
Ch. 05 Sharon and Me


The alarm went off at 5 am, and I felt Sharon start to stir. She rolled over from lying on her tummy and smiled at me. She reached up and pulled me closer so she could give me a soft lingering kiss. Then she jumped up and started rushing into the bathroom saying that she had to get to work. She told me that it was only about an hour drive but traffic was brutal this time of the day. I lay back watching her rushing around trying to get dressed as fast as possible. I knew that I could take my time since I was just going to be checking in.

As Sharon got ready to leave, I put on my bathrobe and gave her a long loving kiss and told her that maybe I’ll see her later in the day. I was warned that I had better come get her after work so that we could have dinner together. She was out the door in a flash afterwards and I sat back down on the bed to think about what had happened in the last 24 hours.

I lay back on the bed and sort of drifted into a dream world. I thought about Sharon and remembered how soft and smooth her skin felt under my fingers. I remember her body, her smells and her warmth. I started getting aroused and started slowly moving my fingers to my clit. As I took hold of it, I remember how gently she stroked it last night. she seemed to marvel at how soft it stared out and how hard it grew with her touching it. She seemed to really enjoy suckling my breasts as she stroked my clit. She later said that it was amazing having a bit of both worlds at her finger tips. I was amazed at myself that I could have relations with her since all my other attempts to have sex with other women seemed to end in dismal failure.

I started wondering if she was someone that I could have a true and lasting relationship with other than being just friends. I was in unfamiliar territory since all my other relationships with other women were strictly plutonic and nothing sexual. I looked back at the few women that accepted me but slowly lost touch with for whatever reason.

I started to cry thinking about how much I missed Leona and Sue. As I started to come out of my dream world and back into reality, I realized that I had to stop acting so silly and get moving. I told myself that I would take it one step at a time.

After showering and dressing in my causal uniform, I headed to the front desk to check out. OH the looks that I got from the guy on the front desk. He seemed somewhat confused when I told him I was checking out. I guess he must saw me the day before as a woman and now as a guy. I just looked at him and said “girlfriend”. That must have been good enough for him to dismiss any doubts. I giggled my way out to my car and loaded my bags in the back.

Sharon was right about traffic being bad. It suadiye escort was 8:30 and it was still somewhat bumper to bumper. I finally got to the base an hour and half later and started checking in.

I found the barracks manager’s office for the dorm that I was to be assigned to. I was informed that because of there was no rooms available that I would have to stay in the Transit Living Quarters for a few days. I was happy with that arrangement so that I would have some privacy for at least several days. He did mention that there was a possibility that I might be able to get off base if the Commander and the 1st Sergeant approved it. I almost jumped in his arms and kissed him when he said that.

The thought of no fears of surprise inspections, lack of privacy, inability to dress as I wished on my off time and no fear of bringing someone home that the military didn’t approve of. After checking into the TLQ I stopped by the housing office for a list of approved rentals. I wasn’t surprised that the pickings were slim for cheap one bedroom places. Most were two and three bedroom houses and apartments.

I realized that it was getting close to quitting time and that I had better go find Sharon. I went back into the TLQ and changed into civilian clothes. I parked out front of the hospital and looked for her car. After finding it, I parked alongside and waited. It wasn’t long till I saw her come out with several others. As she got to her car, she looked directly at me and I asked her where she wanted to have dinner. Sharon looked at me and then at the girl, with a look of WHO THE HELL WAS THIS GUY! Then I saw that slow recognition look as she realized who I was. She ran around the car and wrapped her arms around my neck. The look on the other girls face was almost priceless when we kissed. As I nuzzled her neck, I whispered to use Mike as my name.

Sharon introduced me to her and said that I was the person she had met the past weekend. The girl got this little smile on her face like OH WOW! Sharon gave her the keys to her car and said that she had a ride and that she would see her in work tomorrow. With that, we jumped in my car and drove away. Sharon told me that she needed to stop and get changed. Since the female barracks were off limits to males, I had to wait outside. Twenty minutes later, she was showered, changed into a cute sundress and climbing into the car.

She told me about a little place on South Dixie Hwy that was quiet and somewhat private. Sharon kept looking at me all the time I was driving. She kept saying the word “AMAZING” over and over. When I asked her what she just said she was amazed at the change. I just giggled and said that I clean up real good. We got to an yakacık escort Italian restaurant and found a booth in the back that was very private and away from the other customers.

We snuggled up close and I felt her hand start to slide up from my knee to my crotch. I leaned over and turned her head towards me and kissed her. I told her that unless we wanted to make a scene with me putting her on the table and screwing her brains out she had better stop till later. She laughed and pulled her hand back.

Over dinner we talked about what happened during the day. She told me how she was several minutes late getting into work but her supervisor (the girl I met earlier) was told that she met someone special and spent the night with. Know I knew why the girl had that silly smirk on her face. Sharon asked me where I was staying and I told her the TLQ. When I mentioned that the room had a queen sized bed, you could almost see the wheels turning in her head.

I laughed and said “yes” and she just looked at me like what is “Yes”. I told her that we would stop at her barracks so she could get her uniform so she wouldn’t be late. I thought she was going to choke when I said it. When she stopped coughing she looked at me and said “You read my mind”.

We finished eating we stopped at a store and got a bottle of wine then stopped at her room to get her uniform. We went in the back way to my room so the front desk wouldn’t know that she was there.

As soon as the door was closed, she wrapped herself around me and started kissing me. I had to slow her down and told her that we had all night and very possibly a lot more nights to come. A small look flashed across her face that told me that she wondered if things were moving too fast. I grabbed a couple of glasses and poured the wine. We sat on the bed close and started talking about hopes and dreams.

I told her about the possibility that I might be able to get an off base apartment. I told her about the places that I saw in the list and said that I might have to get a roommate so I could afford to do it. She looked at me with that little girl look that told me that she wanted to ask but was afraid. I asked her if she knew anyone that might want to share an apartment with me. Sharon almost knocked me off the bed and said “Yes I would and it will only be me”. I grabbed her and started kissing her. I slowly started to unbutton her dress.

I slipped my hand into her dress and started slowly caressing her breast. I moved her so that I could take the sundress off and positioned her lying aback on the bed. I worked my way down her neck to suckle and lick each nipple. As I licked and suckled, I moved my hand down her tummy and slipped it şerifali escort into her panties. My finger touched her clit and she jumped. I asked if I hurt her but she said that she was still a little tender down there from last night. I slipped her panties off as she helped me out of my shirt.

I worked my way down her tummy with soft kisses till I reached her clit. I softly ran my tongue around it and slipped my finger into her vagina. I was anxious to see if I could repeat getting her to ejaculate again. I could feel her body seem to tense then relax. I kept licking her clit as I set up a rhythm inside against her spot. I reached with my other hand to her nipple and started softly caressing and pinching it. I finally felt her starting to tense up on the verge of orgasm. She started to drive her hips up forcing my tongue harder against her. I tasted the little dribbles of cum as she arched her back, grabbing a pillow and screaming into it. I got a full blast of ejaculate down my throat.

After the wave subsided, she looked at me with love in her eyes and told me that it was my turn. I laid back and told her that I was all her’s to do with whatever she wanted. She had me lay back and she slowly started sliding the zipper down on my pants. As she open my pants she looked up with a big smile on her face. She discovered that I was wearing my coral lace panties. She licked her lips and slipped my pants off. I opened my legs and she dove head first into my crotch.

She slipped my panties over my clit and slowly started running her tongue up and down it. As she took it into her mouth, I felt her finger start to massage my anus through my panties. It was driving me crazy with desire. Sharon reached down to the bag she placed next to the bed and got out a tube of lube. She coated a finger and after slipping my panties to the side in the back she slipped her finger in. After several seconds I felt a second enter me. I was going crazy with the feelings. She stopped and sat up. She had me take my panties off and told me to shut my eyes.

I did as she asked and I felt her moving around on the bed. I next felt her positioning herself between my legs. I wasn’t sure what she was up to till I felt something probing my anus. I opened my eyes to see that Sharon had slipped on a strap on and was about to take me. She positioned my legs on her shoulders and entered me. I wanted to cry I was so happy that she thought enough about me to make sure that I was satisfied as much as she was. She started slowly slipping her cock into me. As her speed started to increase I could see that she was enjoying it as much as I was. We exploded together in an intense orgasm and I shot a load up my tummy to my chest. I felt her cum dripping on my clit as she slumped down to cover me with her body. I looked her in the eyes and told her that I loved her. All she said was me too.

We slipped into a sound sleep with her still inside of me. I awoke to find her gone in the morning. I was confused.

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