
English summer


 The sun was setting on another hot day; I was finishing up the days chores when my aunt Mandy called me for dinner. It was my uncles farm. A little slice of English countryside. A small piece of heaven. I’ve been coming here every summer since middle school to help put hay up for the winter and make some money. Now, in my third year of college, I still come out for the same reasons, and I love the peace and quiet of the country. This year I was needed more than ever. My uncle had passed the fall before, but Aunt Mandy continued the farm, raising a small herd of beef cattle. Mandy was my uncles second wife. She was considerably younger than him, but she was strong willed and independent, with a good mind for business. A lovely Irish brunette, she could be stubborn, but I think that’s what attracted my uncle to her. She was smart, motivated and beautiful. The farm really did well after she was a part of it. She was a lady, tough as nails when she had to be and as soft as silk when she didn’t. I admired her and looked for similar traits in my mates as I dated, but few women compared to her. I finished stacking the bales, parked the tractor and then headed inside. “Hungry?” Mandy asked as I entered. She knew I was. “As a horse,” I replied. “That load is in. You’re gonna need more though. ” “I have ten loads coming tomorrow,” she informed. “Do you need me to get some more help down here?” “No ma’am. I can almanbahis handle it.” “Well, I’ll be here to help you.” I knew she was and she was handier than half the kids my uncle would bring in. “I know things got a little tight this year aunt Mandy, with uncle john being gone and all. I don’t want you to spend the extra money,” I said as I washed my hands. “Business is good. I’ll be ok.” “I know, but your you’ll have to hire a hand after the summer, so for now, we can do it.” I flicked water at her from my wet hands and she laughed. “You brat!” She teased, “I’m glad you’re here to help we’ve always appreciated it.” ​“I’ve always enjoyed it out here. So quiet; I love being in the country.” With that she gave me a little hug and we sat down to eat. Dinner went by with quiet conversation about the weather and the days accomplishments. Afterward I joined her on the porch for her nightly routine; a glass of wine and a cigarette. It was a routine I was familiar with. Many nights I had joined her and Uncle John out here. She sat there, placid, sipping her wine and slowly enjoying the one cigarette she has a day as the moon rose over the barn. The following day started early at five a.m. I tended the cattle as Mandy made breakfast. We ate quietly at 6:30 and the first trailer arrived at seven. I began unloading trailers as Mandy performed her household duties. I stopped at noon when she brought out sandwiches almanbahis yeni giriş and tea. After lunch, she assisted me in unloading. I was secretly grateful, not wanting to admit I was running out of energy and ambition to continue. But having her there was just the boost I needed to continue, partly showing off and partly just having someone else there. At forty-one she was twenty years my senior, but still had more energy and drive than most of the girls I knew my age. At four o’clock she left me to finish the last two trailers while she prepared dinner. I finished then went to the house, tired and filthy of the day’s labors, a mix of dust and dirt and hay and sweat. ​“I’m going up to shower, be back down in a few,” I called to her in the kitchen. ​“Okay, dinner will be done by then,” she called back. I stood under the water longer than normal, letting wash away the day’s toils and relax my muscles, I was sore. Thankfully, the next day was going to be an easy day, and with the threat of rain, possibly a lazy one. I finished my shower, toweled off and threw on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. I went down stairs to the dining room where a traditional country meal of steak and potatoes sat waiting. I sat down and waited for Aunt Mandy; she entered a few seconds later carrying two glasses of wine. She had cleaned up and changed too; she wore a white sundress with blue flowers. I almanbahis giriş had only seen her in a dress twice before; she looked young, vibrant and very lovely. ​“You look nice, is that new?” I queried. ​“Heavens, no,” she chuckled. “I’ve had this awhile; it was just so warm today.” ​“Yes, it was,” I agreed. We ate quietly, I was hungry and starting to feel the effects of the day’s work, but would steal glances at Mandy when I was sure she wasn’t looking. The last time I saw her in a dress was at my uncle’s funeral; the time before that was a family reunion several years ago. I remember how good I thought she looked then. Somehow she seemed sexier to me tonight in this simple dress, clinging loosely to her features. We finished eating and Aunt Mandy cleared the table as I sat sipping the rest of my wine. ​“Joining me on the porch?” she asked “Sure thing auntie,” I responded. But as I moved to get up, the day’s labors got the best of me. I was stiff and achy and groaned audibly as I slumped back into the chair. “What’s wrong? You’re not getting old on me are ya?” she teased. “No, just over did it a little I guess.” “You poor thing,” she said empathetically, but in a playful tone, “come on, I’ll help you up,” she said, extending her right hand. I gave her my hand and she helped me stand. “I feel like an old man,” I laughed. “You’re acting like one,” she agreed, laughing too. She led me to the living room and sat me on the sofa. “Let me help you.” She moved around behind me and began rubbing my neck and shoulders. It felt wonderful and relaxing. I laid my head back and enjoyed as she worked down my right arm, then my left, followed by my chest.

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