
David’s Breakup


I remember clearly the day that my best friend, David, came to me after the worst break-up of his life thus far. A girl he’d known for 10 years, and dated for 3. He came over and I fixed the two of us a couple drinks, and… I don’t know who made the move looking back, but somebody did and we kissed. Out of the blue- or maybe not? It was only a little awkward the first time. It didn’t even feel like something that came out of sexual tension, even though I knew for weeks that it was there. I had dismissed it, just as I had with many male friends before. I stopped him after a moment, because I’m not…. gay, but he just kept looking at me. His eyes were red and tired, puffy and sore from crying. I didn’t know what to do but comfort him.

It started to feel animal and familiar, almost like I was with a girl. At some point, he laid me down and started kissing me harder. He made several gentle pushes that I pretended not to notice before I submitted because I wasn’t ready to be small or hand anyone else the reins, but it appeared now that David had them anyways.

He was treating it as if it were going to happen all along. It started with touching and kissing around each other’s faces and necks, moving into it. In a moment of improvisation, I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him close to me and it triggered something chemical in him. He started going through the motions- grinding on me like I was some girlfriend. He was quickly erect and i felt myself getting hard too, feeling the pleasant pressure of his jeans through my sweatpants. When I stopped him he was pink-faced, but I don’t think he was embarrassed.

“I’ve only been with girls.”

“Huh?” I could tell that he was biologically invested in and certain of what was going to happen.

“I haven’t been with a guy before.”

“Me neither,” he said, grinning at me.

“I don’t want to stop.”

“Me neither.” David laughed. He pulled my sweater off over my head, sat back on the couch, and gracelessly took off his jeans. I could see the head of his cock peeking out of his boxers, already drooling. I completely removed my sweatpants. I watched gaziantep escort him eye the print in my briefs while he pulled both of our shirts and just started grinding against me again, stomach to stomach, his face in my neck. I palmed around beyond what I could see until I’d found his waistband and pulled it down over his cock.

He sat up so I could see. Christ. It was a lovely thing. Rosey pink and glowing. I could feel the heat coming off of it, and when he pulled down his underwear further I could smell baby lotion and tiger balm. It had been a long time for both of us, I assumed, so I savored it- forget it’s a guy, forget it’s a guy, forget it’s a guy.

“They’re red.”

“Huh?” he said, in a way that said, that’s what you’re getting from this?

I giggled like I was drunk. “Your pubic hair is red.”

He smiled and half laughed. Half, but genuine. “Yeah, it’s like that for a lot of blonde guys.” it was silent while we looked at each other, until he spoke again. “You wanna do this? Are you sure you wanna do this?”

“What are we- what are we gonna do?” We both giggled. I had butterflies in my stomach. I had only felt this way for girls.

“I dunno but do you wanna?”

“Yeah,” I whispered. “Pull down my underwear.”

All the sudden I felt self conscious about my dick- It was smaller than his. He didn’t seem to mind.

“Hey, can I…” he ran one hand to the small of my back and used the other to rub his member against the inside of my thighs.

“No. Not my ass.”

“Oh… of course not.”

“Don’t be embarrassed.” I grinned at him. “There are other ways I just…”

“It was a little out there,”

“Don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about it, I don’t mind. But there are other ways.” I spit on my hand and he looked at me confusedly before I reached down and began to gently masturbate him. He gasped softly and nodded. I felt like it should feel wronger than it did, but I also felt like this was undeniably good- I was rationalizing this at the speed of light, focusing more on that then the act itself- this would happen just the same way with a female friend. You wouldn’t feel weird about this with a female friend. You’d be blissed out. He whispered in my ear, “Can I just… can i thigh fuck you?” Thigh fucking- I was an expert in thighfucking, what with all the catholic girls I’d dated. I wanted to make David happy, and I wanted to do whatever was sexy in the moment.

“Yes.” I smiled at him.

“I can make it good for you. I can-” I lifted up my legs and he placed them together on of his shoulders.

“I can make it good for you,” he said again, “Give me some room around your dick and I’ll… I can jack you off while I do it.”

“I- okay.” Strangely, I had never felt so well-taken care of in my life. He traced my chest with his spindly hands. He then ran them up and down my sides.

“I like your freckles,” he said softly, and then put the tip against my skin. “We don’t have to do this.”

“Do you want to?”

He kind of laughed. “Yeah- of course I do.”

“Then I want to, too.”

“Okay.” I watched him spit on his hand and rub between my thighs. It made me shiver and I opened my legs a bit. He gently nudged them back closed, and then I felt his warmth moving in and out of my thighs. He made a low hum of approval before reaching to wrap around my cock. I twitched at the touch and watched him close his eyes as he moved. He began pumping me in time with the way he was pounding into my thighs and he kissed my legs. Then I was blissed out. I let out all my breath and pressed my knees together.

We weren’t familiar with each other as lovers or even partners, so I was surprised when he threw his head back and said, “That’s so good Kveta… Just like that, Kveta…” It only made it feel more real, it only made it more difficult to push my inhibitions to the back of my mind, but at this point my thoughts had become powerless. After only moments of David touching me, I felt like I was toeing the halfway mark. I worried that just a bit more moisture, or just some dirty phrase or a kiss in the right place would make me cum, and I didn’t want it to end. I told David to let go.

“Is something up?” he paused and I felt him twitch between my legs- assumedly also pretty close.

“No I just-“

He hesitantly moved my hair out of my face. I couldn’t help but smile in embarrassment. “I’m just getting too close.”

“That ain’t a bad thing.” His eyes were lit up in a way I had never seen in anyone before.

“I wanna make this last.”

“You could… suck me off if you need a break. And then… and then I can… or you can…”

“Let’s just cross that bridge when we get there,” I said, already shifting off of the couch to sit on my knees in front of him. Before he could say anything to me about it, I took it in my mouth.

It was warm and soft and more pleasant than I imagined it might feel. A sex aroma totally intoxicated me and I took as much of it upon my tongue as I could. I could hear him purr above me. He put both of his hands in my hair, not pulling me, just letting my curls wrap around his fingers. He sat very still.

“God, Kveta.”

I had never done this before. I only could imagine what I would want. I ran my tongue up from the base to the head, pressing against the flesh, and taking it back into my mouth. “Oh, god.” I really gave it my all, and in the dim glow that fell on us through the kitchen doorway, I let another man cum on my face.

“Fuck, yes. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck-”

He pulled my hair when he came, probably not thinking about it- it hurt a little but I didn’t mind. I grabbed a dishrag from off of the coffee table and wiped my face off. From behind the rag, I heard him laugh.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, I- I didn’t warn you.”

I crawled back onto the couch. “It’s all good.” We smiled at each other and he started to come back onto me. “You don’t have to.”

“I want to.”

He started first with his hands and then shocked me by taking the whole thing into his mouth at once. It was too good, too wet, but he was taking sweet time. Girls had always treated it like a chore- David was loving this and running his tongue up and down my cock like he had feelings for me or something. It wasn’t long before I was on the edge.

“David, I’m close, I’m-“

He moved on top of me and finished me off with his hand while he sucked on my neck. I might have cried out, I don’t know. It felt like I saw god.

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