
Doctor Lewis Fills In


Doctor Lewis Fills In

When Emilia was first told about her friend’s first experience with the gynecologist she didn’t believe it. It sounded like something straight out of the “Penthouse Forums” book she had gotten when she was a teenager. The one she would make sure to hide away so that no one would find the embarrassing book of “true” pornography. But, Liv’s story had also intrigued the young blond.

She was eighteen years old and only just moved from her childhood home she shared with her grandfather to attend her first choice university. Going off to school had always meant hard work to Emilia and she was prepared for that. What she was not prepared for was the freedom to actually find herself as well. Her whole life she had strived to be perfect in the ways that she was able to be.

Emilia wasn’t a beauty queen. She was pretty enough but in a more muted, plain way. She had long, slightly wavy blond hair and pretty blue eyes, according to others. Her skin was on the paler side and her figure was average. Athletics had never been Emilia’s forte causing her to be slightly soft around her stomach and thighs. Maybe even a bit chubby.

Where the young woman had always excelled was academics.

That kinda made for a boring life, though and now that she was on her own and learning more about herself, Emilia knew what excited her. And the thought of what Liv was suggesting happened had sparked something inside her. It lingered in her mind so long that she had to know more and Liv had been more than happy to share.

The woman was willing to share a lot more than Emilia was expecting. After recounting the events in remarkable detail, Liv showed Emilia a picture of the famous Dr. Boss. The older man was handsome enough to make Emilia blush. He was not at all what she had been picturing, even after Liv’s passionate description of him. Emilia assumed that Liv really liked the doctor even to the point of wanting a relationship with him. But, Liv offered to talk to him about doing the same… examination for Emilia.

It had been intimidating, but Liv assured her that it was fine. It turned out that Liv did in fact want a deeper relationship with Dr. Boss, but for now, they were only in their talking stage. Liv told Emilia that she felt like if Dr. Boss was to take care of her friend then it wasn’t a big deal, not that she wanted him going around and giving every patient he had a ground-breaking orgasm.

So, after their conversation, they began setting things up. Emilia was mortified at first. She felt like this was all so shameful but, with Liv’s support, she became more confident. Her friend had even talked with Dr. Boss and he agreed to service Emilia.

After that, the appointment was scheduled and now Emilia was sitting on the exam table in the paper-thin gown. The wait was almost unbearable. It was difficult for Emilia to not allow her nerves to get to her. She took the time to tie her hair up in a tight ponytail before trying to distract herself with her phone. It helped, but nothing could stop the way her foot bounced with anxiety.

Emilia didn’t know this man. Not only that she was in a literal doctor’s office.

Even though those facts were the reasons for her unease, they were also the reasons this whole thing was so tempting. Emilia was already wet just knowing that soon this handsome, older man was going to come in and give her the best orgasm of her life.

Emilia’s back straightened when she heard the door opening. Her heart sank to the bottom of her stomach as she watched the doctor walk in.

This was the worst-case scenario. Emilia had thought that since Liv spoke with Dr. Boss all her bases were covered, but seeing the face of Elias Lewis smiling politely at her made the young woman want to throw up. It wouldn’t be so bad if she didn’t know this man, but she did. Emilia had known the Lewis family her whole life. Her and their son, Abel, had been friends since before she could even remember.

Now Abel’s father was about to examine her wet pussy.

“Emilia,” Dr. Lewis smiled pleasantly as he came closer to her, reading the woman’s chart on his tablet. “I know you scheduled with Dr. Boss, but he had something come up and I am taking over for him today,” the older man explained as he sat down on the rolling stool. “I know that it could be a bit awkward having me do your exam, but I don’t mind doing it at all as long as you’re comfortable,”

Emilia was unsure about what to do. She could concel since it’s not as if she truly needed the exam. Though, it would probably be best if she stayed and went through with it. Emilia had been doing a lot of research about these exams and maybe it would be wise, just in case. But, could she really let Elias Lewis do this? How would she be able to look him in the eyes after all this?

“I… um… I think it would be okay…” Emilia finally said softly as her hands messed with the thin gown that laid over her legs. Maybe he just… wouldn’t notice demetevler escort that she was wet. Even though her whole reasoning for coming in was because she was “having issues getting stimulated”.

She really should have just turned tail and ran. But, Emilia was worried that would have made things seem more suspicious. God, she didn’t know what to do!

“Alright,” Dr. Lewis said softly as he looked over her file for a moment longer before he put it on the counter and got up to wash his hands. “What brings you in today, Emilia? Do you have any concerns?” He asked as he thoroughly scrubbed his hands, even though he was going to be wearing gloves.

Emilia shifted, the thin, protective paper crinkling under her body. “I… Well, I need to get a check up anyway since I’m… older,” she said nervously. “And I noticed I was having a problem…”

Elias sat back onto his stool, rolling over to Emilia and watching her as she spoke. She was unable to keep eye contact with the man. Elias was handsome… for an old guy. He had long, heavily graying brown hair that Emilia had only seen kept pulled back in a low bun or ponytail. He looked a lot like Abel actually. The older her friend got, the more he favored his father. Although the doctor was in his fifties, he was dapper with a pair of round-framed glasses to add to his whole look.

“Are you sexually active?” he asked, pulling a small metal table over to his side and began getting all the tools he would need out.

Emilia blushed even more at that question. “I’m not… really. I mean I have done some things but never…”

Elias’s eyes flickered up to Emilia’s for a moment, his gray eyes giving her a familiar, playful look. “I understand. Well, you certainly don’t have to be getting this type of exam if you are still a virgin. But, it never hurts to be sure. And the problems you’re having, do they center around arousal?” the man asked.

Once all his instruments were on the metal table, a thin paper pad placed under them, Emilia was staring at them. Of course, she had been looking into all of this. She had seen lots of pictures of the speculum, but seeing it in person was intimidating. It was metal and it looked bigger than it seemed online. Of course, using the internet was not always the best way to gauge size.

“Emilia?” Nervous, blue eyes flickered back over to the doctor. Emilia felt even more apprehensive when she realized she had not answered his question.

“Oh… Yes… That’s the problem,” Emilia answered quietly.

“Let’s take a look then,” Doctor Lewis said, pulling the stirrups out from the end of the exam table. “Just lay back and scoot your butt all the way to the end of the table for me, please,” he instructed politely. Emilia wondered if this was just as embarrassing for Mr. Lewis. They had known one another for such a long time. Emilia had spent whole summers with his family.

But, this was his job so, she figured it was just like any other day for him. Mr. Lewis probably had seen thousands of vaginas through the years. Seeing her’s wasn’t going to be any different.


There wasn’t any more time for Emilia to consider that, she just went with it to make herself feel better as she laid back, thin paper crinkling loudly as she scooted down like she was told until she could feel her bare ass at the very edge.

“Very good, thank you,” Doctor Lewis said as he took her ankle in his hand and guided her foot to the padded stirrup, doing the very same with the other. Now she had her legs spread wide, just the end of the hospital gown covering her privates. Emilia was thankful she couldn’t see the older man’s face as he lifted the thin fabric, laying it up over her thin hips.

There was a pause that felt like it lasted a lifetime. Emilia couldn’t hear Mr. Lewis getting things ready, nor could she feel him getting started. But, what she could feel was the chilly air in the office against her glistening labia. It made her shiver just a little as she waited, anxiously for her exam to begin. The silence was really getting to her though, worrying her and making the young blond feel shameful for doing any of this. This had been a horrible idea! How could she really think something like this could be hot? Yea, it went well for Liv, but Liv was far more experienced and confident. Emilia was still a virgin for fuck’s sake! This was way beyond her sexual qualifications, even if Doctor Boss had been available.

“Well Emilia, it looks like you’re not having much of a problem becoming aroused. Or are you always producing fluid like this?” Elias asked as Emilia started hearing him shuffling around with some tools. Then she felt the frigid tool being slipped inside her tight opening. A small squeak left the young woman as something so large was pushed in so deep.

It was a bit painful when the doctor opened it up, stretching her unused pussy way more than a tampon ever had.

“I’m… otele gelen escort not sure. I don’t think so,” She answered, hoping it would be left at that. For a few seconds Doctor Lewis was silent as he swabbed at her cervix. The feeling was not very noticeable, but it was slightly unpleasant. Emilia let out a soft sigh when the cold, metal tool was removed. Her vagina was left slightly sore from it.

Emilia stayed put, waiting for direction from Elias before doing anything. But, before the man said anything he got up out of his chair and walked to the side, his gaze running over Emilia’s form and curves on the table. The staring made her shiver as she averted her eyes, though they were not able to focus on anything. Not with the burning stare coming from her best friend’s father.

“I have been doing this a long time, Emilia,” Doctor Lewis spoke gently to her as his gloved hand hovered over her hips for a moment before sliding over her skin. “Twenty years now. And I have had many women come to me with your exact “ailment”. Though, never someone of your age,” As Elias spoke, his hand drifted from her soft, smooth hip to her pubic area that was neatly shaven just for the appointment.

Emilia couldn’t speak. She was just stunned that this was actually happening.

Doctor Lewis was married to the most beautiful woman Emilia had ever seen. Mrs. Lewis would be so broken-hearted if she knew what her husband was about to do. But, Emilia was still a bit unsure as to what exactly he was planning for her. She only had an idea.

“Tell me more about your sexual activiy, Emilia,” The doctor said as he pushed his finger between Emilia’s pussy lips to get it nice and wet before he began to press against her clit, slowly rubbing circles against it.

Emilia whimpered softly at the feeling. Obviously, Elias would know exactly what he was doing. Not only was he a literal expert on vagainas, but he had been married for a long time as well. And Ramona seemed like a really happy woman. “I-I haven’t done much,” Emilia admitted. “A little fooling around and making out. I’ve… tried to give oral,” She blushed even more, now covering her face with her hands.

Doctor Lewis hummed softly, shifting his fingertip slightly, now able to rub more around her clit than on top of it. It felt fucking amazing. Emilia’s legs felt a bit tingly from the action. “Seems like all you really need is a bit of practice then. You’re such a smart girl, I know you’ll pick up on it very easily,”

Through her fingers the young woman peeked over to the doctor when she noticed his other hand working his belt open.

No. This could not be happening.

But it was and Emilia watched as he opened his dress pants before pulling his cock out. It was honestly nothing overly impressive, even for a woman as inexperienced as Emilia. Doctor Lewis’s cock looked average, but at least clean. His pubic hair was even trimmed back. He was already hard, precum beading up at the tip as Elias held himself at the base.

“I will teach you what you need to know, Emilia. Just follow my instructions and I will make sure to give you a proper orgasm,” his tone was professional. Almost like he was a teacher or something. Even though everything about the situation was morally wrong and lewd.

As put off as Emilia was, she was also a bit curious. Even the smallest bit turned on. Which was wrong and she already felt guilty. The young woman knew what she was going to do though, even if it was messed up. She was going to push those worries and negative thoughts out of her mind and do this. Consequences could be dealt with later.

Doctor Lewis moved closer, now pressing the tip against Emilia’s soft lips. He carefully smeared precum over her bottom, more plush lip. “Open. For now, use your lips to cover your teeth until you’re more sure of yourself,” the older man instructed. Emilia found herself falling right back into the diligent student she had always been. Her mouth opened and lips rolled over her teeth as the doctor pushed his hard cock into her mouth.

Doctor Lewis tasted different from the guy she had blown. Grossly enough, Emilia came to the conclusion that the doctor tasted clean whereas the other guy had been more sweaty and had a much more overpowering flavor.

His cock felt smooth and sturdy inside her mouth. Emilia wasn’t exactly sure how to do this. She hadn’t ever been one to watch much porn and when she did she skipped the blowjobs. She kinda wished she had watched a couple.

“Get my cock wet first. Slobber all over it, but don’t be too messy,” Elias explained. “After that you can start focusing on sucking,” his dick hit a bit of resistance at the back of her throat at that point, his finger still going, sliding to dip into the mixture of medical and natural lube and keep her clit nice and soaked. It was actually really nice and close to the way that Emilia masturbated, but the feeling was amplified.

It balgat escort was a little hard to focus, but she was determined to do exactly what the doctor told her to. She made sure that his cock was getting good and saturated with her saliva. Once Elias found that he had hit the back of her throat he did not push in any farther. Emilia was able to take most of his cock anyway. He just began to slowly thrust into her mouth, not wanting to overwhelm the young woman.

Emilia was now sucking on him. When he would pull out she would attempt to suck him right back in. Her persistence was clear and added to the experience more than she even knew. This was much more than just a lazy, half assed blowjob. Emilia didn’t know much about sex and fellatio, but she did know that a good way to make up for inexperienced was enthusiasm and confidence.

It seemed to be working well enough, Elias’s finger began to speed up on her clit and soft, breathy moans escaped him. It gave Emilia such a strong sense of satisfaction and confidence to know that she was actually doing well. With the guy she had done it to before she had not been able to make him cum, or really react at all.

He had been pretty drunk though.

“Good girl,” The sound of the doctor’s deep, lustful voice brought Emilia out of her thoughts. She looked up to him, still sucking on him as he thrusted. Doctor Lewis took his hand off the base of his cock, which wouldn’t fit inside Emilia’s mouth, and placed it on the back of her head. His other hand shifted as well, the rubbing on her clit stopping and making her whine. “It’s time to move on. We don’t have much time,” Elias smiled almost sweetly at her as he pushed his middle digit into her tight pussy. It irritated her already sore walls, but he was gentle. “Now, start using your tongue on it. Just try to lick all over, but my most sensitive area is the underside. Especially the frenulum,”

The doctor must have noticed the questioning look in Emilia’s eyes because he chuckled slightly, pulling his cock out of her mouth and showing her the underside. The skin was gleaming under the harsh lights of the office, but Emilia watched as Elias traced a small “V” like shape right under the ridge of the head. “It’s where the foreskin used to connect. Most say that having foreskin makes everything more pleasurable, but even circumcised men normally have this and it’s very delicate,”

As Doctor Lewis explained it all to Emilia, his thick, gloved finger rested fully inside her. He was giving her time to get used to it and even distracting her from any discomfort without the woman even realizing. After his little anatomy lesson, Elias pushed his cock right back into her mouth. “Start over,” he told her as he began to thrust again, placing his hand on the back of her head again, thin strands of blond hair falling between the man’s fingers from her tight ponytail.

Eagerly, Emilia began to work on the man’s cock once more, a muffled whimper escaping as she felt his finger curve inside her. She could feel as he carefully traced against her walls. For a couple minutes the young blond was able to ignore it while she got his cock wet all over again and began sucking before her tongue began to search for that spot. The frenulum.

An unexpected surge of pleasure stopped her in her tracks though. Emilia stopped all movement, eyes widening and another muffled sound quieted by the doctor’s cock. A soft chuckle came from Elias as he began to press right against that spot, causing Emilia’s hips to shake. This had to be that feeling Liv had tried to describe to Emilia. She had warned that it was something impossible to fathom without experiencing it. As soon as Emilia felt it she understood what her friend meant.

It was like a strange, intensely pleasurable, burning sensation that flowed all over her body, but lingered from her tummy to her thighs.

“I know you won’t be able to focus too much on sucking me off. That’s fine, I want you to enjoy yourself and learn more about your own body, but I’m going to keep using your mouth. It will keep you quiet,” His tone was still professional, but laced with lust and desire.

Emilia was being broken down, piece by piece. Brought to a more primal form that was tucked away inside most humans. She was unable to even fully realize the situation for what it was. That she had, not just her doctor’s cock thrusting in and out of her mouth, but her childhood best friend’s father doing this to her in a clinic. Anyone could walk in and see!

But, the pleasure she was being shown clouded all of that. All Emilia could do was lay there, suck and lick at Elias’s dick, and take in the building euphoria. The teen had not even noticed that Doctor Lewis had begun teasing her clit lightly with his thumb as he thrusted his finger into her. The man made sure to hit, push, rub, and just make general contact with her g-spot. Emilia’s body was tensed up unintentionally and she didn’t notice until she felt the doctor begin to rub her head with his fingers.

“Relax,” He whispered softly to her as he continued all his motions. “Straining your muscles will only delay your orgasm,” His words got through to Emilia and she understood, instantly doing what she could to relax her body so that she could let it happen. Emilia suddenly felt Elias’s cock throbbed in her mouth.

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