
College life spring semester 18


College life spring semester 18*******************Garrett and I entered my room with the greasy bags of food from a localcollege place near our dorms. The six of us, me, Corey, Kris, Colt, Brysonand Garrett sat around eating everything in sight. We cleaned up our messto resume our intense game of Texas Hold `em Poker. The break did what wewanted and had cooled Garrett’s hot hand off. Kris was making a smallcomeback until Corey defeated him one-on-one for a nice little winnings. Anice winning in our game was maybe two bucks but none of us were richenough to make it big stakes.”Corey, when you paying off your bet?” Kris asked.”At the end like I said.””Who’s it going to be?” Colt asked.”Ummm… I don’t know yet. Everyone is a candidate for me,” Coreyanswered.”I don’t think so,” Colt stated.”Dude, we basically agreed. What’s a fucking minute going to hurt? Wemight find out whether guys suck better than girls,” Kris stated and stillcovering his ass.”Yeah, I want to give a minute of fun to someone,” Corey joked. “A minutewon’t make you gay. You might like it and want more.””Like Matt would ever let that happen unless you pick him. If you pickhim, my ass is leaving. I know what follows dick sucking,” Colt said andpacked his can for a dip.Kris grabbed his can with Bryson holding out his hand for one as well.Colt offered me another one but one try was plenty for me.”Every night on our break, I can just see us all doing this shit,” Coltsaid dealing out the cards.”Not if I’m getting laid,” Kris said.”I know that’s right. It’ll suck ass if we come up dry,” Bryson said.”Seriously, I’d be surprised if each one of you doesn’t find a girl or twoor three,” I stated. “Add a little tan to what you have and girls will bebegging you for sex.””Won’t they be disappointed to find out Corey is gay,” Colt stated. “I’veseen it before.””Don’t you think if we weren’t gay… I’m talking Matt and me… we’d haveall kinds of girls?” Corey asked.”I’m not answering that loaded question,” Bryson stated.”I will. I’m glad they are gay, less competition for us,” Kris said andspit.”Dude’s right but we all know there’s goin be so many fucking people outlooking for the same thang,” Colt stated.”All I’m saying is there better be plenty of girls willing to give thatshit up,” Bryson said. “I’m bringing a dozen condoms and better use eachone.””Bryson, you really have high expectations,” Kris said.”Well, a girl for four nights… three good fucks per night,” Brysonlaughed.”Like I said, high expectations for really short girls to be swarming thebeach,” Kris joked.”Fuck you, okay,” Bryson said with his middle finger in the air.We continued to play until late in the night. Kris was first to run ofcoins. With Kris out, we quit a few hands later.”Thanks guys, it was fun,” Bryson said, gathering his coins.”So Corey, who is the lucky recipient of a blow job? You better not sayMatt,” Kris asked.”Well…” Corey said with hesitation in his voice. “Who won the most?””I guess I did,” Colt replied, “But barely.””Colt gets a blow job!” Kris screamed.”I don’t think a minute makes a blow job,” Colt said.”Before we do this, let’s move the table and chairs,” I said. With thetable and chairs gone, we sat around. Corey found me and laid a hot kisson my lips.”Drop em, Colt,” Kris said.Colt dropped his athletic shorts and pushed down his boxers. His cut cockpopped out with his pubic hair grown back but it wasn’t like we hadn’t seenit many times before. “I don’t know bout this,” he commented whilescanning the room.Kris patted him on the shoulder, “Just relax and tell us how it feels tohave a guy suck your dick.”I knew Kris would blow our secret but so far he hadn’t. Corey got on hisknees and smiled at Colt. He extended his tongue and licked Colt’s head.”Time me,” Corey stated.”You’re on the clock,” Bryson stated.Corey opened his mouth wide and took Colt’s cock in his mouth. Theexpression on Colt’s face was one of confusion. I think he wanted to enjoyit but couldn’t do so for his macho persona. The part that couldn’t liewas getting hard while Corey sucked it.”Damn, feels pretty good,” Colt said with his arms by his side.Bryson laughed, “It must. You’re fucking hard.”It must have not been that bad since no one could take their eyes off ofthe scene. Colt reached down and grabbed Corey’s head while seeminglyenjoying this.”That’s a minute,” Bryson said.”Fuck!” Colt screamed. “It was really starting to feel really good.””Corey, you’re finished,” I said and tapped him on the shoulder. He didn’tmove and continued.”Matt, let him finish what he started,” Colt said, laughing.”We’ll be here all night then,” Kris joked.Corey stopped, stood and wiped his mouth.”How was it?” Bryson asked.”Not bad… not bad at all,” Colt said after pulling up his shorts.”Bryson, are you ready to head out?” Garrett asked.”I guess so since the fucking gay show is now over and done with,” Brysonsaid. “See ya later.” The two left and headed out.Once the door shut, Colt dropped his shorts. “Come on Corey finish whatyou started,” he said holding his cock.”If I did, I’d be less one boyfriend,” Corey stated.”No, you wouldn’t. It was rather hot seeing it and how much Colt likedit,” I said.”Yeah, these two bitches can really suck a dick,” Kris stated.”How would you know?” Colt asked.”Oh fuck!” Kris shouted. kayseri rus escort “I opened my big mouth!””Yes, you did,” I stated staring at him.”So are you sucking me or do I need to just jerk off?” Colt asked.”Matt?” Corey asked turning to me.”I guess you could,” I said.Corey dropped down to his knees with Colt sticking his cock back in Corey’smouth. I glanced over to see Kris rubbing his crotch before sticking hishand down his shorts. It was easy to hear the slurping of Corey going downon Colt. The sight was beginning to turn me on as well.Corey stopped, wiped his mouth and stood, “I can’t do it any longer.”I moved over and kissed Corey’s lips with a hint of Colt’s cock on hisbreath. I reached down and groped Corey.”Dudes, I need to really bust a fucking nut now,” Colt stated.”What would us jerking off hurt?” Kris asked. “I need to bust one aswell. I got a fucking boner watch Corey suck Colt.””Okay,” I said. Corey, Kris and I lost our shorts. It was odd watching usjack off. It wasn’t long before I leaned over and took Corey’s drippingcock in my mouth.”Damn you two,” Colt said.”It’s cool, Colt,” Kris said, stroking his cock not too far from us.Before I knew it, Corey pushed me off and went down on me with Colt andKris slowly stroking their meat. I heard Kris moan and watched him leanback to fire his load all over his taut body. Seeing Kris cum did thetrick for me. I moved Corey off and shot my load over my body with astrong shot. Corey followed next and deposited his load in with mine.”OOOO fuck,” Colt groaned and came after an intense pounding of his cock.We cleaned up our sticky mess with Kris’s towels that were under his bed.”Wow, what a night!” Kris stated.”Fuck yeah it was,” Colt said. “That was very unreal yet smoking hot!””I’ll say,” Corey said.”I’ll be straight up with you. I’ve had my dick sucked by one other guy inhigh school. It was one of those drunk ass nights with friends, you knowwhere you get so fucked up,” Colt said.”It happens to the best of us,” Kris smiled.Colt and Corey headed off to their rooms. Kris smiled at me before wecalled it a night.”What a shock about Colt huh?” I asked.”Yeah it was. Testing the limits has been fun though.””I just hope we haven’t started something here.””I seriously doubt that. Look who you’re talking about here.””I agree but I know what I witnessed.””Not one minute or one night makes any of us gay. The way I see it is wewere horny as fuck and acted out on it. See ya in the morning!””What a night!” I said and rolled over.The next day, Sunday, Kris did follow through on his bet with me and washedall my things but left me to fold and hang them. The others beganreturning to campus after going home to retrieve their things for the trip.Word filtered out about our previous night. As the day grew longer, so didour stories about our poker game and Corey sucking Colt but not what ensuedafterwards. We knew poker playing would be on the agenda if time allowedit on our trip.Hayden returned and announced he had tried to talk his parents into lettinghim go but he was told no in a strong way. We knew it was a long shot thathe could go to begin with. By the end of the night, our plans were set.We’d caravan to Colt’s house to leave our cars and then head down to Noah’sbeach house. Corey, Scott and I would be in one car after Colt’s house.We gave them grief about how they enjoyed putting the gay guys together.Truth was we wanted it that way. We estimated our time of arrival to bearound one in the morning if things didn’t slow us down.That Sunday night, Kris and I crawled into our beds.”It looks like tonight was totally different,” Kris stated.”I’ll say since we didn’t go down on each other. Did Colt have much to sayabout it to you?””Not really other than he absolutely loved it. I swear what the fuck ishappening around here?””I know, Kris. It’s really odd but I’d say my friends are just horny,” Ireplied.”Very horny.”I”So what does Kris have to say now?””It was fun,” Kris replied. “And yes we all need a girlfriend other thanusing our guy friends. Matt, did Corey say anything?””The same as Colt. Weird but I thought it was just the hottest thingever.””Matt, I’ll just say this. Yes I enjoyed it very much but let’s not make ahabit of it.””You don’t need to worry about that,” I said. We finished talking androlled over to go to sleep.With the days flying by, Tuesday night was upon us and time for the guy’sfirst game in the intramural playoffs. They were pumped with Kris beingvery nervous. About six, I headed over to the Rec Center with Corey towatch the game. Taking the court, Corey and Hayden sized up the opponentsand said we’d be lucky to win. The three of us commented how every gamewould be a dog fight since each team would be good.As the game progressed, it was easy to see we weren’t overmatched otherthan the opponents were taller. Entering the last quarter, we were down bythree. Kris was pacing the sidelines and being a cheerleader to the guys.With a minute left in the game, Bryson stole the ball and made an easybasket to tie the game up. The next trip down, the opponents passed theball inside. The tall guy took a shot but Garrett blocked it or so wethought. The referee called a foul on Garrett, his fifth and final foul.Kris was livid but got control of his temper by calling a time out. Afterthe time out, the guy missed both free throws. Bryson raced the ball downthe court and started passing it around. With two seconds left, Tashaunfired up a shot. It hit hard off the back board and went through the net.Our guys went crazy and started jumping around on each other. They weren’tthe only ones who lost it as Corey, Hayden and I were jumping up and down.We raced onto the court to high-five all our friends.”Tashaun, they are saying it didn’t count. You didn’t call board,” Brysonsaid.”I just threw it up there,” Tashaun said laughing and enjoying the moment.”No doubt,” Scott stated.The celebration was continued in our hall and most of the night. Thecelebration was short lived; the next night the guys took on the chin andlost by fifteen. It seemed they were never in the game and wereovermatched by a very good frat team. The loss didn’t hurt them that muchwith most of the guys commenting how fun it was and would look forward tosoftball season around the corner.Friday, I caught a ride home with Kris as he repayment of our earlier trip.Mom was happy to see me but wasn’t happy that I planned to stay just onenight. Saturday was frantic with Mom and me shopping for things for mytrip as well as spring & summer clothes. It seemed my shorts were fittinga little tighter than the previous summer. Saturday night, Kris was backto pick me up with my things crammed in a suitcase for the trip.Back at campus, the rush to get back was for naught. There wasn’t muchhappening other than the usual gathering minus the alcohol. With all of usgathered, the talk about the trip was beginning to excite me on one handyet worry me on the other. I wanted us to have a great fun trip but fearedsomeone would get in deep trouble by all the talk about how drunk theywould be each night.The school was hectic and stressful the week leading up to Spring Break. Ihad one big test along with having two papers due. It did get my mind awayfrom the trip and helped me concentrate on what really mattered at college.I wasn’t alone as everyone was busy studying and/or doing papers, Krisincluded. So far, he was living up to his deal and saw the time spentstudying could pay big dividends.Thursday night, all of us going were busy packing. I had a list of thingsI wanted to bring and spend the time to make sure each item was in mysuitcase or travel bag. There was one slight problem. My suitcasewouldn’t come close to closing after I had packed.”Matt, are you taking everything you own?” Kris commented.”I don’t wanna leave something and regret it later.””Just think about it for one second. We’ll be at the beach every day sothat means two swimsuits… Matt, please tell you are not wearing a fuckingspeedo…””Well… I do have one packed, just in case,” I laughed. “I’m gonna checkthings out and see what the vibe is.””Don’t expect me to keep you from getting your ass beat.””Kris, I’m not stupid. Give me a little credit here. Tell me when have Iever done something here to throw it in your face that I’m gay… tell me.”Kris rubbed his hairy chin that he was letting grow for our trip and lookedat the ceiling in thought. “Okay then, you’re right there. Now… we’llprobably be in tees and shorts at night plus a pair of jeans and a niceshirt.”I looked at my suitcase and saw all my jeans combined with all my shorts.”Now I think you may be right there.” I pulled out three pairs of jeansand two shirts.”As far as shoes goes, I’m wearing flip-flops the entire time but am bringa pair of tennis shoes,” Kris stated.After taking out two pairs of shoes, I looked to see my suitcase looked asif it would close now.”Matt, don’t be afraid to wear a shirt twice too,” Kris laughed.I laughed. “You do it all the time.””Hell yeah, it saves on laundry.””Kris, I’m going to check on Corey and see how he’s doing plus I have alittle surprise for him,” I said and grabbed a bag from my suitcase.”What’s the surprise?””The hottest suit you’ve ever seen,” I said and pulled out a hot bluebikini I had bought for Corey.”Matt, I don’t see Corey sportin that on the beach.””We’ll see. Honestly, I don’t either,” I said and headed out the door. Isaid hello to our neighbor before proceeding down to Corey’s room. Hisdoor was ajar so I knocked while entering.”Just about finished packing here,” Corey said after he saw me.”I bought you something for the trip,” I said with the bag behind me.”Awesome! What is it?”I handed him the bag. He opened it and looked inside. He pulled out theblue bikini. “Ummm… Matt, I don’t know about this,” he said holding inthe air.”Corey, please just try it on. I know you’ll look so hot in it,” I said.”Okay for you I will. Lock the door first.”I did lock the door. He stepped out of his short and into the blue bikini.He was looking down before moving to a mirror.”Damn!” I said since he looked so incredible.”Matt, you really expect me to wear this?””Not all the time but one day, would you? For me? Corey, you look sofucking hot it’s unreal.””I will one day since I love you so much. I can just hear the laughter nowfrom all the guys.””Corey, who cares if they laugh? They’ll be so envious of you.””It does really show my body, huh? Now I need a deep dark tan.”I moved over and kissed him. “With or without a tan, you are the hottestthing on this earth.”We kissed for a little while until Michael came in the room.”Corey…” he started laughing.”What’s so funny?” Corey asked.”I know you’re gay but you don’t have to announce it to everyone. Surely,you don’t plan on wearing that thing on your trip,” Michael said stilllaughing.”Since Matt bought it for me, I’ll wear it one day. Is it that bad?””Seriously, you look very gay in it,” Michael answered.”Well… I am, Michael. I might wear as my announcement that I’m gay asfuck and proud of it. Let’s see someone try to start shit with me.””Now, I don’t see that happening,” Michael said.I hung around a little while with Corey and Michael before heading back tothe room. Once everyone was packed, the eleven of us meet in our room andwent over all the plans or now big dreams. The biggest bone of contentionwas who would be rooming with Corey, Scott and I in the hotel.”Before we leave here tonight, we really need to settle this room thang,”Colt said. “For one, we can’t alternate and be dragging our shit back andforth.””We’d have this solved if Bryson hadn’t opened his mouth earlier,” Jesscommented.”So Garrett, what’s it gonna take for you to sacrifice for the good of theteam here?” Kris asked him.”Let’s draw straws, numbers or whatever and just see who gets the honor?”Scott said.The six contenders all looked at each other. “Just tell how much its gonnatake, Garrett? We can split the money,” Kris asked.”Oh by the way, it’s just one fifty not two hundred like I said. My auntgot me a deal,” Brennan stated.”How about twenty bucks, Garrett?” Jess asked.”It’s not worth the hassle for twenty lousy bucks,” Garrett replied.”Why don’t we all split the cost nine ways instead of ten? By mycalculations, it’s about one seventy instead of two hundred the way I seeit,” I said trying to reach a compromise.”That’s not fair,” Alex said. “Hell, I’ll do for a hundred fifty bucks tokeep me from cheating on Elise.””Fifty dollars and I’m good,” Garrett stated. “I’m good as long as someonekeeps their mouth closed.” He looked at his roommate. Bryson smiled andgestured he was locking his lips closed.”Sounds good to me,” Kris said. “Bryson, you say a fucking word and I’llserious beat your ass.”Bryson smiled. “It’s all good with me.””Hey Scott, if I do find a woman, can I have the room?” Garrett asked.”As long as I get the same treatment,” Scott said.”Dude, please tell us right now you aren’t going to be a fucking gay sluton the trip,” Colt said.”I don’t plan on it but you never know. Hayden’s given me a free pass forthe week. I may find some hot bitch that wants to go at it…””Get in line with the rest of us,” Kris laughed. “Alex, what does Elise sayabout this?””What she don’t know want kill her. Y’all hear me,” Alex said.”Like the commercial says, what happens on Spring Break stays on SpringBreak,” Jess said.”Let’s hope we make it back in one piece,” Kendall said. “Seriously dudes,we can’t fucking destroy Noah’s place…””Hey we didn’t your place,” Colt said.”True but we all may wanna meet there this summer for a week or something,”Noah stated.”That’s my boy right there,” Kris said. “It’s nice to know a few richmotherfuckers.” We laughed yet had to agree.About one, we broke up the party. Kris and I talked about the trip with mestressing the point he needed to be under control and continue to be aleader that he was.”Seriously Matt, you think everyone follows what I do?” Kris asked.”Kris, get real for a minute over there. You say jump and you’ll have therest of us asking how far and how high,” I replied. “You’re the glue thatholds all the pieces together and you know it.””They could survive without me, Matt.””Survive maybe, but no where near the fun. I bet you said something likeyou couldn’t go because a death… I’m just saying. Then I bet almosteveryone would find an excuse not to go.””Would you?””It’d be hard, Kris but I’d go for Corey’s sake. He told me a few weeks hehad never been to the beach and was so excited about this trip.Truthfully, I’ve been like twice and haven’t been in at least six years.””Matt, sometimes I don’t realize how lucky I was growing up. I took somuch for granted but I have a feeling you and Corey aren’t alone. I don’tthink Jess’s folks are that well off by the way he tells. I really thinkhe lives in a trailer. Colt’s family, I think, is like mine and doesalright but we don’t have fucking ski resorts or beach houses…”I laughed. “You were right about having rich friends. We need to be reallycareful and not abuse them.””I don’t think we have. You know not a one of us goes around and thinksthey are better off than the other, Kendall and Noah included. Sure theywear more expensive clothes than I know I do but they never mention it orthrow it in our face like some people did in high school. Remember whenthat fucking Alex Martinez came to school in that new fancy ass truck ofhis…””Yeah, he didn’t hold back on telling us how much it was either.””Tell me about it. Not a one of our friends are like that here…””We’re lucky.”Kris smiled, “No, we won’t put up with it. They wouldn’t be welcome in ourgroup.””For one, you’d tell em about it.””Damn right I would,” Kris said.”See you’re the leader and everyone else would go right along with you,” Istated.”I guess you’re right. See ya in the morning. It’s gonna be one hell of atrip, huh?””Let’s hope,” I laughed. “It will.”TO BE CONTINUED…

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