
Destined for Algeria Ch. 08


After Ingrid had swapped places with Tess on the boat, leaving her handcuffed to the bed frame, with a hood over her head, shipmate Musser appeared to collect her from her cabin.

Having been intimate with Ingrid on a sexual level he knew immediately by the size of her breasts and from the tightness of the turned up hem around the thighs of her denim shorts, that this couldn’t be her.

Clever, he thought, smiling to himself.

Honouring his commitment to help the Norwegian girl, he made the decision to continue as planned, in the hope that the other two crew members wouldn’t notice, if he kept the canvas bag tied over her head.

He added three additional tight knots in the drawstring around her neck to make it even more difficult to be unfastened by human fingers.

Musser then unlocked one side of the hinged handcuffs and helped her to stand up from the bunk bed.

Knowing that the boat had now docked, Tess protested her innocence by shouting into the canvas hood over her head that there’d been a mistake and that she wasn’t Ingrid.

Musser already knew this to be true but had to convince the rest of the crew otherwise.

He annoyingly groped her tightly clad arse each time he helped her climb one of the ladders, guiding her up onto the top deck where he then forcefully re-cuffed her hands behind her back.

To further disable her, he inserted the key into one of the handcuff locks and bent it over until the end snapped off, rendering the locking mechanism of that particular cuff inoperable.

He quickly ushered her squirming, protesting body past the other two crew members, towards the gang plank where Gus’s henchmen awaited her arrival.

Musser walked Tess on to the shore and explained to Gus’s men that she will keep spitting at them if they remove the hood and warned them not to listen to her pleas of mistaken identity as she’s been claiming this for the whole journey.

Tess twisted her body to free her upper arm from Musser’s grip, only to find herself being grabbed by the hands of someone else.

Musser passed the remaining, broken shaft of the handcuff key over to one of the men, explaining that it had snapped and he didn’t have a spare, but not to let her out anyway because she’s deviously violent.

The men laughed when Musser slapped her arse, hard, with his hand, just to insult the poor innocent girl one final time.

Tess couldn’t understand a word of their language, making her realise that protesting in her tongue wouldn’t do her any good.

“HEPL ME!” she shouted, wastefully into the voice muffling bag over her head. “SOMEONE FUCKING HELP ME PLEASE!”

The response from the men came back as laughter.

If she could just get the hood off, they would see that they had the wrong person.

This wasn’t to happen. The three men frogmarched her into their awaiting SUV and began their journey to deliver her to their boss, Gus.

The journey took almost two hours, most of which Tess spent crying into her hood, thinking back to what Ingrid had told her about her fate at the hands of the dreaded diamond dealer, Gus.

The vehicle stopped and Tess heard the door of the man next to her open, followed by her being dragged out, arm first, which painfully put pressure on the cuffs behind her. The door then slammed and the vehicle drove away, leaving just the two of them standing outside in the warm late evening breeze.

Tess then felt the drawstring of the hood being cut and to her relief her custodian pulled it up and off her head.

Through the wet hair sticking to her face, she could see a tall, smartly dressed man, with a shaven bald head, who’d sat next to her all the way through the journey from the boat to here.

“I believe you know your way around.” He said in English.

“Please.” She panicked, “Please. There’s been a mix up. I’m not Ingrid, I’m Tess. Ingrid tricked me back there and took my clothes, pretending to be me.”

The bald man laughed for a second but then looked down at the floor.

“Sofia.” He called raising his head and looking towards the grand entrance of a large white building. “Sofia.” He called out again.

A beautiful young lady with long flowing jet black hair appeared in the doorway and responded to his calls in her own language of Arabic.

“You have a guest.” He said trying to make a joke of the prisoner standing next to him who had been brought to face justice at the hands of their powerful leader, Gus.

“Hello.” Sofia said to Tess.

“Sofia. Come here please.” He said.

Sofia innocently walked towards the two of them.

As she approached he spoke up again. “Don’t you recognise her?”

“No. Why. Should I?” Sofia replied.

Tess protested her point again. “I told you. I’m not Ingrid!”

“This is not the Ingrid that Gus is looking for, if that is what you’re asking me.” Sofia said.

The bald man looked directly at Tess. “Are you serious?”

Tess and Sofia both replied at the same time. “YES.”

“Shit!” he said. “Well who the bursa escort fuck are you then?”

“I’VE TOLD YOU, I’M TESS! The Ingrid you’re looking for, switched places with me when we were sailing. She told me that she stole from a man called Gus and that he’d kidnapped her for a ransom. She screwed a guy on the boat and probably used him to assist her get away.”

“I need to speak to the boss.” He said.

“I’m telling you the truth.” She insisted.

“Get her cleaned up.” He ordered Sofia, with his head down, scrolling through the contacts of his phone to call his boss.

The smell of fragrance greeted both women as they walked through the grand entrance into what would soon reveal itself to be a luxury spa facility.

After his phone call, Omar, the bald man, followed behind them and took Sofia aside to speak to her in private. The outcome of their conversation brought the couple over to where Tess stood, alone.

“I’m sorry.” He said to Tess, reaching behind her, gently touching the cuffs around her wrists. “I’ll find a key for these as quickly as I can.”

Finally Tess felt like she’d been listened to.

“I may be an hour or two. Sofia here will see to your needs.” He said, scurrying a hasty retreat from the building.

Sofia wrapped a clean white towelling robe around Tess’s shoulders and guided her down one of the labyrinth of corridors ahead of them, into the seclusion of a large, warm, empty treatment room.

“Our laundry service will have your clothes clean and dry in no time.” Sofia told her. “Let me help you undress.”

Tess couldn’t wait to get out of Ingrid’s tight fitting, used clothes and took Sofia up on her offer of removing them, by wriggling her hips to assist her pulling down her shorts. The straps of her top proved slightly more difficult as the thin cloth of each, had to be threaded through the handcuffs and over her hands, to remove them from her arms.

She stood naked for only a short time, during which Sofia gave Tess as much personal space as possible by looking away whenever she could.

Tess however stared at Sofia the whole time, envious of her freedom and beauty, imagining what her body would look like under that professional work’s uniform dress she wore.

“I love your hair.” Tess said.

Sofia turned back and draped the robe over Tess’s shoulders once more, tying the belt at her waist with a loose knot, conscious of her arms still being free of the robe’s sleeves, behind her back.

“Thank you.” Sofia said, replying to her compliment. “I’ll do your hair for you, but first let me put your clothes in the wash.”

The spa had people working late, laundering the day’s leisurewear, so Sofia was able to simply put Tess’s clothes on top of the next pile, ready to go through the cycle.

When Sofia returned she had changed from her professional dress in to a white towelling robe, identical to the one Tess now wore over her shoulders.

“Shall we shower, sauna, swim or would you like a massage first?” she asked.

Wow! This wasn’t what Tess had expected.

“I’d love a shower.” Tess replied. “But what about my hands?” she asked looking at Sofia for a solution to her predicament.

“No problem. I am here to serve you with anything until I’m told otherwise.” Sofia replied. “I’ll shower with you.”

The huge, youthful smile on Sofia’s face, made Tess feel comfortable in her presence. The confidence Sofia oozed, reassured Tess that being showered by this woman would be ok.

Sofia continued “I shower with most of the men here.”

Tess then realised Sofia’s role in this establishment. Ingrid had told Tess about her fear of being sold into slavery after the ransom had been paid.

“Are you forced to do that?” Tess asked.

Sofia laughed. “No. I just love sex.”

That smile again made Tess so jealous. Why couldn’t Tess have been born so beautiful and what would it be like to just have sex all day? She had to pry further.

“What would have happened to Ingrid if she hadn’t escaped?” Tess asked.

“Ingrid is an evil woman.” Sofia began. “She stole a lot from our boss, which in turn has had an impact on every one of us. You included. When she is found she will be made to pay a heavy price, one that even I can’t imagine. She stayed here for a short time and I thought she was charming but she made a fool of us all, like she does to everyone.”

The two of them began walking towards the showers as they talked.

“Can I make a phone call?” Tess asked.

“Sure you can.” Sofia replied and detoured towards a desk where a phone sat next to a computer screen.

Tess realised that she didn’t know Ally’s number and she couldn’t call any of her family or friends in the UK because she wasn’t supposed to be alive anymore.

“It’s ok.” Tess said, “Maybe later.”

They continued into the showers where Sofia removed her own robe to reveal her flawless naked body.

Tess stared in awe at the confidence of this girl. She watched Sofia push and turn one of bursa escort bayan the many dials sticking out of the wall in front of one of the five, in line, open showers. Tess admired Sofia’s nakedness as she tested the temperature of the water, by gracefully kicking her foot out, under its flow.

Once satisfied she returned to Tess. “Ready?” she asked holding on to the belt of the robe and staring directly into Tess’s eyes.

“Yes. I’m ready she replied.

As soon as Sofia had removed the robe, Tess headed for the waterfall style shower, adjusting the position of her hands behind her back, to ease the discomfort the steel cuffs were causing.

Sofia collected a selection of bottles, brushes and a sponge then stood in close vicinity of the water so that she could reach her latest customer.

Tess had never experienced naked showering with another woman before and surprised herself at the relaxed feeling of normality Sofia’s presence expelled.

The sensation of fingernails massaging her scalp felt so good, as the professional masseur lathered up the shampoo in her hair, every so often stopping and reaching for cloth after cloth to keep the soapy water away from Tess’s eyes.

Once conditioned and rinsed, Sofia moved on to washing Tess’s body. Beginning with her shoulders, Sofia stroked the sponge cheekily down Tess’s body, purposely and slowly tickling one Tess’s nipples as she did.

“Have you noticed how all the walls in this spa building have mirrors?” Sofia asked.

“Yes.” replied Tess.

“I saw you looking at me earlier.” Sofia announced.

This shocking revelation sent a quiver of embarrassment through Tess’s vulnerable body.

“Do you find me attractive?” Sofia asked confidently.

“I wish I had your looks and body.” Tess confessed.

Sofia put her fingers up to Tess’s lips “Just relax and let me show you how we professionals do things around here.”

“Erm.” Tess spluttered through the running water. “I’m not really into that if you understand what I mean.”

Sofia lathered up her own chest with soap and quickly hugged Tess from behind, wrapping her sponge wielding arm around Tess’s chest and pressing her own naked, slippery breasts against the warmth of Tess’s back.

“Nobody will ever know.” Sofia said, pushing her pubic bone into one of Tess’s arse cheeks.

Stepping back and taking hold of the hinge in the centre of the handcuffs, Sofia spoke quietly into Tess’s ear “Besides. What are you going to do about it?”

The familiar thrill of excitement ran through Tess’s body in a flash. She flung her head around to face the cheeky evil smile that Sofia shone back at her.

“Tell me to stop if you’re not enjoying yourself.” Sofia calmly said.

From behind, Sofia applied more soap onto the sponge and again, single headedly, slowly teased it over Tess’s nipples, one side at a time.

The fingernails of Sofia’s other hand caressed gently around the inner thighs and stomach area, monitoring any reluctance to her touch as she caressed her water dappled skin.

Tess wondered what Ally would say if he were to walk in on the two girls right now. She pictured him standing in front of the shower, encouraging the two girls along.

Tess imagined herself putting on the show of a lifetime, one to make Ally proud but one where she had to be the star of the show and keep his attention away from her dark haired accomplice’s stunning beauty.

Tess tilted her head back to be at the side of Sofia’s.

Sofia leaned forward, kissed Tess once on the neck then spoke into her ear. “I saved your ass back there.” She said over the noise of the water. “Imagine where you’d be right now if I hadn’t been here to confirm that you’re not Ingrid?”

She took Tess’s right hand and placed it between Sofia’s own legs. “Let me show you what I want.” She said continuing to speak meaningfully into Tess’s ear.

Sofia then reached around in front of Tess again, taking advantage of the lubricating soap, she began by parting the lips between Tess’s legs. Being careful with her fingernails she stopped exploring as soon as she’d located the bulb of Tess’s clitoris.

“I want you to do exactly to me, what I do to you.” Sofia said with an even more serious tone in her voice.

Nervous but not at all put off, Tess returned the favour with her fingers, gently rubbing around the insides of Sofia, until the reaction from behind her confirmed that she’d reached the right spot.

“There.” Sofia whispered loud and sharp, pulling her breasts tightly against Tess’s back, standing on her tiptoes to make it easier for Tess to remain inside her.

“Just relax and follow my lead.” Sofia said, beginning her small circular motions with her now welcome, middle finger, inside Tess.

Both women knew exactly how to masturbate a vagina but this way would require synchronised timing. With this possibly being a normal activity for Sofia and Tess being nervous about her first time with a woman, the outcome of who would finish escort bursa first, remained unforeseeable.

“I’ve been ordered to look after you.” Sofia reminded Tess. “Nobody will disturb us in here. Not even Omar with a handcuff key.”

Sofia pulled Tess tighter into herself with a single jolt form her arm. “So if you want your freedom then you’d better not turn into a quivering orgasmic wreck before you’ve satisfied me.”

This now put pressure on Tess to work magic inside Sofia whilst refraining from coming too soon herself. But with her being a novice, standing at Sofia’s experienced hands, what chance did she have?

With her cuffed hands behind her and the tight embrace of Sofia’s perfectly toned body, she began to buckle. Sofia felt this and stepped down from her tiptoes causing Tess to loose her position inside Sofia, whimpering “Sorry.” As she did.

Sofia now held Tess as tightly as she could. “That’s ok. You obviously want me to keep you here a little longer. I understand.”

Tess moaned but didn’t struggle. She accepted her situation and that she’d failed to give Sofia what she wanted, but could do nothing about it.

With Sofia continuing her finger work, Tess’s thoughts drifted back to Ally tying her hands over her head with his rope when they’d first met.

She could hold out no longer. At odds with her straight thinking mind, her body crumbled under the euphoria. Her mind soon followed, loosing contact with reality as she advertised her approaching climax by screaming each breath shortly before her legs then individually buckled under the intensity as the orgasm hit.

Sofia held Tess up, overjoyed with herself at bending another straight woman into having a same sex orgasm. Proud of how her looks and body can attract and satisfy both sexes.

Sofia slowly lowered Tess down to the floor and knelt at her aside amongst the cooler splashing water.

As Tess lay on her side breathing heavily Sofia stole a gentle kiss from her lips and smiled at her.

“We need to get you rinsed off.” She said.

Sofia slowly encouraged Tess to her feet again so that she could finish showering her.

The two girls then drip dried in their robes and walked into what looked like a hair salon.

“Hungry?” Sofia asked.

“I am now.” Tess joked with a smile.

Sofia wandered off for a short time, returning with two towelling wrist bands, the sort that a tennis player might be seen wearing, matching the sweat band around their forehead. She removed Tess’s robe and made sure her arms were dry before slipping the elasticated sweat bands onto each of her wrists. “These will stop your wrists getting damaged anymore, until we can get these cuffs off you.”

Sofia removed her own robe and allowed it to drop to the floor by her feet, smiling at Tess as she turned to walk away. She purposely put on a show, wiggling her hips like a dancer, wandering naked, over to a shelf to pick up two fresh robes.

Once dry and gowned, Sofia began blow-drying Tess’s hair only to be interrupted by a third girl carrying two plates of sandwiches.

The girl didn’t say anything but Sofia thanked her anyway as she left the plates next to the sink, in front of the mirror where Tess sat.

After eating and straightening Tess’s hair Sofia showed Tess through into the massage parlour.

The beds were double the width of what she’d seen before with their padded hole at the head but also having a second, unusual hole half way along. This other hole would obviously accommodate male genitalia and so didn’t need questioning.

Sofia helped Tess lay in the middle of a double width padded table then joined her by climbing up and kneeling next to her. Still wearing their robes Sofia began to massage Tess’s shoulders, both at the front and at the back, knowing that having her hands held in this position behind her must not be very comfortable.

Tess felt the benefits of Sofia’s experienced hands once again as the shoulder massage drifted down further into a full body massage.

Sofia had purposely left the robe on Tess because she intended pampering her to sleep and leaving her to rest in the warmth of her gown.

It wasn’t long before Tess became unresponsive to the world around her.

Sofia continued to check in on her sleeping beauty as she continued to work her late shift.

At three o’clock in the morning Omar, the bald man who’d escorted Tess to the complex, returned from his quest to obtain a handcuff key, without involving any police officers.

He’d called in a late night favour from a friend who made him the proud owner of two handcuff keys and a pair of handcuffs, in a box, sealed together in a nice neat cellophane package.

He messaged Sofia and met her at the spa’s reception desk.

“I have some handcuff keys in here.” He told her, tearing the plastic from around the box.

Sofia took the box from him and continued opening it. “She’s sleeping.”

“Well wake her.” He said. “We can’t leave her locked up for the night.”

“She needs rest.” Sofia insisted. “I’ll remove the cuffs as soon as she stirs.”

Taking the now open box in the palm of her hand, she slid the two tiny keys out and held them in front of her.

“Leave it with me.” She said. “I’m sure I can handle it.”

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