
Convincing Me Pt. 02

I was pleasantly surprised and a little ashamed as I walked into the library next morning. She was already there, bent over her backpack, enjoying a little nap before I came in. She looked very cute and I felt an overwhelming need to rub my fingers against her cheek. I was cursing my hand that was now moving on its own accord, but thankfully she jerked up and the spell was broken.

She smiled at me slowly as she stretched her arms.

“Good morning. I’m sorry. My alarm didn’t go off.”

“It’s fine. You’re doing me a favor anyway.”

I shrugged and sat down next to her. The library at these hours was usually empty. None of the students would come in this early and the librarian unlocks and goes to have some breakfast and daily dose of gossip with the rest of the faculty.

“So, I want you to write down these trick formulas I have come up with, that will help you remember chemical names and atomic numbers. You will never forget them after that,” I said.

She looked surprised. “You would share your secret formulas with me?”

“Sure… They are not secret. It’s just tricks. I wouldn’t mind giving them to anyone.”

Something faltered in her brown eyes. “Thank you. I’m sure they will be helpful.”

We went on to study for another half-an-hour before the bell rang.

“I am so glad you agreed to this. I have learned more from you than Mrs Kapoor. You just explain so well.” She told me as we gathered our stuff.

“It was no problem.” I said trying to hide my blush. “Shall I go to the class first and then you can come in a few minutes later?”

The look on her face went from confusion to realization to hurt in less than a second.

“You are embarrassed to be seen with me?”

“No… I thought you might get into trouble with Jock and you have a reputation to keep. I just assumed you’d not want to be associated with me.”

“How generous!” She spat. “What I said is as true today as it was yesterday. You don’t know me. So why would you assume anything like that?”

How have I not noticed how round her nose is before? It crinkles up when she’s angry and turns red… bright red.

“I’m asking you something.”

“I’m sorry… what? Oh yes… Sure. We can walk to class together if you’re okay with it.”

With that I started walking towards the door. I looked back and asked a Tamara standing with her mouth agape “You not coming now?”

She shook her head disbelievingly but walked toward me anyway. She started asking me something quite a few times on our way, but she didn’t. I wanted to know what it was, but I didn’t ask her either.

We took our customary seats miles apart from each other in class, but she was in my mind all the time. The way her eyes sparkled when she got an equation right and her distinct handwriting… is it possible to fall in love with someone’s handwriting? And her smile. God, that smile, it made me want to smile.

The torturous classes that I usually enjoy made way to lunch, where I saw Jock about to knock off Mindy’s lunch. I was just about to walk over give him the thrashing of his life when Tamara grabbed his face and started sucking it. I thought I would throw up, but then I noticed her bursa yabancı escort winking at me. I didn’t know if I was more proud or disgusted.

The rest of the day reminded me of smokescreen lives that great writers describe in length. I knew I was upset over something, I didn’t know what. Well, I knew what, but I didn’t know why. She was kissing her boyfriend; what’s wrong in that? Nothing! She could fuck him for all I care. The sudden image of the two of them writhing in passion made me squirm and in that moment I hated Jock more than I ever thought was humanly possible to hate someone.

As the bell rang after the final period, I saw Tamara walking up to me and I tried to hurry up and leave before she could catch up. Who was I kidding? She was a cheerleader and in much better shape than I.

“Hey. So could we continue with the classes now?”

“Now?… No… I have to get to the soup kitchen in couple of hours.”

“That’s great. That’s near my house. Why don’t we go to my place, rest a little, study and then go?”

“What? No… That wouldn’t work… “

“Why not? You can call you parents and ask now.”

“It’s not that… I just… ” She somehow clicked on the puppy dog eye mode and there was nothing I could really say or do after that.” Okay fine… ” I sighed.

She smiled her bright smile “Good.”

As we started walking ahead, Jock’s loud car pulled over. “Hey babe. What are you doing with the loser?”

“You little-“

“She’s not a loser, Jock. She’s my friend and is helping me with some school work.” She said indignantly.

“Wow babe! Don’t flare up. You want a lift?”

“Only if she gets one too. We’re going to my place.”

“What? Why? Do you want to commit social suicide?”

I was looking at her. I wanted to know that too.

“What are you talking about? I am just trying to get some good grades and if anyone has a problem with that they shouldn’t be my friends in the first place.”

“Whatever. I’m going to a party tonight. Guessing you don’t want to come?” Not waiting for an answer he drove off.

Tamara stared after the car and looked like she might cry and I get extremely uncomfortable when people start crying. So before it got to all that, I tried to change the subject. “So you bought your dress for prom?”

She raised one eyebrow at me before giggling. “Oh god! How awkward must that have been for YOU to bring up prom and dresses?”

I was about to offer a comeback, but I had to admit; me talking about dresses was extremely funny. I don’t have anything against dressing up, I just couldn’t be bothered with it. I joined her laughter and Jock was soon forgotten.

With small talks and my own private fantasies, the walk to her house seemed very short. To call it a house would be an understatement. I mean I had heard she was rich, but this? It was a mansion and a freaking butler opened the door for us. He took her bag and said, “Ice queen is about to go out. Hurry to your room if you want to avoid her.” He suddenly seemed to notice me and his whole demeanor changed. Standing up straighter, if that was even possible he said “Miss… I am sorry I did not see you earlier. Could bursa sınırsız escort I get your bag?”

“She’s fine, G. We’ll go upstairs now. I don’t want to deal with HER. Cover for me.” She looked at me and said, “Well, come on.”

Her room was nothing like I imagined or anything I have seen before. Firstly, we took a freaking lift to the expansive navy blue room. The walls were decorated artfully with posters of eminent writers and their famous quotes. I was awestruck. I was never the arsty type and as much as I wanted to decorate my room, it always looked like a prison cell. This was beautiful. “This is amazing” I gasped.

“Yeah. My dad is rich. I’ve had a privileged live.” She said, sounding a little annoyed.

“No… No… this! What you have done. This is amazing. You are so talented.” I moved my arms around to support my argument.

She looked sheepish. “Ohh… Thanks. So what do you want to drink?” I guess to change the subject more than anything. She was continuously proving to be a revelation.

“What do you have?”

“Let me ask Maria.” She went over to a phone on the wall and dialed 2. “Hey Maria. I’m in my room with a friend. Could you get us something to drink, please? Sure.” After replacing the receiver she told me “Maria is the best cook ever. She is surprising us with a mystery drink.”

“That’s cool. So can we get to it, then? I need to get going in another hour and a half.”

“No. You don’t. It’s a five minute walk from here and you’ll reach there on time if you leave after two hours.”

“How do you know their schedule? Im surprised you know where it is, actually. Well, You have been nothing but surprises to be honest.”

“I volunteer there too. I go during the weekends, but I know all the schedules.”

“Oh? I am usually busy during weekends. I have-“

“Band practice. I know”. She must have seen my surprised look. “Cook Steph talks about you all the time. She loves you.”

There was a knock on the door and a beautiful Hispanic woman walked in with a trolley. It was filled with an assortment of snacks and a jar or suspiciously green-colored liquid. She must have seen my apprehension “Try it before you judge it,” said Maria.

“I’m sorry. I’m sure it’s great.” And honest to god, it was!

“Maria, this is the best so far.” Tamara exclaimed and I enthusiastically nodded, “Yah! This is great.”

After Maria left, we took our books, settled on her bed and got to working. After giving Tamara work to do, I turned to my own material, but found it very hard to concentrate. With her so excruciatingly close, I could smell her citrus perfume mixed with her sweat, feel the heat from her hand that was almost touching mine and somehow all my energy was focused on not staring at her red lips that had once graced my fortunate cheek.

I guess my struggle to not stare was in vain, because abruptly I felt her turn as if on instinct and our faces were inches apart. I had lost the capacity to move or think by then and sat in stupor as she moved slightly closer and put her lips on mine. As if on instinct I jolted back and asked, “What was that?”

“I guess I wanted to see what it was like to görükle escort kiss a girl.”


“Well, you did not really let me kiss you.”

I must have looked like I was contemplating, but I was just waiting for her put her lips on mine again. I moved forward so there was no mistaking my intentions.

She placed a hand under my jaw and pulled me towards her. I felt her luscious lips move against mine; barely touching and I realized I had built up this huge expectation when it came to her; of course it wasn’t going to be fulfilled. Then I felt her move closer to me and suddenly there was nothing tentative about that kiss. Her tongue probed out of her mouth and licked my bottom lip. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. Do I put my tongue out?

I did not have time to answer my own doubts because she plied my lips apart with that talented tongue of hers and started exploring my mouth and I forgot how to think. I did not know… did not contemplate about the remote possibility that a kiss be so pleasuring. I was shocked to hear myself moaning and even more shocked that she was trying to devour my tongue and I really, really wanted her to. Without thinking I grabbed her face with both my hands and started kissing her back. I heard her gasp and tried to pull away but she came along with me and was suddenly on top of me. I could feel her chest pressed up against mine and suddenly I worried if she could feel the heat from between my legs. I had never been so turned on before; except for last night, which was also because of her.

We were getting out of breath and I felt her pull away very slowly and look down at my face. She looked so lovely when her face was flushed and lit red by shyness. “I lied,” she said.

“Huh?” I guess blood goes southwards for both genders when in the company of a sexy creature such as one that was pressed up on me.

“I kissed you because I wanted to see how it was to kiss you not because I wanted to kiss any girl.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that, so I kept mum.

“Will you say something? I just practically told you I like you.”

“I didn’t know you were gay.”

“I don’t know if I am. I just know I like you. Really, really like you. I have gone farther along with Jock and it has done nothing for me when compared that one kiss. Have you felt like this before?”

“No… I… ” I looked away, embarrassed.

She turned my face to look at her “Was that your first kiss?” I nodded. “Then you are a natural.” She smiled brilliantly.

“You have a dimple on your left cheek… I like it.”

“Well, that will do for now. At least you like a dimple on me.”



“I mean, I like more than a dimple.” I smiled sheepishly and my eyes landed on the clock hanging on the opposite wall. “Oh fuck. I got to go.” I got up, effectively landing her on the floor. “Oh no! I am so sorry. Are you okay?”

She started laughing. “I’m fine. I’m fine. Get going its fine.”

I hurriedly packed everything and ran to the door.

“Wait,” she grabbed me, turned me around and tip-toed to give me another heartwarming kiss that didn’t last as long as the first one, but had the same effect on my pussy. She held my hand in the elevator, through the hallway and didn’t let go even at the door.

“Tamara… I need my hand.”

Self-consciously she let go and looked around before pecking my cheek. As I walked away, I wondered how long the wet panty was going to be uncomfortable.

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