
Daughter Lena Ch. 1


My daughter, Lena, has always been a wild one, just like her mother. And just like her mother, she’s a looker. At 5′ 4″ and 110 pounds, she’s cute as a button, and that natural red hair somewhat explains the temperament. Lena was 16 when her mother and I were married, and within a year we became best of buddies. She is a pleasure to be around and always the life of the party. After about two or so beers she becomes a real comedian and keeps me in stitches.

Although I have been told by at least three of her 5 ex-husbands that she ceases to be funny after about 6 months of marriage. I can’t say that this was the first time I had lusted for her, but it was the first time I had the opportunity to fulfill my fantasies. My wife had gone to see our son in Florida and Lena was coming down hard from ex number five. Her and a friend had been hitting the bars pretty hard and I was truly concerned. Lena was not one to hold her liquor well and it was just a matter of time before she got in trouble. She gladly accepted my invitation to spend a couple days with me, time away from her problems and entertaining Dad while Mom was gone. I expected her in late on Friday night after work. It is about a three hour drive from where she lives. But instead, she and her friend, Donna, show up on my door step about noon.

Now I have to tell you a little about Donna. She is the same age as Lena, 33, but shows the years a lot harder. Lena could easily pass for 21 or younger and frequently gets carded at the bars, much to Donna’s dismay. But Donna is fun-loving just like Lena and has a tight firm body.

Being self-employed at home I was not prepared to just drop everything and start entertaining, so I sent the two rambunctious girls to a local pub with instructions to stay out of trouble, and I would join them for dinner. Although my work wasn’t done, I couldn’t concentrate on anything but what the girls were doing. So I wrapped things up and headed to the bar about 4:00PM. And, of course, when I got there they were both well on their way to causing a riot. Donna had evidently encouraged the attentions of a young man just about the time his girl friend came through the door. At least I think she was a girl. She was twice Donna’s size and it was difficult in the poor light, but I was pretty sure she had a five o’clock shadow. Of course, Lena was right in her face and it was all I could do to separate the three of them. We managed to exit the bar without incident, but we had the dilemma of two cars at the bar. It wasn’t exactly rocket science. Lena rode with me and Donna followed to one of my favorite eateries. What surprised me was Lena’s comments in the car.

” Sometimes Donna can be such a bitch! What she really needs is some big dick to fuck her till she can’t walk,” she spouted.

“Why Lena, such language in front of your father. I can tell you’ve had too much to drink already,” I replied.

“Bull Shit,” she giggled. “Let’s get Donna laid tonight, okay?”

“It’s OK by me, but Donna might have something to say about it. Don’t you think so? Just bear in mind it’s early and you might want to pace yourself a bit with the drinking,” I responded, sounding like a father should.

The night proceeded as you might expect. These two characters kept me in stitches throughout our meal. Lena did her best to set Donna up. From the host to the bus boy, she made promises on Donna’s behalf of wild monkey love. However, Donna never did catch on to Lena’s true efforts and just chalked the evening up to more of Lena’s weird humor. After dinner we resumed our two-vehicle caravan to a local dance hall. The music was loud and not of my liking, but the girls were having a ball. It probably wasn’t until that evening that I realized what an alluring woman my daughter was. And, what a tease! Lena was wearing a nice pair of conservative shorts with a polo-type shirt, not too provocative, but tight enough to show her firm round ass. Donna, on the other hand was dressed more sluttish. She wore a short, mid-thigh, baby blue skirt and a white sleeveless blouse. And more than once during the evening she exposed her white bikinis. Even with her much larger boobs and sexy attire, Donna did not attract the men the way Lena did. There was just something about Lena that caused men to lust for her.

By about 10:00 this old man was wearing down, and both the girls had had way too much to drink. At one point they both left the table to head for the bar, giggling and clutching each other. At some point amid their stagger, they both fell down. The pair of them both splayed on the floor with legs tangled together was hilarious at first, then, the reality set in. While Lena was laughing uncontrollably, Donna lay in somewhat of a stupor on her ass and leaning back on her elbows. Her knees were raised and spread and her short skirt up around her waist. The white panties took on that florescent hue of the bar lights and the roundness and plumpness of her pussy was hypnotizing. I don’t think I could have fucked her till she couldn’t walk, but Ataşehir Escort at that instant I would have given it a try. It was obviously time to go home. Without modesty but with a little help from Lena and me, Donna got to her feet.

When I suggested it was time to go, I got the expected responses, but they finally agreed with one stipulation. We had to all have a parting shot of Jose Cuervo at the bar. A small price to pay to secure the safety of these two young drunks. I got them to the bar and placed the order, then excused myself to go to the bathroom. When I got back there were not three shots on the bar, but six. And there was an argument between the two girls as to who could drink the most. Before I could intervene, Donna killed three shots faster than I could believe. Even Lena was amazed, and before she could try to match the task, I grabbed two of the shots and drank them myself. I don’t really like tequila, but I knew I would have my hands full with Donna and I was hoping for at least a little help from Lena.

Lena finished the final shot as I drug them both toward the door. Ignoring the second vehicle, I directed them both to my car. With much ado I got them both in the car, with Donna in the middle and Lena riding shotgun. The ride home was only about 20 minutes and I was hoping to get there before either of them got sick or passed out. No such luck. Naturally with Donna in the middle, she was the one to get sick. I pulled over just in time, as Donna lay across Lena’s lap puking her guts out on the curb. The whole time Lena laughed and carried on about Donna being weak and such a wimp. When Donna finally quit with the dry heaves, we pulled her back to an upright position and I started driving. By this time Donna was a rag doll. She leaned against me with her head on my shoulder and I pushed her head away. The puke breath was unbearable. Lena resumed her verbal attack on Donna, but talking to me rather than talking directly to Donna.

“I told you she was a bitch, didn’t I? Just look at her. Dressing up to tease the guys but never coming through for them. And did you see those bikini panties, so damn tight you could read her lips?” As she spoke, Lena lifted Donna’s skirt from her legs to her lap, exposing her panties. ” I think she gets her rocks off by teasing instead of fucking. That’s why she’s such a frustrated bitch all the time.” Lena grabbed Donna’s right knee and pulled her legs far apart. With her right hand she pulled the elastic of Donna’s panties aside to expose her hairy pussy. Then with her left hand she crudely dipped her middle finger into Donna’s pussy. She pulled it out with a note of triumph and said, “See, I knew she would be all wet.” Nonchalantly she wiped her wet finger on Donna’s white blouse.

I was dumbstruck! “Lena, what the hell are you doing? You can’t just….”

“Oh, don’t be such a prude, Daddy O. You know you love it. Do you think I missed you staring at that pussy at the bar? And taking every opportunity to look up her skirt all night?” Lena burst out laughing. “I bet you’ve got a woody right now.”

Fortunately I pulled into the driveway before the conversation could go any further.

“Just get the door for me so I can carry her inside,” I said with some disgust.

As I picked Donna up I couldn’t help but notice the crotch of her panties was still pulled aside and her pussy peeked out like some furry little animal trying to escape. I carried her into the house and lay her on the couch in the living room. Lena had gone to the bathroom as I smoothed Donna’s skirt down over her thighs. I stood there looking down at helpless Donna. Under different circumstances I might have taken some liberties. In fact, if I could get Lena to go to bed……. My thoughts were interrupted by Lena’s smug voice behind me.

“Go ahead if you like. She will never know and I sure won’t tell Mom.”

“Lena don’t be ridiculous. You just need to go to bed and sleep it off.”

Lena stood next to me and we both stared down at Donna. “It’s not ridiculous. I am sure you would love some young pussy. Okay, okay. If you don’t want to fuck her, let’s have a little fun.” Once again Lena pulled the skirt up and exposed the white panties. “Tell me you’re not enjoying this.” I couldn’t speak. All I could do was stare at Donna’s tan legs and white panties.

“Here, Pop, let me give you a show.” Having said that, Lena grabbed Donna under the shoulders and drug her to the middle of the floor. Then she took one of the cushions off the couch and put it on the floor at Donna’s feet. “You sit there,” she instructed. I did as I was told, still unable to speak. Lena spread Donna’s legs apart as far as they would go without bending her knees. The light blue skirt draped down over Donna’s pussy. Lena proceeded to unbutton Donna’s blouse, exposing an equally white lace bra that conveniently hooked in the front. Instantly the bra snapped aside revealing two large breasts that sagged slightly as the support of the bra disappeared. Next Ataşehir Escort Bayan Lena unsnapped the skirt on the side of the waistband and unwrapped the material. Donna lay spread eagle on the floor, totally exposed except for those radiant white panties. “Like what you see so far? Wouldn’t you like to rub those silky panties?

Like this?” With one hand Lena gently rubbed Donna’s pantied pussy. All the time Lena watched me. Suddenly she burst into laughter. “You are loving this, aren’t you? Come on, help me take her panties off.” Without thinking, I rose from the cushion and kneeled between Donna’s legs. My erection was more than obvious and Lena renewed her laughter. “I’ve never seen my Dad with a woody before.” She rolled on to her side as she laughed hysterically. Embarrassed, I sat back on my legs. “This has gone far enough, now. Help me take her to bed,” I stuttered. But I really was loving it and I knew it would go farther. While Lena tried to regain her composure, I was able to collect some thoughts of my own. I found myself wishing it was Lena passed out and Donna pressing these issues. Lust had taken over for my common sense and I was becoming more devious. “You know, Lena, Donna will get no pleasure from this. It won’t even be a lesson to her. Perhaps we should do something that makes her realize what a fool she made of herself tonight.” This got Lena’s attention. “What did you have in mind, Pop.”

“I don’t know just yet. Maybe we should write a note and leave it in her panties, or better yet, get a Magic Marker and leave a message written on her belly. Something that doesn’t implicate us, but tells her someone was there.”

Lena’s eyes sparkled. “Yeh, a message with a Magic Marker would be there for days! We can write it right on her pussy…no, she has too much damn hair for that. That black hair is disgusting. Women with lots of pubic hair should have it removed. Thank God I don’t have that problem.”

I immediately recognized her comments as my opportunity. “Don’t tell me you shave your pussy.” It was my turn to laugh.

Indignantly she responded without thinking. “I don’t really need to. I don’t have much to start with.”

“Bull Shit,” I said. “You’re not 12 years old any more. I bet you have a big red bush just like your mother.”

“I most certainly do not. And besides, my hair is a lot lighter than Mom’s,” she quickly defended.

“Well, I’ll believe that when I see it. You know you talk a lot of shit but it is pretty obvious you don’t have all the answers when it comes to the opposite sex and what they like,’ I prodded.

Remember I mentioned the red hair and temperament? Did I mention the quick temper? Lena immediately stood up, unbuttoned her shorts and dropped them to the floor. She kicked them across the room and stood in just her shirt and pink cotton briefs. That moment is emblazoned on my memory. Her pussy bulged from under the soft cotton and a distinct camel toe was outlined. Her mons protruded well beyond her flat belly and cloth that would have been loose- fitting around a normal pussy was stretched tight, contouring the most beautiful cunt I have ever seen. Without delay, she peeled the briefs down her legs and stood proudly to display a glorious pink pussy with just a trace of fine red hair ending where the puffy outer labia hid her clit. The soft tissue of her pussy almost appeared abnormal and swollen, and seemed to beg for attention like a cuddly puppy. I lost all concentration and was once again unable to speak. All I could do was stare. When Lena finally realized what she had done, she was momentarily embarrassed. But embarrassing moments for my daughter were few and far between, and she recovered instantly.

“Now that we have that out of the way, she said, I have an idea. Let’s shave Donna’s pussy! Mom has those electric dog clippers in the garage. I’ll get those while you get your shaving cream and razor.” She bolted out of the living room in quest of the clippers while I walked in a trance to the bathroom. My dick was so hard it almost hurt. It had been a long time since this old man had had such a hardon. I returned to the living room to find Lena plugging in the clippers. She was completely oblivious to the fact that she still had no clothes on from the waist down, and her cute round ass didn’t hide that bulbous pussy as she bent to the outlet.

She turned with a little girl grin and said, “Let’s get a towel under her to catch the hair.”

Always the practical one, my Lena. Removing Donna’s panties exposed a huge black bush that spread from her inner thighs to just below her navel. And without hesitation Lena clicked on the clippers and went to work. At one point, I suppose from the noise and the vibration of the clippers against her pussy, Donna moaned and rolled her head. Lena’s hand went to her mouth like a child caught in a prank, but Donna fell back into her stupor and Lena continued. In a matter of moments, Lena had clipped all Donna’s hair off down to a short stubble. She Escort Ataşehir turned to me with that same mischievous smirk and said, “Now it’s your turn. You have to be better than me with a razor.” Again I found myself kneeling between Donna’s spread legs, enjoying the action but thinking of Lena’s pussy. Then, as though she read my subconscious mind, Lena knelt, astraddle of Donna’s torso and faced me to watch. What a delirious moment! There I was shaving one pretty pussy and staring at the pussy of my dreams. The nature of Lena’s position spread her own pussy apart just far enough to expose her clit and inner lips. My staring must have been obvious, because Lena had to remind me of which pussy was being attended to. As I shaved, Lena’s hands became my own, spreading Donna’s pussy apart and stretching the skin when needed. Honestly, it was back-breaking work, bending over to perform at that level. And when I was satisfied with my efforts I straightened up and stretched my back. Lena did the same and once again I was afforded a view of that scrumptious pussy.

Lena dismounted Donna, giving me a quick shot of her naked crotch, and disappeared into the bathroom. When she returned she presented some cocoa butter lotion. “We don’t want her to chafe, now do we?” She poured some lotion into the palm of her hand and rubbed her hands together. I said, “No, let me.” With a huge smile, she grabbed my hands to transfer what lotion she could. The touch was electric, and for a brief moment we just held hands, staring at each other. Her hands seemed so small and soft for such a brazen young woman. The moment ended and I turned my attentions to Donna. I applied the lotion lovingly, caressing each fold of her pussy, and spreading her inner lips to apply lotion even where it wasn’t needed. Lena seemed mesmerized at what I was doing and I prolonged the activity just for her sake. I wondered at the time if Lena had some hidden lesbian desires or was just impressed at the gentleness of my touches. Lena sat crossed-legged beside me as continued the manipulations of Donna’s unknowing pussy. Periodically I would insert my middle finger 2 or 3 inches into Donna’s cunt, then withdraw and massage some more. Each time I did so, I noticed Lena would hold her breath until my finger came back. When this pattern repeated itself three or four times, I inserted two fingers as far as I could onto Donna’s slick snatch. Lena actually gasped, but she wasn’t to be caught, and diverted my attention by saying, “What’s that big wet spot on the front of your pants, Pop?” I looked and momentarily felt my own embarrassment. Then guessing, but not knowing for sure, I said, “It’s the same thing as that wet spot on the floor where you are sitting.” Lena didn’t say anything, but leaned forward across her own folded legs and laughed.

“Now can we put her to bed? Your prank of the century is complete,” I mused.

Very seriously Lena asked, “Aren’t you going to fuck her? She’s yours and she ready. If you’re shy I will go in the other room.”

“Shy! Are you crazy. We are sitting here, Father and Daughter, shaving your friends pussy like it was a normal family outing. I have a raging hardon and your bare pussy, that is driving me insane, by the way, is so wet you will slosh when you walk. And you ask me if I am shy.”

We both rolled with laughter, and without saying another word, Lena followed my suit in taking Donna to the guest bedroom. She took her arms and I took her feet and we carried her like a sack of spuds, laughing like children all the while. Before we left the bedroom, Lena said, “Last chance. I don’t want you sneaking in here in the wee hours to knock off a hunk.”

We laughed again as we left the bedroom. Sometimes I think she can read my mind. Back in the living room we sat on the couch and mused at what Donna would think, then tried to come up with how this could happen while she was with us. As the laughter and jokes subsided I asked Lena, “Hon, tell me something. What turned you on so much? Was it the sight of Donna’s pussy?”

“Hell no. I’m not queer. I don’t know, maybe it was seeing you so excited, or maybe it was just the “playing nasty” thing. I don’t know, Dad, but it sure did get me pumped. What turned you on so much?”

“Me? Well that’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? I am a man, you know. How could I not be aroused staring and playing with a pussy?”

“Would you have done this if I hadn’t been her and the opportunity was? And honestly, would you have fucked her?”

“Lena, that’s hard to say. You know a stiff prick has no conscience, but I think you being here really added to the excitement. I would never have dreamed we would ever do anything like this. I mean, look at us. You are still semi nude and we are talking about shaving pussies and getting turned on. It might be a little late for a birds and bees talk. But I’m not letting you slide on my question. Why did you get so turned on?”

“I really don’t know. I guess the worst part, or maybe best part, was the thing with the lotion.

I have never seen anything like that and I could almost feel it. Really, Dad, it was almost like feeling that cool lotion on my own pussy. And when you fingered her, I swear I could feel you inside me. Satisfied now? I’m being boldly honest. You can bet your ass I’m going to buy some of that shit for myself.”

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