
Cold Fusion


Thanks to my consultant Qetesh for making some great suggestions and to Alix for not only editing this story but for creating a style sheet for me to make my stories more consistent.

The German version of this story is posted in German Literotica as Kalte Fusion by egonhoppe73.


“Hello, Benjamin.”

“Hi, Sylvia. Are you and Max all right?”

“Sure. What makes you ask?”

“Tory’s been worried about you because she hasn’t talked to you in two weeks. You didn’t answer any of her texts or voice mails.”

“I’m sorry,” Sylvia said. “We’ve been super busy. I’m calling to explain. I just tried her cell phone, but she didn’t pick up.”

“She’s doing something in the backyard. I’ll bring her my phone.”



Tory followed Benjamin into the house as she began talking to Sylvia on his phone. He tried to ignore her intermittent exclamations as she walked into the living room: “Really? No kidding! He did? I don’t believe you! You’re not serious?”

Benjamin went into this office and closed the door, but he still heard occasional outbursts of excitement. It was nearly an hour before there was silence.

Shortly after that, he heard a knock on his door.

“Come in.”

When Tory opened the door, he asked her why she knocked.

“I want to respect your privacy.”

“That’s a first!”

“We need to talk.”

“Are you being serious or funny?”

“Maybe both. Sylvia told me a crazy story, and I was laughing so hard, I was crying.”

“Given your reactions, it must have been some story.”

“You won’t believe this, but Sylvia has discovered cold fusion.”

“Cold fusion is a scam. There’s no such thing.”

“She told me you would say that. She and Max and you are scientists, and I’m just a saleswoman, but what she told me sounds like a big deal.”

“Did she put money into a company that claims it can do cold fusion? Is she trying to get you to invest? It’s probably a Ponzi scheme.”

“It’s nothing like that. She did it herself. I’ll tell you all about it, but first I have to go out. “

“Where are you going?”

“To the grocery store and seafood market to buy some stuff for dinner. I’ll be back in half an hour.”


Dinner was fresh swordfish, dauphinoise potatoes and haricots verts amandine, served with a bottle of expensive Pouilly-Fuisse. It was their special occasion meal, and Tory knew he loved each dish. Usually, it was followed by a dessert of cherry clafoutis and strong coffee, but this time there was no dessert.

Benjamin noticed one other unusual thing. Normally, they each enjoyed a class of the fine wine and then put the bottle away for another dinner. This time, Tory filled his glass each time it was low. He didn’t see how much she was drinking, but the two of them finished the bottle.

He waited for her to tell him the reason for the special dinner, but Tory talked about other things. When she began clearing the plates, he lost his patience.

“What are we celebrating?” he asked. He noticed he was slurring his words.

“You must be dying of curiosity,” she said. “Go on into the living room and pour us both a snifter of your Remy-Martin. I’ll be along in a minute.”

Unsteadily, he got to his feet, shuffled to the living room and sat down on his easy chair. He realized he was in no condition to pour any liqueur, so he waited.

“Where are the drinks?” she asked as she bounced into the room.

“I think we’ve had enough,” he said, slurring again.

She looked at him appraisingly

“Maybe you’re right. I’ll be right back. I need to get something from your office.”

She came back holding a canister.

“Sylvia was right, but I never noticed this until I came to your office this afternoon. You use it for cleaning computer cables and stuff, right?”

“Right. What does this have to do with Sylvia’s story?”

“There wouldn’t be a story without it.”

Benjamin had sunk down a little into his chair. He pulled himself back up and tried to focus.

“Go ahead. Tell me.”

Tory sat down on the couch facing him. He noticed her face was lightly blushed and not from makeup. Her eyes were sparkling, and she was smiling. He blinked a few times. He felt so relaxed that he feared he might fall asleep, so he shook himself.

“Before I start, I have to tell you why the story had such an effect on me. Sylvia and I talk about everything, and it’s amazing how similar our lives are. Even our husbands. You and Max are both in scientific research, even though you work for a chemical company and he works for a medical technology company.

“Sylvia’s a nurse, so her career is much different than mine, but otherwise she and I see eye to eye on so many things that we might be clones. The one big difference between us is her imagination. Maybe it’s because she’s seen everything at the hospital, but she comes up with the wildest ideas. You don’t know it, but a lot of the stuff you like come from her.”


“I casino siteleri mean in bed.”

Benjamin stared at her.

“I’ll let you think about THAT for a while,” Tory said with a laugh. “It has nothing to do with Sylvia’s fantasy. What was I saying? Oh yes. One of the reasons I really related to it was that one of the people in it reminded me of Jerry.”


“Remember about a month ago, I told you about this new guy at work – Jerry.”


“He’s a tech support person who was assigned to our team when George retired. He’s young, good looking and single. All the women at the office flutter around him. The last couple of weekly reviews I did with him … But I don’t want to get sidetracked. In Sylvia’s fantasy, there’s a doctor named Martin, and when she talked about him, I almost fell off my chair, because Martin is Jerry. The situation is exactly the same.”

“I’m confused.”

“I’m sorry. You’ll understand when you hear the story. Are you ready?”

“I guess so.”

She began.


“Come in,” Max said to Sylvia. “Why are you knocking?”

“I respect your privacy.”

“You never respected it before. What is it?”

“I want to check your shelves for a second.”

Sylvia scanned the shelves where Max stored his office supplies.

“There it is,” she said as she picked up the canister.

“You have three more. I’d like to take this one.”

“It’s yours.”

“Thank you. I’m going to the grocery store. I’ll be back soon, and then you need to stay out of the kitchen.”


Sylvia didn’t bring it up, so as they were finishing dinner, Max asked why she had made such a fancy meal for only the two of them.

“Didn’t you like it?”

“I loved it. It was exactly what I ordered on our anniversary. You remembered it to the last detail. It’s a good thing we don’t need to drive home, though. I don’t think I’ve ever drunk that much at one sitting. So tell me why.”

“I’ll tell you when we’re having our digestif.”

“The last time I had an after-dinner drink was before we got engaged. I thought you didn’t like them.”

“Tonight is special. I bought some private estate rum. I remembered you talking about it after you went to a tasting with Benjamin.”

“That’s stuff’s expensive.”

“Don’t look at the credit card bill this month.”

“So what’s it all about?”

“It’s about a crazy fantasy.”

“Uh oh.”

“I call it ‘Cold Fusion.’ It first came to me a few months ago, and my mind has been playing with it ever since. Go ahead to the living room and pour us some rum. The bottle’s on the coffee table. I’ll join you in a minute.”


When they were settled in the living room, Sylvia gazed at Max. He squinted at her quizzically. After a minute of silence, she spoke.

“A warning before I begin. I’m sure this fantasy is going to shock you. It shocked me, and I haven’t even told it to Tory yet. But I can’t stop thinking about it, so I need to share it.

“The trigger was my cold feet. I had just arrived at work and sat down at my station when I noticed my chilly toes. I looked around and saw one of our techs doing something under the station next to mine. He looked up for a second and our eyes met.

“I asked him why my feet were cold. He laughed and picked up a canister and waved it at me. He told me he had just finished cleaning the wiring below my computer a few minutes ago with the spray can of special gas. The spray is more than fifty degrees below zero when it comes out, and if it touches human skin, it burns and can even cause frostbite. One of the techs accidentally got too much on the tip of a finger, and the tip came off.”

Sylvia reached under her easy chair and pulled out the canister she had taken off his office shelf earlier. She set it down next to the bottle of rum.

“I asked him if it was similar to the spray my dermatologist used to burn off skin cancers, and he said it was like that.

“Later that day, I was talking to Tory about hot and cold, and after I hung up, I remembered the spray because it was cold, but it also burned.

“Tory and I shiver a lot because the heat has gone out of our marriages.”


“We noticed it after the children left for college. For the first time since they were born, we were no longer frantically trying to hold things together and satisfy kids, spouses and bosses at the same time. We were looking forward to enjoying more time with our husbands.

“We were hoping our love lives would improve because we were now relaxed. We wouldn’t have other things always on our minds. There was no more worry about getting pregnant. We could concentrate on pleasure for you and for us. We could have sex more often and not have to hurry.

“But not only did our love lives not improve, they got worse.”

“You never told me you were dissatisfied,” Max interjected. “I thought you always had at least two orgasms. Were you faking them?”

“No, no. Let me explain. güvenilir casino You are as great as you ever were. When I’m pushy enough to get you into bed, I love making love with you. I wish you felt the same.”

“What does that mean?”

“I’m talking about the quantity, not the quality. Tory said it’s the same with Benjamin. Both of you don’t desire us anymore.

“While you and Benjamin are cold, we are burning up with lust. The other day, Tory and I we were talking about before we got married. In those days, you and I went at each other every chance we got. Tory said it was the same with her and Benjamin. She and I agree that we want hot sex now as badly as we did then – maybe more.

“When we first began talking about this a few months after the kids left, Tory and I thought it was our fault. You and Benjamin play golf and tennis and work out. You always keep fit. We felt that we used the children as an excuse to let ourselves go a little. Our bodies no longer excited you.”

“That’s not true, I-“

“It is true, and I can prove it to you. Please let me finish, and then I’ll listen to you. You remember that Tory and I got memberships to a health club and began working out together. We still do. We lost weight and firmed up. Everyone at work noticed and remarked on how great we were looking, but neither of you ever mentioned it.

“The first time someone at the hospital made a pass at me, Tory and I had a good laugh about it. A week later, someone at Tory’s office came on to her. It happens regularly now to both of us.

“I enjoy the attention, but I never thought of cheating. Then Martin’s practice affiliated with the hospital, and I began seeing him on our flour.

“He’s young, single, handsome and fit, and he has a voice that sounds seductive even when he’s ordering an IV drip. He’s a nurse magnet, but so far none of the sexpots who parade themselves in front of him have interested him. After the second time I worked on one of his patients, he complimented me and told me how great I was. I figured that was a line he used to get better cooperation.

“Though he looks like a hunk, he’s sort of quiet and nerdy, like you and Benjamin, and he doesn’t speak to anyone unless there’s a reason. But one day I ran into him in the basement cafeteria when I was on break. I didn’t say much, but for some reason, he began to open up, and we talked so long that I got back late.

“It happened again a few weeks later, and that was the first time I felt an emotional connection. To be honest, I also felt a physical attraction. We have never made a date, and we avoid talking about anything more personal than movies, TV and music. But the rare times we are together, I can tell that he wants me as much as I want him.

“I wear my ring, and I see him looking at it. That’s why he hasn’t made a move and why I haven’t. Sometimes the sexual tension is so strong that I feel like I’m about to explode. Tory told me it’s the same with her and a young IT guy in her office.

“The other day, we talked about these guys, who are at least twenty years younger than we are. They are both modest, kind and funny as well as being masculine and sexy. We agreed that the reason we have feelings for them is they remind us of you and Benjamin back when we fell for you. The difference is they desire us, but you and Benjamin don’t.

“Here’s the proof I told you about. A year ago, Tory and I started keeping track of how often we had sex. It’s gone steadily down. Now it’s barely once a month for each of us. We’ve heard about how some husbands suffer because their wives are frigid. We’ve got frigid husbands.

“I was thinking about our fiery hot desire in contrast to your and Benjamin’s icy cool indifference, and I remembered the tech at work and his canister of sub-zero spray that burned. That spun around in my brain, and this is the fantasy that came out.

“I make you an amazing dinner, because it’s a special occasion. We enjoy it with a bottle of great wine and finish it off with expensive after-dinner drinks. It’s a perfect evening, and you’re enjoying every moment.

“We go to bed, and you fall asleep right away with a smile on your face. I know that an earthquake won’t wake you. Tory says it’s the same with Benjamin. I remember a few times when you fell asleep on the couch and rolled onto the floor, and even that didn’t wake you. The only way I can get you up in the morning sometimes is by yelling into your ear.

“I let you sleep contentedly and get my materials. I use up nearly all of your ties to restrain you on the bed. It doesn’t matter if you’re lying on your stomach or your back. I take off your pajama bottoms and then tie you at the wrists, elbows, shoulders, chest, waist, thighs, knees and ankles. I test to make sure you can’t move in any direction more than an inch.

“I cover you with heavy surgical draping from your waist down to your knees. I cut a small hole and pull your balls through. They are the only part of your midsection exposed to view.

“I canlı casino stick a couple of ties into your mouth. When I begin spraying the freezing gas from the canister on your balls, you wake up and begin screaming, but the gag mutes most of the noise. All I hear is hissing as your balls are coated over and over.

“I’ve already done tests on some spongy rubber balls. It took less than half a can to turn them into solid pieces of ice. Your skin is more permeable, so it takes only a few minutes. As soon as they look done, I smack your balls a few times with the back of my hairbrush, and they shatter into tiny shards that I wipe up with a sponge.

“I take off the surgical drapes, disinfect you and bandage you. If there is any pain, I have something you can swallow to get rid of it.

“You’re angry, but I explain why you won’t tell anyone but your doctor, and for him we’ll come up with some kind of explanation for the ‘accident’ that sounds plausible.

“It’s because you’re obsessively private. Benjamin’s the same way. That’s probably why he’s such a close friend. You’re both tops in your field, but like you, he never gets the credit he deserves because he’ll do anything to stay out of the limelight. You’re so self-conscious that you won’t speak in public unless it’s to a classroom of other introverts. You’d both die if your faces were ever on TV or your names in the papers.

“If you called the police, the story of what I did would be Page One. If there was a trial, I’d take the stand and tell the jury everything I did and why. Someone sneaky would make a video on a phone, and it would go viral. You would become as famous as John Wayne Bobbitt. No matter where you moved or worked, you would become the center of attention for the rest of your life as the guy whose wife was so mad he wouldn’t fuck her that she froze his balls off.

“Then I explain why your life will be happier than it is now. No one will ever know what I did, except maybe Tory, and she keeps her mouth shut. You get to continue doing everything you love, and your family life is even better, because your wife is no longer frustrated. She doesn’t expect you to satisfy her, and her tension and irritability melt away. She’s totally happy with whatever time you choose to spend with her and devotes her life to pleasing you.

“Your physical alteration results in hormonal changes that make your body a bit softer and rounder and your breasts more prominent, but that happens to a lot of older men. Your voice gets a little higher, and you lose most of your body hair except from your head and pubes. You become less interested in sex, but what’s the difference between one time a month and zero?

“Because you barely produce any testosterone, your personality softens, and you’re more docile, agreeable and suggestible. You’re nurturing and eager to please. You care more about what people think about you. Sounds like me, doesn’t it?

“You dote on me and are grateful for all the attention I shower on you. Jealousy never comes into the picture.

“I am discreet and careful. I only have sex with Martin when I know you are busy at work or otherwise occupied. Martin and I never go out in public together. All I tell him is that we’ve decided to have an open marriage. If he runs into you, like at the hospital Christmas party or a restaurant, he shows you enormous respect, admiration and gratitude. He knows that if he doesn’t, I will never see him again. But that threat is only mentioned once, because he’s smart, thoughtful and understanding, just like you.

“If Martin eventually moves on to someone closer to his age, I screen possible replacements carefully to make sure they will be just as considerate and respectful to you. We live happily ever after.”

Sylvia’s eyes closed soon after she began relating her fantasy. She stopped, opened them and looked at Max. His eyes were popping out of his head, and his mouth was wide open.

“Would you like another glass of rum?” she asked.

Max’s head turned toward the bottle and then he looked back at her quickly.


“I can see my fantasy has upset you,” she said.

“No kidding!”

“To tell you the truth, it was too brutal for me, and I’ve made some changes, but I thought you’d like to hear the raw version first so you would appreciate how much I’ve toned it down. Do you want to hear the way it goes now?”

“I don’t know. I guess.”

“It changed after Tory and I began reading more about men who lose their interest in sex. It’s much more common than I thought. In most cases the man can’t do anything about it. It’s not his fault.

“That didn’t stop my frustration, but it did get rid of my rage. I realized freezing your balls was really a kind of revenge because of the pain involved. I wanted to hurt you, but now that I’m no longer angry, I don’t. So my new fantasy is humane.”


“Yes. Instead of tying you up when you are asleep, I simply inject you with a mild general anesthetic that has almost no after-effects when you wake.

“After you’re under, I inject your groin area with a local anesthetic, so it’s completely numb, and you don’t feel a thing. Then I snap a small metal ring around your ball sack. I tie a string to the ring and wind the other end around a bedpost.

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