
Cheerleader Tale Ch. 05: Training 1

Big Tits

Title :- A Cheerleaders Tale – 05 – Training Eye Opener

(Authors Note —

Please note that this is Adult Erotic Fiction, so should only be read by those who qualify!

This will make most sense if read after the previous chapters, but if you want a quick summary……

Susan has arrived at MidCounty University full of hope for a more exciting life than possible back at her remote country farm home. In particular she’d been keenly aware of how restricted her sex life had been and was keen to explore new boundaries. She was also keen to join the Vipers Football Cheerleading team, a tradition previously established by her elder Sister and Mother!

She’d quickly made friends with other girls in her new dorm, and particularly the more sophisticated Sam who was sleeping next door, and Trish and Andy across the corridor. They’d soon established themselves as the ‘Dead End Girls’ gang.

Early encounters with prospective male partners hadn’t really gone well, and the initial exposure to the Cheerleader program had been a bit of an eye opener, but it was her new best friend Sam’s Pyjama Party that really took her to a new, unexpected level! And then there was the Friday night Fresher’s Ball, biggest event of the week. She’d looked forward to it all week but in the end it really hadn’t turned out as she’d hoped as she’d fallen victim to a hypno-gangbang scam.

It had left her confused and angry, but still as determined as ever to do well on Sunday’s first Cheerleaders Team Practice. Along with her new Asian friend Li of course!

Constructive comments and scores are always welcome, but regardless, I sincerely hope that you enjoy ……….

Duke )

Sunday Sept 14th 17.30

Dear Diary

Hi – just a really quick entry to update you on my first Cheerleader Practice Session!

Must admit that I’ve been looking forward to this so much that even the yukky events of Friday Night didn’t put a damper on it! I’ve certainly not forgotten what happened after the big Fresher’s Dance, but I’m moving on!

Of course I was carrying all the hopes and expectations of both my mum and elder sister on my dainty shoulder as well! They’ve been going on at me to join up ever since I got a place in their ‘Favourite Uni’, so there was a bit of pressure to do well to say the least!

I suppose that’s my fault really, but after both of them made the Cheerleading Team when they were here, it’s a family tradition that I can’t ignore. And they wouldn’t have let me forget it either if I’d made a mess of it. I know them too well!!

And, of course, it was a chance to meet up with my new Asian friend Li too!

I wasn’t really sure what to expect on my first training session. Plenty of hard work I suppose, and another brush with the evil Team Captain Tanya too, but I really wouldn’t have believed how it all eventually unfolded!!

1.Coffee Shop

Susan was nearing the campus Italian Coffee shop when she saw Li approaching from the opposite direction. They smiled and waved. And seeing that the weather was fine and warm, Susan waited outside the coffee shop door for her new Asian friend.

They’d both agreed on the phone that coming in training gear was a ‘must’ after the events of the first Football Cheerleader Induction meeting earlier in the week. She’d approached that event not really knowing what to expect, but exercising topless hadn’t even been in her wildest dreams!

Still, Susan reflected, at least she’d met Li and they’d somehow formed an instant friendship! And that was despite their completely different backgrounds, her from a remote farming community and Li from a relatively wealthy family in a country half-way across the world! Of course, both having suffered at the hands of the ‘evil’ Cheerleader Captain, Tanya, at the first time they met, their bonding process had been helped no end!

Susan was impressed with her friend’s sports gear. The Asian girl was wearing a fairly tight, figure hugging black track-suit that looked smooth and shiny, with bright white designer stripes down the legs and arms, over clean white trainers. Her long black, raven hair was pulled back by a silver hair clasp leaving her thin face, covered in a wide grin, clear and her beautiful grey/green eyes sparkling.

Susan was wearing a pair of long, grey running shorts and a thin blue track suit top over plain grey sports bra with rather worn, pink trainers below. She suddenly felt a bit drab in comparison but with her light brown hair tied back in a controlling pony by a bright pink scrunchie, and her own warm, hazel eyes beaming, she reached out to hug and kiss cheeks with Li, enjoying the close embrace before trooping into the shop and joining the queue at the long, glass counter.

Susan was sorely tempted by the large selection of buns and pastries, but along with Li decided to stick to drinks only, and they both ordered small Latte’s so that they wouldn’t stay too late. Susan was also tempted by the same handsome barista that had been on duty last time they’d called, and when grandbetting yeni giriş he served them, giving them a big smile and appraising look, she felt her cheeks redden annoyingly. As he handed over the coffee cups he surprised her again by winking and asking them if they were now ‘regulars’. She hadn’t thought he’d noticed them last time they’d been in but evidently he had!

Good news!!

Li glanced at Susan as he took their money, smiled and raised her eyebrows, which was also a bit annoying because she obviously fancied him as well!!

Walking back to a table by the window with their coffees, Susan noted that Li was definitely swaying her hips so she did the same and when they sat down, she glanced back at the counter and had the satisfaction of seeing that ‘their’ lightly bearded barista’s eyes had followed them across the room.

Question was, who’s bum had he been following?!

They then proceeded to spend an enjoyable twenty minutes or so catching up on each other, with Susan making absolutely no mention of the recent gang-bang. It was bad enough that her new best friend Sam already knew all about the unfortunate episode! Then, having finished the coffee, they left quite quickly so that they’d get to the Football Field early, Susan surreptitiously checking that the barista had noticed them again as she closed the door. And smiling to herself when she saw that he had!

2.Checking Out the Players

The Cheerleader meeting was due to be held in the big gymnasium on the complex, but as they were early, they sat on some seats for a while and watched the Football players training in the afternoon sunshine. It was quite warm now, so they’d both unzipped their tops to let in some cooler air and attracted a few admiring glances from the perspiring, hunky athletes!

“Mmmmmmm” said Susan dreamily after a few minutes, ” ….. some of these guys look distinctly hot!”

Her attention had been drawn to a small group exercising by themselves just in front of them. She’d guessed from the drills that they must be the Quarter-Back team, five of them in the group with a tall, older coach, and practising step-backs and sharp, angled throws. The leader was obviously a big blonde-haired young man with impressive upper body physique, but Susan’s attention was drawn to a slightly shorter young athlete with jet black hair and slightly Hispanic features, equally well built but maybe not as beefy. Hunky enough though!

Eventually, he noticed her looking and grinned back at her with brilliant white teeth and flashing dark eyes. She almost looked away, but didn’t, instead smiling back shyly! It took a long moment for her heart to get back under control!

That moment was soon spoiled though as she saw the Cheerleader Captain, Tanya, approach the group in her sexy black and red outfit as the players took a break. She put her arm around the big blonde’s waist and reached up on tiptoes to give him a quick kiss, before working her way around the others and repeating the exercise!

It was like marking out her territory thought Susan in dismay!

“Hey …. you two!!” snapped Tanya stridently when she recognised the two female spectators as two of her prospective Junior Cheerleaders, “Better get over to the gym ….. we’ll be starting soon … and you don’t want to know what happens to any of my girls who are late!!”

Susan was seething as she trooped after Li towards the big gym building. Cheek of the woman! Speaking to them like little schoolgirls …. and in front of the other players as well!!

Her Tanya ‘hate rating’ rocketed to yet new levels!

3.Uniform Shocks

Inside the big, spacious gym, Li and Susan joined a group of twelve other girls waiting for Tanya to appear. The two friends exchanged meaningful looks. It had certainly been a big ‘cull’ from the thirty or so that had been at the Induction Meeting earlier in the week!

There was no time to reflect on their luck at being chosen though as the main doors swung open and Tanya led in a group of six of her senior Cheerleaders, each carrying a big cardboard box which they set down on some tabled by the side wall. Susan had to admit that they looked incredibly hot in their ‘Viper’ Uniforms.

Their knee length black, lace up boots clung to shapely legs, and their black pleated micro skirts were short enough to show off much of their toned thighs and an occasional flash of bright red panties. The skirts was slashed vertically every couple of inches with crimson red flashes, the colour of which matched their smart, short sleeved bolero tops, tied in a knot at their busts, which only half covered black, lacy bras. The crimson top was lined in black piping, and had a big letter ‘V’ over one breast and a wriggly snake symbol above the other.

Susan’s attention soon switched back to Tanya, blond hair braided tightly at the back of her head, who’d briefly checked the contents of the boxes and then called the girls over.

“Right you lot! Over here, line up on the red line!” she snapped, pointing at grandbetting giriş one of the long markings on the smooth wooden floor. She waited semi-patiently whilst the girls complied, giving Susan time to notice that Tanya was twirling a short, wooden baton with a silver metal cap in practiced hands.

“Okay”, she added when she was satisfied about their stance, “….now strip off, quickly!”

“What?!” gasped Susan, loudly, unable to believe that Tanya was going to make them go totally naked this time!

The head Cheerleader gave Susan a sharp glance before explaining with exaggerated patience, “Well, look at you all. With all that different gear on you look like circus rejects! Now that you’re joining a serious organisation, we’re going to kit you out properly!” She nodded to the big boxes on the tables.

Looking up and down the line at the multicoloured training gear that they’d all turned up in, Susan had to admit that Tanya had a point, but even so, stripping in public wasn’t what she’d expected. She did though, and soon there was a line of 14 naked young women waiting for patiently for their new outfits.

One or two looked a bit shy though and attempted to cover their nakedness with hands in strategic positions. One of them, standing next to Susan, gave her a worried looking glance. She was a stunning blonde with an hour glass figure. Susan just rolled her eyes and winked in encouragement and watched a she slowly let her hands drift down to her side like the rest of them. But Susan couldn’t help but notice that the blonde’s stubby pink nipples were standing out prominently from her gorgeous breasts and, glancing downwards at her own pert nubs, she realised in dismay that hers were already half way to standing to attention too!

God, but she needed to control herself! There was no ignoring the little tingle between her legs as she’d surveyed the other naked girls and she wasn’t sure whether it was as a result of her new, unexplored, post-pyjama party ‘Bi’ status or the after-effects of whatever drugs she’d been slipped on the Friday night gang-bang! She just knew that she really had to ignore the excited throbbing building up in her pussy!

Tanya wasn’t finished with them yet though as she walked up and down the line, blatantly checking out their curves, and paying particular attention to their breasts and pussies!

“Okay, not bad at all,” she said eventually, “…we clearly did a good job sifting out the deadbeats!” she added with a laugh towards her senior helpers! Susan had noticed already that all the girls in the gym had good figures, perky, firm looking breasts and tight, round buttocks! And they were all within a few inches of a similar height, and none taller that Tanya Susan noted cynically!

Still Tanya wasn’t finished with them though.

“Some of those pussy bushes are going to need attention though,” she added with a smile, “….we have some pretty revealing costumes to wear, and we don’t want unnecessary pubic hairs peeping out do we?! Now, let me see ……..”

She started at the end of the line and, using the baton pointed out to each girl in turn where trimming was required.

Up closer now, Susan noticed that the batons embossed silver end was shaped like a venomous snakes head. Logical enough for the ‘Vipers’ team she thought, but hoped that it didn’t mean anything more threatening!

Some of the girls were already shaved, so they got away lightly, but the rest had to endure Tanya drawing imaginary lines over their pubic thatches to highlight her recommended boundaries. When she got to Li, standing next to Susan, and sporting a particular thick jungle of jet black hair between her legs, she tut-tutted and shook her head.

“Looks like a lot of that will have to go I’m afraid!” she said to a distinctly worried looking Li.

Susan was about to say something when Tanya gave her a hard stare and moved quickly to stand directly in front of her.

“Pretty thin one here I see, ” she said referring to Susan’s wispy, light brown bush, “but it strays too high….you’ll need to trim it down to here” she added as she moved the silver, twisted end of her baton across Susan’s mound, just an inch or two above her dark slit.

“And you really need to learn who’s boss here!” she whispered nastily, as she leaned closer.

Susan’s eyes went wide and she gasped, not at the words, but at the way that Tanya had skilfully slid the baton’s snake head end down, over her pussy and along her slit before easing it slowly upwards! Susan and Tanya’s eyes were fixed on each other and Susan was gradually lifting herself onto her toes as Tanya kept up the upward pressure, the cool metal starting to slide between her labia and up against her inner folds! Susan swallowed hard as the baton triggered a mini explosion of arousal between her legs, but she wasn’t going to break the eye contact, even when, amazingly, it seemed that Tanya might force it right into her throbbing vagina!

Eventually, her protagonist let a satisfied smile pass across her face grandbetting güvenilirmi and pulled the devilish baton away, leaving Susan breathing deeply, and trying hard to quell the sudden waves of arousal spreading right through her.

She was confused, but ever since she’d been drugged at the dance party, she’d felt that her arousal levels were seemingly permanently elevated. This was going to be hard to handle! Although when Li reached out and gave her hand a little squeeze of moral support, she immediately felt a little better.

That confusion heightened as Tanya, with an evil grin on her face, brought up the silver baton head and quickly stroked it firmly against each of her hard nipples, triggering a quick gasp and another shower of excitement from her taut breasts!

“Nice Nips!” Tanya chuckled as she moved on to her next victim.

By the time that the Cheerleader Captain had finished with the rest of them and strolled back to her place in the middle, Susan had got her breathing back under some semblance of control though and was contemplating all the nasty things that she would do to the bitch Tanya if she got her alone in a darkened room. There were a lot of them! Tanya didn’t seem bothered though!

“Okay girls, time to get kitted out …. but for those of you that need to get your pussies sorted, I can recommend a little salon on the edge of campus. There’s a flyer on the Notice Board in the locker room. Reasonable rates if you mention my name, and extra discounts if you want them.” Susan and Li exchanged glances. That sounded a bit mysterious!

As Tanya spoke though, the other senior cheerleaders came forward armed with tape measures and notebooks, taking lots of vital statistic measurements and paying particular attention to their boob areas and hips. It wasn’t helping to quell Susan’s soaring sense of arousal at all!

But then items were extracted from the various boxes and placed in a small pile in front of each naked girl.

Susan scanned hers with interest. The garments all seemed to be made of some slightly off-white material, some slightly pink shade that was so subtle as to be hardly visible. There were some simple, plain white trainers, some socks, a pair of VERY brief shorts and a short top with a kind of flared, frilly bottom under the bust. All the items were edged by piping of alternate red and black Team Viper flashes.

Like most of the others, Susan bent down and picked up the shorts first, keen to get her pussy covered. They may have been all girls together so to speak, but she still felt slightly embarrassed standing naked in front of the senior girls. Glancing sideways she noted that Li was already stepping into hers!

As she pulled them up, she knew that the shorts were going to be really brief, and when they were right up and nestling into her crotch she realised that they were low slung, just hanging off her hips really with the elasticated red/black band at the top dipping dangerously low at the front. No wonder Tanya was going on about pussy hair boundaries! The legs were high, just an inch or two below her crutch, displaying miles of strong, lithe legs and there was a big split seam at each side, almost to the to the waistband, so at least she could move her legs feely.

And given the type of exercise she expected that they’d be doing Susan expected that would be absolutely essential!

Next she pulled on the socks which were comfortably grippy and knee length, but adjustable down to the ankle as well. It felt like going back to her school days! Picking up the top she studied it and felt the material through her fingers. It was unusual. Soft but quite firm around the bust. Her examination was interrupted by Tanya’s impatient voice though.

“You don’t need a bra!” she snapped at an unfortunate brunette a few places down the line from Susan. She had quite full breasts and was obviously nervous about support, but the sharp command made her drop her white bra as if it was molten!

“This garment has been designed in conjunction with the University Fashion Department,” Tanya explained more reasonably, holding one up, ” …. it’s very cleverly done, and designed to be super supportive around the bust, so that it’ll keep those bouncing boobs of yours under control even though it looks relatively light and flimsy ……. whatever exercises we make you do!” she added with a sly grin!

Susan’s pained expression was quickly hidden as she pulled the top over her head, threaded her arms into the frilly arm holes, and pulled the body downwards, breathing in as she eased the material over her boobs, feeling the elastic support pull tightly around her golden orbs. She used her hands to jiggle her breasts around for a moment to get them properly in place and was pleasantly surprised how comfortable and supportive the top felt. Tanya had not been exaggerating for once!

She looked across at Li who’d just completed the same operation and grinned. That’s when she noticed that the top wasn’t just designed for comfort. There was a short, loose and frilly arm sleeve over each shoulder, the pinkish material flecked with black and red, but it had a wide neckline that plunged deeply downwards across the top of Li’s bare breasts which the lower support material had pushed up and together giving more than just a hint of her gorgeous cleavage!

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