
Extended Layover


Sequel to my earlier story ‘Two-Hour Layover.’

Jess peeked over the newspaper in her hands for the umpteenth time, wondering just how much longer she should wait in the lobby before giving up and admitting that he wasn’t going to make it this time. But he had assured her that he would be at the hotel, even after several schedule changes on both their parts had more than once made things look doubtful. But they hadn’t been able to talk all week and she was now falling victim to her insecurities again.

Fifteen more minutes, she promised herself. If he wasn’t there by then he wouldn’t be there. Maybe she could still make the late afternoon symposium on accounting advances for the 21st century instead of sitting in her room feeling sorry for herself. Not that she gave a damn about accounting software. The only thing she wanted this afternoon, had wanted all week in fact, was to finally finish off what she and Marc had started in his back seat five months ago. This time she didn’t want it to be his hand against her jeans that got her off, but his cock buried to the hilt in her velvet glove.

She returned her attention to the paper in her hands, rereading the same article on global warming that she had been attempting to read for the last twenty minutes. Unfortunately every time she got to the term ‘surface heat’ all she could think of the temperature build up between two naked bodies as they danced the horizontal mambo. A small smile danced across Jessica’s mouth as she wondered what irreparable damage she and Marc would do to the earth’s ecosystem today when their passion set the sheets on fire.

Her eyes wandered back toward the doorway again. This time, though, Marc stood just inside the entrance, allowing his eyes a moment to adjust to the indoors. She tossed the paper on the table in front of her and practically jumped from her seat in her eagerness to get to him. ‘So much for being cool and composed,’ Jess thought wryly. But today wasn’t about being composed. Today was about making her wildest fantasies come true.

Unlike the airport, Marc spotted her instantly this time, smiling in welcome as they met each other in the middle of the lobby. Also unlike their first meeting Jessica didn’t hesitate to drop a kiss filled with promise on his mouth. No need to be shy with the same man she had known rather intimately her last visit here. “Hi there.” She said with a sultry smile.

“It’s good to see you.” Marc’s hand was warm on her lower back and he dropped another brief kiss on her mouth. “You look great.” His eye traveled over her body appreciatively.

Under his scrutiny her nipples strained against the soft fabric of the dress. “You are staying, aren’t you?” Jessica asked, her hand sliding up his arm.

His smile faltered and Jess felt her heart sink. “Not as long as I had originally planned.” Marc admitted. “My cell phone’s not working and I can’t get in touch with my wife to let her know I’ll be late.” His frustration was evident. “I can’t quite call from a hotel three miles away, either.”

Jessica quashed her disappointment. She knew all along that ‘real life’ would come before their afternoon together. But she didn’t have to like it. “Do you at least have time to come upstairs for a bit?”

“Oh yeah. I’ve got a few hours.” He assured her. “Just not as long as I would’ve liked.”

Jess grinned and led him away from the lobby. They could accomplish quite a lot in a few hours. “I think we’ll manage.” She said confidently, pressing the elevator button and silently commanding it to be waiting on the other side of the closed doors.

Marc smiled wickedly. “Yes. We will.”

Surprisingly the doors did as she had wished and they stepped into the small lift. She punched the button to her floor and waited impatiently for the car to begin its ascent. Of course she would have to be on the top floor.

Standing there that close to Marc, Jessica considered giving him a sample of what awaited him in her room, but remembered the security camera mounted in the corner. She had made it through the week anticipating what was about to happen, hadn’t she? Certainly two more minutes wouldn’t kill her. Hopefully.

Instead they chatted about the weather and other safe topics until she had opened the door and they were finally alone in her room. As soon as the door clicked into place Marc covered her mouth with a soul searing kiss, his tongue probing familiarly. “Mmmmmmmmmmmm. I have been looking forward to that all week.” He said, nibbling a path to the base of her neck.

Jess felt that familiar rush of moisture between her legs and knew that what they were about to do was going to feel incredible. She stepped out of her shoes as she urged him further into the room. They ended up seated on the foot of the king size bed, kissing and caressing with the urgency of long lost lovers.

His hand cupped one of her breasts and she felt his mouth smile against hers. He pulled back slightly and lifted Alanya Esmer Escort the collar of her dress to confirm that she was as bra-less as she felt. “That’s nice.” Marc said approvingly. “Very nice.”

“That’s not all.” Jess was sitting next to him with her legs on either side of him, getting close in any and every way possible. She took the hand from her breast and led it under her skirt to her very wet, very naked pussy.

Marc moaned and covered her mouth again, his tongue sliding against hers intimately as he sunk a finger into her juicy cunt. His thumb expertly caressed her clit while he slowly fucked her slippery sheath, curling up into her and finding her g-spot with unerring accuracy. It wasn’t long before Jessica was digging her heels into the bed and arching up to meet his hand, moaning into his mouth as her first orgasm swiftly ripped through her.

“Oh damn! That felt good.” Slowly she lowered herself back onto the bed, her thigh brushing against his straining hard-on. Her hand slid between them, caressing his length through his trousers. “Speaking of things that feel good…”

“Yes. That does feel good.” He agreed his eyes closing as he lost himself in the pleasure of her caress.

“I’m thinking we’re a little over-dressed here.” Her fingers moved up to the buttons on his shirt. “May I?”

“Sure.” Marc smiled indulgently, realizing that this was all part of the fantasy for her.

Slowly, savoring the moment, she eased each button out of its hole, stopping briefly to burrow her fingers through the small mat of hair on his chest. He was just right. Not hairless like a little boy, not too much like some kind of missing link. Eagerly she tugged the shirt tails out of the way first before moving down to her ultimate goal—his pants.

Deftly Jess unfastened his belt and slid down his zipper, smiling when she encountered sheer black boxers underneath. “For me?” She said with a grin, her hand sliding the smooth fabric over his cock once more before reaching inside to free it from its confines. ‘This monster cock all stiff and hard for me is a true thing of beauty,’ she mused briefly before bending over and taking the quivering head into her mouth.

Marc groaned and thrust slowly up into her, urging Jess to take him deeper. Since she had thought of little else all week she eagerly slid down his length, her tongue caressing the underside of his staff as she went. Slowly she moved up and down, sucking a little harder, taking him in a little deeper with every stroke. He tasted so good and felt even better in her mouth. There was a faint hint of cologne someplace and he even smelled good.

Somewhere in the back of her mind Jessica realized the song playing on the radio was one of her favorites. She smiled as she really went to work on his straining rod, thinking how this image would replay in her mind from now on when she heard the tune on her car radio. God help her if she was in rush hour traffic.

“Wait.” She pulled her mouth away but kept her hand hard at work gliding over his staff. “I was promised balls this time. I want to feel your balls in my mouth.”

“I think we can arrange that.” Marc undid his shoes before standing up and easing his pants off the rest of the way, his cock standing erect and inviting.

With her hands on the hem of her dress Jessica hesitated, wrestling with a bout of last minute pre-coital insecurities. “Go on.” He urged, his eyes never leaving her as he set his clothes on the chair in the corner.

“It’s not like you do this everyday, right?” She blurted, annoyed at her own insecurity but still needing some reassurance that she wasn’t one of many in a long line of lovers.

“No. I don’t.” Marc assured with an understanding smile.

What was she worried about? She might not be the be the hottest property on the planet, but Marc had come here to be with Her today. And she very much wanted to be with him right now. Not to mention that he now stood before her very naked with a very healthy hard-on. And she hated the idea of wasting such an upstanding opportunity. Without further pre-amble she pulled her dress over her head and tossed it onto the chair with his clothes.

Marc moved to stand in front of her, gently cupping her breasts. He lightly brushed a calloused thumb over each nipple as he tested the weight of her ample melons in his hands. “I was right before. These are nice.” He murmured appreciatively before lowering his mouth to capture the distended tip between his lips. His tongue swirled around the sensitive bud and Jess moaned low in her throat, arching her back to offer herself up to him.

‘That feels incredible!’ was about the only coherent thought Jess could manage. That and hoping her knees wouldn’t buckle under her while he very thoroughly nibbled and sucked first her left breast, then the right.

Only when he was satisfied that he had worshiped her creamy white globes sufficiently Alanya Eve Gelen Escort did he wrap her into his embrace, his cock fitting nicely between the apex of her thighs. “Skin against skin.” Marc whispered before devouring her lips with the same intensity that he had just shown her chest. His hard-on was nestled between her wet folds, eagerly bobbing against her aching clit.

“I’m thinking somebody wants a little more attention.” Jess gave a husky little laugh before lowering to her knees in front of him and returning her focus to his rigid staff. She looked up into his eyes and ran her tongue teasingly over the quivery head before slowly licking down the length of his cock to provide the promised attention to his balls. Tentatively she lapped at one and was rewarded by a deep sigh from above. Encouraged by his response she slowly sucked his testicle into her mouth, caressing the cum-filled sac with her tongue.

Her fingers wrapped around his dick and she slid her fingers along his length as she switched her attention to the other side, filling her mouth with his warm, tender flesh and sucking gently. Unable to resist the draw of his shaft any longer, Jessica nibbled a path back up the underside of his cock before wrapping her mouth around the tip and easing down his length.

Marc’s fingers tangled into her hair, holding her at the base of his cock for a moment before easing back and slowly starting to fuck her face. Jess wrapped a hand around each of his ass cheeks and sucked him in deeper with every thrust.

The glide of his unyielding rod over her tongue, the feel of his muscles working under her hands with every powerful thrust made her hot and wet with need. She was just debating whether to take one of her hands off his ass and work her own clit when he slowed down and eased out of her mouth.

“Let’s do this on the bed.” He helped her up and backed toward the king-sized bed in the middle of the room, his mouth hungry on hers again as they went. “Baby, I’ve got to taste you.” There was a desperate note in his voice that mirrored her own need for him.

They tumbled onto the bed and, with single-minded determination, Jessica again sought out his straining cock. Only once she had her mouth around him again did she head heed the silent urging of his hands and position her hot, wet pussy over his face. At the first flick of his tongue over her swollen clit Jess ground her cunt into his face and gave Marc just what he wanted, a flood of cum over his tongue and face.

She had hoped that with Marc’s very talented tongue oral sex would be great, but she hadn’t anticipated just how great. The first time he sucked on the inner lips of her pussy she almost shot right off the bed. Jessica had to force herself to stop sucking more than once so as not to bite off anything vital. Talk about sensory overload! But damn did he know all the right things to do with his tongue.

Focused as she was on sucking Marc’s thick, hard shaft as deep as she could between orgasms she lost all track of time. It was only her quivering arms and legs that finally forced her to roll off his masterful tongue and collapse onto the bed next to him.

“You taste great, Baby.” Marc leaned over and gave her a long leisurely kiss filled with the taste of her own cum. That combined with his hard-on pressing against her thigh kicked up her temperature another few notches. “And you were right about being messy.” He chuckled and scrubbed at his beard playfully. “But a very good messy.”

“Fuck that was good!” Jessica sighed contentedly.

“Mmmmmmm…yes, you are.” He agreed, nibbling a path down her neck.

Jess dropped her head to one side to allow him better access to lick, nibble and suck as he saw fit. He rolled her nipples between his thumb and forefinger until they stood achingly erect before and a deep moan escaped her lips when he captured them between his teeth. Jess could feel his tongue slide over the pink bud before sucking the entire nipple into his mouth. Her tits hadn’t seen this much action since breast-feeding her daughter, and that didn’t feel anywhere near as pleasant as this did.

Satisfied that her nipples had been well attended, Marc put a knee on either side of her rib cage and slid his stiff cock between her breasts. He reached for the bottle of lube she had left on the bedside table and drizzled it out of the tube in a thin line in the valley between her breasts. She squirmed against the cold liquid as he moved the bottle over her, ensuring that she would be wet and ready for him. His cock waved impatiently above her tits as he squeezed them together experimentally, warming and spreading the lube by gently kneaded her fleshy mounds together before molding her tits around his erection. “Oh yeahhhhhhhhh.” It came out as a moan as he slowly sank into her ample bosom again and again.

Jess knew that this was one of Marc’s fantasies but she was unprepared for what a Alanya Evi Olan Escort turn on it would be for her as well. Watching the head of his cock surging in and out of her tits, almost close enough for her to suck into her mouth was hotter than she could have possibly imagined. It might not be as satisfying as his tongue wrapped around her clit, but there was still something incredibly erotic about it. Watching the head of his cock surge forward, pulling tighter with each thrust, had her hot and wet all over again. She pinched at her nipples and squeezed her tits tightly around his cock, her tongue darting out to swipe at the glistening tip with each up thrust.

Once she got the feel for this hot new twist on an old theme she urged him back down on the bed and took the top position again, which allowed for an even smoother tit-fuck. In fascination Jess watched the eye of his cock contract and expand and knew Marc was close to cumming. Anxious to feel his hot juices coursing down her throat again she abandoned her hold on her breasts and wrapped her lips around his rigid staff again, sucking him in deeply while he fucked her eager mouth. It wasn’t long before his hand wrapped into her blonde hair and he surged deep into her and let loose with spurt after spurt of deliciously satisfying cum.

She managed to save some on her tongue and crawled slowly up his reclining body, her nipples rubbing across his hot flesh. Hovering above his mouth she drizzled some of his cum onto his tongue before kissing him hungrily. “MMmmmmm…that was even better than I remembered from before.” Jessica smacked her lips together and grinned at him playfully.

“Yes it was.” Marc agreed, his hand curving over her shoulder possessively. “And much hotter.”

“And we’re not even dressed this time.” Jess giggled, rubbing her naked body up against his for no other reason than she finally could.

Marc seemed to have a similar pre-occupation with touching her. One hand would smooth down her back to cup her ass while the other casually fondled a breast, content to occasionally rub his thumb over her stiff nipple while they talked, cuddled, laughed and just plain recovered from what had to be the best 69ing ever experienced by mere mortals. Certainly the best she had ever had the pleasure of participating in anyway.

They spent a while catching up on each other’s week, sharing stories while they recovered the use of their limbs again. The radio was only a background noise until one particular commercial full of strange animal sounds sent them into fits of laughter. “What the hell are you listening to?” Marc asked, reaching across her for the clock radio.

“I have no idea.” She giggled, nipping playfully at the shoulder in front of her. “I stopped when I found a song I liked.”

He turned the dial to a station he was more familiar with and was less likely to make them laugh at a crucial moment before returning his attention to the blonde beneath him. “Now, where were we?”

“Talking about sex.” Jessica winked playfully. “But what else is new?”

“Why are we talking about it when we could be doing it?” Marc’s hand cupped an ample breast, his tongue toying with the nipple until it hardened to his liking.

“Well, because…” Whatever she was about to say about needing recovery time died off when her fingers wrapped around his very erect staff. “Damn.” Jess was married to a one-shot wonder and was amazed to find Marc at full attention again so soon after their first session.

“Unless you need more rest.” He teased, moving his attentions to her other nipple.

“I’m not here to rest.” She replied, stroking her hand up and down his length. ‘Oh no. She definitely wasn’t here to rest,’ Jess thought, loving the magic his mouth was working on her. She was here to indulge herself in a major-league, no-holds barred fuckathon.

Marc rolled onto his back and this time she straddled him, fitting his straining shaft between her legs where the head could rub her clit. She rocked against him slowly, her hands over his as he gently kneaded her swollen breasts. His arms slid around her and pulled her toward him, exchanging another promising kiss, his tongue thrusting into her mouth in much the same way his cock would soon be filling her pussy.

He sought out her breasts again, laving and suckling each thoroughly before guiding her back onto his raging hard-on. Slowly Jessica eased down the wonderfully stiff length of his long rod, wanting to enjoy every sensation the first time he slid into her. Months of anticipation couldn’t have prepared her for how incredible it would feel the first time he filled her completely. And that was only the half of it. Once he started to move beneath her that pleasure intensified with each thrust. It wasn’t long before she clenched around him and came in a blinding rush.

Marc pulled her into his embrace again and kissed her hungrily, never once stopping his deep strokes up into her tight, wet cunt. She soon lost count of how often she came on his rock hard cock, but his ‘enthusiasm’ never seemed to waver. Talk about feast or famine! If she could fuck like this the rest of her life she’d never go hungry again. Of course, this kind of intensity would probably put her in an early grave, but what a way to go.

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