replying, obviously from what she’s been describing.

“Still in just my lacy hip-hugger panties and high heel shoes he comes around and stands in front of me where I worked at removing his tie, unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt. In between all that it was lots of tongue fucking each others mouth — he’s a great kisser; I think I already said. I love his fat tongue and very soon that fat tongue would be tongue fucking my pussy — he’s very good at that too!” She emphasize.

She’s telling me this too — his, ‘fat,’ tongue?

I know;;;, how she loves her pussy licked and tongue fucked — my teasing and nursing on her gorgeous big clit — I call it her, ‘girly-dick.’ And if she’s telling the truth about this guy’s, ‘fat tongue,’ — my thoughts at this moment, her embellishing this narrative, yanking my chain some, he’ll have her creaming all over his mouth!

“I was sitting on the bed, finishing my wine,” Catherine breaking into my thoughts,” as he was getting out of his clothes; did I say he has a very fit, trim body for a man his age,” she says. “Plus…, his very, nice, cock too.” she describes. “Not as long as yours, but thick, fat thick,” she says. “I mean, it’s a real stretch for me — there’s inches to spare, I can’t close my fingers when I wrap my hands around it!” She’s telling me, a hitch in her voice, excitement over it I think. “I can’t do the same with you Bobby,” she says now; but…, not by inches to spare.”

“Inches.., she says?” Laughing to myself.

There’s at least a inch between her finger tips when she wraps her hands around my cock. That first night at her sisters when she wrapped her hands around my cock, saying as she did, “There’s a whole lot more to you Mister Swaggart!”

“Catherine…, Catherine…, you’re killing me girl!” Laughing out loud now at the, “inches to spare.” She said.

“Catherine…,” recovering. “Next time have a tape measure so you can give me a real circumference number,” laughing some more thinking about it.

“Go to hell, Swaggart!” I hear, but with a snicker of a laugh behind it.

“He joked with me one time, that in high school, or was it college, he had the nickname, ‘the fireplug,’ his dick, they teased him, thick, fat, like a fire plug.” She’s telling me.

Swaggart…, I can hear you laughing!” Which I am! “Fire plug, huh?” Repeating it, laughing long and hard now.

“It Really…, stretches my pussy, if you care to know,” she says loudly into her phone.

That, “Really,” she emphasized, wiping at my laughing induced teary eyes.

“You’re still there …, Right Swaggart?” She’s asking me now that I haven’t said anything back because I’m still recovering from what she had me laughing about.

“Catherine…, girl…, what you’re telling me…, seems like a bit of a stretch to me too,” laying that back laughing at her.

“Go to hell, Swaggart!” Is what I get back. Where she’s suddenly silent, but I know she’s still there.

“Are YOU, still, there,” she’s asking now, sounding a little annoyed.

“Yes Catherine I’m, still, here. As I said, it’s a bit of stretch for me too, listening to you. But, don’t stop!” Telling her. Oh, I should tell you this; I know a guy, in fact one of my very closest friends, who has the nick name, ‘the hose.’ He got that nick name in college, or maybe before that in high school. Can you think of a reason why he got that name? He hates it, but he’s never shy about proving why he has the name to women who want know how he got the nick name…, Sally knows how he got it.” Throwing that out there.

I knew it the minute I walked into the kitchen on returning from three days in Annapolis. TeeJay always had an open invitation to stay with us when ever he was passing through on his way to or from a assignments. Being in Intelligence, he move around a lot. Sally teased him unmercifully, sitting in his lap, tiny bikinis in the hot tub, bra-less under short crop tops. Even accidentally getting a eyeful of the hose — yeah, she got her pussy stretched, and deeply fucked over those three days. Sally…, I chalked it up to…, just being Sally. But TeeJay…, disappointed in him, but…, I could understand — Sally can be very persuasive and I know he’ll tell me when the time is right for him — what he and I have been through and survived — three days-of fucking my ex-wife before she became my ex, is not going to break our friendship.

“No reply Catherine?” Unusual, I thought, now that she hasn’t said something? Not knowing it now, but I’ll hear something from her about something like Sally, sometime in the future.

“You there Bobby,” she asking me. istanbul Travesti “Yes Catherine, I ah…, just remembered something you reminded me of…, sorry,” telling her.

“It’s James who now comes over to the bed,” she picks up with. “An takes my empty wine glass and sets it back on the wine tray. An when he comes back, I reached out putting my hands around his cock, stroking it…, all…, the time, looking up at his face before I took him in my mouth — he’s a real stretch for my mouth too…, Swaggart,” she throws in. “Licking all over it, slippery hands holding, stroking, sucking that fat cock until he had to hold my head away; we both laughed! I really like his fat ‘fire plug,’ cock!” She throws at me.

“He asked me to lay back on the bed — he always ask, never a demand, or command; he’s polite like I told you, never overly aggressive, that’s why I’ve always enjoyed being with him — like all the other times we’ve had.” The other times she throws in.

“I knew what he was going to do,” she says now. And I really, wanted it!” Her voice inflection letting me know it.

“He lifted my legs, sliding his hands all the way up to hook his fingers into my the pantie waist band and slowly slid them down my legs; he even rubbed the wet crotch over his face — we both laughed at that; he is a little kinky — my dirty old man I tease him.”

“He leaned over, kissing me, my breast, my nipples in his mouth, sucking them, then slowly worked his kisses down over my belly till he went down on his knees, holding my legs wide apart where licks me all over and through my pussy, playing special attention to my clit; he likes how big it is too. He also likes to lick my butt hole and even tries to stick his tongue in it; funny, but I like it, again my dirty old man.” She telling me this too?

“I love…, his mouth on me,” she says. “He always takes his time, knowing how much I like his fat tongue licking me, sucking on my clit; he loves getting me off that way and he got me off to a really hard orgasm too. Right after that, he’s up wanting me to get on my knees at the edge of the bed where he holds my hips as he pushes that, ‘fat cock’ into me,” her emphasizes on his fat cock again!” She says quite emphatically.

“It’s that thickness causing me after shocks from what his tongue had already done to get me off.” She saying.

I’ve enjoyed her after shocks too, her pussy still pulsing around my cock. If she’s not exaggerating about how thick this guy’s cock is…, her pretty toes were cramping I bet.

“To soon he stops, pulls back, “Come Catherine ” he tells me. “Come with me over here,” he says.

“Taking one of the table chairs from around the table, he moves it over in front of the window; the window curtains were never closed,” she telling me.

“Where he sat down in that chair and reaches out to me, “Catherine, please, come have a seat.” he says. “He wants me to straddle his legs — it’s the way we usually fuck like that; me sitting in his lap — but now right there if front of the widow too,” she says. “We fuck like this because of his back injury,” she’s telling me too.

“Plus he, really likes fucking me like that, sitting on him. Where I drape my arms over his shoulders, lock my feet around the chair legs and rock back and forth on him; first slow, then fast, then slow — he cums really hard that way. But what he really likes too, is me turning around and sitting on his cock with my back to him.” She’s telling me this now.

“That way,” she goes on, “He can wrap his arms around me so he can feel my breast and tease my already hard nipples. He also likes to have me bend forward so he can watch as he holds my hips, guiding me up and down on him.” She’s saying.

“Riding him like that, him guiding my movements, I can feel every pulse and throb of his cock when he cums, his squirting very deep and hard up into me; he cums alot too,” she says now. “Sometimes it’s the sound of his cum as it spurts out around his thick shaft — it’s a very hard orgasm for the, both of us!” She emphasizes that too.

“The, both of us…, it’s the, ‘us’ that I hear with a tinge of jealousy.

“It leaves us to weak to move every time,” I hear her saying now. “It’s a really hot way to fuck him, sitting on him like that,” she’s telling me that. “Because,” she says. “I have all of his fat cock stuffed into my…, my very stretched pussy.” She reminds me.

“Laying back against him, he tries to reach my mouth as I turn my head to meet his kiss,” she says after a long pause in what she was telling me.

Honestly, I have to catch my breath too. It’s also what I’ve been doing that needs to be slowed down, my visualizing every thing shes been telling me.

“Now do you want to hear the kinky part Swaggart,” she’s saying that keeps what was about to happen for me on hold.

“Always wobbly legged getting up off him, where it’s helping him up and over onto the the bed, where it’s always been just…, nice, laying there together. But it’s also where I’ve turned to him with my leg over his hip. Which he knew I would do from past times together where he slips his hand between my legs putting two fingers into my pussy. He tells me he’s checking to see how lose my pussy is after I’ve fucked his fat cock.” She saying.

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