
Cross-Country Road Trip Ch. 09


By suppertime, we were settled into our suite at Caesar’s Atlantic City Casino. We took a shower together and then laid down for a short nap before tackling supper and the casino. We had decided that we both had “headaches” and sex would be the last thing on our minds that night so we took it easy on each other and enjoyed the respite.

After our naps we found a casino restaurant that featured a buffet and ate a good hearty meal. Then it was time for the gambling. I pulled out $500 for you and $500 for myself and we left everything else except for some ID in the suite’s safe. When we hit the casino floor, we stuck together long enough to find you a good spot at a “one armed bandit” that allowed you to watch me at the poker tables. You started feeding money into the bandit and I sat down where I could see you just by looking up at a $10 a bet poker table that featured seven-card stud.

The first few hands weren’t very good and I lost a quick $100 before I started turning my luck around. An hour or two later after I had won about five thousand dollars, there came a hand that I knew was going to be good. I drew the nine and ten of spades as my hole cards. The next card up was the queen of spades. Then came the king of spades. A seven of diamonds and an eight of clubs didn’t do much for my hand and it looked to the world as if I had another busted hand. The last down card was the jack of spades, giving me a king-high straight flush. The table folded except for one player who looked as if he might have a straight flush of his own. With my hand, I wasn’t about to fold and he bet everything he had before I ran out of money and called him. He laid out a queen-high flush in hearts and started reaching for the pot.

“Hold it a minute. Aren’t you going to see my cards?”

“Ya ain’t got nothing showing on the table. Whadda ya got that can antep escort beat my flush?”

I laid down my king-high straight flush and said “Just a king-high straight flush in spades.”

“Son of a bitch! Ya cleaned me out! Good hand, old man.”

“Thanks. I think it’s time my lady and I called it a night.” I raked in the chips worth over $12,000 and asked the dealer to deal me out. He handed me a chit to give to the cashier and I tipped him as I got up from the table.

“Fiona, give me a couple of dollars, will you?”

“Sure, big boy, anytime.” You handed me a handful of dollar coins and I played one coin in the nearest empty slot machine. It was a repeat of Cherokee except the jackpot was only up to $567,895 but it took me about the same amount of time to cash it all in and have the check written. Of course Uncle Sam and the State of New Jersey took their share of the winnings just as Uncle Sam and the State of North Carolina had in Cherokee, but I still had over $250,000 for the night.

“Well, Fiona, how does it feel to hang around with a somebody who has a whole bunch of money?”

“I don’t know. Do I know one?”

I grinned and patted your ass as we entered the elevator. “I guess not. I’m just an old man who has had some gambling luck. Come to think about it, my luck started getting good the minute you walked into my life.”

“Mine, too.”

We went to bed and decided to start home in the morning. After all, we had fucked our way from coast-to-coast literally having a ball the entire trip. We had lived out almost all of our fantasies and could now put them behind us.

That morning you got sick and threw up before breakfast. When we got down to the restaurant, you looked at food and got nauseated all over again settling for a glass of orange juice and a cup of black coffee. We paid the bill, checked out, and climbed back into the Midget for the ride home. We knew we had at least one more night on the road, but it felt good to be heading for our own houses and our own beds. The miles rolled away behind us and we spent the night in South Hill, Virginia, studiously avoiding Tara and Jack in Colonial Heights. That night you spent a long time in the bathroom before you came out.

“Honey, I have something I have to tell you.”

“What’s that?”

“I don’t know how to say this except…. Damn it! There’s only one way to say it. I am pregnant. I missed my period and I never miss my period. I’m as regular as an atomic clock. To be sure I used a pregnancy test and it came back positive. The rabbit died.”

“OK. There’s been something I wanted to ask you anyway, but now you’ve given me a good opening. Will you marry me?”

“You don’t have to marry me just because I’m pregnant. I don’t want you to think that I’d get pregnant just to make you marry me.”

“I know that. That wasn’t the reason I asked you. I happen to love you for more than just your pussy.”

“You do? Funny, but we’ve fucked all the way across country and you can say that you love me for more than just my pussy and keep a straight face?”

“Yep! And it’s the truth.”

“Well, why else do you love me?”

“Well, you’ve got a great mind. You’ve got great tits!” You hit me with the pillow before I could protect my face, but it just bounced right off!”

“Men! Well, OK, let me think about it….” You got up and walked into the bathroom and I could hear you tinkle and then the toilet flushed and you returned to the bed, laying down beside me. “OK, I’ve thought about it. I’ll marry you on one condition.”

“What’s the condition?”

“We get married before I start showing too much.”

“Let’s see, today is South Hill, Virginia so it must be Tuesday night.” I said with a grin on my face. “Will this weekend be too late?”

“Noooooooo. But we have to make some arrangements, don’t we?”

“My kids are all grown. My oldest might be a bit upset if I got married without telling her, but she married a while back without telling me until two weeks later. The rest of them have little or nothing to do with me and probably could care less. You and I are both well beyond the age of consent and we both know what being married means. Do you want a large church wedding?”


“Do you mind being married by a judge or justice of the peace? South Carolina has only a 24-hour waiting period.”


“Have you some strange and exotic disease that you haven’t told me about?”

“You know I don’t!”

“OK, then, it’s settled. We don’t need anybody’s permission to get married, we don’t need a really fancy wedding, and we can get married by a justice of the peace without any qualms. Sounds like a plan to me, how about you?”

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll still need a dress and you’ll need a nice suit.”

“That can be arranged very easily. We have enough in casino winnings from Nevada, Atlantic City, and from especially Cherokee to buy whatever we need for the wedding. If you let me get home, I’ll wear my kilt and Prince Charlie dinner jacket. And I can tell my daughter that we’re getting married. At least then you won’t have to protect me from my outraged offspring.”

“I love a man in a kilt! OK. Will you show me what you wear under it? Of course you can get home and get your kilt. And, honey, I’d protect you from anybody–even your daughter. Well, I guess I’ll have to ask my daughters and sons to join us.”

“Only for the ceremony. The honeymoon’s just for us!”

“Spoilsport! Besides, we’ve had our honeymoon in advance, haven’t we?”

“Not by a long shot!”

But, that is another story, isn’t it?

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