
Detective Fox


Detective Angela Fox had been with the department for ten years. She moved to the Homicide Unit just six months prior. Angela specialized in “special victims” crimes; this meant children, mentally handicapped and the elderly. Her job was already taking an emotional toll on her, and she needed to find a release soon.

Angela was an average looking woman. She stood about 5’3″ and was a little curvy at 140 lbs. She had shoulder length strawberry blond hair and dark brown eyes. Her nose was upturned and her friends always said it reminded them of a fairy’s nose. She was pretty, but not movie star hot rather a girl next door cute. However, with her average looks, she was also one of the nicest cops anyone knew. She would have given anyone the shirt off her back.

Angela was also very flirty, in a friendly way, but still openly flirty with her male counterparts. Because of this, Angela got more attention than most of the other female cops. Not they they minded, because she was so damn nice, and even got some of Angela’s flirty attention.

Angela’s husband, Brian, of eight years had packed his bags one night, while she was out on a particularly gruesome crime scene, and left. No explanation at the time. Just took the dog, his clothes and he was gone. It had been about four months since he bailed on their marriage. Angela did get the dog, a German Shepherd named Bear, back; but the husband filed for divorce last week.

There had been plenty of interest shown to Angela’s new relationship status. It seemed like there were quite a few guys (and even a couple of gals) that wanted their chance with Angela Fox.

It was a cool, late September morning. At about 4:00 am, Angela and Bear were out for their morning jog around a park near Angela’s home. The park was in a perfect squared block, the perimeter just over a mile and a half. As she rounded the first corner of her third and final lap she noticed a marked patrol car parked about a quarter way down the block, facing her. As she jogged toward the car she noticed a lone male officer in the driver seat. It was too dark to make out any facial features of the lone patrolman, even with the glow of the computer on his face, but Angela thought he looked familiar.

Angela continued past the squad car. Minutes later as she rounded the third corner of the park she noticed the same squad car coming around the last corner and approaching her. The squad was moving extremely slowly, as it drew nearer Angela noticed the passenger side window was rolled down. Curious, to catch a better glimpse of the mysterious beat cop, Angela slowed her jog to a brisk walk. “Beautiful Shepherd you have there,” a male voice came from the vehicle.

“Thank you,” Angela replied. She was going to keep walking when she noticed the vehicle had stopped. She looked over and realized the driver was her friend David Grimes. They had worked together in East patrol for several years before Angela moved to the detectives bureau. “Oh my God! David! I didn’t know you were down here on the South End now.” Angela gushed, she realized she probably sounded just a little to excited to see him and blushed. Thank goodness it was too dark to see her reddening cheeks.

Police Officer David Grimes shifted the vehicle into park, got out and met Angela on the sidewalk. “Your dog isn’t gonna eat me? Is he?” David said as he tentatively reached his hand out. Bear let David pet him and before Angela could answer, David and the dog were best friends. But David didn’t get out of the squad to check Bear out, but rather to take in his old beat partner’s curvy figure.

“I guess not, David. He usually doesn’t warm up to people so quickly,” Angela said. She was starting at David, very much attracted to him, and amazed Bear wasn’t trying the gnaw his arm off.

David was a handsome man. He was about 5’10” and very muscular. Not like a body builder but lean like a fighter. He kept his hair buzzed, which Angela typically didn’t like, but David looked good without extra hair. He had gorgeous green eyes and masculine facial features. He was almost 40, however even with a little scarring and faint crows feet, David barely looked older than 30.

David always had a smile on his face when he was around Angela. He could barely contain it, she was just so nice, and he found her very attractive. David reached down to Bear and started rubbing the dog’s belly. Angela was wearing very short pink Under Armor running shorts and a purple sports bra, exposing her soft belly and her ample bosom. As David knelt down to play with Bear, he couldn’t help but notice Angela’s thick thighs disappearing in her shorts right at the apple of her ass.

“I hope you’re not relying on this guy for protection,” David gestured toward Bear.

Angela chuckled, “Maybe. Or maybe I can protect myself. Did you need to pat me down for any weapons or contraband Officer Grimes?”

A grin spread across David’s face, “Ma’am, for your safety and mine, I’ll need to step over to my vehicle.” David led Angela bostancı escort over to the front of his patrol vehicle, “place your hands on the hood,” he gestured. “Now go ahead and bend over slightly and spread your legs.”

Angela liked the added bit about bending over. She did as Officer Grimes instructed and spread her legs, wide. Angela could feel the blood rushing below as she began to feel aroused. David was just so damn hot, she couldn’t help but flirt with him. But their flirting had never gone this far.

Angela felt David’s hands slowly run down her bare shoulders, down her back and then back up her sides. David the reached around to the front, and ran his hands down her breasts and belly. “Did I feel a bulge in your Bra? Are you hiding something in there, Miss?” David asked, still grinning from ear to ear.

David’s cock was uncomfortably pushing the fabric of his trouser leg with his erection. He had fantasized putting his hands all over Angela before, however she had been married, but he wasn’t going to miss his chance this time.

“Officer Grimes, I can assure you I must have something illegal in nature hidden in my bra,” Angela seductively purred. David reached back to the front of Angela’s body and push his hands up and into her bra, cupping her ample breasts. Angela’s nipples were stiff with her arousal, which only made David more aroused. “Mmmmmm” Angela moaned as David’s pinched her left nipple.

David withdrew his hands from Angela’s breast, and slipped them into the waistband of her shorts. He ran his hands all the way around her waist and into the shorts. “Any weapons or illegal substances down here?” David asked. Before waiting for an answer he plunged his right hand down the front of Angela’s shorts. She was already very wet. Angela’s pussy felt trimmed but not bare, David actually preferred it this way. He couldn’t wait to see it.

“Car Three-Boston-Twelve, copy a stolen vehicle” the radio on Davids left hip crackled. Reluctantly David withdrew his hands from Angela’s panties and answered the radio.

“Maybe we should continue this over dinner,” David suggested. “Let me cook for you, I still owe you from the birthday cake you made for me over the summer. Are you available tonight? I’m off the next two.” David quickly rambled, hoping she take him up on his offer.

“I guess I’ll see you later,” Angela called after David, as he was walking to his patrol vehicle.

Suddenly David stopped, turned around and rushed back to Angela. He put his arm around her lower back and pulled her into his body. He lowered his face to hers and his lips took hers in. Angela opened her mouth to allow his tongue and her tongue to caress. “I’ve been dying to do that for a while.” David said as he released his grip on Angela and jogged back to his car. With a quick honk of the air horn, David was gone.

Angela’s knees were weak and her pussy ached with an unfulfilled desire. She wasn’t able to jog back to house, or really briskly walk for that matter. What should have been a five minute walk, took Angela ten. “What the hell just happened?” Angela was thinking to herself. She and David had always had chemistry and they flirted, but never had anything like this happened. And so suddenly, spur of the moment. She hadn’t seen David in over a month! Angela was giddy about their upcoming rendezvous.

David could not believe what just happened. He was shocked he had been so bold to finally touch Angela much less damn near have his way with her on the side of the road. He was even more shocked that she had let him. Rumor had it, after Brian took off on Angela, she had turned down plenty of offers. “Shit, now I have to cook something tonight,” David thought as he drive to his call.

Once home Angela hopped into the shower to get cleaned up for work. She was so worked up and left unfinished. As Angela washed the sweat from her body, she lingered on her breasts. Twisting her nipples between her fingers. She lightly traced her fingernails along her belly, picturing David’s hands still on her skin. Angela’s own hands moved further down her body towards her still throbbing pussy. She lightly traced circles around her sensitive clit, pinching it between her fingers, lightly pulling at it. Finally she plunged a finger inside her folds, still working at her clit, as she imagined what David would look like without his clothes. Angela worked faster as she felt climax approaching. She rubbed her clit at fast as she could, finally reaching a small, but satisfying orgasm.

Angela’s work day seemed to stand still. All she could think about was David. He had texted her earlier that morning and suggested she arrive at 4. 4:00 pm seemed a little early, but Angela was so anxious she didn’t think much about it.

David looked at the clock on the stove, 3:30. He needed to have the tenderloin in the oven by 4:00 so they could eat by 5:15 or so. He looked forward to desert, and he was getting exciting thinking büyükçekmece escort about the way Angela’s curvy body felt in his hands this morning. He hadn’t slept much after his shift because he couldn’t stop thinking about her smell, her firm breasts and buttery soft skin. As David meticulously cut the tenderloin to roll it flat and stuff it, his doorbell rang. “It’s unlocked, let’s yourself in!” David called out.

David called for Angela to let herself in when she rang the bell. She had done this so many times in the past, but this time it was different. Her hands shook with anticipation of the evening. Angela walked in the front door and navigated her way to the kitchen, familiar with the floor plan of David’s two bedroom ranch. “I brought wine!” Angela sang as she set down a bottle of Rose Moscato, her favorite.

“Let me pour you a glass real quick,” David said walking toward the sink to wash his hands.

Angela slipped into the small kitchen and squeezed past David, reaching into the cabinet grabbing herself a glass. “I know my way around, I’ll get it. You want a glass or do you want me to grab you a beer?” Angela asked.

“I’ll take a glass of your willing to share.” David said. He quickly turned around and caught Angela on the lips. His hands were covered in the raw pork, so he couldn’t embrace her the way he wanted. “And hello.” David said grinning. He turned back to continue his meal prep.

David’s lips were soft. They found Angela’s and she drank them in. His tongue found hers. She immediately felt weak in the knees again. David pulled away sooner than she wanted and turned back to his work. Angela went back around the counter. She found a corkscrew in a drawer, opened and poured the wine. She set David’s glass on the counter in front of him. Leaning close she asked, “what are you making me tonight?”

Angela set David’s wine glass down and leaned in close. Even over the strong smell of his ingredients he could smell Angela’s lemony lotion. She was the only woman he ever knew that always smelled like lemons, and not a kitchen soap lemon, but a wonderfully soft and sweet lemon. It suited her. She asked what he was making and he gave her a big smile. “Well, I am making a goat cheese stuffed pork tenderloin, with caramelized onions and bacon. It will roast for about an hour and at the end I will glazed it with a brown butter apricot glaze. It will melt in your mouth. I will be serving roasted Brussels and potatoes and on the side.”

David quickly finished his tenderloin and got it into the oven to cook. He and Angela talked about new assignments and Angela’s failed marriage as David worked in the kitchen. He finished his glass of wine and switched to the beer he had in the fridge. David hoped, as he poured his heart out in a meal, that this was more than just a hookup. He had cared for Angela for a long time.

David finished cooking and let Angela to the already prepared dinning room. The table was set and two candles flickered in the center of the table. Another bottle of Angela’s favorite wine sat chilled in a wine bucket. Angela couldn’t believe David had remembered her favorite wine.

Dinner was amazing. The flavors were a perfect compliment to each other. Even the sweet wine matched the meal. It was absolutely perfect. Angela had never had a meal like this prepared for her. She had been worried that tonight was going to be more about sex, but David had gone above and beyond. She knew her feeling were reciprocated. She suddenly relaxed and prepared to give David whatever he wanted.

Angela stood in front of the sink, hand washing the dishes from dinner. She felt David’s hands wrap around her waist as he stood behind her. David leaned down and kissed Angela’s neck and nibbled as her ear. He moved to the other side and did the same. Angela shut off the water and turned pressing her lips firmly into David’s. She had been waiting all day for this and couldn’t wait. She didn’t want to sit on the couch and pretend she didn’t want to rip his clothes off. Because she did, she wanted to rip his clothes off and feel him inside of her!

David held Angela’s hips so she was pressed up against his body. He released her mouth from his, “do you want to… uh… living room?” David stuttered.

“Bed. Take me to bed, David.” Angela purred as she reached up and devoured David’s mouth with hers. More urgently this time, she moved her tongue into his mouth, tracing his lips and tongue. David wrapped his arms completely around her waist and lifted Angela’s body into his, pulling her off her feet. Angela wrapped her legs around David’s waist. David turned and started toward the bedroom. He was glad Angela had told him to take her to bed, it saved him a trip later.

David carried Angela towards his bedroom. Her legs wrapped around his waist, her face buried in his neck. His cock was so hard, he had imagined this very scenario a hundred times over. When David made it to the çekmeköy escort bedroom he laid Angela on the bed and leaned down to kiss her. Angela sat up to meet David’s lips, reaching her arms around his neck, pulling his face closer to her.

David’s straddled Angela on the bed. He was so turned on and excited that this was finally happening. David ran his hands down Angela’s sides, reaching up underneath her shirt, touching her soft, smooth skin. He could feel her skin pucker with goosebumps as he ran his fingers along her body. He leaned down and hungrily took her mouth into his.

David’s hands on her body was electric, it sent chills throughout her body. Angela had wanted David’s hands all over her for sometime. As he eagerly devoured her mouth, she reached under David’s shirt, tracing the hard lines of his muscular body, pulling on his shirt to expose more of his perfect physique. Angela pulled David’s shirt off, licking his chest, moving to his nipples, playfully biting as she went. She snuck a look at his face to make sure he liked what she was doing, and he seem very pleased.

Angela pushed David to the side and mounted him. She licked and bit he shoulders, working back down to his chest, nibbling on his nipples, moving to his hard, defined abs, tracing the trail of hair below his belly button to the top of his jeans. She was on all fours as she worked at David’s belt. His erection was pushing against his jeans, Angela could tell he was well endowed, and couldn’t wait to take him in her mouth.

As Angela kissed, licked and sucked on David, he could feel his cock throbbing in excitement. She licked her way down his belly and started to undo his jeans. He could already feel precum dampen his underwear. David worried he would finish too soon, he was so aroused, and every touch from Angela threatened to betray him.

David laid back as Angela removed his jeans and then his briefs. He laid there completely naked for her, as she sat back and admired her lover. Angela reached down with both hands on David’s chest and passionately kissed him, as she did she squeezed and drew her fingernails down his chest harshly. The scraping of her nails burned David’s flesh, and drove him close to climax. The touching was almost enough to make David cum, he had never been this close without a woman actually touching his cock.

Angela dragged her fingernails down David’s chest and then finally moved down to take his throbbing, sticky cock in her mouth. She licked the fluids leaking from David and twirled her tongue around the head of his cock. She took a little of him into her mouth at a time, sucking and licking and twirling her tongue. She ran her tongue from the base of David’s cock to the tip and then took his entire manhood into her throat. She moved up and down slurping and sucking David. Suddenly she sucked him so hard, his balls seized and he was cumming. He shot his fluids into Angela’s mouth and she sucked ever harder, swallowing his cum, never taking her lips off of him. Each suck from her mouth drew out another spurt from David until his was drained completely. He had cum so hard, his balls ached.

When David’s cock finally stopped squirting, Angela looked up at him, wiping the corner of her mouth, smiling. His eyes were glazed in post orgasm bliss and he had his goofy half smile plastered across his face. “Take off your clothes, it’s not fair that I’m naked and I don’t get to see you.” David said, almost in a demanding tone. Angela liked the way he told her what to do. She was so wet from making David cum, she felt her pussy swelling with arousal and anticipation.

Angela giggled, “But Officer, shouldn’t you check me for weapons?” When she stood up David realized her jeans were unbuttoned and unzipped, and there appeared to be nothing else underneath. Angela was wearing a button down shirt, David sat up and reached out to unbutton and remove it, exposing Angela’s 34D breasts shoved into a push up bra, not that she needed it, her breasts were firm and stood at attention for David as he freed them from their lacy, padded captivity. “Nothing in here,” Angela said grinning as she stood topless in front of David. He cupped each breast in his hand, taking one and then the other into his mouth. Following suit with Angela’s previous foreplay he nibbled on her nipples which stood stiff and ready.

Angela moaned in pleasure. She liked just a hint of pain with her pleasure and as David nipped as her skin she felt her desire building. Angela was so wet she could feel the juices from her pussy soaking through her jeans. David’s assumption of her lack of undergarments was correct. She reached down and pulled her jeans off. It was David’s turn to sit back and admire his inamorata.

Her hips were wide and her waist small making a perfect hourglass figure. Angela he just a little bit of softness to her belly, which David liked. Her thighs were thick and came together at her sex, the tops of them already glistening with her anticipation.

David pulled Angela down onto the bed next to him, touching every inch of her that he could. He kissed her breasts and then her soft belly, biting her near her pelvis, hard enough to leave a mark. Angela reacted with a deep moan and a slight thrust of her hips. “Open your legs, I want to look at all of you,” David demanded. Again David’s authority drove Angela insane. She loved being controlled.

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