
Chrissy: Arranges Date For Janie With Ted


A few weeks went by and Janie was still living with Chrissy and Joey. She still had not been able to find a job and her social life was non-existent. She became increasingly despondent and down cast. Chrissy met Janie at the door when she was returning from another disappointing interview. Janie eyes were tearing and she was sniffling. “Chrissy, I’m never going to find a job. It is so awful. I feel so bad imposing on you and Joey. I know I am ruining your family life. I’m going to move out. I guess I will have to ask Dad for a job.”

Chrissy said, “Don’t get discouraged. Joey and I love having you with us. I think you just need a little more social life. You need to get out and meet some new people. Maybe you would like to visit with Joey and me tonight after we are in bed. We could talk about it together.”

Janie responded, “I-I think you may be right. I haven’t had a date in three months. If you and Joey had not let me get in bed with you a few weeks ago, I think I would be going crazy.”

“Janie, Mom called me today. She said that Ted Baxter had moved back into town and was still single. I was thinking that I could call him and arrange a blind date with him for you. Would you like that? He is really a handsome guy.”

“I don’t know. I don’t like blind dates. ‘Ted Baxter’, isn’t he the guy who barged in on your honeymoon? Isn’t he the guy who impregnated you and Mom? He’s the guy who f-fucked your ass…isn’t he?”

“Yes, but he is very attractive. Those occasions were not really Ted’s fault. Dad instigated those events because he wanted me to give him grandchildren. Ted can be forceful but he can make you feel so good. I think you will have a good time. Just restrain yourself and don’t get carried away. I think you will like Ted and I know he will like you. Why don’t I call Ted and suggest a simple dinner for you two.”

“Well, if you think I will like Ted, I guess going out to dinner could be fun. But make sure he understands that it is ‘just’ for dinner. I don’t want him to think that I am an easy slut. Don’t tell him that I haven’t been dating. I don’t want him to think I am some kind of loser.”

That night, after Chrissy and Joey were in bed, there was a soft knock on their bedroom door. Janie cracked the door and softly called out, “Hey ‘guys’ is it OK if I come in? I need to talk with you.”

Joey said, “Come on in, Sweetness. Climb in bed with us. What is on your mind?”

“Well, I’m a little nervous about this blind date and I need to talk to ‘you guys’.” Joey moved into the middle of the king sized bed and Janie slipped under the covers beside him.

Joey said, “What blind date? I don’t know anything about a blind date.”

Chrissy jumped into the conversation, “I suggested to Janie today that I would arrange a date for her with Ted Baxter. Mom called and said he was living in the area now. Janie has been so depressed that I thought some social life would be good for her.”

Joey said, “I don’t know if that is such a good idea. You know what he did to you and your mother.” Chrissy responded, “I was going to make it perfectly clear to Ted that this was strictly for dinner. It would be to just let Janie meet someone in the area.”

“I’m just a little nervous about dating someone I’ve never met. I’m a little vulnerable right now and I don’t want to be put into any difficult situations. When you call him, Chrissy, make sure that he understands that he has to be a gentleman. I don’t want to have to fight off some sex maniac!”

“I will make the situation perfectly clear to Ted. I am sure you will like him and I know you will have fun.”

Joey chimed in, “But be careful. Ted can be forceful. You are not on the ‘pill’ now and you better not let him get into your panties.”

“Well, I guess it will be fun just to get out again. It has been too long. Would it be OK if I sleep in here with ‘you guys’ tonight? I just need the company.” Janie knew that Joey was right because she would be in a fertile period this weekend.

“Sure you can sleep with us. But I have a 7:00 AM breakfast meeting in the morning and have to get up early. I need to get to sleep.” Joey turned on his side toward Chrissy and snuggled against her back spoon fashion. He reached across Chrissy with his left arm and rested his hand just below her breasts. Janie did the same against Joey’s back and rested her hand around Joey’s waist. Joey noticed the clean, fresh scent of his beautiful, sexy wife and her twin sister. Thinking about the last time Janie slept with them, he wished that he did not have to get up so early. He kissed Chrissy on the back of her neck and soon they were all sleeping soundly.

Joey groggily awakened during the night and noticed that Janie was still sleeping spoon fashion against his back. However, her hand had dropped lower and was resting on the front of his boxers. Joey placed his hand on Janie’s hand and guided her hand through the fly of his boxers onto his dick. Janie shifted and moaned, “Ummmm.” Joey rolled onto his back and put his arm around Janie taksim escort pulling her head onto his shoulder. Janie shifted again and straddled his leg with her legs. He kissed her forehead and Janie moaned, “Ummmm.” Her hand moved back into the fly of his boxers and lightly touched his dick which was showing signs of life. Joey lightly kissed Janie’s nose and then lightly kissed her lips. Janie opened her sleepy eyes and smiled. She whispered, “We have to be very quiet and still. We cannot awaken Chrissy.” Joey smiled and nodded.

Joey continued to kiss Janie lightly until her lips parted and he felt her tongue. He then pushed his tongue into her mouth and Janie began to pull on his hardening dick. Joey could feel Janie’s pelvis moving against his thigh. He kissed her ear and whispered, “Quietly shift around, Sweetness, so I can kiss your pussy.” Janie quietly shifted into a ‘69’ position on her side and Joey turned toward her on his side. She opened her thighs around Joey’s head and took his dick into her mouth. Joey did not take her panties off but merely pulled the small strip covering her pussy to one side. He licked her pussy and sucked her clit between his lips. Within minutes they were both cumming without making a sound or thrashing wildly. Janie did not miss a drop of cum and after cleaning Joey’s dick she shifted around and they both fell back to sleep holding each other without any further activity. It was almost like a dream.

The next day after Joey had left for work and Janie had left for a job interview, Chrissy called Ted. “Hello, Ted, this is Chrissy. How are you?”

“Chrissy, baby, it’s good to hear your voice. I’m doing well. How are you and Joey?”

“We are all fine, Ted. My twin sister, Janie, is staying with us for a while. She is single, new in town and doesn’t have many friends. I was wondering if you might like to take her out for a dinner or a movie.”

“I really did not remember that you had a twin. Why don’t I remember her from high school?

“Janie went to boarding school her last two years of high school. She was not around very much when we were dating.”

“Are you identical twins? Do you look exactly alike?”

“Yes, if we dress the same it is hard to tell us apart.”

“Well, I was going to call you and your mother to see if we could get together. But, if you think Janie and I will have fun together, it would be a pleasure to take her out. How about Saturday night for dinner? I’ll come by your house about 7:00 PM. OK?”

“Saturday at 7:00 PM will be fine. I must tell you that you have to be a gentleman with Janie. She hasn’t been dating much and she is a little…you know….anxious. She quit taking the ‘pill’ so she is vulnerable. You should not take advantage of her, Ted. OK? I know how forceful you can be and I know what you’ve done to me and mom.”

“I will be a perfect gentleman. I will not do anything except what she wants to do. I will let her call the ‘shots’. I will see you Saturday and I still would like to see you some time when you are free. Good bye now.” Ted thought Janie must be really ‘horny’. Well maybe he could help her relieve that condition.

Chrissy replaced the phone thinking that maybe she had told Ted too much about Janie’s situation. Oh well, they are both adults.

Saturday rolled around and Janie was getting dressed for her date with Ted. She was very excited but also a little apprehensive. She knew she was a little ‘horny’ and she knew that she was in the middle of a fertile period. The combination resulted in her pussy being swollen, sensitive, rosy and juicy. It seemed like she could not stop secreting lubricant. She had already changed panties twice and had decided to wear a pad to prevent wetting another pair and possibly her skirt. It was a cool night and she had also decided to wear panty hose. She giggled to herself and thought about the protection that the hose provided. She finished dressing, stepping into the short skirt and buttoning the light cashmere sweater. She looked in the mirror and was satisfied with her appearance. She dabbed on a little more perfume, including, without thinking, some on her inner thighs. Then she thought, “My God, why did I do that? I’m just going to dinner.”

Janie came down the stairs and Joey and Chrissy both exclaimed how beautiful that she looked. She looked almost exactly like a conservatively dressed Britney Spears. Joey recognized the rosy glow, indicative of being in her fertile period, because Chrissy always had the same type of glow. Soon the door bell rang and it was Ted. There were hugs and handshakes all around and Janie noticed immediately that Ted certainly was big, strong and handsome. He had an aura of confidence and she began to realize how Ted had been able to take advantage of Chrissy and her mother. Ted, of course, noticed that Janie and Chrissy looked amazingly alike. Soon Ted and Janie were in the car, a large SUV, on the way to a nearby restaurant.

“Janie, you and Chrissy are really amazing. You look şişli escort so much alike. You are both so beautiful and sexy. I’m sorry that we did not meet in high school.”

Janie blushingly said, “Thank you, Ted. Chrissy has told me so much about you that I feel like I have known you for many years.”

“I hope some of the things she told you were ‘good’. I hope they were not all ‘bad’. I hope that you like Italian food. The restaurant I picked has great veal piccata and a terrific wine list.”

“That sounds great. I love Italian. I’m so excited that I believe a glass of wine would help calm me. I’m just not accustomed to ‘blind’ dates.” Soon they were seated in the quiet, dimly lighted restaurant sipping on a cold Pinot Grigio from the region south of Rome. They finished one bottle of wine before the food arrived and Ted ordered another to have with the meal. Janie had relaxed considerably and was slightly light headed from the wine.

Ted and Janie were seated next to each other at a small quiet table. Ted, with a twinkle in his eyes, asked, “What exactly did Chrissy tell you about me?”

Janie smiled and said, “Well, she told me about the times that you took advantage of her and mother.”

“Did she tell you that it was your Dad’s idea?”

“She said something about that. But I’m still a little worried that you will take advantage of me.”

Ted laughed and leaned over and whispered, “I promise that I will not do ‘anything’ that you do not want to do.” He kissed her ear lightly and added, “I hope that I do not offend you but I promise that, if you do not touch my cock, I will not touch your pussy. Is that fair?”

Janie’s eyes widened but the wine muted her reaction, “Oh Ted, don’t say things like that. Do you really promise?” They finished dinner and continued to sip the wine. Janie was enjoying Ted’s company and was very relaxed. When Ted would make a point in the conversation he would occasionally touch Janie on the thigh. He noticed that her thighs, like Chrissy’s, were very firm. He also noticed that she had on panty hose.

“When we finish this bottle of wine I thought I would show you where Chrissy and I used to park and make out when we were in high school. Would you like to see the spot? It is out by the lake.”

Janie laughed, “Well, I don’t know about that. Is it safe? Are you going to try to make out with me?”

Ted laughed, “Well you have my promise but we still could, if you want to, make out a little. But there is one thing. Before we go I want you to go into the ladies room and take off those panty hose. I never liked to see beautiful, sexy girls so….well…..covered like that.”

Janie’s eyes twinkled, “So, if I don’t take my panty hose off, you will not show me your old make out spot. Is that correct? I-I guess I don’t have any choice.” She stood up to go to the ladies room and noticed that she was a bit tipsy.

The bill had been paid and Ted said, “I will wait for you by the front door.”

Janie knew that she did not know Ted well enough to trust him completely. But he was so nice and she was having so much fun. When she got in the ladies room she had second thoughts about taking off her panty hose but decided that Ted would keep his word. The hose were a bit confining. She went into a stall, removed the hose and put them into her purse. Then she put some more perfume on her inner thighs. When she came out Ted was waiting by the front door. He looked down at her legs and smiled approvingly. “You look so much prettier and sexy now. Shall we go check out the lake?”

Janie could feel the cool night air blowing up her skirt against her bare legs and she shivered on the way to the SUV. Ted noticed and put his arm around her shoulders, “We’ll warm up in the car. Hurry and get in.” He opened the door for Janie like a gentleman should and took notice of her bare thighs and a flash of her panties when she swung into the seat. Janie, anticipating being kissed by Ted, noticed that her pussy was wetting the pad she had worn. She thought, “Thank God that I put on the pad or I would be a complete mess.” She kicked her shoes off when she got in the car.

The SUV had bucket seats and on the way to the lake Ted said, “It is going to be hard to make out sitting in these seats. The console is in the way. We’ll have to get in the back.”

Janie looked back and noticed that the seats were folded and there was a mattress pad and blanket in the back. “I-I guess that will be OK. But you have to remember your promise.”

Ted said, “What promise was that?”

“You know. You said you would not touch me if I didn’t touch you.”

“How can we make out if we do not touch?”

“I-I don’t mean just touching. You know y-you said y-you would not touch my p-pussy if I didn’t touch your c-cock. Do you remember?”

“Of course I remember. A promise is a promise.” They turned off onto a side road winding into the hills. Ted said, “This area is a wildlife reserve and can not be developed. It is so peaceful in here.” They pulled into a şişli escort spot facing the lake and moon light was shimmering on the water’s surface.

Janie laid her head back and said, “This is so beautiful. This is where you brought Chrissy? What did you two do?”

“We were just teenagers. We just made out with a little heavy petting. But we had fun. Do you want to get in the back? There is a blanket, if you are still cold.”

“I-I guess so. Will you lock the doors? I don’t want anyone to be able to get into the car.”

“Sure, I’ll lock the doors. Would you mind if I take off my jacket, shirt and slacks so they don’t get all wrinkled?”

“I-I guess that would be OK.” Janie kicked off her shoes and climbed over the console. Ted stepped out of the car, removed his jacket, shirt and slacks and climbed in the back door. He pushed the remote lock button and kicked off his shoes. Janie had already stretched out on the pad and pulled the blanket up to her chin. “I am chilled. Do you want to get under the blanket too? We could keep each other warm.”

“I would like to get under the blanket.” They snuggled together and Ted put his arm around Janie. She laid her head on his shoulder. “It feels so good to hold you like this. I’ve wanted to hold you since the moment I saw you. You are so beautiful and sexy. It will be hard to keep my promise.” He kissed her on the forehead. She tilted her chin up and Ted lightly kissed her lips. Ted continued to kiss her lightly until he felt her lips part. Then he kissed her more passionately and pushed his tongue between her lips. Janie responded with her tongue. Soon Ted’s hands were roaming over Janie’s back all the way down to her firm buns.

“Is this what you and Chrissy used to do?”

“Sort of…..we kept our clothes on but I touched her all over. I even touched her pussy. I don’t want to mess up your beautiful sweater or your skirt. Would you like to take them off?”

“I-I guess so, but don’t look.” Janie unbuttoned and removed her sweater and unzipped and pulled off her skirt. Then she got back under the blanket wearing just her bra and panties [and, of course, the pad]. The wine had affected Janie and she was going along with almost anything Ted suggested. It was like she was in a fog. She thought, “Here I am in the back of a SUV, like some ‘teenybopper’, with someone I hardly know and I have stripped to my bra and panties. I must be crazy.” But Ted was being so nice and she was really having a good time. Chrissy had done this so why shouldn’t she do it.

Ted pulled his tee shirt off and got back under the blanket with Janie. He began to kiss her passionately, sucking on her lips and tongue. He unfastened her bra and Janie shrugged it off. She was still comfortable because he had kept his promise. He was a good ‘kisser’ and Janie was enjoying the attention. Ted began to kiss, lick and bite her nipples and Janie began to moan and arch her back. Some way Ted’s knee had gotten between her legs and she was able to rub her pussy against his thigh. The friction of Ted’s thigh was making her inflamed pussy drip copiously. The pad was soaked and there was seepage onto her panties.

Janie thought, “What is poking into my side?” She reached down to see what it was and she gasped. It was Ted’s cock. She had touched Ted’s cock. She had broken the agreement with Ted and it was so-o big. She reached down again just to be certain and Ted groaned, “It’s OK, please touch me….if you want.”

“You are so-o big. I didn’t know what was poking me. I-I didn’t mean to break our agreement. Are y-you going to t-touch my p-pussy now?” She rubbed her thumb over the tip of Ted’s cock spreading the pre-cum lubricant.

“Do you want me to touch your pussy? Would that make you feel good? I have touched Chrissy’s pussy. You just tell me what you want.”

“I-I don’t know. I haven’t been dating very much. Maybe touch it just a little.”

“If I touch your pussy will you open your legs wide?”

“Oh God, don’t make me open them too wide. It makes me feel like a slut.” Ted moved his hand down to her thighs and slowly moved it upward toward her pussy. Janie arched upward trying to bring her pussy into contact with his hand. She continued to pull on Ted’s cock and it was almost fully erect. “Ted, baby, it’s OK. You can touch my pussy. Please touch my pussy.” Janie opened her legs wider.

Ted moved his hand and cupped her mound. “You are so wet. I feel a pad. Are you having your period?”

“I’m so ashamed. I put the pad on because my pussy was secreting so much lubricant. It was making my panties wet. My period was about two weeks ago. Please don’t think I’m some kind of a slut.”

“You know what your pussy is telling you….don’t you. You need a good fucking. Do you want me to fuck you?”

“Oh God, I-I don’t know. Do y-you have a condom? I-I don’t want to get pregnant.” Janie was hunching her pussy against Ted’s hand.

“I don’t use condoms. I don’t like the feel of a condom. Maybe I should just take your panties off and finger-fuck you. Would you like that?” Without a word Janie raised her ass and Ted slipped her panties down and pulled them off her feet. For some reason the pad did not come off with her panties so, when Janie opened her thighs again, he gently removed it. He noticed that it was very damp.

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