
Emergency Services Week Ch. 01

Big Dicks

Emergency Services Week!
All emergency personnel
receive 60% off on all of
our full body massages
and other rates for our
less extensive massages
for the full length of the
week, come in and release
the stress of your career
ID required to receive
the discount listed above

The sign proclaimed outside the relatively new massage parlor, Magic Touch, in the busy commercial district of Boston. The business was starting to take off and the decision to open up these special deals would help them spread the word and allow those that didn’t have the money to ordinarily afford their high class prices to come and enjoy a bit of relaxation and a slice of heaven.

Officer Matt Brewer saw the signs during his patrol and thought that it certainly could help him with the back pain he had been dealing with lately, as he rolled his stiff shoulders. After returning to the station he sat back down at his desk and began doing his paperwork for the day. After he had finished, he decided that he was going book the massage, as he got out of his chair a stabbing of pain knifed up his back causing him to wince.

“Hey Matt, you look really tense there,” said his best buddy Karl as he approached.

“Yeah, I’m going to get a massage at that new place, they have some kind of special going,” said Matt.

Karl’s eyes glazed for a moment before responding, “Yeah that place is awesome, I still felt as loose as a noodle three days afterwards. Ask for Carrie when you go in, she has magic fingers.” A tremor passed through him remembering just how magic they were.

Matt grinned and said “Thanks buddy, I’m off duty now so I’ll drop by there and get an appointment.”

After driving back to the parlor he winced again as his back tightened, he needed this badly. He pushed the door open and slid out his id badge.

Michelle looked up from the computer and watched the six foot four inches of muscular sexy cop walk in, she saw the grimace of pain in his face as he walked towards the counter. He was going to be feeling a whole lot better after he had left she grinned to herself.

“Can I help you sir?” She asked him as he approached, pushing her brown hair back out of her eyes.

“I need to book a massage, your sign says about a special deal?” he asked leaning over the counter.

“Yes, 60% off for emergency services, I just need your ID then I can process the discount,” she said opening the appointment schedule, she knew that it had been solidly booked out but she’d always been a sucker for a uniform and would process it regardless.

“One of my work mates recommended Carrie, is she available?” he asked sliding his id over the bench, his green eyes worn and tired as he watched her.

She picked up his ID and glanced at it, real enough for her as she closed it and pushed it back across the wide counter and looked back at the screen. She looked down at the clock to make sure she had it right but it seemed there was still an opening.

“I actually have an opening now, for four pm, but its Carrie’s last free spot until the end of next week. Our other masseuses are also booked until Monday, I’d recommend not waiting it looks like your back is killing you,” she suggested watching the distress in his green eyes.

“That’s great, I’ll be back I just need to go home and secure things,” he said with regards to his equipment.

“That’s fine, Carrie is just finishing up with her last client,” she said as thought of the hunky fireman that had came in an hour earlier.

“Thanks, how much will it be?” he asked.

“$60 for the hour, that’s the discount rate,” she said as she booked it in.

“Thanks, I’ll be back,” he said taking a glance at the clock perched on the pale peach wall.

Amanda sighed and leaned back into her chair, sometimes being just a simple secretary sucked. All the hot muscle that been parading through the parlor last week had put her on edge. Carrie was one lucky woman though, getting to see all those near naked hunks, just thinking of it made her salivate, she was so jealous.

“What have you got for me Amanda?” asked Carrie as she walked through the door.

“Another gaziantep escortları hot cop, he just came in and booked the full massage for four pm. How was the fireman?” she asked.

“He was great, though I hope this Matthew isn’t as tense. Aaron’s muscles were tighter then guitar strings, my fingers are still throbbing,” she said, but she still had achieved her goals and left that hulking hunk a quivering blob on the table, she thought with a smirk.

Amanda merely grinned and sat back in her chair, though seeing all the un-attainable eye candy parade in all week frustrated her. She still had her benefits as she leaned back letting the vibrating bristles in the spine of her chair massage the pressure points in her back and sighed, she knew it was totally unprofessional but maybe she should ask one of them out, she needed to get out.

Matt got back to the parlor just after four pm, he stepped inside and willed his back to stop tensing. He hoped this place lived up to its name, he needed relief from his aching back.

He came into the foyer and watched as a woman helped a rather large muscular man into one of the chairs in the waiting room. His eyes looked unfocused as he sat limply in the chair. The woman was talking to him but he couldn’t make out any of the words. She turned around and spotted him walking through the door, he took off his sunglasses and pushed them into the pocket of his uniform pants.

He hadn’t had time to get changed, only enough time to secure his gun, handcuffs and ID before he had to be gone again.

“Hello, I’m Carrie I’ll be your masseuse this afternoon, right this way please,” she said as she led him back through the rooms to her room and said “After you,” her eyes watching his tight ass move. She grinned, this was going to be fun.

He entered the room and looked around the warm colored room, the burned yellow and earth brown walls gave a subtle warming effect as she shut the door behind them with a click of a lock. She walked around him and took him in, he looked about six foot four with short black hair so dark it looked like coal. His startlingly bright green eyes, though shaded with tightness and discomfort they still seemed to gleam, as she thought while starting to unbuttoning his shirt, she took in his surprise and said “We do things differently here, so just relax. Don’t let anything bother you. It’s obvious you desperately need stress release,”

Matt was still unsure of where she was going with this as she pushed his shirt off his shoulders and pulled up his undershirt as her nails scraping his chest, he tensed as an unexpected dart of sensation hit him. He lifted his arms as she pulled his shirt off, then unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants.

He thought he must have been imagining it, he swore she looked at him like she wanted to eat him for desert as she pushed his pants down, before kneeling down to pull off his boots, socks and pants. His cock started stiffening at the thought, when she looked up at him again his cheeks gleamed redder then they already were. She was a professional, nothing was going to happen but he still couldn’t help thinking it. Her long blond hair, her crystal blue eyes and angelic face sliding his boxers down and taking his rapidly hardening cock between her lips and sucking him.

She grinned and said “Don’t be embarrassed about anything that goes on, just go with it Matthew,”

“Uh…its Matt…thanks,” he said looking at her. He was taken completely by surprise by the whole event. Unlike what he thought it would be like, she had actually taken his clothes from him and was now folding them neatly and putting them on a bench near the door.

“Go through the door and freshen up if you’d like I’ll be preparing what I need,” she said gesturing to the door. After he had turned she watched his back and ass muscles tense as he walked into the attachment.

He hadn’t seen any towels around so he assumed his boxers would be staying on as he stepped into the small room that held a shower but there were no towels, so that wasn’t going to happen he thought.

He splashed some of the cold water from the basin on his face and tried to control his obvious arousal. Her suggestive comments sent heat flaring from his cheeks down to his spine. He stepped out of the room a moment later after drying his face and hands on the provided hand towel.

She reached up and opened the cabinet and pulled out the bottle of oil and poured it into the dish, she licked her lips thinking of how well she was going to work this cop over. She turned and watched him walk back into the room as his chest muscles tensed, she had to contain herself or she’d start drooling as she watched his pecs and abs flex.

“Lay flat on your stomach and push your face into the mask in the table,” she instructed him.

He slid onto the table and pressed his face into the hole, strangely the face mask seemed to fit perfectly which struck him as odd. But he had no more time to consider this as firm strokes started pressing his tortured back muscles, he let out a hiss as stabbing spikes of pain spread through him as she manipulated his strained muscles.

‘Damn, what does this guy do? His muscles are probably tighter then the fireman’s was,’ she thought as she squeezed and pressed and rubbed the extremely tight muscles of his back. Soon he was groaning in pleasure instead of pain as the special warming oil formula started to take effect. She loved the smell of the oil and the tingling feeling on her skin as she kneaded the tight muscles of his back.

His eyes flickered as the pain melted away and was replaced with a pleasurable burning sensation all across his back as the oil seeped into his skin. He groaned as she stroked the loosening muscles faster. Streaks of burning pleasure rocked him as his cock fully hardened in his tightening boxers.

Her hands started rubbing in a sweeping pattern of his back moving into a more sensual pattern, making his eyelids flutter. The pleasure was like a living breathing beast as it stuck its claws into him. Her fingers dug tightly into his calves and thighs, running up both his legs at the same time, a strangled groan came from his throat as the raw intensity of the pleasure and pain shocked his senses.

Soon there were lighter caresses stroking each individual muscle, he felt his muscles turn into slush as she masterfully manipulated them by loosening all of his highly strung tension. His back already felt so much better.

Just to prove that point, she dug her fingers into the base of his back and dragged them up his back, he arched and moaned in pleasure as the shock waves rippled from him. She dragged her fingers and thumbs up his back several more times making him arch and moan each time. His cock was so hard now it throbbed like an angry beast, he sucked back on his control so he wouldn’t embarrass himself like that.

He bucked again as she dragged her thumbs up the middle of his feet, her oily fingers caressing each toe before digging her fingers in again and again into his feet, loosening them up and covering them in the oil.

The pleasurable fire burning across his back and down his legs and his feet was driving him nuts, “What’s in that oil?” he groaned.

She grinned secretively and said “It’s an aphrodisiac, it enhances sensation while giving off mild heat.”

He wasn’t able to respond as she grasped his neck and started to rub his tight muscles. Relaxing the cords in his neck, he panted slightly as his chest and forehead is beading with sweat as the burn tingled all over his back and feet and now his neck.

She dragged her nails gently down his loose back to his boxers and tugged them down and then off.

He was about to protest the treatment before she grasped his bared hips and rubbed the oil into them, sliding her slick hands over his ass clutching him, kneading and massaging his muscles. He arched and moaned as she slipped a thumb inside of him, rubbing a bit of the warming oil into him guaranteed to make him writhe.

She loved her job especially when it came to hot muscular men. She finished massaging his ass and gripped his hips to turn him over. He moaned as the oil started to burn inside his ass, making him squirm as the pleasure ate at him.

She noticed his chest was nowhere near as tense as his back, meant more playtime for herself she thought grinning rather lewdly as she admired the thick length of his cock. Her hands itched to stroke it, but she had to finish the massage first. She grasped his shoulders and kneaded the muscles by stroking them hard which made him grunt. She massaged every muscle of his arms, the fiery pleasure oil making him squirm as it burned all over him.

Matt moaned as the burning pleasure ate at him, he had never felt so much pleasure at one time. His cock was killing him, he was dying for her touch, no wonder the guy he remembered seeing in the waiting room looked so wiped out he thought. The burn especially in his ass was driving him nuts, this woman certainly had magic fingers, he knew now this was the same treatment Karl had gotten.

He groaned as her nails flicked over his skin as she worked the oil deep into his chest and arms, they were now on fire as she oiled every muscle and crease of his abs. His cock throbbed with every pulse of the fiery oil as she stroked every muscle, when she was satisfied with it, she wiped the sweat from his brow and rubbed the oil into his forehead and face.

He needed relief fast, he was going to blow his load and embarrass himself if the massage didn’t end soon, but his sexy masseuse had other ideas.

“You obviously didn’t know what you asked for when you booked the ‘full’ massage did you Matt?” she asked grinning.

Before he could respond, she reached down and grabbed his cock, he almost came right then. He writhed on the bed as she massaged more oil into him, his cock throbbed painfully as it burned with the fiery aphrodisiac. He gasped and leaned back as she engulfed the cap of his cock with her lips sucking gently, her tongue occasionally flicking out, as her hands continue to stroke his cock and palming his balls.

He spasmed and jerked as his body rioted against the pleasure, he groaned helplessly as she tortured him. She refused to give him what he needed to get over the edge, it would only take just a little more and he would be there. She just kept dancing around the edge but never getting close enough.

She flicked her tongue from root to tip as her hands pumped him, she reached under him and shoved her thumb and a finger deep into his ass. She had done this enough to know where to prod and quickly found what she was looking for. He gasped and bucked on the bed as she sucked and stroked and prodded him.

He cried out as his orgasm bubbled up and exploded into her mouth. She suctioned her mouth around the head of his cock draining him, he bucked and strained under her as the pleasure ravaged him.

She didn’t let up on the massage and kept stroking his pleasure spot and sucking him intently until he hardened once again. He shook on the bed as she straddled him and quickly shoved his cock deep inside her. He tightened up like a guitar string and cried out as she mercilessly drove down on him, her pussy clenching and massaging him as she slammed up and down on his thick long shaft.

He shuddered under her as his second orgasm approached, she dug her fingers into his shoulders as she clenched him tightly as her orgasm shook her. He roared as his second orgasm ripped from him. The oil that burned him had reduced to a buzzing sensation as she slid off him and rolled him over again.

He groaned as her thumbs worked his back, neck and thighs making sure his muscles were still loose. Then after she had finished loosening his muscles again she said to him, “I do love surprises and a man in uniform, once you can manage it, you can make use of the shower facilities. I will be retrieving the towel for you, our normal rate is $150 per hour if you would like to return.”

Matt groaned as said “Wow…that was amazing, I probably will end up coming back,”

She grinned and said “We’d be happy to have you back,” and watched as he staggered off the table to the shower.

She grinned secretively, they had been finding a lot of potential candidates during this week. She grabbed the towel from the pile and walked back into the room and watched the water cascade over Matt’s deliciously tight body. She hoped that this delicious hunk would accept what they had in store for him.

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