
Cold Ass Bitch


Weekends from noon the outdoor pool at Moonraker Apartment Towers were always a social melee on fine summer days. It was a noisy scene of an array of substantially naked bodies, popping corks, splashes, smooching couples, shouting, wanton laughter, the occasional punch-up and a few kids running around having fun.

Few adults actually swam in the pool.

On ‘the hard’ it was open slather with no space reservations issued and with the best, the indifferent and the worst aspects of human behavior on display. Enlightened management even permitted dry humping but banned actual insertion no matter how discretely it was managed. Residents were permitted to entertain guests poolside, even during peak season weekends.

The more intelligent residents and/or the very aged, infirm or the sick with contagious diseases stayed well away from the pool area on summer weekends. A few would venture poolside in late summer after the seasonal novelty of watching tits, skinny thighs, monstrous midriffs and hairy-legged tight butts had worn off and the crowd poolside thinned and the noise and bedlam became far less annoying.

Will Joll, a top security adviser to industry, was one who appeared in calmer times.

Anita Joplin was another. The big-tit beauty was the daughter of Andrew Joplin, chairman of the management board of Moonraker Towers.

Will and Anita occupied adjoining penthouses but Anita never spoke to him, never acknowledged his presence and so after twenty failed attempts at friendly communication, Will began smiling at Anita and offering greetings such as ‘Good morning you cold ass bitch’ and ‘Hi I see you are menstruating this morning.’

She ignored him brilliantly for a while but his unrelenting verbal abuse finally got to her.

One evening when Will arrived home after fucking his drunken date legless and waited for an elevator, two guys sitting in nearby armchairs rose and followed him into the elevator.

He nodded.

They didn’t.

Will watched the smaller guy put on a brass ‘knuckle duster’ and as the guy rushed at him with a coiled punch ready to deliver, he drop-kicked the guy under the chin, = his square-toed heavy shoe making precise contact.

The assailant dropped like a stone.

The big guy roared and swung a haymaker that missed, because Will, a former Special Forces soldier, was no longer standing there. He was to one side of the big guy was fell to the ground unconscious after sustaining a vicious chop to the side of the neck.

Will stopped the elevator and pulled the two guys out on to the Italian tiles. He pulled off their pants and briefs and took those garments back into the elevator. He pressed the button to continue up to the last four floors and then entered the code to go to the penthouse level. He placed both pairs of pants and underpants outside the apartment of the cold-ass menstruating bitch, rang her doorbell four times and then crossed to his apartment and went to bed.

The next evening when Will arrived in the apartment lobby, the day manager greeted him and said, “Good evening Mr Joll. Here is a letter for you from the chairman of directors of the Towers.”

The letter apologized for the disturbance and stated Mr Joll’s leased apartment was required for refurbishment. Attempts to contact him that day had failed (lying bastard, Will snorted) and with apartment vacancy urgently required to allow the renovation to commence, Mr Joll’s effects had been moved to apartment 1011 on the ground floor. Refurbishment would take 30 days.

Will thought fair enough but if it had to move so would she, the cold-ass bitch. He took the card keys for apartment 1011 from the apologetic day manager.

The apartment was larger than expected and Will was quite pleased. The next evening he arrived from work with two suitcases and installed difficult to detect surveillance miniature security cameras in his apartment as well as very high tech security alarms when were set to activate only when his presence was also detected.

Two days later at 3:15 am, Will unlocked the security office, located next to the office of the night manager who was at the desk in the lobby. He grinned when no alarm sounding and he quickly scanned the room with his electronic hand reader that confirmed there was no equipment installed to send an alarm to a remote location either. Well he was happy to exploit two major flaws in the security system.

Will spent 15 minutes studying the entire security system for the towers. It was really very good but as far as he could determine it was entirely internally confined, with no external monitoring whatsoever. And there was no alarm system to warn when the system went down. So he turned everything off and waited.


He removed the recording disk and the backup tape for that day and placed them in his tool bag.

Will left, locking the door, and looked into the lobby and saw the manager was reading a newspaper. The security screen behind him was blank.

Will took the elevator to the 39th level and still wearing gloves pushed the button to access the penthouse level and smiled bonus veren siteler when the elevator activated without the usually required password numbers being pressed on the keypad.

He accessed Miss Joplin’s apartment and wearing night vision goggles went through it and was surprised. She wasn’t there. He happily vandalized every wall in the apartment with difficult to remove spray paint, writing just the one word, ‘Bitch’. He cracked the main bathroom basin, cracked all the shower glass and vandalized the bowls of the three toilets, making the cold-ass bitch’s penthouse in urgent need of renovation.

Finally he opened Miss Joplin’s underwear drawer and cut the crotch out of the nineteen pairs of panties he found.

He then left, locking the apartment door behind him and returned to the basement and drove out in his vehicle and carefully dumped his tools, clothing including balaclava and gloves used that evening five miles away in a commercial area. He retained the night vision goggles and returned them to his workplace next days and he placed the stolen security disks in a grinder and carefully removed every trace of it and flushed all that dust and tiny fragments down a toilet across the street in the men’s room of a restaurant.

Two days later a personal call was put through to Will.

“Good morning, Anita Joplin speaking. May I meet with you this evening?”

“Good morning to you Miss Joplin. Yes that would be satisfactory. Where?”

“Seven at your temporary apartment would be fine.”

“Very good.”

The phone clicked. End of call.

He smiled. She’d played it so coolly. Her voice had remained absolutely neutral, not a trace of hostility. She’d probably arrived with a gun tonight with two guys with machine guns. On the other hand she might have decided well here was a man with substance, let’s see what he’s like in bed.

Oh yeah?

She hadn’t arrived by 7:20. Will taped a not to the apartment door and went out to dinner.

Miss Joplin arrived at the restaurant at 7:40 and smiled coldly. Like him she was dressed in jeans and white shirt.

He remained seated and pointed to a chair. The CAB (cold ass bitch) ignored the direction and took the chair to his left that was the one he’d wanted her to take because he could look beyond her to the entrance and also see most other tables without turning.

She waited for him to speak and found she was wasting her time. The CAB said she’d have a Martini and Will raised a finger and Janice made a Vodka-based Martini, grabbed another light beer, and brought them over.

“A Martini miss?”


After Janice left the CAB sipped and said surprised, “This is Vodka based.”

When trashing her apartment Will had opened the drinks cabinet and had noted one bottle of gin and one opened bottle of Vodka and four other full bottles.

“Classy women tend to favor Vodka base.”

That caught her be surprise and she smiled. She actually smiled.

She lost that smile and said, “You trashed my apartment.”

“If you think that complain to the police and name me as your suspect.”

She snorted and said Moonraker’s security consultant said the disabling of the security system and the systematic vandalism of the apartment had been done by a cold ass expert possessing a vicious streak and no trace, not even a hair from his personage, would be left behind.

“Not even a short hair?”

She smiled and eyed him over her glass.

“Perhaps our adviser should have said a cold ass expert with a touch of wicked humor.”

He smiled, sipped beer and put down his glass carefully and said, “I never should have referred to menstruation. God my mom would have slapped me around the room if she’d known I had stooped that low. I apologize unreservedly. Here whack me with your handbag; I won’t resist.”

She giggled.

Will was quite captivated, having glimpsed her human side.

“I accept your full apology. God it takes a lot to rile me but you managed. I felt crucified. And so you admit to trashing my apartment?”

“I might look silly but I really have no idea of what your are on about.”

“I could lay a complaint and the police would take you in for questioning.”

“I see a conflict in that since you’ve already decided to pay the cost of restoration yourself, knowing the board would probably rule your apartment, like mine, was due for renovation.”

“You have a damn fine mind Mr Joll.”

“Show me your tits.”

“And now in an instant my growing admiration of you has been torn asunder.”

Will smiled and said she really ought not over-react and be theatrical. All she had to do was to say no way and make no judgment, accepting a guy had the right to possess the desire to see a woman’s tits. He was just being manly.

“Very well,” she said coldly. “I’ll not pass judgment. Swine are swine without one reminding herself that is so.”

“Yeah well I feel the same about great-looking tits. I really don’t need to have them flashed to have the truth confirmed.”

“Very well I will do as you want and, bahis er, flash them at you.”

“No please don’t. An involuntary action will only make the act seem tawdry and I’d not want that. Also there must be a light risk of me seeing discolored skin, moles, warts and even a suppurating lesion that will leave me with nightmares for weeks.”

She turned big-eyed and rolled in her chair in laughter and called him disgusting.

And then she said something astonishing. “You are fast-becoming a guy who actually interests me.”

“Is that so?” he said mildly, picking up his menu to hide confusion because he was now wondering about having sex with her. Jesus not this babe; she was all bad news.”

“What would you like? I’ll even pay.”

“No I’ll pay,” she said. “I arranged to meet you this evening. Whenever I’m in an Italian restaurant I always have the lasagna to see if it’s better than I make it.”


She seemed surprised by the question and said usually it was superior.

As they finished dinner, Miss Joplin said, “We appeared to have got beyond me wishing to berate you for trashing my apartment. I now have the desire to move on and I’m amazed at how the level of my interest in you has soared, especially from conversing here this evening. The way you handled making your point over those two goons both shocked and fascinated me. I’m sleeping tonight in my parent’s penthouse but my aunt and uncle will be with them with their two teenage brats tomorrow evening. I wonder could I have a bed in your temporary apartment tomorrow for three nights.”

“Yes of course. Aren’t there empty apartments in the complex?”

“No and if there way I would still make my request.”

“That’s fine.”

Willy dug into his wallet and handed a door key card to Miss Joplin.

“Thanks and I mean it and thanks for the meal and conversation. I’ve ended up enjoying the occasion. I’m off now. I’ve had my coffee quota for today.”

“Goodbye. You are no longer the cold ass bitch who continually snubbed me.”

“Thank you.”

She walked away but turned and came back to the table and said quietly, “I really admire you for not suggestion I sleep with you in your three-bedroom apartment. All my money would have said you would make that crack.”

He just smiled and she left, Willy watching the gentle ass-sway as she walked elegantly out of the restaurant.

Perhaps she was planning his assassination; perhaps not. He thought the chances of her sleeping with him were so high he wouldn’t gamble against it happening.

* * *

Anita had repeatedly complained to her father about the guy in the penthouse across from her hassling her. But Andrew had been dismissive when finding the only ‘offence’ the guy Joll appeared to have committed was attempting to speak to his daughter.

Claire her mom said it sounded as if the guy was only attempting to be friendly.

“Dad said he is ex-Army. That guy wants my butt.”

“Anita,” cried her shocked mother and Anita failed to spot her dad’s faint grin.

“Try responding to the guy and greet him civilly,” he counseled.

“No way. He’s far too smooth for my liking. You know that after Richard’s drunken attack on me I’m really off all men at the moment. Er except for you dad and a few gentlemen.”

“Well we have banished your brother from this building darling,” Claire said. “I really think your brother was on some kind of dope in wanting to have sex with you like that. He’s never been like that before.”

“Mom he’s tried it on with me over the years several times, but never that violently.”

“Omigod, why didn’t you tell us?”

“And have dad say I was making it up or I should not dress provocatively. No I dealt with it my way.”

The next time Anita complained about her nearest neighbor she said the asshole had began called her a hard ass bitch.

“I told you to reply to him politely,” worried her mom. “This is escalating.”

“This morning he said he saw I was menstruating,” Anita said, tears appearing.

Her shocked mother said, “Omigod were you showing?”

“Of course not and I never do. Anyway my time was a fortnight ago.”

“Leave us darling,” Claire said grimly. “I shall talk to your father about this. It has to be stopped.”

Three days later Anita ignored her doorbell ringing in the early hours and went back to sleep. When she was leaving for work she almost tripped over the two pairs of pants and two pairs of underpants. She put on her kitchen apron and gloves, gathered them and took them down to her parents’ penthouse.

They were disgusted.

He father removed a wallet from the pocket of the smaller pair of pants, looked at the identify of the guy and his face tightened and he said “Jesus.”

“What dad.”

“These pants belong to two guys I hired to deal with your nuisance. They are supposed to be professionals but apparently your Mr Rambo wasn’t told about that when dealing with them. Well I will try to deal with your problem more effectively and have him removed from this floor.”

“Just do it dad but for god sake deneme bonusu don’t have him injured otherwise the police will have your ass.”

“Anita please don’t use common language like that.”

“Sorry mom.”

Anita’s father, an industrial consultant who worked from home, called her at her office.

“Your Rambo has done it again.”

She yelled, “Dad he’s not MY Rambo. What’s he done now?”

“I had him pushed out of his apartment saying we required it vacated for renovation although in this case there were another couple of years to go. Some time last night he disabled our entire security system, broke into your apartment and trashed it and cut the crotch out of your stock underpants.”

“He what?”

“Trashed your apartment.”

“No that’s okay. I want to decide the new colors after repairs are made. You said he invaded my panty drawer and cut out the crotch.”

“Yeah I think he’s attempting to woo you baby.”

“The hell he is. Call the cops dad and name him.”

“We had the cops in. We had to for insurance purposes. The asshole also stole our security disk and back-up tape. But our security guy looked at Rambo’s file and said the guy was a military special ops specialist and a highflying security specialist. The police would find no trace of his presence and therefore nothing but weak circumstantial evidence that he was the culprit.”

“But I want him arrested and grilled. That will scare the scrap out of him.”

“Baby that will be child’s play compared with what he would have been trained to become a military assassin or whatever he was and what he did out in the field.”

“Oh god what can we do?” Anita sobbed.

“Pay him to leave I suppose,” Andrew sighed. “I’ll talk to him.”

“No dad he’s so infuriating you’ll only get mad and take a swing at him. Let me talk to him.”

“But baby I don’t want to put you in danger.”

“Dad with me he’s only thinking pussy. I’ll handle him competently and without allowing him to place a finger on me.”

Andrew laughed. “Should you be talking pussy to your father?”

“Shut up dad. A role of being clown doesn’t suit you.”

After dinning with Mr Joll, Anita walked into her parents’ apartment in almost a daze. She’d concluded she quite liked the man and somehow had stupidly asked to stay with him. She needed professional help!

“Coffee darling?”

“Thanks mom,” she said, forgetting that would push her over daily quota.

“How did it go?” asked her father, removing his reading glasses as he walked into the kitchen.

Anita manipulated the truth. “Well I spoke frankly to Rambo, er I mean Mr Joll and he agreed to back off and no matter how hard I tried to get a confession about his vandalism he would neither confirm nor deny involvement as I alleged.”

“Well what did you expect?”

“A confession dad.”

“Baby you are dreaming. You lie so why shouldn’t he.”

“I don’t lie daddy.”

“I’ll ignore that untruth. I bet he got your nicely settled and then complimented you on your breasts.”

Claire snorted, “Andrew don’t be so revolting.”

“Yes dad such disgusting conjecture is way over the top.”

Andrew just grinned and made no effort to apologize.

“Darling,” said her mom, “with your apartment out of action and Aunt Julie and family arriving we’ll be pressed for room here.”

“No problem mom, I find somewhere to sleep.”

“Where?” asked her mom, looking concerned. “You are too aloof to have made real friends here.”

“I’ll manage. Perhaps I’ll ask Rambo if I can bunk in with him.”

Her parents laughed as if they’d just been told a wicked joke, making Anita feel rather guilty. Well she couldn’t confess, not when her own mind was still in a whirl over her accommodation arrangement for three nights.

After the Joplin’s and the newly arrived Vogt families had finished dinner, Anita just disappeared, collecting her overnight bag and slipping out of the apartment.

She arrived at Will Joll’s apartment to find a note on the door: ‘Please enter AJ and make yourself at home. I expect to be back by 10:00. I’m dining with an important client’s rep and she might require sex. Will.’

God he needn’t have told her that bit about sex, Anita sniffed jealously. Then she smiled. The manipulative jerk, she bet the client was male and there would be no sex involved.

She entered the apartment and noted the fresh flowers, plunged straight in the two vases like only men would do. That made her smile.

On the dining room table she saw a big round box with the note, ‘Anita I may have been a bit rough on you. Apologies. Here’s a gift as a sweetener.”

A hat, he’d bought a hat for her. How novel but it was unlikely she’d ever wear a hat of his choice. Men had little idea… she gaped.

The hat box was full of her favorite brand of panties. God if there were nineteen pair it would be akin to a confession. There were so many of them that she knew she’d really like some of them.

There were forty panties.

Unbelievable. The guy was a genius. God he only had to ask for her pussy and she’d offer it. She chose her bedroom and showered, put on one of her new panties and dressed, resisting the temptation to waiting for him dressed in the panty and with her breasts bare so in one glance he could see the two things that appeared to most interest him.

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