
Clara has Lost the Use of Her Hands


“Sorry, but I can’t do it.”

That got a loud sigh from her, that told me that she wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

“When you say can’t, don’t you mean won’t?”

We could argue semantics all day, but it wouldn’t make me change my mind. But I was happy to correct myself.

“You’re right. I won’t do it.”

I was now giving her a defiant look. It was provocative, and it might mean that I was sleeping in the spare room tonight, but I didn’t care. She was trying to bully me, and I wasn’t standing for it. When she opened her mouth, I braced myself for the onslaught.

“If you change your mind, then I’ll let you come in my mouth tonight.”

I hadn’t expected her to say that. It was definitely out of left field, but it was also music to my ears. And was it really such an awful thing that she was asking me to do?

“And will you swallow?”

She just laughed. When she’d finished, she said, “I’m now going to call my Mother to tell her the good news.”

I hadn’t actually said yes, but she was treating it as a done deal. However, I let it go. Even though I had been reluctant to admit it to myself, I’d known that eventually I would have given in. I would help her Mother, not just because she wanted me to, but because it was the right thing to do.

I was now alone, thinking about what I had agreed to, and why I had agreed to it.

A month ago, Clara, her Mother, was in a car crash. It was serious, but it could have been a lot worse. I’ll spare you all the gory details, and fast forward to how she is now. Both her arms are in casts, that start at her elbow and extend beyond her wrist, covering her fingers. As well as broken arms, she has badly broken fingers on both hands, that have been patched up with wires and pins, which is why they need to be protected by the casts. In two day’s time, she will be leaving the hospital to come and live with us, until she is capable of looking after herself.

And now that I have agreed to it, during the day, while Tina is working, I will be looking after her. We’d considered all the other possibilities. Clara’s Mother was willing, but she already has her hands full, looking after her frail Husband. There were others, but, for various reasons, they all had to be rejected.

Of course, I’d initially said no. What man wants to look after his invalid Mother-in-law? But even as I was saying it, I knew that it made sense for me to be the daytime carer. Tina has an important job, that provides most of our income, while I was just a jobbing Artist, earning very little. She’d tried to get time off work, but it had been a flat no from her boss. Whereas, I was my own boss, working from home, so it wasn’t a problem for me.

And, if she kept to her word, the sex tonight would be special!

We’ve been together now for four years, and married for eighteen months. Tina is quite adventurous in the bedroom, but me spurting in her mouth, has always been a no-no.

“I don’t like the taste of it. You can come on my face, and even in my hair, but never in my mouth.”

Half an hour later, she was back.

“My Mother is as stubborn as you, but I managed to convince her.”

With a straight face, I said, “And what sexual service did you offer her, to get her to change her mind?”

I was hoping for a laugh, but I would have settled for a chuckle. However, all I got was a dismissive snort, and a look that could strip paint.

After our evening meal, we watched a movie. We were snuggled up together on the sofa. It was an action packed blockbuster, and supposed to be good, but shortly after it started, and the body count got silly, I lost interest in it. I wanted to watch something else, but I could tell that she was enjoying it, so I didn’t say anything. But what I did do, was start thinking about my Mother-in-law.

We get on OK, but it’s not a close relationship. She’s too polite to mention it, but it’s obvious to me, that she thinks that her Daughter could have done better. She would have preferred a Doctor or a Lawyer, as her Son-in-law, rather than an Artist. I don’t blame her. However, I’m only twenty five, so there is still time for me to become rich and famous. And, unless I am fooling myself, Tina is happy for me to pursue my dream.

It was late when the movie ended. Almost midnight. Tina had to be at work tomorrow at eight, so would she want to skip the sex, and go straight to sleep? When we got to the bedroom, I wasn’t optimistic. However, as soon as I was undressed, she grabbed my cock.

“I need your big cock deep up my little pussy. But only after you’ve sucked my tits and fingered me.”

“Your wish is my command.”

That made her giggle, but it turned into a moan, when my hands were on her tits. She was only twenty two, so they were in their prime. They were large and firm, topped with impressive nipples, that pointed upwards. They always excited me, and tonight was no exception.

“Suck them, suck them hard.”

I did, and it made her gasp. Then, when she started stroking Bakırköy Escort my cock, I groaned.

“You can do better than that,”

She didn’t just like her tits being played with, she liked it rough. It had taken me a long time to get used to that, but now I was OK with it. Happy to give her what she wanted.

Both her nipples were now getting my full attention. One was in my mouth, and I was nibbling on it, and the other was being abused by my fingers. I was pulling on it, stretching it to its limit. And she was loving it. Then, her hand that was on my cock, started moving quicker. It was time to finger her.

As my fingers went into her, she purred. When I started fucking her with them, she moaned.

“Rub my clit.”

It was already swollen, but it got even bigger as I played with it. If this was a Sunday morning, when we would have time to take it slowly, I would make her come with my fingers, and then, after she had recovered, I would give her a second one with my tongue or cock. However, it was late. She would only want to come once, so I was being careful. I was exciting her, but not so much that she would boil over.

After only a few minutes, it was time to move on. If her clit got any more attention from my fingers, then she would climax. It was time to fuck her, and then empty my balls into her mouth.

“Put your big cock into my little pussy.”

I had to smile, she was on the same page as me. She was eager to fuck. And she was right, my cock was big, and her pussy was small. It was definitely a winning combination.

When we first met, it was the perfect example of, ‘Opposites attract’. She was studious, and serious, and I was easy going, a free spirit, not worried about where my next pay cheque would come from. Her friends and mine, were amazed when our relationship lasted, and more so, when we eventually married. Perhaps it works for us, because we are deeply in love, but it might just be because I have a nine inch cock, that stretches her tight pussy, to its absolute limit!

Despite fucking countless number of times, she grunted when my cock was fully in her. It felt good knowing that I was able to fill her pussy up.

“That feels soooo good, now fuck me hard.”

When she says hard, she really means it. She wants her pussy to be pounded to within an inch of its life. And I was more than happy to do that.

She was now being fucked, and in her favourite position. On her back, with her legs high and wide. And I was doing a good job. I knew that, because of the noises that she was making.

“I’m going to come!”

That surprised me, I thought she’d need more time. But I wasn’t going to discuss it with her, I was just going to up the pace, and take her over the edge.

After two hard strokes, she climaxed, and I stopped. I then watched her, as it surged through her body. As always, I was envious. I got a lot of pleasure from emptying my balls, but what she was experiencing now, was more intense than mine.

As soon as she’d recovered, she rolled onto her side.

“Thanks, that was wonderful, but now I need to sleep.”

Then she closed her eyes. I looked down at my cock. It was proudly standing to attention. There was no way it was going to go down without a climax, and frustratingly, it now wasn’t going to get one from her. What was she playing at? I was supposed to come in her mouth. That was the deal. I should remind her of it. I was about to shake her, so that she would open her eyes, when she started snoring. Then I had to laugh. It was obvious that she was putting it on. She was playing games with me.

With frustration in my voice, I said, “OK, you fooled me. Now please suck my cock.”

She then did, and with an enthusiasm that surprised me. This wasn’t a quick one, so that she could go to sleep, it was slow and sensuous.

I managed to last for five minutes, before my balls started to tighten. I should warn her that I was about to spurt.

“I’m going to come.”

On hearing that, she speeded up. But she stopped when I started to come. Finally, I was getting what I wanted. And it felt so good, to be shooting my load into her hot wet mouth. However, the icing on the cake, would be for her to swallow. But unfortunately, sometimes there is no icing.

After spitting it out, she declared, “That tastes disgusting.”

On Sunday, we picked her Mother up from the hospital. While Tina helped her get dressed, I went to the Doctor’s office.

“Before you leave, make sure that you make an appointment for three week’s time. We need to X-ray her then, to confirm that she is healing OK.”

And then the Doctor spoke again, this time, to give me a stern warning.

“She mustn’t try to use her hands or fingers. And don’t get the casts wet. Her strong medication means that she is virtually pain free, but don’t give it to her more than three times a day.”

Forty minutes later, we were back home. And the first thing that Başakşehir Escort Clara wanted to do, was to have a long soak in a hot bath. I left them to it. I needed to apply the finishing touches to my latest masterpiece. It was a majestic watercolour of, ‘Elizabeth Rose Harding’, the wife of a local dignitary. Hopefully, he would be impressed with it, and more importantly, his friends and colleagues would be as well. So impressed, that they would also want me to paint for them.

When I’d finished, her Mother was already out of the bath,

“That was just what I needed.”

Then, later on, after she’d eaten lunch, she said the same thing again. That amused me, but I guess that after being in hospital, it must make you appreciate the simple things in life.

That night in bed, Tina gave me my instructions.

“Keep checking on her, to make sure that’s she’s OK.”

“And she likes to eat at one o’clock.”

“The television will keep her occupied, but you’ll have to change the channels for her.”

She was making it sound complicated, but it wasn’t. I would tell her Mother, that if she wanted anything, she should shout for me, or she could come to my study.

“Will you be OK taking her to the bathroom?”

“Yes. There’s nothing to it. Panties down, she does the business, panties up again. Or, better still, she doesn’t wear any.”

That got me a stern look, and the shake of her head, and I knew why. Clara would be mortified if we suggested that she didn’t wear panties.

Tina was now asleep, but I was still wide awake, thinking about tomorrow. I’d hidden it from her, but if truth be told, I was anxious about looking after her Mother. I could handle all the interruptions, and feeding her wouldn’t be a problem, but taking her to the bathroom, was a different matter. I had made a joke of it, suggesting that she didn’t need to wear panties, but it was going to be awkward, even embarrassing. I wasn’t looking forward to it.

The next day, we were all up at seven. Before leaving for work, Tina washed and dressed her Mother. All I had to do was to feed her. It wasn’t difficult, but surprisingly, it was quite an intimate experience, especially when I had to wipe food from her mouth. However, thinking about it, it shouldn’t have been a surprise. Clara might be forty two, but she was still an attractive woman. And being close together, while spooning food into her mouth, was what a man might do to his lover.

When you see them together, you can tell that they are Mother and Daughter, or perhaps, even Sisters. And if you want to bed the Daughter, then you wouldn’t say no to having the Mother as well. And it’s not just that they are beautiful, they have equally impressive figures. I like my women curvy. Large breasts, and hips to match. I know that it’s juvenile, but I make no apologies for it. Big tits are what turn me on.

At eleven, I heard Clara call me. She needed the bathroom. As we walked up the stairs together, I was hoping that she just wanted to pee. When we got to the bathroom, we stood there, looking at each other. I had expected it to be difficult, but not as difficult as this. One of us needed to say something, and it might as well be me.

“I’m going to pull your panties down.”

“Without any foreplay?”

She had said it with a straight face, but then she laughed, and I joined in. Her unexpected humour had broken the ice.

Getting her panties down was easy. I had just put both my hands under her skirt, and then, with one quick movement, they were around her ankles. After helping her onto the toilet, I looked away. It took her a while to finish. She must have been holding it in, delaying it for as long as possible. Now all I had to do, was to pull them up again. But as I was about to do that, she spoke.

“You need to wipe me.”

But hadn’t she only had a pee? Then I understood what she meant. But did I really need to, it would only be a few drops of urine? When I looked at her, she nodded. So it was a yes.

After taking a deep breath, I put my hand between her legs, then after the briefest dab with the tissue, I quickly removed my hand.

“It’s not going to bite you. Now try again.”

And to help me out, she widened her legs. This time, I made sure to wipe it properly. I pressed down harder, perhaps too hard, and once, definitely in the wrong place, because she uttered a low moan. I was horrified, but fortunately, she didn’t say anything.

When her panties were back up again, I declared, “Well that was easy!”

That made her laugh. It hadn’t been easy, but it would be a lot better next time.

I was now back in my study, painting. But as I applied the brushstrokes, I was on autopilot. My Mother-in-law was getting all my attention. Had I really touched her clit? I must have. I had felt a little lump, and she had moaned. It had been entirely accidental, but nevertheless, I had actually touched it. And now, while I was thinking about Bebek Escort it, I was getting excited. That was wrong, because she was my Mother-in-law, but I couldn’t help it. And, despite my best efforts, it was another hour before I managed to get her out of my head.

Tina got home at six, and she was eager to know how we had got on. She asked me, and I said OK, but she wanted a second opinion.

“So did he really do a good job?”

“Yes, but there was one minor problem.”

I wasn’t sure that Tina would regard touching her Mother’s clit, as just a minor problem. But it had been accidental, and I would tell her that. I just hoped that she would believe me.

“He fed me too quickly, and some of the food spilled onto my skirt.”

She’d done it deliberately, to make me squirm. I knew that, because she’d taken her time in telling Tina what the problem was. It was to prolong my agony. So Clara had a wicked sense of humour, that until now, she had kept hidden from me.

After a dismissive shake of her head, Tina said, “Next time be more careful.”

And then I shared a look with her Mother, that told me something. Touching her precious little pearl, was our secret!

The next day was uneventful. Only one visit to the bathroom, and it didn’t have the drama of yesterday. As before, after she’d finished, I dabbed her with a tissue, but this time, there was no moan from her. However, my fingers were on her pussy just a little bit longer than was strictly necessary. And surprisingly, I managed to get a lot of work done. Looking after my Mother-in-law was turning out to be a lot easier than I thought it would be.

But Wednesday was different. At times, almost non-stop requests for something. I was struggling to get any work done.

“John, will you please make me a coffee?”

“I’ve lost interest in this movie, will you find me something else to watch?”

“I fancy a snack, have you got any biscuits?”

And that was only some of it. When it got to two o’clock, and she called me again, I had to count to ten before going to see what she wanted. But when I got to her, I was still finding it difficult to hide my annoyance.

“I know that it’s a lot to ask, but I’d like to sit in the garden.”

Good, that was something that was quick and easy to do.

“OK, I’ll take a chair out for you.”

It made sense for her to enjoy the current heatwave. She could sit in the shade, and listen to her music. I had thought about working outside, but I’d decided against it. From experience, I knew that I always worked better when I was in my study. Outside, I would be tempted to just sit there and enjoy the sun.

As I was about to leave, to take the chair into the garden, she spoke again.

“I think I’ll sunbathe instead.”

Not a problem, but she’d need the recliner rather than a chair. Then it hit me. It was a problem. If she was going to sunbathe, then she couldn’t do it in the clothes that she was currently wearing. I would need to undress her, and that, until now, is what Tina had always done for her.

“We need to go upstairs, so that I can put my bikini on.”

Yes, but it wouldn’t be her that was putting it on, it would be me. And, before I could do that, I’d have to undress her.

When we got to her bedroom, she said, “It’s in the top drawer, with my underwear.”

And of course, it was at the bottom. I had to search through all her panties and bras, before I found it.

“Is this it?”

She nodded.

“It’s a bit small.”

“Yes I know, but it’s the only one that I have. The strap broke on my other one, and I haven’t got round to replacing it.”

I looked at it again. Was it really going to cover her?

“It was Ryan’s favourite.”

That didn’t surprise me. What man wouldn’t want to see her in it? But what had surprised me, was her mentioning her former partner. It was the first time I’d heard her refer to him, since they’d split up. Him leaving her, had broken her heart. Six months ago, he had left her for Cindy, an ‘Exotic dancer’, who has the largest breasts that you have ever seen. I’m a tit man, a fully paid up member of the, ‘Bigger is better club’, but they were way to big, even for me.

This was going to be awkward, even embarrassing. Did she really need to wear her bikini?

“You don’t need to wear it. What about sunbathing in your underwear?”

The look that I got from her, told me that she thought that it was a bad idea. And then, to confirm it, she spoke.

“No, I would look silly. What if anybody saw me?”

That wasn’t going to happen. The garden had a high wall, and it wasn’t overlooked. But there was no point in telling her that, because her mind was already made up. She was going to wear the bikini.

I was now unbuttoning her top. When the bottom one was popped, I parted her blouse. My eyes were instantly drawn to her twin peaks. Her bra was small, so she was displaying a lot of cleavage. And I could see the outline of her nipples. Even though her tits were still covered, looking at them, was quickening my pulse. And alarmingly, there was now more blood in my cock than there should be, when I was so close to my Mother-in-law.

“Are you going to take my bra off, or are you just going to stand there, staring at my breasts?”

She hadn’t said it angrily, but I still felt that I should apologize.

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