
Culture Shock Ch. 03


Chapter 03  Elaine enjoyed being kurious. She could be true to herself.   That’s what she liked most.   The shy, mild-mannered virgin was much closer to her heart than the loud, slutty Naughtygirl. Whereas Naughtygirl ‘took it up the ass with glee’, kurious was more interested in actually getting to know people.   She decided to ‘retire’ Naughtygirl. She didn’t think she’d be missed, despite the attentions of Eight Inch Adonis and others.   She was right.   No one ever asked about her.   Being right didn’t make Elaine feel good.   Just cheap.   The nature of her relationship with the Internet changed almost overnight. As Naughtygirl, to begin with it was like going to a great big party. Everyone was friendly and welcoming and the guys were hot for her. Now she saw Naughtygirl as one of the girls who ‘put out’ at a party that happened every week. It just wasn’t the same.   Briefly contemplating the ‘throw-away society’, she decided that being a slut, even online, wasn’t much fun.   “Knock, knock!” Kendra said in a singsong voice, tapping on Elaine’s open door with her fingernails and pushing it open. “We’re going now. Are you sure you don’t want to come?”   The tone of the question convinced Elaine to hold her ground. Her roommates made her feel uncomfortable, as though they were putting up with her.   Being a glorified taxi driver for giggling drunken college girls was highly overrated.     But it did make sense.   They saved on taxi money.   Maybe it was all in her head, but Elaine always felt like a burden when she went out with Kendra and Chelsea.   As though she cramped their style. She always seemed to be the one left watching the purses.   And by the end of the evening she’d be sitting alone at their chosen table, watching her roommates have ‘one last dance’ with men at least as drunk as they were.   It usually took an hour.   The worst part was actually trying to leave. Being the designated driver could be incredibly frustrating, and neither of her roommates was ever sober enough to care. Right in the parking lot Chelsea and Kendra would kiss and cuddle a seemingly endless procession of guys.    Elaine could only shake her head watching the sly ones rejoin the end of the queue.   Waiting inside the car was safer.   She didn’t want to be mistaken for a kissing booth attendant.   But Chelsea and Kendra didn’t seem to mind.   As ‘regulars’, they knew everyone.   Even with a headache, Elaine would wait patiently, fucking around with the radio and trying to find something that would distract her at two-thirty in the morning. After two such evenings in a row, Elaine had decided she needed a break from Spotlight, the local nightclub.   “Thanks, but no. I have a few things I want to do tonight. You guys have fun.”   “Oh, we will. Maybe I’ll see you later, if you’re up… or not,” Kendra said with a sly wink.   By the time Elaine realised she was blushing her bedroom door was closed.     The ‘lipstick on the vibrator incident’ fortunately hadn’t been mentioned during the week. Chelsea seemed oblivious.   Conversely, Kendra had apparently begun flashing Elaine. Well, not flashing exactly, although she had seen most of a nipple. It almanbahis şikayet was almost like Kendra was teasing her. Elaine had no idea why.   The words Kendra had chosen were the first referring to Elaine’s masturbation session and humiliating discovery since the morning after. Once her heart had calmed, she was a bit pissed off at her roommate.   Couldn’t she just leave it alone?   Elaine swallowed, remembering how Kendra had stepped one leg out wide as she stood up from the kitchen table that morning. Her robe had parted clear to the top of her thighs, exposing the stretched white cotton over her bulging mound to Elaine’s stunned gaze. “Oops! Oh, jeez… Elaine,” Kendra had whispered, a wicked smile playing at the corner of her lips. “Must you stare?”   “Hmmm?” Chelsea had asked from across the table. Thankfully she’d been blissfully unaware, as usual.   “I asked Elaine to join our dare,” Kendra replied cheerfully, betraying herself with a wink.   Looking at Elaine, who was blushing fiercely, Chelsea asked, “So you’re going to join us? It’s gonna be so fun!”   “Um,” responded Elaine, wondering what crazy stunt the girls were pulling.   “Yeah, c’mon, Elaine. No panties for a week. You can do it. Or are you too chicken?”   “No way. I’m not walking around campus without panties, no way, no how. You guys do what you want, count me out.”   “Aw, c’mon, Elaine,” whimpered Kendra, swinging her left knee side to side. Flashes of white confirmed to Elaine that Kendra was doing it again, but she dared not look. Chelsea couldn’t see anything from where she was sitting, and Elaine had no idea what to say.   “I don’t think so,” she finally croaked, standing and pushing in her chair.   She was determined to escape the feeling of being trapped. “It’d be too embarrassing. I… I gotta take a shower.”   With that, the strangest moment of the week had passed.   Last Wednesday evening Kendra had the nipple slip incident while they were all watching Desperate Housewives, but that was it for the flashing. Maybe Elaine was imagining it. She felt sure that Kendra was pushing her buttons, trying to make her react or something. Elaine remembered the question Kendra had put to her last weekend, the morning after the vibrator episode. ‘Are your nipples hard?’   Elaine sighed. Of course they had been. They were hard on and off most days. That wasn’t unusual. What was unusual was Kendra’s direct manner. The first semester of living together had been completely uneventful.   She’d never put Elaine on the spot like that before, and Elaine hadn’t liked it, no matter how hard her nipples were. But what Elaine found most disconcerting, was Kendra’s apparent ability to nail her on the humiliation thing. What had she said, Elaine wondered, frowning and trying to remember.   “Oh, c’mon. I’m just having some fun with you. You know you like it.”   The words rang in her ears.   She sat forward in her computer chair and typed in the URL for the story site she liked. She wondered why she hadn’t thought of this before. When the site popped up on her screen, she looked down the list of links, looking for a ‘search’ function. She found it and clicked, almanbahis canlı casino being transported to a page with various alternatives to narrow down her search. At the bottom of the page was a simple ‘keywords’ search and she typed in ‘embarrassment’, and pressed return.   Her heart started beating hard when she was presented with no less than one hundred and ninety-one references to ‘embarrassment’ in the stories posted on the site. It wasn’t long before she was naked, leisurely stroking her sex while her turgid nipples ached. Some of the stories were horrible, forcibly humiliating a girl against her wishes. They were… well, mean. And nasty too, some of them.   The best ones seemed to be in the BDSM category. She came across one story about an older woman, about thirty-five, who wanted to do all kinds of things but couldn’t unless she was told. If she were told, she could obey, effectively shifting responsibility for her embarrassment or humiliation to the man who ordered her to obey. She wasn’t ‘bad’, or ‘nasty’ or ‘loose’ or ‘slutty’. She was just ‘obedient’. She just did as she was told. Then she could live with the pleasure such situations gave her. She felt free, unshackled from her tormented past, free from the guilt she had felt when she fantasised about these things.   And she had intense orgasms.   Elaine could relate. But she couldn’t see how she could possibly be surreptitiously masturbated in a museum without causing a riot.   “Hmmm, no panties,” Elaine murmured to herself, tracing the lips of her wet pussy with a fingernail.   In most of the stories the women, as they were almost invariably women, went without underwear. The thought of being the only person in a room without underwear warmed Elaine to the core. Protagonists in the stories answered so many of the questions she had. ‘Couldn’t anyone tell? Couldn’t they smell pussy? Wouldn’t her nipples get painfully hard and take ages to go down?’   Elaine rolled her pink tongue around her dry mouth and swallowed nervously. Fuck, I’m so horny. She was only half way through the story of the thirty-five year old when she looked up and realised the author was MasterServant.   She blinked with surprise. Biting her lip, she bookmarked the story in her ‘favourites’ and clicked on the author’s bio page. Ripples of tumult attacked her stomach and her clit throbbed as she crossed her legs. Fingers shaking, Elaine’s jaw dropped when he mentioned his hometown. She couldn’t believe her eyes. It was two towns over, maybe a thirty to forty-minute drive.   That was close. She hadn’t realised she was squirming. Stilling herself, she opened his submissions page. There were about thirty short stories there, most of which came under the BDSM category. Reopening his bio in a new page, she read every word over and over. His name was Gary. He didn’t give his surname. He was thirty-four years old and had been involved in ‘the lifestyle’ for six years. Speaking honestly, he went on to mention how he had struggled with his role in Dominance and submission, and was seeking a sensual woman who was willing to learn how to please him. He said he was unmarried and currently single, almanbahis casino ‘but that might change’. He directed those who wished to contact him to use the email link provided.   There was no way Elaine was going to write to him when he lived that close. He could be crazy, or a psychopath. She giggled nervously. She didn’t think he was. He sounded like a Dominant, but she wasn’t sure. He hadn’t said it straight out. Reading the bio again, she caught the words, ‘willing to please me’.   Ahh , she thought, a light switching on in her brain. So he IS a Dominant. It was exciting to have a Dominant so close by. And scary.   No it’s not , she thought, clicking his bio page closed, revealing the page underneath listing his stories. I’m safe. I’m anonymous.   She started at the top of the page and read eight stories that night. By the fourth story, she had to stop and masturbate. By the fifth story, she was almost constantly shaking. After reading the sixth story, about a spanking, she had retrieved her vibe and teased herself with it at her computer. A first for her. By the end of the eighth story, she was masturbating openly while reading, imagining being tied up and toyed with, like the character in the story.   He was an excellent writer. He described things so well, especially the woman’s fears and doubts. In the stories, his men were reassuring and firm, loving and demanding. Elaine liked every word that came from his talented pen, but she liked the men he described the best. They were at times tender and forgiving, and at others so hard and unyielding. And they were lovers. His descriptions made Elaine cream.   At the climax of the eighth story, where the submissive was being fucked while her arms were bound behind her back, Elaine gritted her teeth. She desperately wanted to finish the story. The girl hadn’t been allowed to cum. Elaine was sure she’d be allowed before the end. She had to be. It would be too cruel to deny her after all she’d been through. Besides, Elaine’s hungry pussy was spasming in frustration, perspiration dripping down between her breasts. With shaking hands, she continued to tease herself, touching her vibe to her clit in the same way the man in the story was doing. Teasing. Tormenting.   She was as determined as the girl in the tale. She wouldn’t cum until she had permission. Once she had permission, she could cum. She could cum hard. As hard as she wanted. A terrible knot of anxiety would itself around her stomach, her asshole beginning to twitch as she was bearing down on the last few lines of the story.   Surely he won’t deny her. Surely!   Her anxiety leapt into her throat as the girl squealed with need against his instructions to be silent, and Elaine almost moaned aloud in frustration.   Please! Please! Let her cum! Let ME cum!   Two fingers were pistoning in and out of her flooded and throbbing pussy, her vibrator on high and hovering so close to her clit she could almost feel it. At last she read the words that told her it was all right. It was all right to be turned on beyond anything she’d ever felt. It was all right to wish it were she on the bed, tied up and blindfolded, teased and caressed beyond belief.   ‘Hold it, hold it… Now cum!’ she read.   Elaine’s vibrator crashed into her clit as her fingers impaled herself deeply. A moan began in her chest, shattering the silence, sounding like nothing she’d heard from her own lips before.

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