
Cowgirl’s Real Story


In rodeo, dangerous loses… Reckless Kills… I am Lizzy

As a child I saw Tarzan almost naked. Cinderella arrived home alone after midnight. Aladdin was a thief, Batman drove over two hundred miles an hour. Snow White lived with seven men. Shaggy and Scooby were mystery solving hippies that had the munchies. Auntie Em, Hate you! Hate Kansas! Taking the damn dog, Lizzy. And so my life begins…

Traveling on the road of a thousand miles that started with a broken fan belt and a flat-tire got me to thinking. Why in the fuck do I do this! I am depriving some poor village of its idiot! Rodeo, it’s my job. I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted a paycheck. Good thing I’m not on salary!

It only took one knock out to give me an early onset of stupid. I don’t fall off bulls? I climb down. I like to see how close I can get to wild Woodland animals because it makes me feel like a Disney Princess…

The pay is only fair. Sleep is at a minimum. A Swiss Army Knife is my best friend. If you are what you eat, my cowboy friends are cheap, fast and easy. The way they like their sex. When I eat out, I order a number seven if it’s on the menu. “A Prick and a Stick, please.” They usually run out of those pretty quickly. I have to order a Flint. (I will fill you in later) I will be taking home left overs. I like my sex hot, my beer cold and my enemies buried.

Rodeo is also a time to catch up with old friends. Luke is easy on the eyes. The son every mother wishes for. A tall a drink of yummy for me. Ryan gives Adonis a run for his money. His wicked charcoalish eyes could spark up embers in the prudish of women. Cody, Jesus Christ! Out of a hundred thousand sperm he had to be the fastest!

“I rodeo because I want to do someone for nothing and something for no one.”

I spend a lot of time by myself, I put fifty thousand miles or more on my truck every year. I do have traveling partners, a western saddle, a bull rope, a bronc saddle, and three lariats. While driving, my mind jumps from present to past, sometimes in rapid succession. I think about how I did at the last rodeo and what I could to improve my skills for the next rodeo. “Put more rosin on my ass! Stick it to win it Lizzy!” I think about the last time, when I saw my cowboy friends. I do talk to myself and I answer myself. I don’t like imaginary friends.

I get asked “When do you find the time to travel to other places?” I have not been to Amsterdam yet. I hear you can go into a coffee house and order a coffee and a dubie to go and how about an eighteen pack of those doughnuts also… I travel. I have been to a lot of countries, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Canada, one shot at a time…

My first rodeo competition was Mutton busting. It is like bull riding, you hold on for dear life only with sheep. I won five dollars, a bag of candy corn to share with my friends and a blue ribbon. They are not my friends anymore they are my competitors! I tossed the bag candy over my shoulder. I walked away with my five dollars and blue ribbon. Hopped on my Briggs and Stratton pop and go minibike and never looked back. You conquer one lamb, you want to conquer them all! I was five.
No matter how much gold you have in your lost canyon mine it won’t keep you from growing up.
A bull rope cinches up behind the bulls front legs. Cowboys help me down into the chute where a raging piece of meat is waiting to show me just big he is between my legs. I keep telling the bull “Your too big for me, go fuck my friend I hear her pussy is like an ECHO Echo echo.” He’s not listening. The cowboys tighten the bull rope. Keeping it tight, I pull the rope over my right hand, around my wrist and back over the same hand attempting to hold myself down…
After eight seconds, if I only have to dust off my boots, I have done it right. If I have to dust off my clothes it probably means I was down visiting my little woodland friends, their so cute. Along with the concussion I received.
I should probably think about taking up another career. Settling down perhaps? I understand the concept of cooking and cleaning. Just not how they apply to me! I am pretty sure I was supposed to be a princess, No, seriously….Not the rodeo Queen.

I was coming from Coeur d’Alene Idaho to Reno Nevada, about a twelve hour drive. I should have been to Reno a day and a half ago but the shortest distance between two points was under construction. So I stopped in Boise Idaho, which is six hours away from Reno. What’s a girl to do? I went fishing. On my way from Coeur d’Alene I wanted to stop and see Hells Canyon. The only way to get there was by four wheel drive from White Bird. With my truck, trust me, I had the right of way whichever way I was going. I could have caught the steamboat to Grangeville, but I wanted to get to the Salmon River before I ran out of time. Catch me a Steelhead.

I found a small spot on the Salmon River, I shared with a couple of fishermen. Nice! I had my waders on doing a four count rhythm with my fly fishing pole. Gay men, Lesbians, white, black, Bears aren’t racist. TO THEM WE ALL TASTE LIKE CHICKEN! All I kept thinking was “I only have to be faster than the guy next to me!” I may have one the race, my pants took second!

I decided it was time to head for Reno, Nevada. I arrive at the rodeo grounds about three in the afternoon. I went over to get the okay from the onsite doctor. “Your blood pressure is high, Lizzy.” You think my blood pressure is high, check the guy who was running next to me! “I just arrived doc, I will be fine.”

I open the front and back passenger doors of my truck. I break open a new package of athletic tape. I need to tape my too big to ride rodeo tits down. I start in the middle of my chest, over the left shoulder, loops around the underneath, over the right shoulder looping around the top of my chest. I push down. “That should do it.”

Toting my bull rope and chaps over my shoulder and my spurs linked together in my hand. I casually walked between two rigs, a truck and trailer combination. I was on my way to the back of the bull riding chutes where they kept the potentially lethal weapons who can out run me, out jump me, yet make me money. “May the good lord take a liking to me, just not too soon.” On my way to the chutes, I stopped and talked to a few cowboys getting ready.
“Good luck today gentlemen.”
“It will be some embarrassing shit if she kicks my ass!”
“I wouldn’t mind losing to that ass.”
“I’ll take a piece of that ass.” I shake my head and kept walking. Get some new material boys…

I hang my bull rope on the fence. I buckle on my old style, nineteen sixties spurs. I buckle my very old bull riding chaps on. You can see where leather was added to fit me. They’re baby blue, with my initials running down the side. I guess you could say these chaps have grown up with me.

They were a gift to me from Shane, an old Irish ranch hand who watched over me. When I was young he schooled me in Irish. Figuring I should know something about my heritage. Larry Mahan is of Irish descent and won five consecutive “All Around Rodeo Champion.”

The stories Shane told, I could listen to him for hours. One of my favorites was the story of Claude Dallas. “In the deserts of Nevada he became a cowboy. Claude always packed a pistol and he practiced deadly force. He became a trapper and dreamed of the days long past. He studied bobcat logic and the wild and silent ways. Trapping cats and coyotes, living hand to mouth on the Owyhee range where the rivers run wild and disappear and the mustang still runs free…” That is how Shane told stories. He made you feel like you were in the Oregon Mountains with Claude.

I stretch out some to limber up for the ride. Bull riding is easy if you understand women, their sneaky bitches. Just about the time you got them figured out, they’ll roll the other way, just like bull. I straighten my shirt and tuck my hair inside. I get to rosining up the handle on my bull rope.

The rodeo part of a County Fair will fill the bleachers every time. I would like to think it is the “Thrill of the victory” for cowboy riding, but I think it is the “Agony of defeat” for the cowboy. It’s the Get down! Get back up Again! With no injuries. I think is the thrill…

“This is the Reno County Fair! Let’s give a big round of applause for our competing Cowboys tonight.” The rodeo chairman announces. “The first event of the night is the bull riding. We have some the top bull riders here tonight, two of them are women. We have Brie Sky riding third and the wild card in this event Lizzy is riding tenth. Watch for her, she is coming up in the ranks.” I am riding tenth in a lineup of fourteen, good position.

Standing next to Brie I could see she was debating whether or not to get on the bull, slamming himself against the side if the chute. “Brie, hand the boys your bull rope. You’re thinking too hard, you wanted to ride in your home town rodeo here’s your chance. Do you really think they care if you make it eight seconds? They will be happy if you don’t hurt.” I slap her in the ass with my cowboy hat.

“That’ll be a score of eighty eight for Emmitt. He’s leading the pack but we still have some of the best cowboys of the night are still to come.”

“Oh my God, you again? You just kicked my ass in Coeur d’Alene!” I hand my bull rope up to the cowboys working the chutes today. I climb the rickety wooden fence. “Nice and tight guys just like me.” “God damn it Lizzy!” The young cowboy adjusts his crotch. Money is the root of all evil but this Evil is spelled with a capital! “Help me in guys.” I pull the rope over my right hand, behind my wrist and back over my hand. I squeeze on my fingers making sure I have a good grip.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Lizzy? This stock is pretty fierce today. You can take a no score?
“Like that is really going to happen! I spent good money on entry fees! I adjust my hat. One hand on the chute gate. Yelling OUTSIDE! And the stop watch starts ticking.
“That’s an eighty six for Lizzy! Fuck! I can only take second or less.
As predicted, Emmitt took first. I squeaked into third place by half a point. Third was still a good chunk of purse money. I still have one more event I want to ride saddle bronc.

“Hear, let me help you”
O’ fuck, you again? You kicked my ass in this event also in Idaho, Emmitt.” I got thrown twice in Coeur d’Alene. First time was in bulling. I thought a piece of the Owyhee Mountains, the Spanish once called the northern mystery. It was no mystery, it went north up this south bound cowgirl. I still have the wedgy. The Olympic swan dive I performed in bronc riding was perfect in Idaho. I loved it as much as a cattle prod shoved up my ass! That one hurt, BAD! I get a lot shit shoved up my ass, maybe there is something to this sexual act? I see a couple of cowboys smile after getting a dirt enema. I envision them around the campfire “Let’s knit bitch.”

“Hold up, Emmitt. “Where are you headed next so I can make sure I am not there?
I took third in the bull riding event in Reno. I won a descent chunk of money. I thought I ate a bowl of Lucky Charms for breakfast. As the night went on, I was mistaken, it was a bowl of stupid.

I went into my favorite libation station when in Reno “Tanned Hides.” This time of year an appropriate name. I will admit I was feeling pretty good about my win, and a prick and a stick would top off the night. I was wearing a medieval pirate outfit. I wear cowgirl attire all day long. A am a woman also. A white shirt with fitted sleeves to the wrists, flared lacey cuffs. A black skirt with a leather cincher. Hot sassy number, definitely to draw the right type of crowd. There was a charity auction going on for the, “Preservation of the Wild Mustang”.

Cowboys were auctioned off to the highest bidder for fun and entertainment, lasting twelve hours. I scan the selection on my way to the bar. Some cowboys competed in the rodeo, some did not. All were spiffed up in very uncomfortable starched jeans and their best shirt from their şişli escort duffle bags. Except for one.

His jeans were faded, tight through the thighs. The inseam too long, Cowboy style. So far yummy! Boots were suede and looked well worn. This cowboy, wore a T-Shirt under a Sport Coat. Oh My God! Sony Crockett! Eye candy to be sure!

I was having some shots with potential clients to wet my appetite. Next thing I heard, “COME UP LITTLE LASSIE AND CLAIM YOUR HUNK!”

No fucking way! What was his name again? Holy Shit!

“Let me get this straight, ‘Tanned Hides’ pimped a Don Johnson look alike out for a day! Jesus Christ!” Counting my money left in my boot, “Did you steal some of my winnings or did I really pay that much for you? I don’t mind donating something to a worthy cause, but my whole paycheck? I have never paid for a piece of ass ever! And a premium price to boot!” Turning mine upside down, the left over change falls out.
OH My God! The fuck up fairy has visited me again!

So the twelve hours begins…
“Your donation was greatly appreciated. Lassie, you paid the highest price ever for an auction cowboy.”
“Foca’il leat! It’s Irish for, Oh, fuck off!” I pull on my boots. I stomp to seat my heels. ”Don’t get me wrong, you are easy on the eyes, but that shy look about you flew out the window when the gavel hit the podium. It was the Miami Vice smile. Okay, the way you held yourself. The, you otta take a look what’s under the hood, peeked my curiosity. I am still blaming the whisky for raising my hand. I want you to know that.”
“I don’t recall you being so hostile yesterday.”
“Yesterday, I was in an alcoholic haze. I am fucking embarrassed!” I am even more embarrassed, I still can’t remember his name.
“There are no refunds, sorry.”
“Never mess up an apology with an excuse. You’re not sorry!” AM I DEAD YET!
“I am flattered. Such a lovely lass chose me, over a younger man?”
“I was waving at a friend across the room. They’re going to be pissed, it was my date!”
“I shouldn’t have made you work so hard for the prize you purchased, but it was so much fun watching you work your magic.”
I hold up the two pieces of my shorts, “Did you do this?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
I hold up my shirt, “Where are the ribbons that came with it? Holy Shit! I remember…..”

“We ended up at your grandfather’s cabin. I was wearing raggedy shorts and a crop top held together by a couple of ribbons and cowboy boots. When I got up from the field, after working on my all over body tan, you were whittling on a piece of wood on the porch. I decided it was time to collect some of my donation back. While making my way over to you, I put a swagger in my step. My thumbs were in my belt loops, making my shorts riding even lower on my hips. I put on my come-hither face and batted my baby bluish eyes trying to get your attention. It didn’t seem to be working. I thought for a while and decided another approach may be the ticket. I tossed my Resistol hat into the air. I veered off to the left and dove off the end of the dock into the cool water of the pond. I paddled and spun around. You just looked at me and shook your head laughing. You continued to whittle. I climbed out of the water and stood on the shore. I took my boots off, one at a time. I bend back and emptied the water of one boot on my chest. The other boot I poured into my mouth, letting the water run out and down my chin. I never took my off you, my prize. I put my soggy boots back on, and started strutting over to you. Dripping wet, and blowing the water drops off the end of my nose, I gave a shake, sending my drenched hair flying. With my shorts wide-open, you could see I wasn’t wearing any panties. Continuing towards you, all my seduction tactics had turned me on. Now I was wet inside as well! I pulled on the top ribbon of my little yellow see-through crop top, letting the ribbon flow softly in the breeze. As my shirt opened, you could see my rock-hard nips as the breeze blew across my chest. With a piece of wood in one hand and a knife in the other, you just stared at me. I stood over you, my unruly wet hair was dripping on your thighs, I reached for the knife. I took it and cut the bottom ribbon off my crop top, allowing the shirt to blow back off my shoulders, exposing my luscious lickable mounds. You weren’t laughing anymore but still just staring at me. Not the reaction I wanted from you. I was beginning to think I won the consolation prize. Standing right in front of you, I dropped down and sat on the heels of my boots. I spread my legs as wide as they would go, allowing all that was inside my tiny shorts to be clearly seen. Still positioned on my heels, I ran my right hand straight into the unzipped frayed fabric that I was wearing. Using my palm, I made a few grinding movements over my slit. I let out a sensual noise. I pulled my hand out and stuck my second and third fingers in my mouth. I glanced at you, your eyes were wide open, along with your mouth! I took my fingers from my mouth letting the strings of saliva dance in the wind. So sexy! I traced my fingers down my chin, then back down my body, not in any hurry. I ran my fingers between my tits and gently twisted on my erect nipples. “I wish someone would suck on them.” My shorts became soaked from the inside juices of my horny cunt. I told you so. I kept moving down, across my belly-button, and stopped. Fanning out my fingers, I slid them into my soaking wet shorts. You watched them disappear, one by one. My index finger titillated my wild cherry, while the fourth and fifth pulled the crotch of my shorts to one side, leaving my middle finger free to fuck myself. Slipping my flip-off finger into my raining pussy, I began rotating the digit inside me, along with an in and out movement. I started breathing heavier. I grabbed a handful of my own hair with my left hand, as I looked down to watch the show. I moaned. “If I could just bend a little farther I could taste myself. You tried to pick me up but I swatted you away. Laughing, “Just another fourteen seconds is all I need!”

“Bullshit! Where’s my knife”, Dallas grunted. “Fuck that!” I grabbed both sides of your zippered itsy bitsy shorts woman, and gave it a good yank, splitting those shorts right along the seam. Standing you up, those shorts fell straight to the ground. I picked you up and planted you firmly on my hard as rock dick.”
“My legs naturally wrapped around you. With one hand, you reached down between us. Both of us watched as you rubbed my clit. I began making small bounces on your over-heated rod. The visual and physical was so intense, you were ready to blow your gasket. Grabbing two handfuls of flesh, you lifted my ass all the way up to the head of your prick. Using some force, you drove me down to the bottom of your shaft. My dripping twat took it all.”

“I would say my recollection of this event is pretty accurate, the crossed hands in front of your lap speaks volumes.”
“It is the way you told it, seductive and descriptive.” Dallas kissed me tenderly. Taking my hand, “We need some cooling off. Hang on!”
“Oh shit!” I screamed. “I just got dressed!” I tightened my hold on him. He ran towards the dock.
“Let me show you how this is done”
“So that’s how it is done? I still got wet. Did you notice the bubbles in the water? It’s not what you think. It’s my smoldering pussy! Could you put out the fire down below?”

Dallas picked me up and set me on the edge of the dock. “A skirt was a wise decision for this activity. These have to go”.
Taking a knife from his belt. He nicks my undie’s and ME! “OUCH!”
“Little bull rider, a scar, something to remember me by. That didn’t hurt.”
“The Blood Bank wants donations too. All the other scars I have, I got paid for! You Dick!”
“I am sorry, really, I didn’t mean to. All this sex in the air, I got carried away.” He finishes ripping my underwear off by hand. “The word Legs, lets spread it. I think I will”. Pushing on my knees, “Hmmm, what do we have here? A pretty pink pearl.” Giving it a striking blow with his tongue. Then another, and another, as he watched me jump.
Laughing and yelling “Hell yeah!” I jumped up from the dock about two feet in the air, or it seemed. “Shit! A clit lick, a finger fuck, an ass-hole rub” I came in an instant! Still flopping around like a carp out of water. “WOW! I think you are almost worth what I paid for you! No, you weren’t. If I were paid hourly, all the hours I put in to seduce you, I would be into overtime. I believe that would add up to more than I made, in the rodeo! Good thing I wasn’t on salary!
“Admit it, you enjoyed the adventure.”
“What was your name again?”
“It’s Dallas.”
“Sorry I forgot.” I never remembered.
“You have never told me yours?”
“I didn’t?” If this got out, I would have cowboys strutting their stuff by me, I mean BUY me! “Just call me, Goodtime Charlie.”
“I think I know who you are?”
“No you don’t.”
His belt buckle was inlaid with silver and rose gold. Unfastening his belt, Dallas removes the buckle. “All Around Cowboy” Kalmia, Idaho. Holy Shit! Maybe he does know me.
“The buckle is yours, Good time Charlie. You earned it. Maybe we will run into each other under different circumstances.”
“Do you like to fish?”
“There is a rodeo in Montana and one in New Mexico?” I flip a coin. “Phoenix it is.”
Plenty of athletic tape to hold down these balance busters. Having big tits is a bonus except for eight seconds, check. Western riding saddle, check. Bronc saddle with leather halter and rein, check. Bull rope, check. Three lariats, my Powerline, my Mach III Heater, my GT4 Rattler, check. If anyone tows there car this time with one of my lariats again, they best run. Run like they are on FIRE! I jump in my truck, Grey-Boy, and head west.

“Jesus Christ Arizona is fucking hot! I’m not even half there.” I pull over off the road to change my clothes, from jeans and Western shirt, to a flippy miniskirt and a tank top. I grab a bottle of water from the ice chest. I crack the lid and pour it over my head. “God Damn, a waterfall in hell!” I crack the top off another, pouring it over shoulder to shoulder. I wanted to be good and soaked. One more bottle, I chug half of it and wet my bandanna with the rest. I fold the bandanna in a triangle. I tie the ends behind my head, tucking in the free end making a semi due rag.
Right now, being on a motorcycle naked with the wind blowing all over me sounds dangerous, but it’s reckless that kills. I’d take the risk, I do it for a living. Sitting on the gas tank, looking backwards, I can see where I have been. The only place I haven’t been is myself.
I put my Cheeta framed sunglasses back on. Looking in the outside door mirror, I push on the bridge of my sun glasses. “Who loves you baby.” I throw up some gravel getting back on
the road.

I had been driving for a day and a half, it was almost dusk. I could have driven longer but I was tired of the scenery and eating Spagettio’s, fish assholes in a can. Up ahead I see a shabby motel. Two truck and trailer rigs, a car and myself, not much more. I wonder if they are headed to Phoenix also. I reach into the back of my truck and throw my duffel bag over my shoulder. I ring the Bell. “Hi, what can I get for you?” The manager asks.
“A room please.”
“How many guests will there be?”
“Just one.”
“That will be seventy-one dollars.” I hand him a hundred dollar bill “Fill this out.”
I have always been curious why they ask, “How many guests will there be?” I paid for the room. I should be able to have as many guests as I want. Well….They should collect a five-hundred dollar deposit though, I would. Our kind know how to have a great time, even when we lose in the official rodeo arena.
While I fill out the card, I think back to the last rodeo I was with most of my cowboy friends. The shit we pulled, it’s a wonder we didn’t get red flagged from some hotels. My cowboy friends, if assholes could fly, this place would be an airport. Memories are good, when you are alone. As I am walking to my room, memories flood me.

We’d go out to the nearest tavern and lick our wounds, swearing we will never ride with each other again. We lie a lot. By the time we close the place down, our bar tab far exceeds the allotted amount of money we all set aside. Paying for multiple hotel rooms is no longer in the budget. If the hot shot, “All Around Cowboy” is with us, all is golden. If he left with the rodeo queen, we’re screwed.
I kept telling the other sniveling losers, “When you start thinking your dick is bigger than the last time you took a piss, your wallet is getting thinner!” They stopped listening right after BIGGER! I wised up and paid for my room before my sad face turns into a happy face.

“You guys can’t sleep with me! Why? Because I don’t want you to! Listening to all your snoring and grunting. I flog for flatulence! Ryan you did quite well today?”
“Yes, but the rest of these guys didn’t. I paid for of them too. Please, one more time, Lizzy?”

“My God, why don’t you guys go home with the girl you jumped your rope with? God damn! This is some embarrassing shit!” I open my truck door.
“Quiet Liz.” I hear a couple of the cowboys pissing on my back tire. “Oops, I missed, I was aiming for Ryan’s boot. The tire jumped in the way.”
“This is Bullshit!” I take my hat off, setting it on the back seat, crown down. I take off my jeans and put on a skirt. I pull hard on my Western shirt. I pop open all the snaps from the neck down. My tits were still taped down from rodeoing. I put on a crop top. I used to have an open mind about this but my brains kept falling out. Fuck! I suppose I am partly to blame for doing it the first time. God Damn! Another hit for the team. All men are idiots. These five cowboys, boycotted Shampoo and demanded real POOH! Shit!
“You make me so horny Lizzy, the crack of dawn isn’t safe anymore. The next cowgirl I meet, I’m going to knock a brand new hole in it!”
“Guys, we better get Cody laid pretty soon or he’s gonna kill something!” Says Emmitt, hanging on to the side of the truck.
I put my hair up with a ribbon. The boys still hiding behind my truck.
“Put a little more jiggle in your wiggle Liz.” Couple Cowboys biff the dirt.
Fuck me! I swear you guys must wear your jeans waayyyy to tight, their cutting off the flow of blood to your pee brains!
“There is a difference between snug and tight, little missy.”
“Little missy? Let me show you the difference, Owen.” I walk over and take hold of his shirt. I swing my right hand down, planting it between his legs.
“How does that feel?”
“Oh, pretty nice. Keep it up.”
“How’s this?” I clamp down with my bull riding hand.
“God almighty! LET GO LIZZY!” Owen yells as he doubles over.
“Gives a whole new meaning to choking your chicken, don’t it? That’s the difference gentlemen, between snug and tight.”
“You think we should have warned him?”
“Nah Slade, newbies need to learn the hard way.” Emmitt chuckles.
Maybe in Phoenix, I will run across these assholes.
I climb up the stairs and set my duffel bag on the bed. I look around the room, not as flee-bitten as I had thought it would be.

I decide to go for a swim. Hell, looks like there is nothing else to do. The swim suit was still in the box. A present from a friend. I think he wanted to see me in it back then, I chose to swim naked in the pond. Holding it up, I don’t think it was meant to be worn in public. I put the swim suit on, cute little thing. I would refer to it as itsy-bitsy. Some men like big tits, some men like great asses, some like to see the top of a woman’s head. Hell, I enjoy looking at the top of a man’s head from time to time. Bows on both sides of the bottom and one in the center of the top.

I wondered how Luke was doing. When I jumped, left the rodeo scene, I didn’t keep track of my friends. I had my own business to attend to more important than rodeoing. The rumor has it Luke is doing very well for himself. One of the top ropers, also in bronc and bull riding. Good cowboy, great man.

He was the son most mothers wished for. Luke was easy on the eyes, not like some of the others I rodeo with. Adonis would take a back seat to. My attraction to Luke was the way he carried himself. Having an air of confidence and genuinely liking who he is. Luke was an older man with innocence written on a third of him. We have no commitments. We enjoy each other’s company. When we are together, parks do fly. Luke would like more, but he knows for right now it is not possible. We both have our own secrets, me way more than Luke. When I think about him, my mind trails back to the first time I rode Sundance. I love that horse. Actually, it was the first time I ever met Luke, or Cody for that matter. I was gimping back after a bull ride. I felt like I had been thrown about like the shrimp in a tossed salad. I hear someone come up behind me. “Hi I’m Cody.” I limply waved my hand, “No autographs today.” I remember Cody telling me my reputation wasn’t that good. His partner flaked so he asked me to fill in for him. I can hold my own when it comes to roping, but Cody was banking the rumors were true about me.
Luke and Cody were good friends so I went over and asked Luke if I could borrow his horse, Sundance. “It’s the dibble dabble gal. You dibble with broncs. You dabble with bulls, yet you don’t own a horse.” He was such a dick back then. “I don’t need a horse to bronc or bull ride.” Luke’s face looked like he got slapped, and nard kicked at the same time! I went to return Sundance, all I could hear was Luke yelling at some man. “That cock sucker! Cody finds himself a partner a pretty one to boot, and the fucker kicks my ass!” I handed Luke half of my winnings, standard procedure when borrowing someone’s horse. I have kept up with my skills, but I have been off the rodeo scene for quite a while.
I crossed the courtyard and through the gate into the pool area. I had a feeling, a pussy twitch, Luke might be here. I didn’t notice his truck and trailer in the parking lot. I look to the right. In the hot tub, which was filled with cool water, I see Luke’s unique smile. Not quite a smile, more than a grin.
“Oh my God!”
“Fancy meeting you here?”
“My pussy really twitched, which is a good indicator you may be around.”
“God Damn, Lizzy that is just like you!” Laughing
“Great to see you Luke”
“Like wise Lizzy. It’s been a long time. I have missed you”.
“I’ve missed you too. Just before I got here, I pulled out the picture of us team roping. I was this far,” putting my thumb and index finger about three inches apart. “To reaching under my skirt and into my panties to fondle myself.”
“With that mouth of yours you can give a man are hard on in a nanosecond.” Luke takes my hand and puts it on his cock. “It’s been a semi-long dry spell.” Looking me straight in my bluey greenie eyes.
“I forgot the cowboy way. Say what’s on your mind straight away. Save chit chat for later.”
“My lovely Irish lass, your accent has lessened. When you take up talking like a drunken sailor, I will be able to understand you better.”
“I didn’t recognize any truck and trailers in the parking lot?”
“I made enough money to treat myself to a few luxuries. Let’s get something to eat.”
I didn’t have much in my duffle bag to choose from. Travel light and well balanced, is the motto I live by. I have told a few lies during my life time, but I am pleased to report my pants have never caught on fire. Baggage? Don’t mind if I do. If Luke only knew.

The evening was warm, I choose a sassy short white skirt and a white snap up western shirt. I put on my red cowboy boots, no hat. I slipped in my driver’s license and some money inside and clipped my knife onto the shaft of my boot. I was meeting Luke at the bottom of the stairs.

We reached the restaurant next door to the lounge. Luke opens the front door, putting his hand behind my back guiding me in front of him. Waiting to be seated, Luke wraps his arms around my neck. He whispers “The scent of Tiger Lilies is intoxicating, too bad they didn’t have room service.” I tightened my grip on his forearms and bend my right leg to rub my calf against his inner thigh. “Table for two?”

“This is my room.” It was a room on the end.
“Only neighbors on one side? Did you pick this room on purpose?”
“Yes, I don’t like neighbors on both sides. It’s too noisy.” When I walked in I could see his rodeo shirts and dress shirts hanging in the closet. Jackets and jeans hanging over a dining chair.
“I thought it would be bigger.” Laughing.
“Fuck you, that’s what the last girl said.”
“Was she talking about the room?” I put my arms around him. “Give me one of those kisses that lights me up and melts me down.”
“The chemistry between us is undeniable, certifiable.” Luke reaches around me, grabbing a handful of hair on his way. He tugs just enough to tilt my head back. He runs his tongue lightly up my neck and along my lips.
“Lord have mercy.” I whispered into his mouth. He presses my lips a little harder against his. I run my hands down from the collar of his shirt and stop half way between the second and third snaps. His nipples were hard. Goosebumps too. I take one finger from the free hand, it disappears under my skirt. I put the moistened finger in Luke’s mouth. “Dessert.”
“What you do to me.” Luke lets out a heavy sigh.
“There goes snap number two. There goes snap number three…” Luke reaches to unfasten them all. “Stop Luke.” I unfasten snap number four and five. I graze over his lightly tanned torso and stopped at the waistband of his jeans. I partially untuck the white shirt from the faded jeans. “So sexy” Luke kisses me on the forehead.
“Shug I want to touch you.”
“You will, I promise.” I undo the snaps on the cuffs of the shirt. “Say goodbye to your shirt.” Dragging the back of my nails from his horny trail to Luke’s shoulders, I push the shirt over the back. I separate myself from Luke.
“There is a seduction about a half dressed man. I am as wet as rain.” Luke walks backward a few steps and leans on the desk. I unfasten Luke’s, buckle. I undo the top button of his jeans. I pull the waist band apart. The zipper goes down, exposing Luke’s cock. He lifts his leg. “Ah’ yes, the boots.” I swing a leg over his, my ass facing him.

I squeeze my legs together and pull on the heel of the boot. Luke leans forward and flips my flirty skirt onto my back, setting his hands lightly on my ass. “What a sight, your skin is so soft.” I stop to enjoy the copped feel. He creeps his fingers under the edge of my undies, running them to the front. Taking two fingers, Luke separates my cunt lips and taps on one of my favorite body parts, besides my mouth.
“If you want this boot off, stop. Otherwise I am going to use it as a handle and dry hump you.”

“Your mind is so nasty, Liz.”
“My mind says to give you this.” I reach down into my boot and hand Luke my knife. “Cut them off.” I reach back and pull one side open of my bikinis. Luke puts the knife under the cotton fabric. “Let me help you.” I collapse my knees, dropping down about eight inches. I cut the panty’s myself. They fall to the floor.
Seeing the panties fall, “I can’t take much more erotic Shug.” Luke puts his foot down from between my legs and scoops me up by my thighs. Turning me around, I put my feet on the desk. “I want to feel you properly.” Lifting my ass a little higher and sets me on his prick.
My feet on the desk, and my twat resting on the base of his cock, he tosses my belt on the desk. “Since the skirt can’t go down, raise your arms.” Luke firmly tugs on the hem, removing the item of clothing over my head. Spreading my shirt wide-open from behind, Luke lays tiny kisses on the back of my neck, moving up to my ear along the hairline. I start kneading my feet on the desk. He runs his hands crosswise up my chest to my shoulders and pulls snugly down. The slightest movement of his very hard maleness, my twat clamps tighter.
Whispering in my ear, “You’ve done played long enough Shug.” Giving me a couple grinds with his hips. “You are wet my friend. I want you to stand on my cowboy boot.”
“All right.” He slides my leg off the desk. His boots were suede, semi-round at the toe and had that soft broken in feeling. Luke begins thrusting his over ready cock into my pussy.
“How’s that?”
“Feels great. Nice and easy, like riding my favorite stead through a meadow.”
“Want to ride a Through Bread?” I take my other leg down from the desk, and firmly plant my hands to it.
“Fucking whip and spur!” With one foot on his cowboy boot, the other on the carpet, Luke digs his fingers into my hip bones, slamming my twat with full force. I let out a broken moan.
“Your pussy is tight, slippery and warm. I am drowning in your silk.” Luke slows down. Nuzzling my neck, “This is selfish of me.” I reach between our legs.
“Your balls drowned, I believe they need resesitation?”
“No you don’t! That is your bull riding hand.” I release them and bring my hand back forward touching everything along the way. Up my inner lips over my clit, to my belly button. All the while, Luke is watching over my shoulder. “God damn it, Liz!” He wraps his arms around my waist. I feel a warm sensation between my legs besides me.

“Want a beer?” Handing me one.
“Thanks, a Golden Buddy. Haven’t seen one of these in a while.”
“They are hard to find, I special order them.”
“Are you tired, Luke?”
“No, just resting.”
“You rest old man.”
“God damn! I walked right into that one!”

I want to make a memory, something Luke can take with him and think of me when I am not around. I pull the desk chair to the middle of the room. I climb up on it. I sit on the backrest of the chair. I pull the tab for the ceiling fan. You could hear the click and the blades start spinning. I can feel the air passing over my moist skin.
“It’s hot in here.” I rest my elbows on my knees. I hang my head down allowing my hair to fall forward. Being tilted, most of my private parts can be seen through the slats on the back of the chair.
“Holy Fuck!”
I turned my head. “Like what you see?”
“Absolutely! Age has softened you Lizzy, but not your spirit.” I straighten my arms between my legs, downward. The movement forces my legs apart. I sit up and toss my hair back. It softly twirls with the fan air. I put the four fingers of my right hand in my mouth. You can hear the sucking noise as I pulled them out from my mouth. My left hand is clutched to the wooden frame of the backrest. Looking toward the ceiling, I drag my wet fingers down my neck and sternum, grazing the inside of my left breast. Like plucking the strings of a guitar, each finger stops to strike a note on my nipple. I took my left hand and did the same to my right breast. Open hands travel down forearms, uncross at the jointing of the thighs. Luke can see my hand disappear between my legs. I look over and Luke’s eyes were devilishly glowing. His arms were folded, his legs were crossed and was sporting a raging hard on.
“Want to help.”
“Are you kidding me? I am still debating whether this is real or fantasy.”
“Why finger fuck myself when you’re here?”
Luke walks over and stands in front of me. I reach over and scoop up the drop of fluid on the end of his prick, with my index finger. I take the tip of my tongue and taste it off. “Yumm.”
“Christ on a cracker! I could cum right now without even touching you Lizzy. The seduction far outweighs the act.”
Saying huskily, “I want you, can you tell? How about together, we use our last two fingers and gather some silk.”
Giving me a kiss, Luke releases his fingers from mine. He takes his pinky and ring finger making circles around the rim of my pussy going deeper with each full circle. I remove his silk drenched fingers from my cunt. I strike them against my upper chest in an X fashion.
“What was that for Lizzy?”
“For when you smell me later.”
“The combination of Tiger Lilies and pussy.” Luke smells the air.
“Sit down on the chair, Luke.” He sits. “No, face me.”
“That was fucking stupid.” Luke turns around, his face a bit blushed.
“Slide a little closer to me.” He obeys. I let myself down gently from the backrest. I graze my body down his. I allow my clit to be tantalized by his soft brown chest hair.
“Shug, you best stop.”
“Too late I am enjoying myself too much.” I continue on, picking up his cock along the way. “Ahh, right on target. Did you really want me to stop?”
“Yes, stop with the teasing.”
“I wanted to thoroughly enjoy myself in case I don’t see you for a while.” I slid the rest of the way down putting as much of him in me. With my legs dangling, I hear Luke sigh. “That’s better.”

“Kiss me”
Luke pulls a couple tassels of my hair, nibbling randomly up my chest, my neck, stopping at my lips. Laying a long and lengthy kiss on me. My pussy started twitching and the next thing I knew I was rolling my hips on his lap. “Just like that, Shug.” Luke pulls down on my calves that were dangling over the chair. He holds his breath. I can feel his hot liquid. “When I was kissing you, I felt this hot gush of fluid surrounding my cock.”
“That’s what happens when we are more than friends.”
“An extraordinary moment, Lizzy”
Luke opens my truck door, “Follow me Liz.”
“Ten-four” I jump in my truck. I turn over the ignition. “This truck is so throaty, I love it. It reminds me of me.

Luke and I chose the Sorrel inn when we got to Phoenix. Ryan went to the Sunburst. Cody bunked with Ryan.

Taking off his hat, Luke runs his fingers through his hair. “Can I help you?” The manager asks.
“Yes thank you.”
“Are you two together?”
Looking at me, “Two separate rooms please.”
“That will be seventy-two dollars each. Special rate for rodeo contestants.” Luke is it?”
“Yes it is.”
“Damn good roper.” Putting out his hand, “Me and the Misses have been following you the last few rodeo’s, your times are impressive.”
“This is Lizzy.” Putting his arm around me.
“Yes I know. The little bull rider that won’t quit. Just as pretty up close. “Here take room number eight” handing the key to me. “Here”, handing Luke key number nine.
Putting his cowboy hat on, “Hopefully their adjoining rooms.” Speaking low.
“As a matter of fact they are.
“I’m gonna go take a fiver, Liz. Lack of sleep and all the driving today, I’m sore.”

I open the door to my room and look around it was clean, nicely decorated. My favorite part was the bathtub. A garden tub. Skip the nap. I turned on the hot water almost immediately. I thought about setting the air conditioning to sixty-nine… I tried sixty nine, I had to duck and cover. I almost got knocked out on the back swing! Shit! I am selfish, I like all his undivided attention devoted to thee.

Jesus, poor Luke. He is too sore to even practice roping. That’s sore! It wasn’t from driving. Somewhere along the road to Phoenix, I think I may have broken my play toy. I should have factored in, the hardness of the butter, is directly proportional to the softness of the bread. The softer side of me came out and so did his hardness. Luke says he is old enough to know how, which is very true, but keeping up with me, well….

I stripped off the day’s clothes. I grabbed a cold one from the mini bar. I stepped into the steaming bath. Soaking my bones, relaxing, thinking “Luke is a good sport. The shit I gave him today I may have gone too far with that old man thing.”

“I am not over my prime but you literally fucked me sideways Shug, I am sore.
“That sounds like something a woman would say. God Damn! I donate nineteen dollars a month to the “Sex for Seniors Foundation.” You are disappointing them. Please don’t tell me you are part of the “Over The Hill Gang.”
“A hill? What hill? I didn’t see a hill?” Laughing at me. “Pull back on those reins a scosh woman. It has been a while since I have been with someone as spritely as you. I think the last time was with you Lizzy. I am very particular about who I spend my time with. Walking the horses back, “Don’t worry I won’t ruin your reputation in Phoenix, Shug.”
I un-cinched my saddle. I set it horn down on my tailgate to dry. I went back to brush Sundance. “Curry comb, dandy brush, whatever this frilly thing is.”
“Get out of my horse box” Luke tossed me a brush. “Use this one.”
Luke put out a bucket of water for the horses. When I finished brushing, I braided the tail and put it in a tail sack as usual. Luke hung two feeders from the horse trailer windows. “I could put the feed in the manger but I want them to be good and dry before we load them. How about I put you in the manger and leave you wet?”
“Oh’ fuck me! You sailed that ship! Crashed and burned, no survivors, wave good bye! I thought you were sore? I would really be fucking myself, if I fucked you any more before the rodeo! Where do you keep the Bengay, gimpy? Manger?” I walked over to the bucket of water. I unsnap my shirt and throw water on my torso. I take the rubber band from my hair. I run my wet fingers through it several times. I open my hand toward Luke. “I am only serious when yelling for help.”
I will set the air conditioner on sixty eight. Sex is like air, it’s not important unless you aren’t getting any.

“Oh, the water is nice. Jets? Hmm let’s try this switch.” Sure enough, I had instant turbulent water in my garden tub. What’s this? A detachable shower head? As if taunting me. “Timing has an awful lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance. Let me make you dance, from hip to hip and everything in between.” A talking shower head? How many of those little bottles of clear nectar did I drink? I should have put on my reading glasses. In tiny, tiny print “HI, I am the replacement for the recalled shower head and I am going to fuck you up! FOR LIFE!!”
If this shower head works as good as the rumors say, men you are OUT OF HERE! God Damn, Rocky Mountain High! No wonder my friend has a plumber on retainer! I turned up the water pressure, then things got ugly. Holy Mother of Fuck! This extension of the bathtub which started out wanting to be the softer side of the male species, ate some loco weed. I was trying to tame the beast and put it back in its holster! I was not winning! Just like a man, it was pissing on the floor, the towels, MY face! And trying to enter places no man has gone before! Scotty, beam this devil spawned creature the fuck up NOW! I think this piece of conduit with its hundred holes of destruction needs to go back to rehab or sent to the scrap yard. Shit Almighty! More trouble. The turn off valves are on the other side of this oval shaped paradise of relaxation. Trying to hold it under water, hoping it would drown was highly unlikely. I can’t wrestle but it definitely entered my box! Crawling to the other side I looked like I getting balled by a midget. Jesus Crist! I should score in the high eighties after this ride. Even more trouble…

“What are you doing Lizzy?”
“Holy shit! You scared me half to death!” I wonder what happens when you get scared half to death… Twice? Hmm… “Doesn’t anybody knock anymore?! What are you doing here, Luke? I thought you were napping.” I can’t tell him I was pleasuring myself when the shower head went ape shit on me. Grabbing around its little neck, squeezing tightly, I swing this potentially dangerous weapon in front me. “I was practicing roping.” That’s a lie, it was roping me!
“I know what women do with these shower heads. IF I AIN’T GOT IT, YOU DON’T NEED IT, SHUG! Here, give me that, let me wash your back.” This perversion of a toy had my back, along with my front and parts that used to be foreign to me. If Luke only knew. No re-match for me thanks. ADRIAN!!
Shit! I thought I was tough. I have been wrong before.

“After Phoenix, I am heading toward the Pacific North West. There are some rodeos that are personal for me up there, I want to participate in. Also, I have business to attend to.”
“I am riding a couple of rodeos in Oregon. Would you like to share with me why Oregon, Liz?”
“Not at this time I don’t, Luke”

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