
Fantasy Realized No. 01


Fantasy Realized No. 01

40’s woman plays escort to younger man.

Author’s note:

These stories are fantasy where nobody is hurt by infidelity and STD’s don’t exist. If you don’t understand the concept of fantasy, and feel compelled to comment on morality and safe sex practices in fiction, you’ll probably be happier reading something else?



The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Steph emerged, turned left, and started down the corridor. All so familiar in a life filled with business trips, yet this time was different. She felt like she’d never been in a hotel before. Her destination was room 6130, the corner suite at the end. A man she’d never met was waiting for her there. He was going to pay her to have sex with him. She was going to.

This is insane. Screamed inside her brain.

She was a top account manager at KN Pharmaceuticals. A divorced mother with twin daughters in college. She owned a lovely home outside Chattanooga and drove a new Audi SUV, both debt free. It was as if none of that was real or mattered.

She didn’t need the money. And she’d never done anything remotely similar in her life, even in her wild college days. In short, this was crazy. Insane level crazy.

Nothing prevented her from turning back at any step. Walking past room 6120, Stephanie knew if she just thought it through, she would stop. She went by 6122. Her legs carried her past 6124 as if controlled by unseen forces. Passing 6126, she almost paused. Think. Go back to the comfortable safety of your life. But Steph’s legs carried her past that door, then in stride past 6128 and her hand rose to knock on 6130 even before she reached it. She gave his door two quick taps. If she’d hesitated at any point, even for a second, her ever-present rationality would have stopped her.

The footsteps approaching the door were quiet compared to the hammering of Steph’s heart. She was so ready to say, “Sorry, wrong room,” and disappear in a run.

But as the knob turned and the door began to open she realized she was more excited than she’d been since her teens. No, not her teens. More excited than she’d ever been. My God, I’m soaking through my panties…

~~~4 Hours earlier~~~

Stephanie Frost and Linda Simons shared an alcove table in the hotel’s better cocktail lounge. They were the shining stars amongst account managers at KN – saleswomen really, but the best, with lucrative accounts they’d built up. And very well paid as a result. They’d also been close friends for 20 years, and business was not the focus of their discussion.

“I’m starting to wonder if my sexual days are over,” Steph confessed.

Linda almost snorted her wine. “You’re barely past 40!” She declared. “Smart, sexy and successful.”

“A regular divorcee catch,” Steph retorted. “Who’s a great lay and probably horny as fuck?” Her smile was tinged with uncharacteristic bitterness.

“I’ve seen the way my husband looks at you,” Linda said, “and his married friends. You must get approached all the time?”

“Rarely.” Steph said pensively. “Success and power scare a lot of them off.”

“But that’s crazy!” her friend said.

“And the ones who do approach,” Steph was warming to her topic, “are so deferential and gentlemanly I struggle to keep from yawning in their obsequious faces.”

“What do you want, a caveman type?”

“I wouldn’t mind some of that inside him.” Steph confessed. “Waiting to get free.” She smiled wistfully. “A caveman lured from concealment by my desirability.” She sipped her scotch and pondered. “I’m respected professionally. In the bedroom I want passionate, not politically correct. I want raw desire. I want fucking and tit squeezing without the groveling ‘can I touch your breast’ conversation.”

Linda’s look encouraged Steph to continue.

“I was asked that Lin, two months ago. Second date. My blouse was already wide open, and I had his pants unbuckled and was about to release his manhood…” she smirked “…when he asked if he could touch my breast.” Steph’s exasperation was obvious. “Seriously, is that where we’re at now? Permission for each step? Can I put my tongue in your mouth?”

Linda’s eyebrows rose in question. She genuinely wondered how Steph responded to the man’s question.

“I said ‘No.’ It was such a buzz-kill I said no.”

“Oh my God!” Linda said with glee. “What did he do?”

“He looked like a kicked puppy. I buttoned my blouse and gave him my hard look. The one I learned to give Tom during our divorce.”

“Oh…my…God…Steph. Frosty is back!” Linda knew Stephanie Frost’s high school nickname from the boys was ‘Frosty’. “You’re so bad.”

“So bored.” Steph retorted. “And I’m sure he didn’t want me to pull his shrinking dick out then because he was in full deflation.”

They laughed and clinked glasses. Two men at the bar turned to look at their laughter, but didn’t move to approach them.

“For me,” Linda took up the topic, “sometimes I Afyon Escort just want sex without the whole relationship thing. What does that make me?”

“A guy.” Stephanie replied and they burst into laughter again. “I’m a slut, but you’re a guy.”

“Well that’s it, isn’t it?” Linda said. “It’s OK for a man to just want to get laid, to want some T and A without emotional complication. Yet it’s so very shocking when we want some cock.”

Steph was surprised her friend used the word “cock” and realized how seriously she meant her statement. She asked, “So… how do you have ‘just sex’ without the relationship, in a marriage?”

Surprisingly, Linda blushed and looked profoundly uncomfortable. She actually squirmed in her seat.

Suddenly understanding that her friend had secrets she hadn’t shared, Steph pressed. “C’mon Lin, you’ve gotta spill.”

Hunched over her wine glass and looking down, Linda mumbled, “There’s this group.”

Steph waited for her to continue because she knew that trying to hurry details from Linda would be futile.

“I kind of stumbled into it.” She took a sip of wine and looked Steph in the eyes. “Shortly after that, I joined.”

Steph nodded, encouraging Linda to continue. “Most of us are attached, but occasionally feel the need for something different. The group is about finding that something different as safely as possible. Others in the group aren’t attached, and want to keep it that way. They want sex without the relationship business. Either way, sex without involvement.”

Steph wondered about Linda’s husband. “Is Jim involved too, Does he know?”

“No. He’s not involved. There are couples who are both in, but it’s mostly about having fun on the side, separate from the rest of our lives. And we don’t talk about it with people who aren’t in the group. Others knowing would be a messy complication.” Pausing to look in Steph’s eyes, Linda saw something close to shock so she continued. “It’s about enjoying the physical without involvement.” Her look grew intense because she so wanted Steph to understand the next thing she was going to say. “There is incredible freedom for people like me in having sex without all the rest. Just sex.”

Steph quietly tried to absorb her friend’s revelations, so Linda continued.

“Have you heard of fraysexuality?”

Steph shook her head, “No.”

“A fraysexual is someone who is sexually attracted to people they don’t know and the physical attraction lessens as they become closer. Kind of the opposite from how things normally work.”

“And you’re fraysexual?” Steph asked incredulously.

“No. I enjoy having sex with Jim and he’s the love of my life, but sometimes I need something more and don’t want an affair or additional involvement. So there are elements of fraysexuality in my personality. Nothing in real life is as cut and dried as the psychological categories.”

“You just want more sex than Jim.” Steph challenged.

“I guess. But there’s more to it. I want it with a stranger.” Sincerity was etched on Linda’s face as she continued. “I get so turned on when I’m on my way to fuck a stranger, I worry about the evidence running down my leg.”

Now it was Steph’s turn to blush, for herself and for Linda. She’d never heard her talk so graphically.

“And in our group I can do it safely. Our bond is our desire for uninvolved sex and we all have something to lose if the secret gets out. We don’t talk about our group, period.”

“Except you’re telling me.” Steph said.

“The one exception is when we approach someone to invite them into the group. They have to be vouched for and pre-approved.”

Steph’s eyes got bigger.

“I vouched for you Steph, and you’re pre-approved to sample what we’re about.”

Linda wondered if she’d made a mistake when she saw how surprised Steph was. “Think it over, for as long as you want. If you never mention it again I’ll know your decision and be fine with it. I know you’ll never violate my confidence.”

“Of course not.” Steph replied, almost angry that Linda even thought to add that last part.

“But,” Linda continued, “If this isn’t for you, we also can’t talk about the group again?”

“Yes,” Stephanie said, “I get that.” She took a large sip of scotch. “Did you know you were going to tell me about your group today?”

“I thought there was a good chance, and your comments about your frustration pretty much sealed the deal.”

“So how does it work?” Steph asked with growing interest.

“Well, most of the group travel a lot for work, like us. That makes hotel meets a natural. Then we often add elements of role-play, especially for first meets.”

“First meets?” Steph asked. “I thought it was limited to one time meets?”

“Not at all. Maybe most are, but there are no rules about it. We avoid developing traditional emotional relationships but even in purely physical relationships it’s nice to learn a person’s triggers and limits and how to push them to new levels.” Linda flashed her naughty smile when she added, “Or be pushed. To someplace you’ve never Afyon Escort Bayan been.”

Linda continued. “So…” she paused, “a joining of bodies and satisfaction of desires rather than something you ‘also do’ as part of a relationship, but here’s the twist I’ve realized with me. It would be sad and empty for me if that’s all I had, but it’s perfect on the side when I have the marriage I want?”

“Well, I’m sour on relationships,” Steph said, “but miss the physical aspects that come with having one.” The prospects definitely piqued her interest. “Give me an example of using role play for a first meet.”

“Sure. I was going to role-play into a first meet this evening.”

“But you’re catching a flight home in a few hours?” Steph was puzzled.

“I didn’t know that until this morning, about the same time I found out that you were also booked here for tonight.”

“So you wouldn’t have planned the meet if you knew I was going to be here?”

“I would have planned around us. I’ve done that several times.” The naughty smile reappeared on Linda’s face.

Her statement truly stunned Steph, who said, “I had no idea.”

“I know. Maybe it would have been a late night meet, or a morning fuck. Mornings are my favorite!”

“How was role play going to be involved?” Steph asked with growing interest.

“He’s a devoted husband and father who cherishes his family life. But their sex is vanilla and rote. Always the same and never adventurous with a long list of ‘don’t’ rules. He needs more. Not wants more – needs more – without risking his family life. Before finding our group he often considered seeing an escort, but never did because the risks were unacceptable.”

Steph listened with rapt attention.

“I was going to be his high-end escort. A thousand for 90 minutes.”

“He was really going to pay you?” Steph asked.

“Yes.” Linda flashed that wild smile again, “And I was really going to suck his cock and fuck him.”

“Have you done that before, role-played as an escort?” Steph asked.


“Was it weird?”

“I was shocked how naturally I played the role. I was liberated. Instead of being embarrassed by the slutty desires I have, and that you have,” pointedly looking at Steph, “I played them up as part of my role. And I was doing it safely because of our group.” Linda glowed and had grown animated. “I wanted to scream with the freedom of going full slut! The honesty of embracing a fantasy I’ve always keep hidden.”

This flood of revelations overwhelmed Steph. She asked, “Safely because it was someone from the group rather than a total unknown?”

“Sure. But also safe because it wasn’t in a relationship. I didn’t worry I would disappoint or shock. Or be rejected by someone I care about, someone who’s part of my life?” She thought some more before continuing, “Sex was the only expectation.”

“What if you change your mind? You know, once you meet the person?”

“Then you call it off. I’m sure that happens but it hasn’t happened to me yet.”

“So this guy you were going to meet as an escort,” Steph’s curiosity was in full stride now, “You haven’t met before?”

Linda shook her head no.

“Does he do this a lot, or don’t you know?”

“First time. He isn’t a full member in the group yet.” Linda looked appraisingly at Steph before continuing. “That’s why I started thinking he might be perfect for your first side-encounter.”

Steph wasn’t shocked by Linda’s disclosure, she’d seen it coming, but she was shocked by the intensity of her body’s reaction. She felt licentiously free in her core with receptively moist labia waiting between her legs. A professional woman transformed to squishy willingness.

Five minutes earlier Steph would have rejected the idea out of hand. Now she asked, “What else do you know about him?”

Linda told her what she knew. It wasn’t a lot, two paragraphs he’d written for his bio to the group. Daniel. Six years younger than them. A physical description and key points that he thought were important, as verified by his sponsor. And she’d already emailed to tell him that she couldn’t make their meeting but knew someone else who might be able to, if he was interested.

“How’d you describe me?” Steph asked. She was slim with smallish C-cup breasts whereas Linda had an hourglass figure.

“Accurately.” Linda smiled, “And I added that you’re a divorcee who’s a great lay and horny as fuck.” They laughed out loud and heads turned again. “But I didn’t tell him your nickname was ‘Frosty’.

“And yes…he is interested.” Linda added.


Daniel Williams opened the door of his suite to an attractive, well dressed brunette in normal clothes. He realized he’d expected her to dress differently because of why they were meeting. She entered quickly. He closed the door behind her and they were both instantly relieved that the awkwardness of their meeting would not be on display in the hallway.

“I’m Dan.” He said, extending his hand.

“Stephanie.” She replied, shaking his hand. A handshake??

He Escort Afyon openly appraised her, as a customer would if she really was an escort. Very good looking. And without consciously meaning to make such a comparison, he then decided she was not as beautiful as his wife. Damn, why am I thinking about Jill now, of all times? I guess…because I’m about to cheat? Second thoughts rapidly overwhelmed him. I shouldn’t. I can’t do this.

Steph read his expression and knew he was going to call it off. And understanding that, she also realized how badly she needed to get laid. Now. She walked further into the suite and then into the corner bedroom that had floor to ceiling windows for outside walls. There was a Jacuzzi tub located against the inside corner. An escort would casually do this, she thought, to make sure there aren’t others hiding? But Steph was busy thinking rather than looking around, hastily putting together a plan to make this still happen.

Returning to the front room of the suite Steph exaggerated the sway of her hips and approached Daniel like a stalking feline. Her movements were intentionally over the top and she wore a brazen smile. She didn’t stop until she’d walked right into right him and pressed her body against his. She placed a hand on his chest. Without stepping back she looked up to meet his eyes and murmured, “You got us the perfect room for fucking.” Then she moved her hands as if to straighten his shirt collar, the way a woman will for her man.

Instead of adjusting the collar she opened the top button.

And the one below it.

Dan felt like he was in an unknown universe. A strange reality where a normal, beautiful woman is shamelessly sexual. Where she talks about fucking for Christ’s sake, using the word!

Steph continued pressing her lower body into his as she fingered his collar and felt his cock growing stiff against her stomach. “I think you have something for me.” She breathed.

He abruptly broke body contact and turned towards the dresser. “Yes, I forgot. I’m sorry.” He turned back to her and held out an envelope.

Steph smiled at his awkwardness and accepted it while saying, “I was thinking of something else.” When she placed the envelope on the dresser, her other arm fell so the back of her hand intentionally brushed his length through tented slacks. “I think you have something for me that wants to come out?”

Dan’s misgivings were dematerializing.

“Something to lick?” Steph whispered. Her mouth opened slightly and she ran her tongue along her lower lip. “And suck?” She smiled seductively and pressed into him again as she confessed, “I love sucking cock.” She moved her hips suggestively and added, “And balls.”

Dan’s everyday life disappeared in this strange new universe. He felt like he’d died and gone to heaven. Only that moment, in that very room, existed.

“Do you like having your balls sucked,” Steph asked curiously, “or only licked?”

Dan swallowed. His cock strained inside his slacks. “I…I don’t know?” He said while thinking, Oh Jesus, fuck me dead, please do both. His wife fellated him like it was another disagreeable task that was required but without ever giving attention to his balls. She treated them like they were dirty.

“Would you like to find out?” Steph whispered sexily. “I think you’ll enjoy both. Having them licked…andsucked.”

Steph had already gone beyond role playing. She’d become herself, her fantasy self. For once, rather than staying hidden beneath motherhood, professionalism, competence and respectability, her sexuality was free. The carnal currents ever flowing beneath the fabric of her life emerged as a free flowing river to carry them to primal freedom together and Steph savored the liberation of releasing herself into its timeless pull.

Steph pressed into him with her head against his chest. She looked down and dropped her hand to the bulge in his slacks. She boldly explored his shape and moaned softly. His cock grew harder in response. She lusted for the heat she felt inside his slacks and imagined taking it inside her. Then she stepped back, met his eyes and knew she had him. Wordlessly taking his hand in hers, she led him into the bedroom.

The room was well lit. The huge windows made the king bed seem like a stage in a sea of surrounding city lights. Steph loved the exposed feeling. She wanted to perform.

She dropped his hand, stepped to the bed and turned to face him. “Want to see what you paid for?” She asked in a husky whisper.

He nodded, swallowing with difficulty.

Steph pulled her blouse from the waistband of her skirt and unbuttoned it slowly, enticing and teasing with every button while she watched him. His obvious desire for her, fed her lust and amped her performance. When she’d opened the last button Steph let the garment fall open to reveal her chest, black lace bra and smooth abdomen. Dan watched spellbound as she pushed her chest out, extended her arms low and behind her and shrugged to slide the blouse down them. It fell to the carpet with a soft plop. Her areolae, topped with remarkably stiff nipples, were alluringly visible inside the sheer bra. Steph raised her hands to take the stiff nubs in her fingers, roll them through the material, tug them, and pinch them. Her body shuddered when she pinched harder.

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