
Encounters with Evil Pt. 02


© Copyright jvaughn, 2013. All rights reserved. Copyright violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Chapter Six

Guy pounded down the steps and burst out of the apartment building onto the street. Not slowing down, he sprinted to his vehicle which was parked a block away. Finding his key fob in his pocket, he had the doors sliding up before he reached his hypercar. Jumping into it, he activated the door-close mechanism at the same time as he attempted to slam the keys into the ignition. His hands were shaking so badly it took him three tries. When he finally got the keys in, instead of turning the engine over, he folded his arms across the steering wheel and rested his forehead on them, taking deep rasping breaths. I need to calm down. I can’t drive like this.

His chest hurt.

What the hell got into me? he questioned himself. I never lose control like that—ever! Somehow Guy couldn’t restrain himself around the beautiful young man—and that terrified him. He was used to being in control. Even if he didn’t have the upper hand in every situation, and with vampires that was often the case, he was always in control of himself. Until now. Now he was wildly out of control.

He tried to analyze the situation dispassionately. I shouldn’t have gone in without knocking and waiting for Melvin to answer. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone in at all. But still, it should have been fine. The problem came when I stood in front of him … when I touched him.

He remembered looking down at Mel’s tight little body, admiring his pale, goose-bumped skin, his lovely rosy areolas, his hard nipples jutting out in invitation. He had smelled Mel’s desire. The intoxicating scent had slammed into him, shutting down all reason and awakening a hungry demon within.

Then he had touched. He had run his finger down Mel’s chest, feeling electricity sparking all along his fingertips. He had seen the evidence of his angel’s desire, poking out proudly under his towel. Mel’s eyes had been heavy with lust, his sensual lips parted. He had looked up at Guy as if he were the most desirable man in the world.

Guy had not been able to stop himself from removing the offending piece of cloth. He had to see what the tented towel promised, and he had not been disappointed. Mel’s cock was as perfect as the rest of him—surprisingly long and fat, and hard as steel, weeping with desire.

That’s when he had lost all vestiges of control. Well, perhaps not all of them. If he had completely lost his mind, he would have thrown Mel down on the floor and mounted him right there. As it was, he barely refrained from shoving his cock down Mel’s lovely throat. His angel had looked at him with such trust and naked hunger, he had burst into flames.

He shifted in his seat, leaning back to close his eyes. His cock was uncomfortably hard again, starting to leak. Just the memory of that angelic boy kneeling before him, wanting him, had him ready to explode. He tore open his shorts and grabbed his hot shaft. Grateful for the tinted windows on his Agera, he pumped his cock desperately. Visions of Mel’s open mouth below him trying to catch his sperm caused his cock to spasm, and remembering that sweet plea, “Please!” pushed him over. With a groan he came all over his hand.

What the hell is wrong with me? he asked himself in disgust as soon as his brain reengaged. He reached into the glove box for some napkins and wiped himself up. He also wiped the drying spunk from his calves. He barely remembered Mel orgasming—he hadn’t even touched himself and he had still cum all over Guy’s legs. That was so hot! His cock twitched again hopefully.

Christ! I’m totally losing my sanity. That’s the only logical explanation. He didn’t allow himself to think the unthinkable—that he was turning into a demon.

He kept his eyes closed, breathing deeply, trying to clear his brain of all thought. What the hell am I going to do?

You’re going to stay far away from him, he answered himself. But already he was feeling an irresistible pull. It was getting on toward evening. He needed to go home, take a shower, get some dinner, and go to work. He opened his eyes and engaged the engine, but still he didn’t pull away from the curb. He felt like there was an invisible but unbreakable thread binding him to Mel, and the further away he got from him the thinner it stretched and the more it hurt.


Tigger pulled the front of his hood further forward to keep the rain from slanting onto his face. The streak of sunny days was over and the relentless Seattle rain had returned. It wasn’t cold though—he was sweating under his jacket from their brisk walk.

“After we look for your phone can we get lunch somewhere?” Jon asked. “I’m starving.”

“Sure.” Tigger smiled at his friend. Jon was wearing a bowler hat to keep the rain off his face, and the effect was adorable, making his lovely eyes look even bigger than usual. mersin escort

“Even if we find it, it might be ruined from all this rain,” Tigger said. He didn’t have much hope of finding his phone. He’d tried to convince himself that this boondoggle wasn’t really a desperate attempt to find Guy, but he knew better. As long of shot as it was, going back to the place where he’d met his rescuer was the only idea he had for reconnecting with him.

He had been burning with fever ever since Guy’s visit the afternoon before. Before Guy had showed up to install the new deadbolt, Tigger had been depressed. Now that he’d had a taste of what sex with Guy would be like, he felt ten times worse. When he remembered that commanding voice urging him to his knees while his wrists were trapped in an iron grip, his cock immediately got rock hard and flames raced up and down his body. Guy knew exactly what he needed.

If he let himself remember the glistening, hard cock with precum leaking from the slit and the heady scent of Guy’s sex wafting over him, he could almost cum without even touching himself.

But then he’d picture Guy’s stony face as he left and his insides would twist up in heartache. He must like me. He wouldn’t have jacked off on me if he wasn’t attracted to me. Tigger had not imagined the hunger blazing in Guy’s eyes.

He’s afraid of something. Maybe he’s deep in the closet and not even admitting to himself that he’s gay. Maybe he already has a boyfriend. Maybe he just doesn’t want a relationship. Tigger had been over all this and more a hundred times. He realized he didn’t know anything about Guy except that he was a vampire hunter and he was the hottest man on earth.

I need to find him and somehow make him see how happy he’d be with me.

“Where did the attack happen again?” Jon asked, pulling him from his reverie.

Tigger looked up, taking in his surroundings. Broadway was a wide street with a multitude of small businesses, shops, and restaurants. Most of the people out and about were young and edgy, with a large percentage of gays. Seattle was a very gay-friendly city. You could walk down the street in a neighborhood like Capital Hill, holding hands with your boyfriend, and you’d get smiles instead of shocked looks.

“It’s at Thomas and Federal, just one more block up and two blocks over.” He was suddenly drenched in fear; it soaked over him like icy liquid, causing a full body shudder.

Jon glanced at him, his eyes widening. “You okay?”

“Yeah, just jitters,” Tigger said. Get ahold of yourself. It’s broad daylight. It will take less than two minutes to check for your phone. Nothing is going to happen to you. Still he couldn’t help a growing feeling of panic as they drew close to the scene of the attack.

Shoving his shaking hands into his jacket pockets, he tried to push the memory of those bottomless, inhuman eyes away. By the time they reached the mouth of the alley that ran behind an old brick apartment building, his heart was pounding in his chest and his hands were clammy. He drew to a halt, hesitating.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Jon asked, peering at him anxiously. “It’s kind of scary.”

“What could happen?” Tigger asked with much more bravado than he felt. He looked down the alley and then up at the surrounding buildings. No sign of Guy. And luckily, no sign of the demon either. “Come on. It will only take a minute.”

He started down the alley and Jon walked next to him, hovering a bit closer than usual. He feels it too, Tigger thought. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as goose bumps erupted across his flesh. It took everything he had to keep walking into the alley. Something just didn’t feel right. All of his senses strained to discover the source of his unease. The rain fell steadily onto the wet pavement. The day was too gloomy to cast shadows but he eyed the dumpsters warily, as if he expected someone to jump out from behind them.

As they approached the spot where he’d been accosted, his throat became tight with fear. “It was right here,” he said, his voice a little too loud and shrill. He lowered it to a whisper. “Up against this wall here.” Looking around on the ground he saw no sign of his struggle with the demon.

“I guess it’s not here,” he said, more than ready to leave the alley.

“That’s it, there!” Jon cried. He was pointing at the base of a nearby dumpster.

Sure enough, in a corner by one of the wheels of the dumpster was his phone. Tigger snatched it up and looked at it. The cover was scuffed and mud spattered. “I can’t believe we found it!” he exclaimed, momentarily forgetting his fear in his euphoria over finding his phone.

“Does it still work?” Jon asked as they hurried out of the alley.

“The batteries are dead, I’m sure. They were low when I lost it. That’s probably just as well because it’s soaked on this one end. Phones usually recover pretty escort mersin well from water as long as you don’t turn them on while they’re wet. I’ll take it home and let it dry out and then keep my finger’s crossed. I’m just happy to get it back!”

Even though there was no sign of Guy, finding his phone had made the trip well worth while.


Guy was in his familiar position crouched on the rooftop of a 1930’s brick building watching the empty alleyway across the street. The vampire had been coming and going from there most evenings, but Guy hadn’t seen him since he’d taken him down with the dart several nights earlier. Usually the vampire would appear shortly after the sun went down seemingly from nowhere.

Vampires were almost impossible to tail and it had taken Guy months to get this close. He was sure the creature’s lair was nearby, but he hadn’t been able to identify it. He would not have gone in even had he been certain of the location; confronting a vampire in their own home was suicidal.

He’d meant to take him down with a dart in the alley and then destroy him, but Mel’s attentive presence had precluded that. Watching a vampire “die” is a spectacle that Mel would never have forgotten. At the time Guy hadn’t realized that Mel already knew that his attacker was a vampire, so he couldn’t take the risk of revealing that fact.

Guy’s highest priority was to maintain secrecy. Company doctrine stated that the public was not to find out about the vampires at all costs. The company Guy worked for, EERIE (Encounters with Evil: Research, Investigations, and Exterminations), was a one-of-a-kind company, extremely well-funded and highly secretive. Currently Guy was their star performer, mainly because he’d survived seven Encounters—that was two more than anyone else had lived through. He didn’t give himself high odds for surviving his eighth Encounter.

EERIE held that if the public knew that there were supernatural killers preying on the population, there would be widespread panic and innocent people would die—likely many more people than the vampires killed. And the vampires would still be out there hunting, but they would become even more elusive and difficult to catch.

It was also a company imperative that the vampires not discover that they were being systematically hunted and exterminated. Guy had seen the cruelty and power of vampires firsthand. He could well believe that they had the resources to accomplish the complete and utter destruction of whomever and whatever they chose, so keeping them ignorant EERIE’s presence and mission was of the utmost importance.

The only saving grace was that, unlike in popular fiction, vampires didn’t seem to work together at all. Except in the extremely rare occurrence of a vampire taking a mate, they were solitary creatures and very territorial. More than one vampire hunting and killing in the same area would get in each other’s way. They hid their evil deeds, often they burying their dead, or dropping them in remote areas where they were unlikely to be discovered until long after the cause of death would be undetectable.

The one he was currently tracking was unusual. It was rare to have a confirmed vampire killing, and there had been three in Seattle in the past two months. The bodies had been carelessly dumped where they would be soon found, as if the demon were taunting them. Guy’s boss, ever cautious, was worried that maybe the vampire was trying to draw them out. Guy thought that he was just arrogant, but it wouldn’t do to underestimate him.

Guy’s boss, Ed, was furious with him for using a dart on the vampire when he knew he wouldn’t be finishing the kill, thus tipping their hand. Ed thought he should have let the vampire have Mel and waited for a different night to finish him off. Guy shuddered. He didn’t think he could have lived with himself if he’d done that. Ed had called him weak.

A rat scampered down the alley, hugging the right-hand wall. Guy shifted restlessly. He was having a hard time keeping his mind on task, and a distracted vampire hunter would soon be a dead vampire hunter.

He couldn’t shake the conviction that he should be watching Mel’s place rather than staking out an abandoned vampire hideout. His gut told him the vampire had moved on—perhaps to someplace else in the city, perhaps to a different city altogether.

He was given quite a bit of autonomy at work, left to his own devices most of the time. Ed, who he knew only as an obfuscated voice on the phone, rarely tried to direct him, instead saving his acerbic tongue for after he’d screwed up. He’d been reamed a new one for rescuing Mel, and his employer was a more than a little interested in what the boy had seen and heard. Guy was pretty sure the man hadn’t believed him when he’d told him that Mel knew nothing.

Guy shifted again, trying to get the blood flowing into his cramped legs. Fuck this! He made the sudden decision mersin escort bayan to investigate the alley more closely. He wasn’t doing any good sitting on the roof, and the uneasy feeling curling in his belly was difficult to ignore. I need to be protecting Mel, not a mile away on a fruitless stakeout.

He crept away from the front edge of the roof, crossed to the north side, dropped twelve feet onto the fire escape, and made his way down from there. It only took him a few seconds.

He paused in the mouth of the alley. A breeze lifted the hair off his forehead and he tilted his head to scent it. There was something rank in the air … it wasn’t the bitter scent of vampire, but something even fouler.

The alley was empty. He could hear the sounds of a small creature, likely that same rat, scurrying along through the underbrush that skirted the far end of the alley. He stepped quietly onto the pavement, picking his way carefully, staying in the shadows. The stench grew stronger and he recognized it for what it was—rotting flesh. His stomach churned at the thought of what that meant: he was about to find another victim.

He noted a boarded up window on the first level, and as he approached it, he knew it was the source of the ungodly smell. He sensed nothing moving behind the window. The demon was likely gone but had left behind a grisly present for them.

He made his way quickly out of the alley before calling in to report his discovery to Carrey who was working Central that day. He could not stop himself from pacing as he waited for Carrey to relay his information on.

Suddenly his mic crackled in his ear and his boss’s tinny voice came on, “You’re sure he’s not there?”

“Positive.” He wasn’t really—it was just a strong hunch.

“Okay. Wait for the city to send their people over before you go in. We’re calling it in now.”


“Oh please, Salt. You’ve been watching too many cop shows.” Ed liked to call him by the English translation of his Italian last name, Salucci. He could hear the sarcasm even through the garbling mechanism. “You sit tight and wait for them. No heroics this time.”

“Yes, sir.” Ed had disconnected even before the words were out of his mouth. Guy leaned against the building, crossed his arms over his chest, and closed his eyes. It was going to be a long night.

Chapter Seven

“I don’t smell anything.” Inspector Kraus shot him a look that clearly said, “You are clueless and are wasting my time.” He’d obviously been pulled away from a pleasant evening to come investigate this wild goose.

“You will,” Guy said dryly. It was at times like this that he cursed his enhanced sense of smell. He knew that once they were standing next to the body, the stench would be overpowering even for mundane noses.

The inspector grumbled something under his breath about “fucking clandestine civilian organizations in bed with local bureaucrats.” He sneered at Guy. “All right. Let’s get this over with so I can go home and go to bed.” Kraus stepped back from the window and three uniformed officers closed in. They had a crowbar and a step stool, and they made short work of removing the wooden barrier from the window whose bottom ledge was about six feet up.

Once open, foulness seeped out of the dark interior. Guy discerned the acidic scent of a vampire, but it was faint, at least a few days old. He noted that, for the first time since he’d arrived, the inspector looked hesitant—perhaps he was finally catching a hint of the smell.

The owner of the apartments had been unavailable. Ed had pulled some strings to get them a search warrant, and they had gone into the front of the building, but there didn’t appear to be any way from the main part of the structure into this back corner. That had all taken hours. Now finally they were ready to make the discovery. The window seemed to be the only means of egress, and considering that it had been boarded up tightly, Guy wondered how the vampire had come and gone.

He stepped forward and shined his flashlight into the dark interior. He could have used his night vision, but he wanted the police officers to be able to see as well. The room was empty save for some beer cans, bits of flotsam, and broken glass strewn about the thick plank floors. There was a door at the far end that was closed.

Kraus stepped onto the stool and hauled himself through the window, grunting with the effort. He was of medium height and skinny except for a small gut protruding over his belt; he didn’t look like he was accustomed to much physical activity. The three remaining officers looked at each other, obviously having a silent discussion about who should go in next. Guy preempted them, pushing past the closest one and vaulting through the window.

The inspector was shining his light around the room. Dust lay thick over the pine flooring. Plaster was crumbling from the walls revealing the lath underneath in places. Guy shone his light into the beams ten feet overhead. There was a window high on the wall accessible from one of the beams. That must be how he got in and out, Guy guessed. Vampires could climb like lizards.

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