
Dana’s Suprise


The day was your average lazy summer afternoon. The temperature out side was warm and the sun was bright. The Forecast had called for clear skies throughout the week. Dana was no different than any other 18 year old. Summer and sun meant sleeping in and lying out at the pool. After waking up late as normal and catching up on the latest gossip from her best friend Penny, she quickly changed into her bikini and headed down stairs.

Penny had just graduated from high school. She was looking forward to college and the upcoming cheerleader tryouts. All though small in the chest, Dana more than made up for it with her long, model like legs. Her unblemished face was matched with a smile that could win any boy. To top it off her, she had long black hair that she could toss like a movie stair.

Trotting through the kitchen she was stopped short by her mother’s stern voice. “And what do you think you are doing young lady?” her mother asked.

“Going out to the pool mother,” she replied. Waiting to be scolded for any number of things, Dana waited for her mother’s response.

Suddenly her mother chuckled, “go on and make sure you wear some sun screen.”

Giving her mother a quick hug, “I will mother,” she said as she stepped out the glass door which led to the pool.

Dana considered herself lucky. Her father made good money in business although it took him away from home allot as was the case now. Mr. Farmer left two days earlier and wouldn’t be back for a week. She missed him allot but understood that it was the nature of his business. This left her mother Jackie and her alone a significant amount of the time.

After laying beside the pool for about an hour, Dana realized that she was getting hungry. She hadn’t eaten anything since waking. Lazily she stretched as she stood and proceeded into the house. When she entered she could hear her mother talking with someone in the living room who she recognized as Ms. Jacobson from across the street. Ms. Jacobson was a 46 year old divorced mother of 2. Her oldest son was in college and the other boy lived with his father somewhere upstate. She was a large woman who stood about 5’8″ and had the look of someone who had worked most of her life. Ms. Jacobson had an intimidating appearance.

Dana poured herself a bowl of cereal and was just sitting down at the table when she noticed something peculiar. It looked like her mother was trying to pick something up by the sofa and Ms. Jacobson was trying to help her. Dana slowly stood up and peered into the front room through the half opened kitchen door. What she saw would change her life for ever. Ms. Jacobson was standing off to the side of her mother. Her hand was on her mother’s bottom and was rubbing ever so gently. Then she slowly moved it towards Dana’s mother’s crotch. She gave it a firm squeeze which elicited a deep moan from Mrs. Farmer. Dana caught her breath. Being stunned at the site before her, she didn’t know what to do.

Finally her trance was broken by her mother’s voice. “Stop, my daughter might come in,” She said.

“Well if she, did you wouldn’t have to hide this anymore now would you,” Ms. Jacobson retorted.

Dana moved back from the door but could not totally look away. Now peaking around the corner she saw her mother stand and turn into the larger woman. Wrapping her arms around Ms. Jacobson’s neck, she gave a passionate kiss that may have shocked Dana more than anything. How could her Mother be kissing this woman. How could she be letting this woman squeeze and fondle her the way she was.

“Tonight your coming over and you are going to give me what I need aren’t you bitch,” demanded the imposing Ms. Jacobson.

“MMMMM, yes you can count on it,” was her mothers reply.

With a dry throat, Dana staggered back to the door leading to the pool. At first she wasn’t able to even come up with a rational thought. The first thing she came up with was run. As quietly as she could she walked back out to the pool and laid back down on the pool recliner. Her mind was swimming. What had she just witnessed? What did Ms. Jacobson mean by calling her mother a bitch and telling her that she was going to give her what she needed? Dana’s world had just been turned on end in the matter of seconds. What should I do?

After only about 5 minutes she heard the front door leave and could hear her mother talking briefly with Ms. Jacobson. Deciding it was safe to re-enter the house, Dana decided to go up to her room and try to figure this out. Just as she closed the door to her room she heard a knock on her door? A giant lump formed in her throat keeping her from answering it.

“Dana, are you in your room?” she heard her mother ask.

“Yes mom, I’m hear,” she replied. Oh no, she knows I saw and she is pissed. Are you all right dear? You left your cereal on the counter and you hardly ate any of it. Trying to think of something she replied, “Uh, yes mom, I’m ok, just got a little to much sun that’s all.” Ok Dear, if you need Avcılar Escort anything just let me know. I will Mom. Relief finally set in as she heard her mother walking back down the stairs.

For over an hour she tried to rationalize the day’s events. The more she thought about it the more confused she got. Finally she decided the only thing she could do is call her best friend Penny. Picking up her cell phone, Dana punched in the speed dial button for her friend and waited for an answer. After a couple of rings she heard Penny answer her. “Penny, I really need to talk with you, she said. “It’s an emergency, can you come over.

“Ok, I will, but I can’t stay long because we are going over to Grandma’s for the weekend.” Her friend explained.

After what seemed like an eternity Dana heard her friend racing up the stairs. “What’s wrong,” Penny asked as she struggled for a breath.

“Close the door quickly. You have to promise not to tell anyone what I am about to tell you, promise me Penny,” Dana Pleaded.

Of course Dana, what is it?

Dana began to shake as she told her best friend about what she had witnessed earlier in the living room.

Penny was her best friend. She had been for since they were in Elementary School together. If she could trust anyone to help her, Penny would. At first it seemed that Penny wouldn’t say anything. Finally she asked”, what are you going to do.”

“I don’t know, Dana replied. What would you do?”

Penny thought for a moment. “Well you can either ask her about it or wait and hope she will tell you in her own time, Penny said matter of factly.

But it seems so wrong; I mean she is married to my Dad.

“Well for one thing you dad is always gone and I’m sure your mother gets lonely,” Penny replied. Also, your mother is quit attractive. I’m sure there are lots of people her age who thinks so. I guess both men and women.

Dana thought about what her friend had told her. She had never thought about her mother in that way. Her mother was 37 years old. But she was in very good shape. She was 5’2″ and had long black hair that was just slightly shorter than her daughters. It never dawned on her that she would have needs in that way. Also, she did realize how others could she her mother in an attractive way. Of course this realization lead to other questions. How long had her mother been doing this? Were there other’s? Most of all, should she tell her mother what she saw. Dana and Penny discussed it further for a little while. Finally Penny stood up and told her friend that she had to get home. “Thank you so much Penny,” Dana said as she hugged Penny.

Good luck Dana, I will be thinking about you, Penny replied.

Dana watched her friend leave. She heard Penny tell her mother good bye as she left. Suddenly Dana felt like she was so alone. Again the confusion of what to do and how to approach the subject over took her. Oh man, what am I going to do, she thought to herself. Suddenly her cell phone began to ring. Thinking it was her friend Penny she answered it. To her shock the voice on the other end belonged to Ms. Jacobson. “Hi Dana, how are you,” the older woman asked.

Struggling to over come a sudden dry throat, Dana struggled to answer. “Fine,” she finally muttered.

“That’s good to hear dear,” Ms Jacobson said. Dana, I think you and I need to talk.

A terrified Dana finally asked “What about?”

I think you know young lady. Tell you mother you are going over to a friends house for the evening. I doubt she will complain. I will be waiting for you Ms Jacobson said as she hung the phone up.

A cold fear crept over Dana. What do I do, she thought to herself. Finally she decided there wasn’t any real alternative but to go over. Slowly she made her way downstairs. Mom, I’m going to Jenny’s for the night she said.

“Ok dear, be careful and I love you,” her mother replied. I love you to.

Once she got to Ms. Jacobson’s house she rang the door bell. Nervously she stood by the door. Numerous thoughts raced though Dana’s mind. She had no longer started to think about leaving when she heard footsteps approach the door from the other side. Ms. Jacobson swung the door open. “Please Dana, come in.” Have a seat in the living room, I will get us some tea. After a few minutes Ms. Jacobson entered with a pot of tea and two glasses. After pouring a glass she handed it to Dana. “Here dear, this will help calm you,” she said. Dana took the glass and took a sip. It was hot, but delicious. Ms Jacobson had put just the right amount of sugar and milk in it. Ms. Jacobson after taking a sip of her tea put her glass down and looked into Dana’s eyes. Well, I suppose you probably have questions about what you saw today don’t you, she asked.

Dana had a thousand questions a few minutes ago, but for some reason she couldn’t think of one at the moment. Well, were you shocked when you saw me touching your mother. “Yes I was, allot,” Avcılar Escort Bayan Dana finally replied. How long have you and my mother been well, you know, Dana stopped.

Ms. Jacobson laughed, “What, having sex,” Stunned at the use of these words, Dana could only nod. For about 6 months now, the older woman replied. Your mother was over one day and complaining about never seeing your father. I propositioned her and at first she was reluctant. But she warmed up pretty quickly, Ms. Jacobson said with a rye smile.

A sudden burst of anger built up in Dana. You must have tricked my mom into this. Are you black mailing her Ms. Jacobson.

Laughing out loud the older woman replied,” oh dear no.” First, call me Gina, second trust me you mother does it of her own free will.

“I don’t believe you,” Dana retorted.

Well Dana, believe what you want. But I can guarantee you that if you mother was over here now, within five minutes she would be on her knees in-front of me with her face berried in my pussy

. Oh, bullshit, Dana said.

You want to bet, Gina said suddenly.

“What,” Dana asked? “Do you want to bet that if I call you mother over her, I can have her pleasing me in five minutes,” Gina stated boldly. I tell you what, if I am wrong I will give you $500.00. Dana was stunned. $500.00 was allot of money. What she could do with that amount of money just made her head spin.

“Ok, but what if I loose,” Dana asked.

You have to go on a date with a friend of mine, the older woman said.

“What, who, I mean why,” Dana asked.

Oh nothing bad, she is a nice older woman who likes girls your age. She won’t force herself on you. All you have to do is have dinner with her. That’s all.

“That’s all,” Dana asked.

Yes, that’s it Dana. Dana, you have to know that I think way too much of your mother to lie to you about this.

Dana thought about it for a moment. Wow, this is crazy. She could get 500.00 bucks if she won the bet. But if she lost she would have to have dinner with a strange woman. She did see how her mother responded this morning to Gina’s touches. In all likelihood she would loose. But she did have to admit that she was also a little intrigued. Suddenly she looked at Gina and said, “Ok, it’s a bet.”

MM good, Gina replied. Now come with me. Gina led her to a small bedroom. Ms. Jacobson explained that this room was next to the Master bedroom. When you mother gets here turn off the lights. Behind this picture are two eyes holes. You should be able to see well enough. Got it.. Yes, I got it.

What was she thinking? What had she got herself into. She heard Gina on the phone, presumably talking to her mother. In another minute she heard Gina at the door. “Your mother will be here in a minute so turn out the light and remove that picture,” a now semi-nude Ms. Jacobson demanded. Dana did as she was told. Not any time later she heard the front door open and the she could hear muffled voices. After several moments she heard footsteps go past the door to the room Dana was in. Finally the light in the master bedroom came on. She had not prepared herself for what she was next. In came her mother and Gina and they were both completely nude. Dana had never seen her mother or any other older woman completely naked until now. Here mother’s years of exercising and aerobics showed. She had small perky breast like Dana, and a tight butt. What surprised Dana the most was the fact that her mother was completely shaved below. Dana had trimmed herself on several occasions but never had she shaved completely bald. Gina on the other hand had a slightly large back side and a large set of breasts. In contrast to her mother, Gina had a large thick furry mound.

They stopped and embraced. Dana could hear them kissing and the moans that slowly escaped their mouths. Much like the kiss she had witnessed earlier in the day, Dana could tell there was a lot of passion in the embrace. Gina’s left hand made its way down to Ms. Farmer’s tight ass. Slowly and methodically she started too kneed to butt cheek. Dana could tell that her mother was enjoying this new attention.

Finally Gina broke the kiss. Oh Baby, You know what I want, Gina said. Gina raised her leg and put it on a near by chair Giving Dana an eyeful of her bush. Dana’s mom walked over and kneeled down in-front of Gina and immediately began to suck on her hairy pussy. Dana was dumbfounded; she had not in her wildest dreams imagined seeing her mother do something like this.

Gina had her hands in Jackie’s hair pulling it. Oh yea, bitch, suck my pussy. You do that so well, Gina said. You love sucking my pussy don’t you bitch. Ohh yes, Dana heard her mothers say. Keep going,, oh yes. Dana was transfixed on what was going on. Suddenly she noticed Gina staring at her. Gina had a small smile on her face. Gina knew she now not only had the mother who she had been baiting for over a year, but now she had the daughter Escort Avcılar as well. She closed her eyes and relished in the moment and the pleasure she was receiving. Ms. Farmer continued to suck on her lover’s pussy. Sucking on the clitoris and finally inserting two fingers just like Gina likes it. Dana’s mother had no idea of the spectator in the next room. Dana continued to watch as her mother continued to service this woman’s hairy pussy.

As she sat there, Dana suddenly realized the growing dampness in her nether region. Dana didn’t masturbate that often. Every once in awhile the urge would arise and she would think of some famous rock or movie star taking her. Never before though had she thought of another woman in a sexual way. But here she was seemingly getting turn on by her mother with another woman. Dana released the string in the waistband of the shorts she was wearing. Quickly she slid them off. Now in her panties and a t-shirt she again peered through the spy holes.

Gina stopped Dana’s mom. Turning around, Gina bent over at the waist and leaned on the chair. Jackie knew instantly what to do. Dana’s mom spread Gina’s ass cheeks and began to lick the bigger woman’s butt hole. Dana was shocked. I can’t believe she is doing that. Dana could see her mom’s head rocking back and forth, driving her tongue up Gina’s rectum. Ohh yes, that’s my little butt whore. Tongue my ass good.

The scene before her and the fowl language of Gina was starting to take it toll on Dana. Dana’s hands were now slowly lowering the waist band of her panties. Unable to take her eyes off what was going on she finally lowered her panties to her knees. Slowly Dana began to stroke her already swollen clit. Almost immediately Dana began to climax. The suddenness of the first orgasm rolled over her and almost caused here to scream. Dana composed her self enough as not to give herself away.

As Dana’s vision cleared she noticed that Jackie and Gina had mounted Gina’s king size bed. Gina was sitting on her mother’s face still facing Dana. Again there was that smile. Leaning forward Gina started to attack Jackie’s pussy with her tongue. Dana could tell she knew what she was doing by the sounds of pleasure coming from her mom. She could see clearly her mom’s hairless wet cunt as Gina’s tongue did a dance around it. Dana began to imagine what if would be like if it was her on the bottom. Again she began to run herself. This time though she started to insert a finger into herself. Alternating between rubbing and fingering it wasn’t long before she felt the second orgasm coming on. She watch as Gina began to moan loudly and then collapse on her mother. Apparently spent. Dana worked herself to another even more intense orgasm. She fell back on a chair in the room panting hard.

Suddenly the door opened. There stood Gina once more with nothing on but a smile on. Well, well, well, what have we here. Embarrassed, Dana tried to cover herself up. Don’t worry, I don’t mind, Gina said as she leered at the half naked girl.

“Where’s Mom,” Dana asked, suddenly scared that her mom might discover her.

“Don’t worry, she is in the shower,” Gina replied. Now, you better get dressed and get home before you mother gets out of the shower. Agreeing, Dana began to dress in a hurry under the watchful eye of Gina. After getting dressed Dana walked past the still naked Gina. Have a nice night Gina chuckled as she walked down the stairs. “Before you go, I have something for you Dana,” Gina Stated. Don’t open it until you get home. Dana reached out and took a small but elegant hand bag.

Dana half walked and half ran home. After entering the front door to her house, Dana quickly made her way back up the stairs to her room. Realizing the mess she was, Dana decided she had better get cleaned up. Then she remembered the hand bag still clutched in her hand. In her rush to escape, she hadn’t even thought about it. Slowly she opened the black bag. Reaching in-side she pulled out a light green pair of panties with a note attached to them. “I thought you might like to see what your mother does to me when I think about her. Dropping the note on the bed, Dana opened the panties. She could clearly see that Ms. Jacobson had been excited when she removed them. Not knowing why, Dana raised the older woman’s panties to her nose and inhaled the musky aroma. Quickly Dana undressed. After removing her own damp panties, she laid down on her bed with the gift pressed to her face. Spreading her long legs as wide as she could, Dana began in rubbing her clit in earnest. She closed her eyes and envisioned the older woman’s dark pussy pressed against the soft material. Her hips began to buck as the orgasm took hold of her. The electric snap that shot through her body totally drained her.

As she was catching her breath, her cell phone rang once more. Dana’s heart almost stopped. Could it be Gina again, had she told her mother about the secret room? Slowly she picked up the phone. Hitting the talk button she answered the phone. “Hello is this Dana Farmer,” and unfamiliar voice asked?

Yes it is Dana Answered.

“Good, Hi my name is Karen; I’m Gina Jacobson’s friend. The reality hit Dana like a sledge hammer. The bet. I guess you and I have a date for tomorrow night, the stranger added.

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