
Deep in East Texas


I have a unique job. I work for a rather large insurance company and my job is to go to commercial businesses and conduct safety inspections. I was assigned a job to check on an oil rig operation here in Texas. I do not like oil rig inspections for two reasons. One they are very dangerous and second, they are smelly and dirty. I drove down the dirt road to where I suspected the rig was located. Directions in deep east Texas usually take two forms: informal and very informal. The old gentleman at the Quick-K Market told me to take two lefts and right just past a bend in the road and to watch out for the cows. I scanned the tree line for platform. Frustrated, I pulled into a dirt road that lead up to a large farm house with a white pick-up truck parked in front of it. A yellow lab barked as I pulled up. I looked and saw that he was tethered to a tree, so I felt safe in getting out of my Jeep. I stepped up on the porch and knocked on the screen door. It was a warm afternoon and I could smell the sweet smell of someone cooking. “Is there anyone here?” I hollered out. “Hang on!” a female voice called out from behind the screen door. A few moments later and a very attractive young woman opened the door and stepped out on the porch. She had the tightest set of size zero blue jeans I think I have ever seen and a t-shirt that was probably about two sizes too small for her small framed, big chested bodacious body. The t-shirt barely covered her mid-section. She had her long blonde hair pulled back in a pony-tail. bahis siteleri “Oh hi,” she remarked upon seeing me. “Is there something I can help you with?” I told her I was an inspector for an insurance company and that I had been sent out to inspect ab oil rig, but that I was having a hard time finding it. “Oh, that’s the Hancock’s rig,” she replied with a country twang. “You’re just a hoot and a holler from it. I can take you there, if you want.” I told her I had a Jeep and could just follow her. “Nope,” she replied, “A jeep taint gonna get you there. That’s four wheeling country. I have an all-terrain and can get you there.” I knew better, because every rig sits on a lease with a gravel road to it, but I wasn’t going to argue with her. “Hold and let take the beans off the stove,” she remarked, disappearing into the house, while I waited on the porch. A few seconds later, I heard an all-terrain vehicle fire up. She rounded the corner of the house and pulled up in front of the porch. “Get on,” she hollered. I slid on to the seat behind her. “Hold on,” she yelled. I looked around. There was nothing to hold on to, except her. I placed my hands on her hips as she throttled the ATV and we took off. We hadn’t gone far when I decided I better hold on tighter and wrapped my arms around her. She had a rugged softness that was very endearing. We had only gone about five hundred yards, down a dirt road and past a rocky outcrop, when suddenly she stopped the ATV. “What insurance company did you say you canlı bahis siteleri were with?” she asked as we coasted to a stop under a large oak tree. I named the insurance company. “Is this all you do, is safety inspections?” she asked, looking back at me over her shoulder. “Yep,” I replied. “you’re not from these parts, are you?” she asked. “Nope,” I replied, “I’m from Dallas.” “Ohhhh, I love Dallas!” she remarked. He put her hand on top of mine and pulled me in closer. “Hold on tight, cowboy,” she remarked, gunning the engine. We tore off down the dirt trail. The scenery was fantastic, even if it did go by at about 40 miles per hour. We pulled up to a metal gate along a fence-line. As we stopped, she looked over my shoulder and asked me if I could open the gate. I hopped off the ATV, pulled on the gate latch and swung it open, as she roared through it. I closed the gate and approached the ATV. Just as I was about to slip on to it, she gunned the engine and sped off, spraying me with sand and dirt. She circled back and pulled up next to me. “Do you want to drive?” she asked. “Do you think you can hang on?” I replied. “I can do anything you can do,” she replied, smiling at me. Now up until now, I didn’t have any designs on doing anything untoward or inappropriate, but in the back of my mind, I was thinking how great it would be if this young farm gal would turn out to be the fuck of a life time. She slipped her arms around my waist and I gunned the throttle. I heard her yell “OH! Chit!” canlı bahis as I tore off down the dirt. As we reached a fork in the road, she yelled “Left!” I steered the ATV left and through a grove of large oak trees. I glanced over my shoulder and noticed she had pulled the band out of her hair that held her pony tail in place. “How much farther,” I asked. “Keep going,” she replied. In the distance, I could see a small wood frame bunk house. “Stop here,” she yelled. I pulled the ATV up in front of the bunk house. She hopped off the ATV and bounced up and on to the porch of the small frame building. “Come on,” she beckoned as she opened the screen door and disappeared into the building. I turned off the ATV and stepped on to the porch, which creaked under the weight of my step. I opened the door and stood still for a second as my eye adjusted to the darkness of the room. On the far side were three beds and off on another side, a small dining room table and a kitchen. My tour guide had gone out the back door and on to the back porch. “Hey!” I called out. “I don’t have all day!” She stepped back into the room and smiled. “Then what are we waiting for?” she asked from the far side of the room, her hands on her hips. I didn’t have a clue what she was talking about until I realized her shirt was completely unbuttoned. As she walked towards where I stood, it became clearly obvious that she had ulterior motives. “Look,” she said. “I get bored being out here in the country all by myself.” As she stepped closer to where I stood, she peeled out of her button down shirt and allowed it to fall to the floor. “Have you ever been stuck somewhere and totally bored?” she asked, as she reached behind her back and unfastened her brassiere.

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