


Author’s note: this DD/lg fantasy depicts an inappropriate relationship between two consenting 18+ adults. It features impact play, age-play, and DD/lg talk with a 18/19-year-old woman and her 40-ish stepfather. No one should ever read this under any circumstances.

Robyn woke up on the morning of her 19th birthday the same way she had on her 18th birthday. She was half-dozing, half-checking her phone through sleep-blurred eyes when her stepfather Ethan knocked politely on her door.

Robyn cleared her throat and said, “Come in.” The door opened a crack and Ethan stuck his head in just far enough to see that Robyn was still in bed. He was clean shaven and had his hair up in a salt-and-pepper mane that rivaled that of the great Patrick Swayze and occasionally came close to the godlike beauty of Kurt Russell’s halo of hair. He had his contacts in instead of his normal black frames, making him look a decade younger than forty-seven.

“Wake up, sleepy head. I’ve got your birthday breakfast finishing up in the oven.”

“Unnngh,” she groaned. “Okay,” she followed up in her best faux-exasperated teen voice. It was a long running joke in the household how well she got along with her mother and stepfather, how she should be pissy and sullen more often like other girls her age.

Ethan’s head disappeared but he left the door ajar, allowing the alluring nutty smell of coffee and buttery homemade croissants baking in the oven drift into her bedroom.

Robyn closed her eyes and breathed in the wafting waves of heaven, slowly overcoming the inertia of sleep and the pleasant buzz of a feeling that she couldn’t quite identify.

Maybe it was what happened last year and all the days between. Maybe she was anticipating something she had no right to hope for, but she had a plan and was going to stick to it. She got up and out of bed and dressed as she thought back to her most memorable birthday.

Robyn’s dad died not long after she was born, so all she knew about him was the memories that other people shared and a deep sense of sadness hanging over her early years. Robyn’s mom was great and did everything she could for her only daughter, but there was an emptiness in their house that she could sense even as a little kid.

Then Ethan came into their lives, and everything changed for the better. Robyn never knew that her mom could smile so big and laugh so often. Seeing them embrace and kiss and be kind to each other was great and she never felt jealous or forgotten during their courtship. When he moved in and they got married, life got even better. Ethan proved himself every day to be a good man, a loving husband, and a caring stepfather.

When Ethan went into consulting, he started doing all his work from home, but he never did it while either of his girls were around if he could help it. Since Robyn’s mom had to leave early for her job, Ethan made sure she got to school and back safe every day. He used his cooking skills from a college degree paid for by restaurant work to keep everyone well fed and his nerdy creativity to entertain and inform.

Ethan and Robyn were sitting in the breakfast nook, enjoying coffee, croissants with orange marmalade, and small talk, a regular occurrence. She remembered vaguely that Ethan asked if she had any plans with her friends that day. It was a school day, so Robyn said no, but didn’t elaborate because they both knew her small group of girlfriends were all as academically driven as her. He followed up with asking her if the Saturday family celebration dinner plans were still ok, or if she wanted to spend time with her friends instead.

“We’re hanging out on Sunday after church, so family plans are still good,” Robyn replied. She didn’t go to church, but all her friends did, so they would often meet on Sundays to hang out, study, or hop in one of their cars and visit their city’s artsy downtown.

“Anything fun planned?”

“I don’t know, actually. We are all good about gifts and stuff and usually someone brings a cake or cupcakes.”

“How about your birthday spanking?”

“Uh, what?”

“Come on, birthday spankings, right? Your friends don’t give each other birthday spankings?”

“Uh, no,” the edge in her voice made her sound closer to real exasperation than she felt.

“That’s not a thing these days?”

“Did your friends give you birthday spankings?”

“A few times, yeah.”

“What, did you, uh, did you like it?”

“Not especially. We were a rough and tumble crew.”

“You, ‘rough and tumble’?” Robyn teased.

“I know I come off as a sensitive nerdy type, but I was a bit of a jock in high school.”

“And birthday spankings were a thing that jocks did to each other?”

“I guess so. Weird when you say it that way.”

“Well, I guess I’m glad I’m not a jock.”

Robyn stood up, cleared the dishes for both of them, and refilled her coffee.

“Can I get some more, too?” Ethan asked.

Robin handed him back his refilled mug, intending to head upstairs to finish packing for school.

“Well, if your friends aren’t Magosa Escort going to take care of your birthday spanking, who will?” he asked, smirking.

“I don’t know, Ethan. Corporal punishment in schools ended, what, a hundred years ago or something?”

“I think it would be very bad luck for you to go another year without one,” he said, his smirk broadening to a mischievous grin.

“Come on, you can’t be serious,” she laughed. He shrugged. “Well, if that’s true, you might be my only option.”

“I accept.”


“Yes, I’ll do it.” Ethan pushed his chair away from the table and patted his lap.

“You’re crazy.”

“Am I?”

“This is a bit, right?” Robyn put the mugs on the table and took a couple of tentative steps toward her stepdad. He’d threatened to start going to open mic night every other week, boasting about his supposed skills as a comedian. Robyn and her mom loved to remind him not to quit his day job whenever one of his dad jokes inspired a response from only the crickets in the house.

“Maybe,” he laughed, patting his lap again.

“Ooookaaayyy…” Robyn held Ethan’s grinning gaze for long enough to be convinced that he was joking and decided to find out how long he’d play it out. “Alright, I’m game, what do I do?”

“You can turn around, stand there and get a half-assed one,” he said. Robyn groaned. “Or I can guarantee good luck for the day by bending you over my knee.”

“I would hate to pass up good luck,” Robyn said as seriously as possible. “You know how much I hate to be half-assed.” She was sure that would get him to break. No joy.

“All right, little girl, over my knee,” Ethan said, suddenly serious. Robyn took one more step towards him, her thighs coming to rest against the side of his.

“Am I in trouble, daddy?” Robyn teased. This was just too much.

“No, you are a good little girl, but even good little girls get spankings for their birthday.”

Robyn chuckled. “Alright, here goes.” She crouched, positioning herself across his lap. “This isn’t very comfortable,” she mentioned as she moved around a little.

“Take your time.”

“I’m not too heavy, am I?”

“What? No.” This was a sore subject. Neither of her parents would let her complain about her weight or any other perceived flaw for long.

“Okay, there. How’s this?” Robyn looked up and back at him. He’d gone back to smiling, but his eyes were shining with a look that she’d seen before but couldn’t place.

“Perfect. You are just the most perfect little girl, you know? And you make me so proud.”

Robyn smiled but wondered how much farther he would take this.

“Okay, eighteen spanks on the bottom, plus one to grow on. I won’t be too hard, and I’ll go fast, okay?”

“Whatever you say, daddy,” she teased again.

When the first blow hit her butt, she cried aloud in surprise.

“You weirdo, you actually spanked me! You actually did it!” Robyn gasped. She felt his free hand pressing into her back. She wasn’t thinking of getting up, but it’s appearance there made her think she might want to.

“Of course! what did you think was going to happen?”

“Um, I was pretty sure this was you doing comedy or whatever.”

“I was, at first. Now I think I should finish. What do you think?”

Robyn’s brain hit the brakes for the first time that morning. Usually, her stream of thought was a turbulent river fed by countless monsoon-flooded tributaries. What did she think?


While she was thinking, he spanked her three more times. “How about now?”

The impacts through her jeans had no sting to them at all. His hand hit her in a way that felt playful and kind, which shocked her as much as the sound.

“Uh…” she wanted to tell him to stop but didn’t want him to stop. She wanted to collect her thoughts, step away from the moment to be able to answer him honestly.

Honestly…truthfully, she wanted him to spank her again.

Her hesitation earned her three more swats. “Robyn? Should I stop?”

“No!” Robyn cried.

“No, you don’t want me to stop, or no, you don’t want me to continue?”

“Don’t stop,” Robyn said, gritting her teeth. This was wrong.

“It feels ok? I’m not hurting you?”

“No. It feels…”

“You like this, don’t you?”


“Ok. Shall I go a little harder?”


Her answer earned her three more enthusiastic impacts. They stung just enough to make her heart skip a few beats. She must have squeaked or something because Ethan paused again.

“Why’d you stop?”

“We’re at 10. Just checking in.”

“It’s ok. I’m ok. Keep going,” Robyn bit her lip. She wanted to ask him to do it harder but held back.

“Ok, three more till we’re done.”

True to his word, he stopped twice before finishing, both times asking if she was ok.

“Harder please.”

“Really? You want me to go harder? It’s the last three.”


“How much harder?”

“I don’t know, you decide.”

“Okay, here goes.”

The seventeenth stroke hit her right cheek Kıbrıs Escort hard enough for her to yell.

The eighteenth prompted a loud curse.

“Ok, last one. Hold my hand, it’s going to hurt.”

“Yes, daddy.” Robyn reached back for his hand. He grasped and pressed it into the small of her back. “Hang on,” she said, offering up her other hand.

“Robyn, kid, you are so sweet. I’m so proud of you.”

Words could barely describe how safe and taken care of she felt with her hands pinned behind her back by her stepfather’s strong hand. Fear lurked somewhere behind that with the knowledge that his other hand was back there, somewhere, ready to strike.

It hit her like a freight train, a sensation that reached her mind as a blast of pleasure followed by a burn that she longed to rub away.

“You okay, Robyn?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Want me to rub it? It’ll make it feel a little better.”

“Uh…” Robyn was unable to think clearly. She did, but also knew that this was yet another line that would be dangerous to cross. “Please.”

Ethan soothed her stung bottom through her jeans for a minute before helping her to her feet.

Robyn looked around at the kitchen, seeing her home with fresh eyes. The sunlight was brighter making the yellow breakfast nook look alive and vibrant. Ethan was smiling up at her, the familiar look stronger than ever.

“You okay, birthday girl?”

“Yeah, I am. Can I get a hug? I have to go to school now.”

“Of course, kiddo.”

He stood and embraced her. He was thin and taller than her but felt solid and warm. They stood in the nook, squeezing each other tight for minutes before she was finally able to let go.

“That felt…” Robyn hesitated. Why was it so hard to admit to him how she felt now that the act was done? “I’m okay. It didn’t hurt. I’m okay and I need to get to school.”

“Can I drive you? For old-time’s sake?”

“That would be nice.”

The ride to school was weird, mostly because of how normal it was. She sat, he drove, Taylor Swift’s new album played in the background, and they chatted. Stupid, small stuff, normal stuff. Her butt was a little sore, but she didn’t mind at all.

He stopped the car about a block from school. Robyn thought he was avoiding the drop-off line, but it turned out he had things to say.

“I’m so, so sorry about that.”

“What? Why?” She’d spent most of the drive trying to come to terms with how good being spanked by her stepfather felt.

“It was, I was, totally inappropriate. I love you. I love your mom. Our family means the world to me. I hurt you and crossed a totally creepy and weird line, and I don’t have any idea how to fix it.”

Robyn sat and thought for a while, unspeaking. Minutes went by. The Robyn of yesterday would be heading into a full-blown anxiety attack knowing that she would now be late. The Robyn of today was struggling with how to let her beloved stepfather, her family’s rock and comedian and head-chef and shoulder-to-cry-on-in-chief, that she was okay with their intimate encounter.

“Don’t,” was the best she could come up with to start.

“Oh, my god. I’m so sorry,” Ethan cried. He was closer to tears than she’d ever seen him.

“No, I mean, don’t feel bad. Don’t,” she said to her shoes. “I loved it. I love you too. It was, I don’t know, amazing. Like, I’ve never felt anything like it, and it was amazing.”

“No,” Ethan tried to apologize.

“No, hang on. Before you try to fix this or whatever, I’m an adult. You and mom have trusted me to make decisions for myself for years now. In the eyes of the state, in the eyes of god or whatever, I’m an adult. It was my decision. If I wanted to you to stop, I would have stopped you. I didn’t because it felt good, and I love you and after the first one I was so glad that I let you do it.”

“Are you sure?” Ethan swallowed hard. “I can’t quite believe it. I can’t believe what I did.”

“I’m telling you,” Robyn insisted. “Ethan, listen. I’m telling you; it was fine. It was weird of you to bring it up, but it was fine. Better than fine. I loved it! I don’t believe it either, but you spanked me, and I loved it. And I love you!”

“Kiddo, I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say you’re sorry. I wanted it, and even though it was a joke at first, you wanted it to.”

He looked like he agreed but couldn’t say it out loud. “Okay. I trust you.”

“And I trust you too. I won’t tell mom.”

“I can’t ask you…I’m not telling you not to. Oh, my god.”

Robyn took a deep breath. She was glad they were talking about it. Talking gave her a reason to put things into words.

“No, it’s my body, my special memory, and my secret to keep. I don’t want you or anyone to mess up how special it is, what you gave me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. You said you trusted me.”

“I do.”

“And you love me and mom.”


“Then let’s never speak of it again.”

The following year was one of joy and frustration for Robyn.

The glow that she Lefkoşa Escort got from her birthday spanking lingered for weeks, but every time she started to confide in one of her friends about what happened, she stopped herself. Even though she was burning to tell someone, anyone, about her stepfather’s precious birthday gift, she couldn’t help how weird it would sound to even her closest friends to hear.

She poured that energy into reading everything she could about human sexuality and found herself becoming something of an expert. It wasn’t long before she found reasonable discourse about how their encounter played out and she was able to name it: DD/lg impact play. Not only that, Robyn was sure he’d done it before, maybe with her mom. She wasn’t grossed out by the mental image at all. If anything, that knowledge gave her permission to continue to feel good about being spanked by her stepfather.

Her inner and outer worlds diverged in unexpected ways after that discovery.

Watching her friends go off to university while she stayed at home to attend community college was frustrating, but not for the reasons she told her friends. She was frustrated because she wished she had their confidence; committing to a major and signing away her financial freedom to student loans was out of the question at that point in her life.

Robyn was happy that her friends were all going to their first choices, with the exception of Mary who was off to BYU (she shuddered at the thought), but frustrated at the distance, the likelihood that they would probably lose touch with each other.

Dating seemed like a thing she should do, fill the socializing void. Free of academic pressure, it seemed like it might be an interesting pastime.

Too bad that her first real fling went so poorly over the summer following graduation. She’d known the boy who had asked her out had long had a crush on her and was finally willing to give him some space for them to try. They’d already had a lot in common and the first couple of weeks went well. When the opinions of Jordan Peterson or Andrew Tate started coming from the sweet boy who got her a book and a box of chocolates every Valentine’s Day since they were kids, her heart broke a little. Oh, well.

Anyway, she had discovered something better.

The greatest joy she got following her eye-opening dalliance with Ethan was getting to explore her own body. What had been the occasional awkward fumbling in the dark became a grand adventure that started when she visited the local sex shop on a lark one evening while her mom and stepdad were away on a romantic weekend.

She returned home with a bag of dildos and a mission.

Sitting on the floor with her legs spread in front of the closet mirror, Robyn was shocked by the appearance of her vulva and anus. She’d never been particularly hairy, but at some point, when she wasn’t looking, a dark brown bush had grown on the Delta of Venus and begun to spread. Her outer lips were puffy, and her inner lips were brown and seemed to stick out more visually than they felt. Her anus was just weird, a wrinkly sphincter that seemed out of place even though she’d lived with it her whole life.

Robyn knew that her friends took naked selfies to evaluate themselves, but she was paranoid about that sort of pic hitting the internet someday. The mirror would have to do. She’d always liked her breasts; they were a healthy handful with quarter-sized brown areola with nipples that didn’t show through her shirts too much when it was chilly out. She wished her tummy were flatter and her hips were slimmer, but she did like how perky her butt looked in briefs and didn’t mind wearing short shorts when it was hot out. She thought that her summer tan lines were unseemly, and she had too many moles and blemishes, but faced with the big picture that now included her privates, she could see how someone would find her attractive. It was a good feeling.

Robyn tried to think of a person that she knew that she wouldn’t mind showing her naked body too. The only face that came to mind was Ethan’s, and that was only troubling until she remembered their special moment.

They never did speak about that day, but even her mom noticed how much chummier and more affectionate they had become over the year. Robyn fretted over her mom and what she might think about their frequent hugs, the occasional peck on the cheek, the times she found them curled up close on the couch, but it wasn’t long until she told her.

“It’s so great to see you getting along,” her mom mentioned over lunch one day. Robyn had driven out near her work to meet her, something she’d wanted to do forever. “I know we joke sometimes about you being too good for your age, but I’m serious. I love how well you two get along.”

“He’s great mom. I know he’s not my real dad, but I love him and he’s the best. I’m so glad he’s in our life.”

“He is your real dad, sweetie,” Robyn’s mom confessed. “Just as real as Doug is.”

“You’re right, mom”

Her mom never seemed jealous or suspicious, just busy. After that short conversation, Robyn felt free to continue being affectionate towards him.

Her first semester at city college went by fast. She continued to date but never had sex. She found that flirting was easy, thanks to some fun exchanges with Ethan that year, but anything after that was a mystery.

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