
College life spring semester 22


College life spring semester 22Hope you enjoy this chapter.*******************Corey and I were in the room after Scott and Aiden had left. We wonderedhow Garrett was doing before we stopped wondering. Corey had his hands allover me and feeling me up. Soon, my shorts were removed. Not to be alone,I got Corey’s shorts off so he too could be naked with me. It was so hotmaking out with him as we rolled around on top of our bed. Corey lovedgrabbing my ass while we kissed but I loved it so much feeling his stronghands cup my ass.CLICK! The door opened. Garrett’s tall frame entered and interrupted whatwe had going on. I rolled off of Corey and was a little embarrassed.”Dudes, I’m so sorry!” Garrett said with a big smile on his face.”You’re fine, Garrett,” I said. “Corey, grab our shorts.””No… no… I can leave,” Garrett said still smiling.”I can tell you are excited about something,” I said. “Can’t you, Corey?””Definitely,” Corey said.Garrett sat on his bed. “Tonight was one of the best nights of my life,guys! I didn’t lose my V-card, not just yet any way, but it was sogreat…””Go on tell us about it unless you’d rather keep it private,” Corey said.”No, I wanna tell you,” Garrett said and leaned back on his bed with hisarms spread wide. “Austin is incredible.” He leaned up, “I kissed andmade out with my first guy. How hot!””It is,” I said and could see how excited he really was.”The most patient and understanding guy ever… we French kissed for aneternity! Our hands were going crazy all over each other… you know howit is.””Yeah, we were just doing that,” Corey said.”He groped me and commented how big I was,” Garrett said. “I didn’t mindit all. I groped him too and loved feeling his dick. Then the nerves hitme, hit me big time. I was about to throw up I was so nervous. He held meand told me he knew what I was feeling. I calmed down and initiated thenext round of kissing. Before I knew it, we were both naked, like you twoare right now. God, I loved feeling his naked body against mine.””That’s so hot, Garrett,” I said.”Austin started kissing all over my chest and stomach. The nerves returnedsince I knew I was about to bust. Instead I kissed all over his body. Iknow his body is not perfect like yours but damn, I loved it so much.Kissing all over his chest and stomach I knew then I was sucking his dick.I made up my mind and just went for it. It surprised him a little. He hadto stop me and tell me to watch my teeth.””Yeah, it’s not great having a guy scrap your dick. I did the same thingmy first time, Garrett,” I said.”Matt had to instruct me a little, too,” Corey said.”Once I learned that little trick, he said I was a born cocksucker,”Garrett laughed. “I thought I’d hate sucking a dick but you know Iabsolutely loved it. I did gag a little and was thankful he wasn’t as bigas me or Matt…””I still can’t take all of Matt.””Austin stopped me and kissed me after a good five minutes I guess. Thenit was his turn. I fucked up then and nutted after about a minute but hewas cool about it though. I was so embarrassed…””Don’t be, Garrett…” I said.”That’s what he told me. He did bust his nut all over my stomach. It feltso warm and seeing another guy cum was incredible,” Garrett said. “Austindoes want us to fuck before we leave. God, I wanna fuck him so bad now buthe said I’d really have to be patient with him.””You will,” Corey said. “You could hurt someone.”Garrett smiled, “I realize that now. I know it won’t be anything close towhat I witnessed today. It was beautiful watching you fuck… or should Isay make love. There’s not a thing wrong with it when two lovers have sexbut it is starting to sink in what everyone sees in having sex.””Garrett, Scott and Aiden fucked in here…” Corey said.”Oh that’s what the box of condoms is doing here,” Garrett laughed. “Ican’t say that I blame Aiden a bit. Scott is fucking hot and so is Aidenbut he knows he is. That’s why Austin and I were walking earlier today.He was getting on our nerves bragging about all the looks he gets. I thinkI discovered I want an older boyfriend as well.””Yeah, Austin is older,” I laughed.”You know, more mature and not some prick like Aiden and his friends,”Garrett said.We sat and talked for a while. Garrett never stopped smiling and thankingus for all we had done.As usual, I was up what I thought was first until seeing Garrett coming outof the bathroom here on Wednesday. He gave me a big smile when I passedhim.”You wanna run with me to the store?” Garrett whispered after I finished inthe bathroom.”Sure,” I replied.We put on something and grabbed Scott’s keys to head out instead ofwalking. I took the wheel and asked, “What time did Scott roll in?””I guess around two or so,” Garrett replied. “He woke me up. I’msurprised he didn’t wake you up but you were really sawing the logs lastnight.””So what are we after I guess I should ask?””Ummm… I think I’m gonna indulge and buy a Speedo like the rest of thegroup. Austin thinks I’d look fierce.””You would. Are you regretting having to leave us on Friday?””I talked with Mom last night and I’m staying the whole time. She saidthere’s no sense in wasting the money or dragging someone away.””That’s so awesome, Garrett. Finding someone really helps things.””You ain’t joking there, Matt.”We made a quick trip to the store. Garrett had bought a really nice bluerower shorts that looked really great on him and didn’t make his legsappear that long or show his bulge as bad as some had tried on. We werenice guys and bought something to eat as well. Returning Corey was justgetting up and gave me a sweet bad breath kiss. Scott woke with us comingin the door as türbanlı ankara escort well and wasn’t really happy about it. Once fully awake,Scott gave us a brief rundown of his night but didn’t mention a word abouthaving sex with Aiden. He was surprised to see Garrett donning his bluerower shorts and complimented him. Now, I was on Corey to don his bikini.”I said I would one day,” Corey stated.”Dude, it’s not like we aren’t,” Scott said. “Matter of fact, I wouldn’tconsider wearing anything but my Speedo. I kinda like the hot tan linesI’m getting here. Do it for Matt if nothing else. He may fuck extra goodtonight or even this afternoon after seeing you in it all day.””I’d fuck him wearing the oldest clothes ever,” I laughed.”Hell, I would too,” Scott laughed along with me.”Fine then,” Corey said and dropped his board shorts. Now seeing eachother naked was nothing. He pulled on his bikini and took a look in themirror.I came up behind and wrapped my arms around him. “You look stunning!”A flash went off in our faces with Scott taking our picture with my camerathat had been rarely used. I grabbed it and thanked him for the reminder.I called Kris and told him and the others to meet us at our spot.At the beach, the day started cloudy with a small threat of rain. Coreyand I were braving the water together when I saw Kris, Colt and Brysoncoming to our spot. We got out and walked towards them.”Damn, who said the gay convention was in town?” Colt laughed.”See Matt I told you…” Corey said.”Corey, I wish I had the balls to wear one,” Bryson said. “I evencomplimented Garrett how nice his was.””Well… go buy one then,” Corey said. “I just don’t feel real comfortablejust yet.”The other five made their appearance a few minutes later. Now with mycamera, I started snapping pictures left and right. Kris was a littlepissed I hadn’t taken many earlier. We found a nearby college girl to snapour group picture that would be great next to our snow picture. We talkedas a group with no one running off. I could sense the night before didn’tgo as well as they had planned with the moaning and groaning about womenalong with acting really odd and going off in pairs. We made definiteplans for a big night of poker and drinking since Noah’s fridge was full ofcold suds waiting to be partaken.It wasn’t long before the group got to be introduced to Austin since hecame walking and looking for Garrett with Scott already gone to be withAiden. Austin was great and hung around with us despite Garrett beingrather uncomfortable. They left after about an hour and headed out after Iwas steadily shooting pictures.”Spill it, Bryson,” Brennan said. “I know you wanna say shit now.””I’m actually cool with it. I could really see Garrett was happy,” Brysonsaid. “Austin was a cool dude and all.””Just wait til he brings a guy in the room and wants to fuck,” Colt said.”Oh well if he does,” Bryson said and was rather uncaring about it. “Dudes,you don’t know how moody he was. You saw how he blew up on me when I saidthat day he was gay…””Yeah, I thought you were going to fight,” Kris said.”It was his defense,” Bryson said. “The rest of us would have laughed itoff and knew it was a joke.””Guys, what does Scott’s guy look like?” Alex asked us.”Actually, he’s very cute. He’s a senior in high school,” Corey replied.”Damn, going after the young stuff,” Kris said.”He’s just a year younger,” I said. “I don’t think Garrett is too fond ofhim and says the guy knows he’s hot.””Damn perfect fit for Scott,” Kris said.We hung around and played in the water until a dark cloud and a clap ofthunder sent us scurrying. We agreed to meet at Noah’s and go from thereafter Corey and I stopped by the room to grab some clothes. At the room,we changed and I called Mom for a quick chat. She was happy I was having agood time and really enjoying my vacation.While walking to Noah’s arm in arm, Corey and I encounter our first loudmouth homophobe. We kept walking after a guy in a car yelled `fuckingfaggot’ at us. Corey shrugged his shoulders about it as we continued on toNoah’s.We entered the house to find Colt, Kris and Brennan watching TV with theirlips full of Skoal. As a joke, Colt offered me some. I grabbed the canand put a small pinch in my mouth.”Guys, check this shit out! Matt has a dip!” Brennan yelled.Bryson walked out from the bathroom. “He’s done it before, Brennan.””Yeah but Matt would be the last person here I could see doing it,” Brennansaid and spit.”Damn, Matt’s not fucking Stephan,” Colt said.Before we got drunk or crazy, we decided to grab some pizza. The ones thathadn’t chipped in for beer anted up to buy pizza at Little Caesar’s sinceit was cheap and fast.With Alex, Brennan and Noah gone to retrieve pizza, the drinking commenced.”You know so far, this has been a really cheap trip,” Corey commented,holding a beer.”I know,” Colt stated. “We’re some cheap ass motherfucking college boys!””I know that shit’s right,” Kendall stated.”Fuck you, Kendall. Some of us can’t fucking afford nice shit!” Jessstated.”Chill, Jess. Kendall was joking. Does he ever throw shit about how wellhe has it in our face?” Kris said. “For that fact, neither does Noah.Kendall, from me, I appreciate that.””I’m sorry, dude,” Jess said. “I opened my mouth before thinking.””Just like last night,” Bryson laughed.”Bitch!” Jess said at the top of his voice. “You wanna fucking go at it,motherfucker!””Damn Jess what fucking crawled up your ass other than Brennan’s dick?”Colt laughed.”Fuck you too Colt!” Jess said laughing now with Corey and I wondering whatwas up.”Jess here showed his bi side türbanlı ankara escort bayan last night,” Kris said and patted Jess’s bareshoulder.”I see now,” Corey said.”Bryson?” I asked with shock in my voice.”I was horny and really wasted so what can I say?” Bryson said with hisarms up. “I just got my dick sucked was all.””Are y’all being serious?” Corey asked and took the words right out of mymouth.They looked at each other. “It seems none of us are as straight as we saywe are. Hell, we’re guys, curious and damn horny 24/7,” Kris said. “Someof us are more bi than others let me just say.””That Brennan is bi as Scott,” Colt stated.”Dude, Scott is fucking gay as those two are,” Kris said pointing at Coreyand me.”Corey, it seems we have missed all the fun,” I said.”It sure sounds like it to me,” Corey said.”Our motto for damn sure now is what happens on Spring Break stays onSpring Break,” Jess said. “Just like the ski trip.””That really stayed on the ski trip,” Colt joked.”Alright tell us what went on here,” Corey said, nursing his beer.”It started as sort of a dare after we basically struck out with the ladiesand started drinking to wash away our sorrows,” Colt said. “We were alittle tipsy so I dared Jess to suck my dick…””I didn’t back off and took the dare. They know I’ll suck a dick plus Iwas just drunk enough not to give a fuck. I went down on Colt to start…”Jess said.”Let’s just say he’s not as good as you, Corey,” Colt said and evoked asmall grin from Corey.”So I said what the fuck since my roommate is gay I might as well see whatthis is about,” Bryson said. “After Jess started with Colt, I pulled out mydick then Kris followed. We looked over and Brennan was down on his kneessucking Alex’s dick.””Hot! Anyone get fucked yesterday besides me and Scott?” Corey asked.”Brennan fucked Jess since it was far too gay for the rest of us…” Brysonsaid.”Don’t say shit but they fucked again after it was all over too but it wasBrennan that was getting fucked,” Kendall said.I nearly swallowed my dip and had to spit it out. “I don’t believe a wordof this.””I do. Look at Kris’s shorts tented over there,” Corey said.”Matt, it was fucking wild here last night. As I said no one is asstraight as they say they are,” Kris said. “Is that a problem?””No, I’m in complete and utter shock is all. For one, none of you seem tohave any regrets,” I said.”Well, we don’t,” Colt stated. “What harm was done?”The door opened with the hot fresh pizza arriving. Kris broke the wordthat Corey and I knew everything. Alex and Brennan said they didn’t caresince they both had girls as well since they had been here.”Matt, what’s sad is I don’t see a thing wrong with getting head from a guynow,” Alex said before stuffing his face. “We knew something was specialabout it after Kris spilled the beans bout y’all.””Things will never be the same now,” I said.”Man, Scott and Garrett are really missing it. Scott will be fuckingpissed,” Corey said.”I doubt that but I’m saying it right now. I don’t ever wanna hear anothergay slur from any of you,” I said.”Matt, when have you ever heard us say faggot, queer or cocksucker?” Alexasked. “All we’ve done is joke around. It seemed once Kris said he likedwe all decided to give it that old college try especially with Jess andBrennan so willing.””Matt, Alex is right,” Corey said.”Matt, this was not my original intention at all so you know and don’tthink I’ve been nice as a cover-up,” Kris said.”I know, Kris,” I said.We continued eating and drinking until most of the pizza was gone. By now,there was a light rain falling outside. Now, we had to figure out a way tocram ten guys around the table so we could enjoy a spirited game of poker.Noah found a leaf to extend the table. We looked around and found thenecessary chairs though it was a really tight fit. Noah, Alex and Brennanhad brought along their coin jars to fill our need for coins but it wasstill early to start.We sat around drinking and having a great time. We did have to compare tansand tan lines while we were chatting it up with Brennan and Colt being thedarkest. We agreed we had brought more clothes than ever necessary. Theystated how Kris, Colt and Alex were rarely seen with a shirt since theyarrived. This is exactly what I had envisioned our trip to be like insteadof the other nights. I didn’t mind or care how much Corey drank since wereally hadn’t indulged since we arrived.”You know what is cool now is that we can all compare guys and say how cutethey are,” Corey commented.”Dude, we said we were curious not gay,” Alex said.”I think some of you passed the curious stage…” Noah stated.”I bet I’ve gotten more pussy than anyone here since we’ve been incollege,” Alex stated.”True but that doesn’t mean a lot now,” Jess said. “I’m starting to seeguys are much easier to have sex with than any girl…””I know that’s right,” Brennan stated. “Who cares who you’re doing it withas long as you’re doing it?””Hell yeah!” Colt said. “Let’s drop this shit and start playing cards.”It took a little bit to get all of us gathered around the table with tripsto the bathroom and fridge. To make things fair, we started with the sameamount of coins, ten dollars worth. We squeezed in around the table withmost everyone shirtless to show their bodies or their tans.”First one out has to suck the one with the most money at the time,”Brennan said. “Everyone agree?””No way, Jose. Remember Noah and I stayed the fuck away last night onceall this shit started,” Kendall stated.”Yeah but you did watch,” Alex said.”Damn, we sound so fucking gay!” Colt said.”Who cares, türbanlı escort ankara Colt? It’s just for fun,” Jess said.”Fine then. I’ll be so glad we are back to normal at school,” Colt stated.”Now, what will normal be?” Corey asked.”This is my week of perversion. Elise would shit if she knew,” Alex statedwith the cards being dealt.With all the talking and drinking, it was actually hard to concentrate onthe game. Kendall and Jess were taking it very seriously while the otherswere joking around with very little off limits. Corey and I had thingssaid our way but we took and dished right back at them.An hour into our game, we called a break. Brennan and Kendall went outsideto smoke. I didn’t know either of them did but they said they only diddrinking. Now, it was clear to see there would be some really messed upguys by the end of the night with Corey right there with them. The worstpart about Corey was he got louder and louder the more he drank to go alongwith Kris and Colt’s big mouths.Before the poker game restarted, I pulled Corey aside.”Don’t start bitching at me, Matt,” Corey said with us outside.”Corey, I’m not but don’t overdo it. We can both see what is about tohappen here,” I said.”No shit!””Corey, are we ready for this?” I asked.”Matt, I am but so you know, you’re my boyfriend that I love so fuckingmuch. No matter what is done we can’t get pissed at each other. We canleave…””I’ve thought of that…””I knew you’d say that. Let’s just go right now before anythinghappens. No sense in ruining our relationship over something stupid wemight do,” Corey said and was in great control for as much as he had todrink.”If nothing else, we can just watch if all hell breaks loose but this isour one time…””This sucks!”Kris walked out the door and slung his arm over my shoulder. “We’re readyto start again but I know Matt far too well to know what’s going on outhere.””We were discussing that, Kris,” I said.”Are you staying or going?” Kris asked with horrible beer breath in myface.”We’ll stay and see what happens,” I said.The three of us walked back inside the house and took our spots at thetable. It was very evident the beer and alcohol were taking its toll onmost of the guys. The game was almost a joke and was actually no fun oncesome thought it would be funny to go all in on stupid cards. We called anend with no one losing all their coins.I stood and helped Noah clean up the mess since I wasn’t drunk. I felt ahand grab my shoulder and was turned around to see Brennan standing there.”Matt, we need to compare cocks,” Brennan stated.”Oh Brennan, please!””Yeah, let’s see who is the biggest,” Jess stated from the main room.”Who hasn’t seen me?” I asked and walked to where the rest of the guys weregathered.”I have,” Corey said, raising his hand. “Suck it and been fucked by it somany times.””I haven’t, Matt,” Brennan said. “I hear we’re damn close in size.”I pulled down my shorts and showed him. Brennan dropped his board shortsto display a very nice uncut cock with low hanging balls and very littlepubes. He reached over and grabbed me with Corey and the others watchingintensely. I looked down to see him holding both of our nice big cocks.”I’d say it’s a draw.””We need to get hard and really see,” Brennan said.”Good luck with that, Brennan!” Bryson shouted. “I’d still put Garrett upagainst either one of you.””Garrett is fucking hung and is bigger than Matt,” Corey said.”Have you and Matt been getting some of it?” Colt joked.”Nah,” Corey laughed. “Matt, come over here and let me get that love stickhard. Show Brennan my lover boy has the biggest dick here.””Jess, get your ass over there and get Brennan hard,” Kris said. “We wannasee who is the biggest.”Jess stood and smiled, “Sounds alright with me.” He walked over and putone hot kiss on Brennan’s lips with his hand moving down to grab Brennan’scock.With my shorts on the floor, Corey dropped to his knees and began lickingmy cock with Jess doing the same to Brennan. Corey opened his mouth andtook my cock in it.”Damn, this trip is getting gayer by the second!” Colt shouted.With Corey giving me head, I really didn’t mind showing the others thatmuch what a gay couple did plus it felt great. Jess opened his mouth andslid on Brennan’s cock. Kris moved closer with both of us getting hard.He moved Corey and Jess away to see us both raging hard.Jess commented, “Those are two very hot and big fucking dicks!”Brennan moved next to me for Kris’s inspection. “Too close to call in mybook.”Noah handed Kris a long handled spoon. He used it to measure us. First hemeasured Brennan and made a mark with his fingernail before moving to mine.I looked down and saw by the smallest of margins I was the winner andannounced as such. Corey kissed me on the lips.”The three of you need to finish Matt off and make him shoot,” Brysonstated.Jess, Brennan and Corey dropped down and began servicing my cock. Coreywas first and was pushed off by Brennan. Brennan went at my hard cock withgreat vigor and had me moaning. I looked around to see the others jackingoff while watching. Never in my wildest dream could I have imagined thisscene that was happening right before my eyes. I was ready to bust afterJess was licking my head and sucking it. Corey took back over and wasdrenched in my cum. The release was strong, powerful and noisy. Coreystood with my load dripping down his neck and chest to kiss me. One by onethe others released their loads with the stench of cum filling the room.”That was honestly too fucking hot!” Corey stated.”Two nights in a row we’ve went to the other side,” Bryson stated.”I don’t know about the rest of you but I need some fucking wet pussy therest of the trip,” Colt stated.”I think we all do but it was fun for a change,” Kris said.They agreed it was fun but things were maybe going too far. A truce wascalled for the remainder of the trip as far as group gay sexual activitywas concerned. Corey and I left about 2 in the morning and headed back toour room.TO BE CONTINUED!!

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