
Domestic Goddess


Rupert touched Clarisse’s heaving creamy breast, her liquid violet eyes fluttered at the touch of his strong masculine fingers on her erect strawberry nipple.



Marie looked up at Dave, putting down the erotic romance novel she was reading.


“I think…… in the fridge.”

She jumped to her feet, running to the refrigerator and searched for milk. Please, please let there be some in there, but she realised with a sinking feeling that she had forgotten to go to the store. Again.

“I could go next door and see…” she tried to say, but it was too late. Dave had woken up that morning, tired from work, hung over from beers with his buddies and just itching for a fight.

“Jesus!” he bellowed again.

“All you have to do around here is cook and clean, and you can’t even get that right.”

He looked at her in disgust.

“I don’t even know why I married you. Oh that’s right- to have kids- except you can’t do that, either. I’m going to work!”

He flung the empty milk bottle at the sink; it skidded across the bench and into a pile of dishes, sending a cup crashing to the floor.

“Get this place cleaned up,” he barked and strode out of the kitchen pulling on a jacket and picking up the car keys.

Marie took a deep breath.

“I need the car to get groceries.”

“Too bad. I’ll drop you there; you can get the bus home. Maybe next time you’ll remember to do the shopping BEFORE you run out of stuff!”

Marie was grateful for the silence as they drove to the supermarket. Usually there was nothing Dave enjoyed more than needling her until she felt the need to defend herself, so he could feel justified in belittling her. Then, of course, he would blame the argument on Marie, so to keep the peace she would apologise for a fight that wasn’t her fault. He dropped her at the store, without a kiss or wave or even a glance goodbye as she walked into the market. She picked up some milk, suddenly remembering it was Friday. Friday night, Dave expected his four minutes of sex. Marie always joked to her sister that while sex with Dave might be unpleasant, at least it was over quickly.

She could make that chicken casserole he liked, and if he ate too much and had a few beers, he might fall asleep in his chair and not come to bed till late. She picked up some bread, chicken thighs, and a dozen of his favourite beer and headed for the cashier.

The guy at the register was flirting with the female customer in front of her. She was only a couple of years younger than Marie, but they might as well have been from different planets. The woman was dressed in a light spring dress, floral, short and sexy. Marie was suddenly conscious of her sweatpants and heavy shirt, the kind of outfit she wore to hide her figure. It drove Dave crazy when other men looked at her, so wearing baggy, frumpy clothes had put an end to any admiring glances.

“Hi, how are you today?” Marie asked the cashier, smiling at him and making her voice pleasant, and she hoped, slightly sexy.

“Yeah, $21.95.” he replied, not even looking up.

She blushed, feeling foolish at her failed attempt at flirtation, and grabbed her purchases, fleeing down the street to the bus stop.

Marie caught the number eleven bus home, and sat staring aimlessly at the passing scenery. The bus stopped opposite a store window and saw her reflection. Early thirties, brown hair, brown eyes. The female equivalent of a sparrow. Reasonably large breasts, slightly past their best, like overripe pears, but still attractive, under the clothes, at least. She looked away from the window, and down at the grocery bags at her feet. What if one day she went to the market and someone noticed her. A loving, caring man, who was kind and generous and…well…she smiled to herself… good in bed. A man who would whisk her away from this drudgery. She laughed aloud, causing a man on the other side of the bus to frown in her direction. Life wasn’t like that. No good deed goes unpunished, as her mother always said. She had married Dave simply to get away from her overbearing, controlling parents and he was the only man who had ever shown an interest in her. An only child whose parents died when he was young, he seemed lonely, and she felt sorry for him. She had thought, way back then, that they could make a happy home of their own together.

She arrived home and spent the rest of the day cleaning and cooking. When Dave returned from work, he showered, and they ate dinner, once again largely in silence. He went into the living room, slumped down in his lounge chair and flipped on the TV, cracking open his fourth can of beer. Marie loaded the dishwasher, staring out of the window. She finished cleaning up and went to bed, taking her novel with her.

“Night Dave,” she called.

“Yeah,” he grunted back at her.

She lay in bed, reading for a while. Rupert was about to bury his head between Clarissa’s creamy, alabaster thighs when sakarya escort Dave lumbered into the bedroom, stretching, letting out a long belch. He undressed, his heavy weight making the cheap mattress sag. He left his thick woolen socks on and got into bed.

“Go to sleep!” she silently begged. She held her breath, until she felt his large hand roughly slide around to her breast where his fingers latch on to a nipple tugging roughly at it.

“Hey,” he said softly. Then louder.


“Nnmmmmm,” she moaned, trying to sound half asleep.

“Roll over.”

She hesitated for a second, hoping he would give up and go to sleep, but he pulled her over towards him and she could feel his erect penis on her thigh.

“Open up!” he grinned and his sour beer breath rasped at her.

She opened her legs slightly and he shoved his fingers down and into her.

“Dry as the fucking desert down there, you’re getting old!”

He laughed.

“Suck me.”

She sighed, rolled off the bed and knelt on the floor. It was easier to give in than have another argument.

He held his cock in one hand and shoved it without ceremony at her mouth. She began licking and sucking, sliding it along one side of her cheek so that I didn’t gag, he smelled of stale sweat, and she closed her eyes as she sucked him, trying to imagine herself somewhere else. Her hands stroked the base of his shaft, so he wouldn’t try to force more of himself into her mouth, but he gripped her head painfully on both sides as she sucked, and she gagged and choked on his thrusting cock.

“Yeah baby suck it, yeah you fucking love that don’t you bitch?”

He roughly pulled her to her feet and pushed her down on to the mattress, shoving his cock inside her, and began humping away.

“Mmmm yeah baby you love my big dick don’t you?”

Marie glanced at the window at the dark evening sky. It was a crisp clear night, which meant a fine day tomorrow. She could wash the sheets in the morning. Meatloaf for dinner maybe? She’d have to get some ground beef, but the walk back to the market would be good for her. Dave was pounding harder now, close to coming.

“Oh yeah, yeah baby, I’m fucking you that’s right!” he grunted.

Marie rolled her eyes and waited for it to be over. He heaved suddenly, emptying himself into her and she breathed a sigh of relief. He eased himself off her on to his side of the bed, and she rolled over to face the wall.

‘You know Marie, you’re damn lucky I was crazy enough to marry a stupid bitch like you.” Dave panted breathlessly.

“God knows no one else would.”

Marie closed her eyes tightly and hoped sleep would be like Dave and just come quickly.

The weekend passed , uneventful as ever, and on Monday afternoon Marie was in the middle of mopping the kitchen floors when there was a knock a the door.

The police were on her doorstep.

“Mrs. Jones?”

“Yes?” Marie responded nervously. Why did policemen always make her nervous, even though she knew she hadn’t done anything?

“May we come in please?”

“Of course, come in, come in.”

“Your husband is David James Jones?”

“Yes. Oh god- now what?” she said, apprehensively.

“There was an accident at his place of work this morning. I’m very sorry to tell that you your husband was killed.”

The policeman placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, but Marie barely noticed. She was vaguely aware of him asking about someone he could call for her, and snapped back to reality.

“No, no thank you- I’ll be fine.”

When the policemen had gone, Marie sat down at the table, the whirlwind of thoughts and fears instantly replaced by a single thought. What the hell do I do now?

The next few days passed in a blur of funeral arrangements and well meaning clichés from family and friends.

“He was a good, fine man!”

“He was such a loving husband!”

“At least you don’t have children to worry about!”

People were just trying to help her cope with the loss and grief.

The trouble was she didn’t feel either of those things.

She felt…relief.

Marie realised she needed to get a job, and find a new place to live, away from the memories of her marriage. She began flicking through the local paper, when a small ad caught her eye.

Are you our Domestic Goddess?

Live in housekeeper wanted for three old codgers.

General housecleaning and food preparation required.

Sense of humour compulsory!

Well, she wasn’t exactly a domestic goddess, but she could cook and clean well enough, despite Dave’s opinion. Marie dialled the number and after three rings a deep male voice answered. She could hear two other voices in the background, arguing.

“Hello. Home for retired Grumpy Old Men. How can I be of assistance?”

Marie suppressed a giggle, introduced herself and explained her circumstances. The man on the phone, whose name was Allan, invited her sakarya escort bayan to come over that afternoon for an interview.

“You sound as if you might be well suited to the job, Mrs. Jones. I look forward to meeting you.”

As she thanked him and hung up the phone, Marie felt her stomach tighten. This was a big step for her, moving into a new place with three men she didn’t know, starting a new job. On the verge of changing her mind, she forced herself to make a decision. No more doormat! She had her freedom and from now on, she was going to do exactly what she wanted to with her life. To hell with what anyone else thought about it.

That afternoon, she drove to the address Allan had given her, pulling up into the drive of a large, sprawling family home with an expansive front lawn and garden. She knocked and after a few moments, heard voices on the other side of the door.

“I’ll get it!”

“You just get outta my way old man, I’m getting the door!”

“Hey, who died and made you King?”

“For pity’s sake you two fools, will you get out of the way!”

The door wrenched open and three men stood there, staring at her.

A short, stocky man broke into a grin and extended his hand.

“Hi there, honey, I’m Ed.”

“And I’m Leland,” butted in a tall lean guy behind him. “But you can call me Lee.”

The third man smiled apologetically at her.

“I’m Allan. We spoke on the phone. Now if these two buffoons would get out of the doorway, perhaps you’d like to come in?”

Ed and Lee moved hurriedly aside, and Marie followed Allan into the house. Allan explained that all three men were lifelong friends and also now widowers, who had decided to live together in Allan’s old family home together and keep each other company. He asked her a few more questions about herself while they all gave her the grand tour, Ed cracking lame jokes, and Lee bringing her a cool drink. The house was reasonably tidy, but clearly in need of a good dust and polish, the laundry hamper was overflowing and the sink stacked with dishes. They returned to the front of the house, and looking first at his two housemates, Allan gave her a smile.

‘Well Marie, I think we’d all be very pleased if you’d accept the position. You can move into the spare room tomorrow, if that’s not too soon. Gentlemen?

“Yes, definitely!” said Lee.

“Damn right!” Ed agreed.

“Well that settles it.” Allan held out his hand to Marie to seal the deal.

The other two ‘boys’, as she was already thinking of them, shook her hand too, and all three escorted her to the front door, waving her off as she drove away. Marie drove back to the house humming; she had a good feeling about this. Her new life was about to begin.

She arrived back at the boy’s house the next morning with the few possessions she had brought from the house she had shared with Dave, and arranged them around her small but cosy room. That afternoon for the first time in years, she had her hair professionally cut and bought some modern but feminine clothes, jewelry and makeup. All those things Dave had always called a waste of time and money.

Marie spent the next few weeks getting the house in order, cleaning dishes out from under the sofa and tidying away. She would have her meals with the boys and enjoyed listening to their easygoing banter.

Ed was the comedian, a little rough around the edges, but good hearted. Lee was the charmer, kind and sweet, but forever arguing with Ed over something or other. Allan was the leader, articulate, intelligent and, she thought, an attractive man for his age. Late one evening, she was tidying up the hallway, bending over a small table when she saw Allan’s reflection in the mirror above. He was standing at the end of the hallway behind her, not saying anything, just watching. The thought that he was looking at her made her feel instantly aroused, and squeezing her thighs together, she bent a little further than necessary feeling the fabric of her skirt tighten over her thighs and buttocks. She watched his reflection as she moved, and saw him lick his bottom lip, his mouth slightly open, not taking his eyes from her for a moment. She looked directly at him, wondering if he knew she could see him.

There was a noise from the living room.

“Hey Allan, come and help me with this damn DVD player!” Ed yelled.

Allan snapped to attention and quickly headed towards the living room, the spell broken. Marie finished her tidying, and headed off to bed and a restless night’s sleep.

A couple of nights later, she was home alone folding laundry and went into Lee’s bedroom to lay his freshly launder clothes on his bed. She looked over at the bedside table, noticing a glossy magazine.

‘BIG JUG CUMSLUTS’ screamed the title on the cover. She picked it up and flicked through it, stopping on a page of a man licking a big breasted blonde woman’s pussy. Realising she hadn’t given herself an orgasm in weeks, she began to feel tingles escort sakarya in her groin, the sudden need for release overriding all other thoughts. She lay the book down on the bed, and began gently stroking her nipples through her shirt, feeling them harden. She squeezed them harder, and when they were fully erect, she slid a hand into her panties. Her pussy juices began to flow onto her fingers, and she ached to have something filling the void between her legs. She slid a finger into her pussy and began slowly finger fucking herself, her thumb grazing over her engorged clit. She threw her head back and moaned softly as the pleasurable sensations coursed through her lower abdomen, her breathing heavier, reaching up to pinch her nipples with her free hand. She heard a sound behind and turned to find Lee staring at her, wide eyed. She gasped in horror, wrenching her hand from her underwear.

“Oh, god I’m so sorry!” she stammered and pushed past Lee to the doorway.

“Wait! Marie- please…don’t be embarrassed.”

He grabbed her gently by the arm.

“You know sometimes I …do that too. It gets a bit lonely these days and it’s not so easy to find someone to, well you know…”

He smiled, and looked over her shoulder at the magazine.

“I used to love doing that, my late wife, Ellie, she loved it. Oh I know you younger generation think you invented this stuff, but we’ve been doing it for years. I was a damn fine pussylicker in my time,” he chuckled.

“Is it a personal favourite of yours?” he asked.

She blushed.

“I wouldn’t know. Dave would never… he thought it was disgusting. you know, having his face down there.”

Lee frowned at her.

“Well he was clearly a fool. Any man who can’t appreciate the beauty of a woman that way doesn’t deserve to have her.”

Lee looked at her thoughtfully, then reached over and kissed her on the forehead in an almost protective gesture.

“Marie- if you ever want to have that pleasure, I’d be honoured.”

His big arms wrapped around her in a bear hug. Impulsively, she twined her arms around his neck, and suddenly felt him lift her into his arms, carrying her to his bed. He laid her gently on the bed, sitting down beside her, stroking her hair with tender hands.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“I need to; I want to know what it feels like. Please.”

He kissed her head softly, and gently peeled her underwear from her body. He placed a finger on either side of her pussy and held her open, and she felt the dull ache begin as her pussy and clit engorged, swelling just from the sheer excitement and novelty of having a man’s face so close. She felt his warm breath on her inner thighs, and when his tongue tip touched the hood of her clitoris she couldn’t believe how soft it felt. It was so different to her own touch and Dave’s rough fingers. The stroking of Lee’s tongue was so delicate, it made her relax and close her eyes. She gave a deep sigh and lay back. He began circling her clit dipping his tongue into her pussy and circling again, until she felt a dull pain like ache begin in her clitoral hood, and it felt like her clit was reaching out for his tongue, wanting to be touched. Her licked firmly yet gently around her lips and she could feel her juices drip down her inner thighs the more he lapped at her. His licking intensified as did the ache in her pussy, spreading from her clit to the whole of her cunt, her lips engorging and her pussy flexing, begging for something to fill the aching void.

As if reading her mind, she felt Lee’s tongue slide into her pussy and she gave a long animal moan. He began thrusting into her with his tongue and she whimpered, grabbing the back of his head and pressing his face against her groin. He moved his head slightly and lifting her hips, placed the flat of his tongue just below her ass and licked in one delicious long stroke all the way to the top of her pussy. She whimpered as he gently placed his lips around her clit and sucked. She felt a sudden clenching deep within her as her muscles shifted and contracted, the deep clutch of pleasure squeezing her pussy tight. As she came he ground his head into her pussy adding extra pressure and intensifying her climax.

He moved up to her burying her face in his shoulder as he clutched her tightly to his chest.

“Oh my god, Lee, I’ve never come like that- ever!”

She hugged him close and kissed his lips, blushing shyly. Even thought he’d spent the last few minutes between her thighs, kissing him on the mouth suddenly seemed very intimate.

Lee smiled as she got up and walked to his bedroom door.



“Anytime you’d like a repeat performance…I mean, no one needs to know and after all, like they say, it’s not like we’re actually having sex or anything!”

She giggled like a schoolgirl, and closed the door behind her. That night she slept better than she had in years.

The next morning Marie was early downstairs, wanting to get into her duties before the boys surfaced. She walked into the kitchen to find Allan already there, pouring coffee. He looked up as she stood in the doorway and gave her a smile.

“Come in. Sit down.”

She sat, gratefully taking the proffered cup. Allan’s fingers brushed against hers and she felt as if she’d been mildly electrocuted.

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