
Everything’s Going to Be OK Ch. 01


NOTE: So I recently found out there has been a story similar to this submitted to Literotica but this one that I have written is a TRUE story except for the place and names of the characters (excluding myself). No copyright or anything. Also this is my first EVER story written for the heck of it. Suggestions and comments are definitely encouraged. Thanks everyone and enjoy!

-PFC Allyson Lang


I’m not going to lie, but being in the army has a shit ton of downfalls (if you didn’t know that already). Yes, I know I volunteered for this, but that’s because I enjoy what I do. As a 91 Bravo (vehicle mechanic), I’m doing what I’ve always loved to do. Fixing and repairing machinery. For me, the downfalls are less time home with my family and friends, less than 4 hours of sleep most (if not all) nights, constantly being sore and tired from working 10+ hours a day, and of course, finding and staying in a happy, healthy relationship.

Just a little bit about me, my name’s Private First Class Allyson Lang. I’m 20 years old, 5′ 2″ with long, wavy brown hair and blue eyes with just a hint of hazel to them. According to my First Sergeant, I’m built like a truck. I’m big boned with decent C cup breasts, as well as toned, fast, and strong. Ask me to run two miles in 13 minutes. No problem, I’ll finish that in 12. I’m not super bulky, but I have the muscle I need to get the job done lifting heavy tools and vehicle parts.

Since the age of five, my mother new I was gay and thank god she was ok with that when I came out to her in high school. My dad was a bit surprised, but he took it like a champ, supporting me all the way. I mean after all, I was always spending time with my guy friends growing up, talking sports and video games. Arguing over who was going to make it to next years Super Bowl while playing Call of Duty for hours on end. As for my girl friends (notice the space between girl and friends?) I’d go shopping with them, but instead of spending my time and money on clothes and makeup, I held their bags and gave my opinion when asked. Yeah I know, I’m one of the guys, and my battle buddies know this too.

I’m not necessarily butch or anything. I like to keep somewhat a feminine appearance. I like keeping my hair, long and slightly styled but at the same time I like to wear guys clothes and boxers too. I guess I’m what they call a stem or chapstick lesbian? I don’t know, but I honestly don’t care.

Anyways, I’ve been in the reserves for two years now, but I’ve already finished a 13 month deployment to Kuwait. Headed back home on the plane with my battles was bitter sweet. They were like my family and about half of them were wrapping it up and ready to leave this lifestyle within the next few months. Getting off the plane we all hugged and I may or may not have cried a little too.

Now that I was finally home, I started to look for a job since I left my last one before leaving for deployment. I decided to switch things up a bit and apply at a pet store. I don’t have anything except a high school degree so my choices were limited, but I loved animals so I figured why not.

Not even a week later I had already made plenty of friends. One day, Kristin, my closest friend out of the three invited me to go to the beach with them that weekend. I was pretty excited and happily agreed.

We couldn’t have a picked a better day to go that Saturday. Not a cloud in site and at a comfortable 76 degrees, we couldn’t have been any happier. As we walked down to the shoreline in our skimpy, but very cute bikinis (if I may say so myself) I was feeling pretty good when I felt someone watching us. Sure enough I looked up and my jaw nearly dropped. A couple yards down, sitting on her towel, was the most gorgeous woman I had ever laid eyes on. She looked about my age, with dirty blonde hair, and a slender, tanned body that she obviously worked very hard for. She was wearing a simple, light blue bikini which complemented her breasts perfectly as well as showing off a tattoo of a humming bird perched on top of a red rose on her side.

It took me a few seconds, but I quickly realized she wasn’t watching US, she was watching ME. And while I was watching her instead of watching where I was going, I didn’t see the red sand bucket lying in front of me and tripped. If it wasn’t for Kristin next to me, I would have probably gone head first into the sand.

Way to go soldier.

I hastily pulled myself together and looked back up at this mystery woman to see her smiling and shaking her head slightly at me. I smiled back with this goofy ass smile of mine and she just laughed. And of course, Kristin noticed this and being the asshole friend that she was, decided that our spot would be right next to mystery woman. Thanks Kristin.

After a whole bunch of jokes and giggles from my little stunt, we finally got ourselves settled. I wasn’t even on my back for five seconds when Kristen whispers to me, “What’re you doing? Go over there and talk istanbul escort to her. You almost fell on your face checking her out and I saw her looking at you too.”

The look of shock and embarrassment on my face was clearly evident because she responded, “Listen Al the worst she could say is no, but I don’t think that’s case. She looks pretty interested. You’re going to be ok.” Kristin can be sort of an asshole sometimes, but when it comes down to it, I really do need her in my life.

For the few weeks Kristin and I have known each other, she already knows more about me than I know about myself. I get insecure about my demeanor, my appearance, and how I act around people. I’m very hard on myself. When I was younger, I went to a psychologist and they explained to my parents that I don’t necessarily have a social disorder, but that it’s just harder for me to adjust to new things and people. With that being said I struggle to make friends and get along with others. It’s just who I am and Kristin could see that almost immediately the first day we met.

“Oh my god ok fine just give me a sec.” I replied back trying to muster up the courage to walk the 10 feet I had to go and see her. After a couple minutes of preparation, I was up and headed over.

“Hey you. You alright?” I almost melted just hearing her speak. Strong and confident but sweet like honey. I knew what she was referring to and I turned red in the face almost immediately. “Oh yeah, um, I’m fine I just got a little distracted that’s all.” She laughed at that. Oh my lord I’ve never heard such a sexy laugh like hers before in my life.

“I don’t want to steal you from your friends or anything but would you like to sit down for a bit?”

Wait? What? Me? Why? Mystery woman, have you been drinking lately or something?

“Yeah sure just give me a sec” I replied back nervously. I went over to Kristin and before I could even say a thing she blurts out, “Just be back to the car by 6. Go get ’em tiger.” I rolled my eyes and replied “Thanks mom.”

As soon as I sat down, we got to introductions. Her name was Abigail. Abbi for short. She’s 19 and a certified nursing assistant. We started talking about small things like hobbies and I was surprised on how much we had in common. We were both very much into sports. She played softball and basketball while I told her how I did track and field back in high school and in the army too.

“Oh wow you’re in the army! That’s pretty awesome and thank you for your service.” She said in response.

I don’t really like talking about me being in the army that much. I always feel stuck up as if I’m asking for people to thank me. So usually it’s brought up very briefly from time to time.

“Thank you. And it’s no big deal, I love what I do.”

We continued on and started talking about football and then sure enough, argued over who’s going to make it to next years Super Bowl. We talked about how well the Denver Broncos played last year and how they kicked the New England Patriots in the ass (a very emotional and touchy topic for me). She went on mentioning how she played video games and that it was a weird hobby for a girl but I shot that down real quick and told her how I was a big video game player too. We started talking about how she just bought the new game Halo and I admitted that I was kind of jealous by that. I’ve heard great things about it, but with the little money I had, buying the game wasn’t one of my top priorities.

After about an hour we decided to take a walk. As we headed up to the boardwalk I turned back to check on my friends to see them smiling and giving me a thumbs up. I gave them one too before turning back. We both got silent for a couple of minutes but for some reason I was comfortable with that. Eventually though, I did something I NEVER do, I broke the silence. “Have you ever had fried Oreos before?”

“Oh my gosh they’re literally my favorite part about the boardwalk! Do you wanna go get some?”

“Definitely it’s on me.” I smiled back.

Just an FYI I’m too generous for my own good. I put everyone before myself including my 20 gallon fish tank at home (don’t judge me I’ve worked very hard to keep those damn fish alive).

We ordered our fried Oreos. As we ate we started planning what we wanted to do next. I had mentioned how it was my first time on this beach specifically so she suggested we do some window shopping and then the carnival games. Sounded like a good plan to me.

We spent the rest of the day together. Eventually we met up with my friends and started playing the games like we planned. We were only successful with one of the games though (the one where you throw the ball at the glass bottles). Being a former softball player in college, Abbi ended up hitting all but one bottle giving her one of the big prizes. She chose one of those three foot long teddy bears you can’t even fit in the back of your car. She turned to me and said, “Here, this is from me to you. avrupa yakası escort Thank you for spending the day with me, I had a really great time.”

I was so touched by that, I can’t even explain it in words. Here’s the thing, as much as I love Kristin and the rest of my friends they never give anything just because. I admire people who do things like that. It’s a different type of kindness all together.

As the day came to a close, she pulled me aside while everyone else went to the bathroom. She looked me dead in the eyes and said, “This is probably going to sound really dumb but there’s something about you that I really like, but at the same time have never seen before. I can’t explain it. Anyways, can I give you my number? I really want to hangout again and soon if that’s ok with you.”

I’m going to be honest here, I probably looked like the biggest goof ball on the planet with my mouth hanging half open. I couldn’t believe such a beautiful woman like herself wanted to hangout with someone like me. With that being said it took me a few seconds to pipe out one word.


She smiled and squeezed my arm gently. Her touch was so soft yet so intense. I couldn’t quite figure it out. Electric? Hot? It was as if I got shocked by something wonderful. It sent a small shiver down my spine and goosebumps on my arms that I was really hoping she didn’t notice.

I pulled out my phone and put her number in my contacts. I promised to text her on the ride home. Next thing I know she gave me a peck on the cheek causing me to freeze in place. I was pretty close to pinching myself, thinking I was dreaming. She gave me one more of her winning smiles and then walked away.

“Daaaammmnn Allyson calm down over there! Can’t you wait for the second date first before you start sucking face in public!”

At that moment I didn’t care who was behind me but I turned around lightning fast and popped them good stomach. Turns out it was Kristin. Of course it was.

We immediately started texting and hit it off beautifully. The next week, as we were just starting to plan our next “date” (at least I think it’s a date) I get a phone call from my Sergeant. We have one more deployment. Apparently they needed help in Texas where a series of terrible rainstorms had gone through and flooded over a dozen cities and towns. They needed at least 2 months of support because their reserve mechanics down there were being swamped with work. Seriously??

Shit. Shit. Shit. Why me???

I called Abbi immediately. I was on the verge of tears, scared that since we just met she would forget about me all together while I was gone. She answered by the second ring which was sort of odd since she was currently working. I was hoping to leave a voicemail anyways.

“Hello?” There was concern in her voice. It was evident. Knowing that she was concerned about me, meant that she cared and I broke down. I gave her the details and after a few minutes of letting me calm down she replies back, “What’re you doing tomorrow night?”

“Nothing why” I managed to squeaked back.

“Meet me at my place around 12. 5pm were going to the Angels game. I have season tickets so don’t worry about that part. This date will be on me tomorrow.” Silence.

She was giving me a few minutes to collect myself and after finally pulling it together I couldn’t help but smile.

“That sounds like an amazing first date. I’ll be there at 12…and Abbi?”

“What’s the matter hun?”

“I know we’ve just met, but you won’t forget about me right?”

“Never in a million years.” She replied. I’ve never heard her sound so serious, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” We said our goodbyes and then hung up.

She texted me her address and I rushed to the shower doing a little happy dance on the way. It was starting to get pretty late anyways so afterwards I figured it was time to hit the hay. I hardly slept that night. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Her eyes, her smile, her laugh, they gave me so much happiness. I felt completely accepted when I was with her. All I could do was pray that this wasn’t going to be a one night thing.

On my way there, I began to realize that we hadn’t touched on our family life really. I vaguely mentioned how I had a Chocolate Labrador pup and 15 year old sister at home but she didn’t give too much away on her part. When I got to her place I was surprised when she told me she didn’t have a permanent address. Her parents were divorced. Sometimes she sleeps at her dads, very rarely her mom’s, but instead mostly at her sister’s place with her boyfriend. Her mother was verbally abusive with a drinking problem and her dad had anger issues she didn’t want to deal with, so her sister was almost always the best choice. When I got to her sister’s place it was empty. Turns out Abbi volunteered to take care of their pets while they were away on vacation.

Gee, I wonder why she chose her sister’s place?

We bahçelievler escort made our way straight to the family room and guess what? Sat down to play Halo. It was very different from what I usually played. Very futuristic and intense. I’ve never seen a woman ever play better than me at a video game…but then I met Abbi. We didn’t get very far though, not even 10 minutes into it her sister’s two Saint Bernards decided we were ignoring them for two long and started barking and whining at us. Since it was too hot to put them in the yard, and we decided to bring the game up to Mikey’s (her sister’s boyfriend) man cave so they wouldn’t be able to disturb us.

Talk about a man cave. This room had everything I liked. A big ass flat screen TV that’d put mine to shame, two fridges one for beer (I’m about 21) and the other for food. A full bar, leather couches with cup holders included, and sports memorabilia that covered the walls as well as a second door that could be used to get to the master bedroom.

We sat down and immediately got back to business. As the game went on, her arm kept brushing up against mine sending shivers down my spine and butterflies in my stomach. I could feel my heart beating faster and the dampness between my legs growing. My playing abilities started getting sloppy from her teasing and she noticed this. With a smirk on her face, she paused the game and turned to look at me “What’s a matter hun? You were playing so well not even 20 minutes ago.” I turned to her about to give her a smart ass response, but then I noticed how close her face was to mine.

We stared at each other silently for what felt like 20 minutes but was more like 20 seconds. I started looking at her features. Like really looking at her (sort of creepy I guess?). The longer I looked the prettier she got. She had blue eyes too, but they were much brighter than mine. Icy blue almost but there was something else in them. They told me who she was. Kind, gentle, compassionate, and loving. She cared about me and she didn’t even have to tell me in words.

I leaned into her and our lips met. It was gentle and soft at first. The best kiss I’ve ever experienced. It was filled with passion and love. Her lips were soft as she took charge of the kiss. She pulled back for a second to move our controllers out of the way causing an involuntary groan to come out of my throat. She gave a quick chuckle and then she was right back next to me.

Her hand went to the back of my neck and mine to her hip. She continued to kiss me. Slow at first but then harder. Her hunger grew as well as my own causing the urge for more. Her lips parted and her tongue gently grazed against my lips teasing me but also asking for access. I gave in willingly. I have kissed a few girls before, but it was never this intense. It was obvious by what I was feeling between my legs as I could feel myself getting so hot and very wet. I parted my lips for her and I let out a soft moan as she began to explore. Our tongues dueled it out but I quickly showed my submission. I wanted to give myself to her and she liked that.

Before I could even register what was happening, she was on top of me in less than a second. Still kissing me she grabbed my wrists. Pinning them above my head up against the couch. She placed her thigh between my legs and my hips responded instantly. I arched my back, grinding my clit hard against her leg trying to relieve the overwhelming sensations I was feeling but was only causing me to grow wetter. God she was intoxicating.

She kissed her way down to my neck, my biggest weakness. I gasped as she nipped my skin and then moaned my approval. I knew she was going to leave a mark, but I didn’t care. I wanted her to. She suck hard on my sweet spot causing me to moan even louder. She kissed her way up to my ear and started whispering to me, “Good girl. Grind your hips for me baby. Just like I want you to cum hard for me.”

My wrists tried pulling away from her grasp as I moaned “Oh my god Abbi shit. Fuck you’re making me feel so good.”

She kept my wrists pinned with in one hand, using the other one to come up under my shirt and through my bra. She began playing with my nipples causing me to yelp with pleasure and grind faster.

“Mmmm I love a girl with pierced nipples. You like that baby? You like when I tug on those pretty pierced nipples of yours?” She whispered in my ear, her voice husky and even sexier than before. I was panting hard now. I needed to cum.

“Yes baby. Oh my god be rough with them Fuck yes fuck FUCK ABBI!!” I screamed her name probably a thousand times as I ground my hips harder and faster until I came. With my wrists pinned down with one hand and the other tugging on my pierced nipples the sensations overwhelmed me.

Covered in sweat and completely out of breath she gave me the time I needed to come down from my high. While she waited, she went back to the mark she had made on my neck earlier and kissed it. She continued to suck and kiss on that particular spot as I moaned. My neck was still so sensitive, but she couldn’t get enough from my response. Once she was satisfied she released my wrists and looked up at me. She put grabbed both my breast with her hand, squeezing them, making me gasp as I looked at her.

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