
Family Submission Pt. 01


This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise showed, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this story are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are adults over the age of eighteen.

Family Submission

My name is Sarah Thompson, and I live at home with my parents and my brother. I’m a little taller than average, about 5’11, and I get that from my mother. I have long blonde hair, also from my mother, and I try to keep myself in shape. I exercise, including some weight training, and I watch what I eat. I never had a problem getting attention from boys, and in college, I receive looks from men wherever I go. Standing taller than most women will do that, but I’m sure they’re more interested in my large C cup breasts. Sure, my hips are curved and I have a nice, rounded ass, but my breasts have always gotten most of the attention. Not that I’m complaining, I like it.

My father, John, is a self-employed defense attorney. My mother, Debbie, is a professor at the college I attend. She mostly teaches history, but handles other classes as the need arises. That leaves my younger brother, Dave. He’s three years younger than I am. We used to get along great, but the last few years have turned him into a nuisance.

Lately, I’ve had to fend off his attempts to spy on me. He’s always trying to catch me showering, or trying to peek into my room. I keep my door locked to keep him out, but that doesn’t stop him. I caught him recently trying to feed a small wire camera under my door. I told my parents, but they just told me that’s what boys do. I think my father talked with him later that day, but I saw nothing come of it. When I tell him to stop, he just laughs and tries to convince me he’s just playing around. Yeah, right!

I mostly keep to myself, and when I’m not in my classes, I’m working. I do work study at the university in student relations. I help students with schedules, changing classes, and basically anything that they need help with. I get paid, and they put half of the money toward my tuition, saving me thousands of dollars a year. My tuition is almost fully covered because of it, with only lab fees and text books my responsibility.

Everything changed a few weeks after the incident with the camera. I came home after work one day to see my brother sitting in the living room with a big smile on his face. He looked at me and winked, saying hello and that he was glad I was home. I asked him, “And why is that, you little shit? You have plans on trying to take pics under my door again?”

He just laughed, and saying nothing, stood up and walked upstairs to his room. We live in a big house, much bigger than we need. It has 6 bedrooms, four upstairs with the master bedroom and one smaller room downstairs. The house has a large garage attached, and we have a substantial backyard with a pool and a large shed my father uses as a workshop.

We always try to eat dinner together and have as long as I can remember. That night, my brother told my parents that he caught me with my boyfriend in my room a few nights prior. My parents were out of the house attending a party the university was hosting for staff, and I thought I could sneak my boyfriend in with no one knowing. I should have known my brother would snoop, but I was more interested in the sex that I would get from my boyfriend to think about that.

My boyfriend also attends college and is your typical jock. He’s on the baseball team and attends on a scholarship. I don’t see a long future with him, but he’s in shape, good looking, and great in bed. My parents know I’m not a virgin. That ship sailed many years ago, but that’s a story for another time. My parents never seemed to mind and didn’t bat an eye when I confessed that I had sex. They were always forward thinking, always about equality for women. That’s what made what happened next, even more surprising.

My parents let me have my life, but they have a strict rule of no one in the house without prior permission. My father is always on us to lock the doors and turn on the alarm, even if we’re home. He represents some shady characters, and he’s worried one of them may want to get back at him for losing a case. He hasn’t lost many, but even the best lawyers can’t win them all.

“I can’t believe you had someone in the house without asking first.” My father admonished me, “This is what, the third time this year? I just don’t know what to do. You’re an adult, Sarah, and you should know better. As an adult, you have your own life, but while you live with us, we need you to respect our rules. If you’re willing to risk the safety of yourself and this family, what else are you willing to do. If you’ll do this behind our backs, I can’t trust you with much of anything. Hell, anything you tell us I have to wonder if it’s the truth.”

I wasn’t a terrible person, and I listened to my parents, mostly. When I was younger, I would break curfew, always followed by uşak escort a lecture from my mother. My grades were decent, but nothing spectacular. To be honest, I was more interested in having a good time than studying and being responsible. The worst trouble I had ever gotten into was for stealing when I was a teenager. My dad, being a lawyer, got me off with nothing on my record, but they grounded me for half the school year. Again, with multiple lectures from my mother.

“Dad, I didn’t mean to get you this upset.” I apologized. “I didn’t see it as a big deal. You know my boyfriend and he’s been over before with your permission.”

“Sure, I can see that,” my father answered, “but the fact you did it behind our backs and tried to hide it instead of just telling us is what upsets me. If you just told us before, or hell, even later that night, I wouldn’t have been this mad. But you didn’t say a word. What else are you doing behind our backs?”

“Nothing, I swear.” I said, trying to salvage what I could. “I have done nothing else you don’t know about.”

“I wish I could trust you, but I don’t know if you’re lying to me or not.” My father answered, giving a heavy sigh and lowering his head into his hands.

My mother sat there and continued to eat, seemingly not wanting to even look up. I glanced at her to read whether it upset her, but she wasn’t giving any hints. My mother always deferred to my father. She had her opinions and normally didn’t hesitate to offer them, but if it differed from my father’s, she went along with him. Seldom would she stand her ground. I just figured it was her personality. She always had an opinion on how I should act, and when I didn’t live up to her standards, she didn’t hesitate to let me know. Lectures from my mother, while not a daily occurrence, happened often.

My father looked up, first to my mother, then to me. “I’ll let you in on a little secret, Sarah.” He began. “I believe the man should always look after his woman. I believe he should support his wife, both financially and emotionally. Anything she needs, the man should provide. He should also look after her to ensure she doesn’t get into trouble. Just as you’ve shown, left to your own devices, you did what you wanted without regard to anyone or anything else. That is exactly the behavior that I ensure your mother doesn’t exhibit.”

My mother just sat there looking down at her plate. Was I hearing him correctly? Did he mean he controlled my mother? “Dad, I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying.” I admitted. “Do you always tell Mom what to do, like husbands used to do one hundred years ago? You can’t be serious.”

“Oh, I’m very serious.” My father explained. “We’ve kept our relationship from you two. Your mother convinced me you wouldn’t need that type of upbringing, that it was important for you to follow your own way. You grew up in a different time than we did, and your mother begged me to not put you under the same rules she follows. I left the teaching of values and behavior to her, but I see it didn’t work. Why do you think your mother lectured you so often? She was trying to keep you straight so I wouldn’t get involved. It’s too late for that now, isn’t it honey, now that you’ve done such a wonderful job teaching Sarah proper values?”

My father looked at my mother when he said that last part, and I could almost feel his sarcasm. I’ve never heard my father speak to my mother like that. This was not the man I thought I knew. My mother just sat there looking at her plate with her head down. I looked at my brother, and he look as confused as I did. Did he know about my parents’ relationship? From his expression, it didn’t appear he did. He sat there with a blank look on his face, glancing back and forth between my mother and father.

“Dad, I’m sorry.” I apologized again. “I don’t know what to say about your relationship with Mom, but I don’t need nor want anything like that.”

My father interrupted me. “That’s enough Sarah. You need more supervision. Dave could stand to learn some responsibility, and I think it would be good for both of you to have your brother look after you.”

“Are you saying Dave will be in charge of me?” I snapped. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I will not be told what to do by my younger brother.”

“If you live in this house, you will follow my rules young lady.” My father replied, and I could tell no amount of talking would make a difference.

“That’s fine then, I won’t live here.” I answered, going over scenarios in my head of where I would go. I didn’t have many options, and with my adrenaline up, I wasn’t thinking straight.

“That’s fine.” My father answered calmly. “Leave, but you leave with nothing. I will not have someone living in this house I can’t trust, and I won’t support someone who I can’t trust either. Know this, however, if you decide to stay, you will live under our rules. There will be no negotiation.”

I stood up and said, “I’m leaving. Mom, I thought you had more of a backbone and would support me, but I can see I’m uşak escort bayan alone in this.” She didn’t say a word, but she looked at me when I stood up. She had a look of sadness and disappointment on her face. I was furious with her for sitting silently while my father gave me no choice but to leave. I didn’t see how anyone could expect an adult to agree to what my father suggested.

I went to my room, packed a bag, grabbed my phone and purse, and left. I didn’t know where I was going. I had less than $500 in the bank and no plan. The only person I could go to was my boyfriend. He lived in an apartment with a couple of guys, and I was sure I could stay over until I figured something out. As I drove toward his apartment, my anger subsided and the fear of my decision weighed on me. I had to pull over because my head was spinning and I felt light-headed. Once I got myself under control, I continued to my boyfriend’s place.

Long story short, I shouldn’t have bothered. When I knocked on the door, a woman answered it. I have seen her around the college hanging out with the baseball team. She was a groupie that just wanted to get with the players. I was certain she was with one of my boyfriend’s roommates until he walked around the corner with no clothes on and asked who it was. When she told him and he saw me, I knew immediately she was with him. I turned and walked away, with him pleading for me to listen, that it wasn’t what it looked like. I didn’t stick around to hear his pitiful excuses and drove off before he could get dressed and catch up to me.

I drove for a few minutes until I stopped and just cried. I must have sat there for an hour before I calmed down. I had nowhere to go. I ended up at a cheap hotel for the night, which cost me almost a quarter of all the money I had to my name. I picked up something to eat, and on my way back to my room, a man approached me. He was large, about 6’5 and must have weighed 300 pounds. He asked me where I was from, what I was doing there, and if I wanted to make some money. I tried to ignore him, but he kept talking. He told me he would take care of me if I would be his girlfriend. Hell no! I almost ran back to my room where I locked and bolted the door. I didn’t leave until the next morning when the hotel was clearing out and the maids were cleaning the rooms. I didn’t want to run into that man again.

Being a tall blonde with large breasts didn’t bode well for me if I lived an existence in cheap hotels. I would end up raped or worse. I saw no other choice than to go back home and try to make something work. I still didn’t think I could live with my brother in charge of me, but I also couldn’t live on my own if that meant seedy hotels or cheap apartments. So, after work that day, I drove home to face the music.

When I walked up and put my key in the lock, it didn’t work. My father changed the locks on me that quickly. I was angry. That told me how serious my father was. I almost turned around and walked away. However, after regaining my composure, I put my head down, took a deep breath, and rang the doorbell. My father answered the door and asked what I wanted. I told him I reconsidered and wanted to come back, and that I was sorry I stormed out. I was hoping he calmed down and reconsidered his position, but that was too much to ask.

“Understand, Sarah, that as long as you live here, you follow our rules.” My father informed me. “Do you agree?”

What choice did I have? I told him I did, but not fully understanding what awaited me. My father let me back in and told me to sit down while he called my mother and brother to the living room. Once everyone was gathered, my father addressed me and my brother. “Now that you two are aware of mine and your mother’s relationship, I see no reason to keep it hidden. As I mentioned, Dave will be in charge of Sarah. I have also decided that you, Debbie, will not have authority over Dave. If he needs correcting, that will be my job.”

“Dave and Sarah, understand that your mother receives punishments from me regularly. These take the form of anything from spankings to humiliation to loss of privileges. Dave, I will talk with you and explain how I punish your mother so you can punish Sarah accordingly.”

Growing up, they spanked me, but once I hit puberty, that stopped. Now I would get spanked again, and to make it worse, my brother would administer them. I don’t know if it was my father’s intention, but I was determined to follow all the rules so I would avoid punishments.

“Sarah, you will follow your brother’s instructions. You know my rules, but your brother will make any rules for you he deems necessary. You will follow all of his rules without question. If you have an issue with any of them, you can take them up with me. Be warned, however, if you complain and I find his rules are justified, I will punish you for that. Your brother will have total control of you. He will tell you what to wear, where you can go, and you will need to get permission from him to do anything.”

“Can I ask a escort uşak question, please?” I broke in. After my father told me it was ok, I explained, “He’s always trying to see me naked. He doesn’t have permission to make me undress in front of him, does he?”

“Yes, he does.” My father answered. I was shocked, and the blood rushed to my face, making me blush. I tried not to look at Dave. I was embarrassed. My father continued, “He’s in charge of you. He can do what he wants. It’s how your grandfather raised your mother, and she had two brothers. That’s why we have the relationship we do. Your mother reacts better when she is controlled.”

My father explained how my grandfather and uncles treated her. When she came of age, her father put her brothers in charge of her. They punished her and used her for sex whenever they wanted. He explained Dave would have the same privileges with me. My mother lived that life until she met my father and married him. Before their wedding, my grandfather let my father in on their family dynamic and my father continued it. Now I knew the reason my mother dreaded our vacations to see her family. They must still treat her that way, although I caught no hint of it.

That was to be my future, and I almost walked out again. I knew if I did, there would be no turning back, so I stayed seated. The idea of having sex with my brother was disturbing, but the look on his face told me he didn’t hold the same reservations. My father explained there were some big rules. One was that no one would get me pregnant. My father instructed my mother to get me on birth control and ensure I stayed on it.

The second was there would be no permanent damage to me. He looked at Dave and explained that if he did anything to hurt me permanently, my father would kick him out. Along with that came no permanent tattoos unless I agreed to it. Temporary marks from spanking or other punishments were fine, so long as they healed.

The third rule was that nothing he made me do could jeopardize my job or college. In fact, it was Dave’s responsibility that I succeed in both school and in life. If I didn’t, my father would hold Dave accountable. It was not all fun and games for him. That meant, however, that Dave had access to every facet of my life. He would approve my classes, ensure my grades were high enough, and that I kept my job.

My father told me to go to my room and not come out until someone came for me. My mother was told to stay in the living room, that my father needed to talk with Dave and they could use her help. I must have been in my room for two hours. My head kept spinning, and I was trying to figure out a way out of this. I heard everything my father told me about my mother, but I couldn’t wrap my head around it. The fact my uncles used my mother for sex was too much to believe. And that she went along with it, and still did to this day, was the most surprising. I sat in my room awaiting my fate at the hands of my brother, as my mother had once done years ago.

I almost jumped out of my skin when my door suddenly opened. I was used to locking my door and having someone knock before they came in. My brother didn’t bother, but just walked in like he owned the place.

“Well, that took a turn I wasn’t expecting.” He said, closing the door behind him. “Honestly, I was just fucking around, trying to get you in trouble.”

“Why the hell would you try to get me in trouble!” I exclaimed, “Lately you’ve been a little shit, and trying to spy on me just made it worse, but I always thought we got along. You’re my brother, and sure, I teased you, and you teased back, but I never thought you were malicious.”

“Sarah, honestly, I just wanted to fire up Mom and Dad and piss you off.” Dave answered. “Dad was on me to take more responsibility in my life. He’s always telling me to get off the computer and do something productive. It’s like I don’t do enough in school and in my job. I knew finding out you had your boyfriend over would piss him off and maybe get him off my ass. Sure, it put you in the line of fire, but it’s not like you’ve never gotten me in trouble.”

He was right. Like I mentioned, my younger brother can be a little shit. The spying is just the latest in a long line of things he’s done, but I haven’t been innocent. Just a month ago I ratted him out for skipping out on classes to attend a comic convention while my parents were out of town. Then there are the pranks. He’s tried to prank me, putting flour in my hair dryer (which ruined it), so I put chocolate pudding in his new shoes. The look on his face when he put them on was priceless. He paid over $100 dollars for those, and he never could get the stains out. I felt bad for that one, but there were hundreds of smaller pranks we’ve played since we were younger.

“Like I said, sis, I didn’t see this coming.” Dave continued, “Dad covered the basics of what I’m supposed to do. I’m now responsible for your behavior. If you do something wrong, I get to punish you, but I also get in trouble for it. He says you can always leave, but if you stay, you follow the family rules. He kept me downstairs with Mom to explain further. Hell, I can even punish Mom if I find her doing something wrong, and she has to do what I tell her. He said that was the way her family raised her, and she’s happier when she’s taken care of like that.”

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