
Chronicles of Succubus High Ch. 03


Author’s Note: This story is the third installment of my series Chronicles of Succubus High. I recommend that you check out the previous chapters of the series before reading this one, but you should still be able to follow this chapter even without them.

Content Warning & Disclaimer: In addition to the usual sexual themes of my stories, this story contains references to drug abuse and addiction. If this is something you struggle with, this may not be the story for you. And as usual, this story contains graphic depictions of sexual activity, mind control, and coercion, and is intended to be read only by adults of legal age in legal contexts. All characters depicted in any sexual situation are over 18, and all events and people described are entirely fictional. Copyright 2022, Quiver. All rights reserved.

Chronicles of Succubus High

by Quiver

Chapter 3: History Exposed

The noise from the copier finally subsiding, Dan grabbed his stack of freshly printed exams and some blue books from the supply closet in the teachers’ lounge.

Exam days were some of his favorites. He didn’t have to spend time preparing a lesson or reviewing his notes. He didn’t need to keep his class of seniors entertained or focused. He just had to sit there and make sure no one was cheating. Well, at least that no one was obviously cheating. Dan didn’t care overly if students cheated or not. As long as he didn’t need to file any extra paperwork, it didn’t matter. He was very much looking forward to zoning out for the next hour.

“Cup of coffee, Dan?” a female voice jolted him back from his thoughts. He turned around, noticing his colleague Natalie pouring herself a cup by the sink. “Freshly brewed!” she added with a smile.

Dan smiled back, shaking his head. “No, thank you for the offer, but I’m living stimulant-free these days,” he replied. He shook his head to himself, his hand moving instinctively to clutch the small plastic disc that had resided in his front pocket for the past six years. Another day, another test, another tiny victory that no one else would ever even notice.

“Have a good one!” Dan said with a smile as he exited the lounge, waving back at Natalie. “You too!” he heard as the door closed behind him.

As he passed the bathrooms on the way back to his classroom, Dan leaned down to grab a quick sip of water from the fountain. He’d prefer to get to his classroom before the bell rang and the hallway flooded with students.

Exams in his hand, Dan straightened back up and turned around, but found his path was blocked by a single female student. Stevens. Bree Stevens. She was one of his history students.

“Ah, pardon me,” Dan mumbled as he tried to move past her, eager to get to his classroom. He didn’t generally like to fraternize with students, and he had an exam to set up for.

“But Mr. Wilson,” the girl said coyly, “I really need to talk to you.”

“Uh, yeah okay, what did you need?” Dan replied, finally looking into her eyes.

As soon as their eyes met, Dan couldn’t look away. He felt his jaw slacken and his tongue grow thick as his vision seemed to blur around the edges until all he could see was her. Bree. She almost radiated heat. Dan could feel his body responding to hers immediately. His pants tightened as his swelling cock rose to salute the eighteen-year old enchantress before him.

Ordinarily Dan would have been horrified to be seen in such a situation, but every care in his mind seemed to drift away, and the only thing he could think about was how much he wanted her.

“Down boy,” Bree whispered, glancing downward toward Dan’s visible erection. “Don’t want to get in any trouble.” Her voice was somehow simultaneously husky and delicate. Dan’s ears hummed at the sound, every inch of him in agony until he could hear it again. But she had given him a command, and his body obeyed. His erection softened, becoming only a slight bulge in Dan’s khaki slacks.

“Mr. Wilson, I’m so nervous for today’s exam,” Bree’s silvery voice continued. “Would you do something for me? To settle my nerves?”

Dan nodded emphatically, nearly in tears at the absence of her voice.

Bree smiled. “I knew I could count on you, Mr. Wilson.” Bree took one finger and began to lightly trace along the veins in Dan’s hand. “Keep watch over me during the exam? I need to know that you’re watching me. If you don’t I’m afraid I won’t be able to perform. And I want to perform. For you, Mr. Wilson. I want to perform well for you.”

Dan’s breath came ragged and rough at the combined sensations of Bree’s touch and the melodious voice ringing through his ears.

“Yes, I will. I want to help you,” Dan said, his desperation evident.

“Make sure you keep your eyes on mine. And when you take your seat behind your desk, I want you to let this little guy out to play,” Bree said, letting her hand migrate down to Dan’s groin. “I’ll feel so much safer knowing he’s looking out for me too.”

Dan nodded in enthusiastic agreement, not consciously registering what sincan escort Bree had said but aching to satisfy her desires.

“But no touching. Nothing naughty, no noises. Make sure to keep a straight face and keep your hands above your desk, okay?” Bree continued.

“Anything,” Dan breathed.

“Good boy,” Bree said with a grin. “I can’t wait for you to see how much work I put into this exam. You’re going to be so pleased, I promise. See you soon,” With that, Bree dragged her hand across Dan’s chest as she made her way around him and disappeared into the bathroom.

Dan was left stunned and speechless in the hallway, his sweat starting to run cold in Bree’s absence. His brain was in a kind of fog and he could barely remember what he was supposed to be doing. Finally, a loud bell rang out in the hallway and suddenly the hall was swarming with students. Jarred out of his reverie, Dan hurried to his classroom and mechanically set up for the history exam.

As if in a trance, Dan placed an exam face-down on every desk, and then took a seat behind his large mahogany desk at the front of the room. Before the first student arrived, he absently reached down to unzip his pants and fished out his still swollen cock through the front. There he sat, aching for Bree.

Bree was one of the first students to arrive, her plaid skirt swishing against her tanned thighs as she marched into the classroom alongside a cheerleader and several members of the football team. The four of them took seats across the front row of the classroom.

They were all laughing together, but Dan caught Bree’s eye a few times and knew that her attention was completely on him. He could tell she wasn’t really listening to what her friends were saying. She only cared about him.

Dan’s exposed cock sprang to attention as he watched her, and as soon as it did, Bree smirked and glanced his way, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Bree gestured at the clock with her head, and Dan knew immediately what she was saying. It was time to start the exam.

Dan cleared his throat and began to recite the standard pre-test litany. “Uh, everyone put all your notes and belongings away. Everything except a pen or pencil should be off your desk. Okay, you have until the bell to turn in your tests. When you’re done, bring it up and place it on the table by the door, and then you’re free to leave.”

As the rest of the students were shuffling papers, Bree scooted her desk up about three feet, making her considerably closer than any of the other students. Dan made no comment, trying to stay aloof like Bree had asked. The other students either didn’t notice or didn’t care, and most were already halfway through the first question by the time Bree sat back down.

She picked up her pencil, holding it loosely as if she were lost in thought. But her eyes were trained on Dan.

Bree opened her mouth and raised her chin, using the back of the pencil in her hand to trace a line starting at the edge of her cheek and pausing at her unnaturally red lips. She held the eraser there, drawing Dan’s gaze as he imagined touching those lips, kissing them, exploring the delicate mouth behind them with his tongue. He would have closed his eyes to imagine it, if he had been able to tear them away from Bree’s enchanting beauty.

One corner of Bree’s mouth turned upward in a knowing smile. Dragging the pencil down further, she leaned her head slightly back and let the pencil dance across her neck, down toward her chest.

She was wearing a white button-up top, casually untucked from her short plaid skirt. And it looked like maybe only three of the buttons were actually buttoned, the topmost of which lay even with the black push-up bra she wore beneath. With her long highlighted hair cascading over her shoulders, the picture Bree displayed was one of effortless dishevelment, and it was one of the sexiest things Dan had ever seen. If she hadn’t commanded him to stay still, he would have jumped across the room right then and there.

She took the pencil and used it to push her blouse open, exposing the perfectly round breasts spilling out of her bra.

Bree leaned forward and squeezed them together, biting her lower lip as she did so. Dan felt his cock twitch at the sight. He would give anything to be able to bury his face between those beautiful bronze tits, to thrust his cock in between Bree’s legs and find a home there.

Leaving her right hand fingering the opening in her shirt, Bree let her left hand migrate south as she ever-so-slightly spread her legs apart, still holding her pencil as if it were a pointer. Dan’s gaze was drawn toward the flash of hot pink panties now visible under Bree’s tiny skirt.

He watched as Bree dragged the end of her pencil across the outside of her panties, outlining her slit with the eraser. Dan felt his jaw slacken and his tongue moisten as his salivary glands responded to Bree’s performance. What he wouldn’t give to dive between those legs, to taste her. His cock hardened and throbbed as he imagined exploring sinop escort her body. He wanted more. He needed more.

Dan managed to suppress every natural instinct he had to moan, to groan, to thrust, to close his eyes and throw his head back, and instead sat perfectly still, his cock stiff and his eyes narrowly focused on his prize.

Bree played with herself subtly, allowing the tip of the pencil to peel back the edge of her panties, exposing the soft folds of her pussy. Letting her them fall back in place, she brought her left hand back up to her mouth and sensually licked her first two fingers.

She spread the two fingers into a V, letting her tongue glide between them as if she were giving herself pleasure. She proceeded to suck on each finger in turn, delicately and quietly. Dan could almost feel those lips surrounding his cock. He could swear Bree was under his desk this very moment, every dart of her tongue caressing his turgid member.

She smiled at him again, as if she knew what he was thinking. Her fingers now slippery with saliva, she brought her hand back down, exposing her pussy and letting the wetness glide across her folds toward her clit.

Dan desperately wanted to touch himself. He wished he could jerk himself in time with her movements, to show her how much he desired her, how in tune he was with her. But she had told him not to. And the longer he watched her, the more it felt like she was touching him. Every upward swipe on her clit he felt as a tingling behind his glans. He was sweating, and his heart was starting to race.

Finally, Bree very slowly curled her middle finger toward herself and let it dive into her pussy. Not betraying any of the motion to the students studiously taking their exams behind her, Bree fucked herself with her finger. While Bree’s left hand worked in and out of her pussy, Bree used the other to pull her right breast out of her bra and began playing with her nipple.

Dan took in the whole scene, fully experiencing it as if it were his thick cock pumping in and out of Bree’s tight pussy, his mouth surrounding Bree’s perky nipples. His cock had started to tremble, anticipating a release. He knew it was coming, but he also knew he had to wait. Bree would let him know when it was time.

Bree’s thrusting became deeper, her playful fingers becoming more insistent. Finally, her eyes lit up and Dan couldn’t help but raise his gaze to meet hers. He watched as the periphery faded away, and he was inside her, a tidal wave of pleasure building up inside him. Dan’s face reddened as his breathing stopped, every ounce of willpower on keeping his eyes open and his mouth closed as his arousal intensified and he grew closer and closer to the edge. And then, her eyebrow raising in predatory amusement, Bree gave a tiny, almost imperceptible nod. Now.

Dan let out a single deep, labored pant as the sensation finally overwhelmed him. His cock spasmed and contracted as he erupted into the most intense orgasm he’d ever known, his eyes never leaving Bree. He heard the quiet thud of the first gush of semen hitting the underside of his desk, followed by a second, and then a third. He cleared his throat to mask the noise, slightly awkwardly, but well enough to not arouse any suspicion from the other students.

His cock jumped with each spurt, desperate for more, until he was spent. Finally able to draw breath again, Dan closed his eyes as he attempted to recover from the experience. He glanced at the clock. Only ten minutes left in class. The longest ten minutes of his life. He looked back up at Bree, and even though his body was on the verge of collapse, all he could think about was doing that again.

After the first student broke the silence and stood to turn in her exam, many others soon followed. Not long after that, most of the students had left, with only a few stragglers struggling to finish their essay before the bell rang. And Bree. How utterly delightful, she thought to herself.

She knew it wasn’t strictly necessary for her to fulfill her needs in such a risky way, but she couldn’t help it. It was too delicious.

She was already replaying the image of Mr. Wilson’s straining temple as his cock erupted beneath that big desk. She was impressed by his ability to keep a neutral face through that. But then again, she had told him to. And when she told a man to do something, he always managed to do it.

She waited for the last of her classmates to hurry to the front of the room to turn in their exam before finally standing up. That would tide her over for a while, but it was difficult to pry herself away from the aftermath. Mr. Wilson’s eyes were glossy, the same as they always were. Though, she liked the way he was still staring at her. Usually they couldn’t focus on anything at all. There was some hint of hunger still emanating from her history teacher.

But there wasn’t anything else for her here. Mr. Wilson was spent, and he would be for a while. The first time was always the most intense, both for her and for the victim. şiran escort It would be surprising if he even managed to come to work for the rest of the week.

So, with a twinge of misgiving, Bree slung her small backpack over one shoulder, picked up her blank exam booklet, and went up to ensure her grade.

Approaching her barely responsive history teacher, Bree handed Mr. Wilson her empty test and looked into his glassy eyes. “I really feel like I aced that test, Mr. Wilson. Don’t you agree?”

Mr. Wilson nodded absently, though he was still able to hold eye contact. Maybe he’d be up for a second round sooner than Bree had originally thought. She made a mental note to test out the waters in a few weeks, once it was a little safer.

“Good boy,” Bree said with a smile, turning to leave. But as soon as her hand touched the doorknob, she saw a flash of movement from Mr. Wilson’s desk.

“Don’t leave,” Mr. Wilson pleaded, an urgent need ringing like a gong behind his voice.

Bree turned quickly, dropping her backpack in shock. How was he able to muster such passion? Such intensity? After just a few minutes? When he had been her sole focus, not even part of a group? He should be a zombie for days, maybe weeks, after something like that.

“What did you say?” she asked quietly, a small measure of fear hiding in the back of her throat.

Mr. Wilson turned in his chair, revealing his still exposed cock. Bree glanced down and realized that it was swelling, fast. The passionate plea from Mr. Wilson was permeating his body and echoing deep within Bree. His desire was somehow even stronger than before.

“Stay. I need you to stay,” Mr. Wilson begged. His hand shot down to his swollen cock and started pumping vigorously along its length.

“No!” Bree exclaimed, moving forward to try to stop him. But it was difficult to keep her resolve firm. Everything inside her wanted him to keep going, to spill himself for her again and again. She felt her hunger flare, and it took every ounce of willpower she had to tell him to stop.

“You have to stop, Mr. Wilson! You could die!” Bree said forcefully. Bree could feel tears forming behind her eyes as she fought her own internal battle. But she knew he would stop. She had told him to stop. He had to.

But his hand didn’t stop. If anything, he seemed fueled by the sound of her voice. He groaned with pleasure as he kept pumping away. “Let me cum for you,” he growled, jerking himself with no signs of slowing down. “Let me cum on those perfect tits. Please, please, please!”

He was going too fast. His arousal was too strong, too close. She needed it. She had to have it. She felt herself unconsciously unbuttoning her shirt to relieve the heat stirring inside her.

Ravenous and overwhelmed, Bree still whined, “No, you can’t!” She tried to grab his hand, in one last attempt to stop him. At her touch, their eyes locked. Mr. Wilson let out a primal roar as he exploded. His cock pulsated in his hand as he let out spurt after spurt of hot jizz all over Bree’s exposed chest.

Bree’s eyes blazed with excitement as she watched, absorbing the exquisite ecstasy as Mr. Wilson again poured himself into her, this time no less potent than the last.

As he jerked the last drops from his throbbing cock, Bree began to come to her senses, and a cold dread suffused her. She looked up as Mr. Wilson’s eyes rolled back and his entire body went limp on top of her.

Panicked, Bree pushed him back up into his chair, her hands trembling as she stuffed his cock back in his pants and zipped them up. She wiped herself off with some tissues from his desk, tucking the used tissues into her bag, and buttoned her shirt.

She couldn’t feel anything from Mr. Wilson. His essence had gone silent, and Bree feared to check his pulse. She wasn’t sure if he was breathing, but he most certainly was not conscious. And Bree didn’t want to be around when someone came in asking questions. She hurried out of the classroom in terror, too afraid to look back at what she had done.

How had she let that happen? She knew the risks of feeding from the same person more than once. She knew to be careful. She knew to stay in control. How had he overpowered her like that? He had been so raw, so certain. It was like a switch had flipped in him. And it had felt so good. Oh god, was he dead? Please, don’t let him be dead.

Bree spent the rest of the day hiding in a stall in the girls’ bathroom, trying to pull herself together. After a few hours, she heard some animated voices talking at the sink. Mr. Wilson had been found unconscious in his classroom. They had taken him to the hospital. Rumor was he was in a coma.

Bree breathed a cautious sigh of relief. At least he wasn’t dead.

She stayed holed up in the bathroom stall, listening to the gossip that came and went. Mr. Wilson had been an addict? They had found an NA chip and records of his stay in rehab? The accident had been an overdose, apparently. He had relapsed, gone off the deep end, and overdone it, put himself into a coma. He had a stash of drugs in his desk. No, it was alcohol. He was depressed because of a recent divorce. He did it on purpose. It was a terrible accident. The theories varied, but no one had mentioned Bree, or anything sexual. It seemed like nothing so far led back to her.

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