
Finding Goddess Epilogue


Carol awoke, but not as she always did. She did not awaken to the obnoxious noise of country music in her ear, to the bland white ceiling hovering above her, or even in the comfort of her own bed. She instead awoke to the pleasant chirping of birds, under an endless blue sky, over a gentle field of grass, and between two warm, naked female bodies. Katy and Henrietta slept fitfully on either side of the nudist, the peaceful expressions on their faces standing in stark contrast to the absolute chaos of the hair on their heads.

Carol smiled as she looked at them. They had been quite horny last night, and who could blame them? They had been spent the whole weekend basking in the presence of a stunner like her. A stunner like her who didn’t wear clothes, who would never wear clothes, and who now carried within her a spark to an even greater being not of this world. It was only natural that they would hunger for her. They always did even before she embraced the divine.

Of course, Carol knew they would be going at it for a while and in doing so, they would make a lot of noise. That was all well and good when it was just Carol and her girlfriends, but it would not do if either of her daughters were home. The girls needed their beauty sleep after all. So she did the only logical thing: she took her girlfriends outside and she fucked them there. Oh, Katherine and Henrietta protested at first; they were still a little squeamish about going naked and getting sexual in public despite having participated in a massive lesbian orgy just a few days ago, complete with a captive audience, news crews, and cameras to record the event for posterity. But once Carol got started on them, they both melted in an instant and spent the rest of the night as her willing playthings.

They’re already on their way. I can feel it inside them, the glowing ember of a womanly soul awakening to its own divinity. They are both already on their way to finding the Goddess.

The harsh cawing of a crow broke Carol out of her reverie. Awakening or not, she had things she needed to do. Important things, and she couldn’t afford to just sit back and enjoy the warmth of her beautiful lesbian lovers, even though she really wanted to. So with a sigh, the Zenrist pushed herself up to her feet, stretched out her limbs, thrust her enlarged chest into the air, and began the task of scooping the two naked lovelies up into her arms, draping them over her shoulders, and bringing them inside.

Even for a normally fit woman like herself, carrying two adult females like this would be impossible. But Carol was not an ordinary fit woman, not anymore. She was a Lover of Zenriah, a woman who had pledged her body and soul eternally to the Goddess. In return for her servitude, the Goddess had bestowed upon Carol many blessings and boons, and this strength that could only be described as superhuman was just one of them. There were even more than that, and Carol was still discovering them.

The door was thankfully—if carelessly—unlocked, so it took little effort for the newly anointed priestess to get into her apartment and deposit the two sleeping beauties onto her bed. They were both really out of it; carrying them did nothing to stir them from their slumber, nor did fussing with their bodies so that they would be embracing one another and sharing in their warmth. It seemed Carol did perhaps go a little overboard with them last night. She hoped they would be able to wake up when her alarm went off; they had to go to work as well.

Speaking of work…

She glanced at her clock. It looked like she still had an hour to go. That was good. It meant she could spend a little more time at home freshening up. So Carol left, took a quick shower, and washed the soil, grime, and dried feminine extract off her body. As she stepped out and toweled herself off, she took a moment to look at herself in the mirror.

A spry, twenty-something-year-old woman stared back at her, clear-skinned, smooth-faced, and not a wrinkle to be found anywhere on her face. Exactly as she had looked about a couple decades and two kids ago. But it wasn’t just Carol’s face that had changed; it was her whole body. She seemed to have slimmed down just a bit here and there, her muscles had grown tauter, and her curves became more pronounced. Her stretch marks, faint as they had been, were gone; there was no evidence to speak of that Carol had ever given birth in her life. And her breasts…they looked even bigger. Not because they had literally grown, but because they lost all of their previous sag. They jutted farther out of her chest now, large, firm, majestic, and with little respect for the law of gravity. Her nipples glowed bright red on her creamy flesh, seemingly always hard, erect, and ready to be suckled on by whatever woman was brave and thirsty enough to snatch them. If ever the Amazons were to step out of legend and into reality, there would be little to differentiate them from Caroline Connors.

This too was illegal bahis another one of Zenriah’s boons. The Goddess made women to love Her for all eternity, so of course She would reverse the ravages of age on them and leave them forever young. Just as they had all been thousands of years ago. Carol understood precisely why she had regressed. She just couldn’t believe it actually happened to her.

I hope everyone at work will be able to recognize me, she thought as she tilted her head and caressed her cheek, trying to feel if there were any imperfections on it. There were none. Sighing, she pulled back, allowing the reflection of her breasts to come into view with a playful bounce. Though I suppose it won’t be my face that they will be looking at.

Shrugging her shoulders, the Zenrist exited the bathroom and went to the kitchen to fix herself some coffee. Not that she really needed it; ever since her conversion, Carol woke up every morning feeling not even a hint of drowsiness at all. But old habits died hard.

There was a rumble in her stomach, followed by an uncomfortable clenching sensation. Rubbing it idly, Carol realized she was feeling awfully peckish too. It seemed that all the sex she had been having recently was causing her to work up an appetite.

I still have time. Perhaps I could fix myself something to eat as well.

She still had some instant pancake mix to cook. One or two of those would fill her up just fine. As Carol laid down a pan and started to heat the batter up, she couldn’t help but stare transfixed at the burners on her stove. Those coils of metal that could turn red hot and sear the flesh off your bones…for some odd reason, the naked woman was feeling a strange urge to do something very stupid and very dangerous for no other reason than to just confirm something she already knew, deep down in her heart.

Turning on the other burner to the maximum temperature, Carol watched as it gradually turned crimson. She could feel the heat radiating from its glowing surface all over her skin, on the underside of her bare breasts, creeping ever so slowly to her erect nipples. It was a pleasant sensation, almost an erotic one, especially as the heat began to tickle her ever hardening nubs…and just like that, she took the plunge! She let her body fall until her breast splattered flatly upon the angry red burner.

It was hot, she could feel it, feel the heat splash all over her bosom and slither into her nipple like snake, warming the great mound so fast, she shivered all over. By all accounts, this should have been painful, this should have been agonizing, this should have sent her screaming to the floor as the sickening smell of burned meat flooded her nostrils. But Carol did no such thing. She felt no pain at all. The only thing she felt was a strong tingling sensation in her tit, in her boob, and even on her now throbbing clit.

Immunity to heat. That was another one of Zenriah’s boons, and one She was able to bless Carol with before the mother had undergone her transformation. She still remembered how the hot coffee spilled all over her and how mystified she felt upon realizing it didn’t faze her at all. Heat was no longer a concern for Carol’s well-being. For a Zenrist, it was nothing more than another tool to derive pleasure from.

“Mmmm,” Carol murmured as she leaned ever harder into the stove, pressing her breast even flatter into the burner. The heat dug into her flesh and assaulted her nipple from every angle as the nub slipped in between the coils, stroking the nerves so hotly, she swore it was being flicked. “Ahhhh,” she moaned, shuddering as a tingle ran down the length of her spin and straight to the tip of her shimmering, wet clitoris. She parted her legs, spread her buttocks, and peeled her lower lips apart, allowing her inner self to taste the sweet morning air.

Oh, I wish someone was behind me right now! Ready to smell me, ready to taste me, ready to finger and tongue-fuck me right here, as I cook breakfast!

“Mm! Mm! Mm! MMM!” she moaned as she let the fantasy play out in her head, imagining a girl—any girl, didn’t matter who—pleasuring her from behind. Stroking her folds, flicking her clit around, snaking deeper and deeper into her love tunnel, dripping, pulsing, and fluttering all around her. And she would cum, all over her lover’s face, all over the kitchen floor, before turning around, and embracing her, and kissing her, and—

“Uh,” a familiar voice murmured, as surprised as it was confused. It came out so suddenly that it was enough to break Carol out of her trance and steal a glance behind her to see who had trespassed on her fun time.

“Oh, Mindy. I didn’t…see you there,” said Carol as she pushed herself back to an upright position, peeling her boob off the red-hot burner and feeling it jiggle back to its original shape, pale as it ever was and completely unaffected by the heat. Turning the burner off, she spun around, letting her daughter casino siteleri see her in all her full-frontal glory, her exposed nipples and pubic hair bristling in the teen’s direction. A week ago, Carol would have died of embarrassment from this, but now…she couldn’t feel much of anything. No shock in being caught naked, no shame for being seen pleasuring herself, and no guilt for even subjecting her own flesh and blood to the sight of her drenched and open pussy. It was just Carol talking to her daughter as she always had countless times in the past. The only difference was that she had no clothes on this time and she was feeling a strong tingle between her legs. “You’ve never been up this early. Is there something you need?”

“Um, I just wanted to look at—I-I mean, I just wanted to…see you, Mom. Before you went to work and all,” said Mindy. She looked awfully bashful what with how she was biting her lip, kneading her hands, and struggling to maintain eye contact with her mother.

“Oh, that’s sweet of you,” said Carol, flashing her a loving smile before pulling the teen toward her in a gentle hug. “I’m making breakfast for myself, but if you want, I could make something for you to,” she paused for a few seconds to draw in a breath while she moistened her lips, “eat too.”

“E-eat?” Mindy stammered, blushing terribly as she felt the older woman’s naked breasts press into her own and begin to bunch up, two luscious mounds of flesh inching ever closer to her face while their needle-like tips poked harder into her shirt. Which was the only thing between the two of them now. But even in her trepidation, Mindy couldn’t help but smile as well. “I…think I would like that, Mom.”

As they sat down on opposite sides of the table for breakfast, Carol decided to engage in some more conversation with her daughter. “So, how is Erin doing? I haven’t seen her much ever since, well, this happened.” The mother ran her hands down her body to gesture toward her nudity and all that went with it, from its permanence to its transformation.

“She’s still at Megan’s,” said Mindy. “She’s been feeling a bit under the weather and wanted to spend time with a friend. I don’t know the full story, but I think she and her boyfriend may have broken up.”

“Oh no, really?” said Carol.

“Yeah. After he caught her…taking part in your…rebirth ceremony, they…might have decided it was for the best. Though to be honest, I don’t think either of them were really feeling it anymore. I think their breakup was…inevitable.”

“Yes, I suppose it was,” said Carol. “Still, I can’t help but be a little concerned for her. She seemed to be in such a rush to get out of the house that she didn’t bother to put on any clothes. I hope Megan won’t mind entertaining her like that.”

Mindy smiled and giggled nervously. “I…don’t think Megan will mind at all. She might even like it. That whole nude beach incident I told you about was her idea after all.”

“That’s good,” said Carol. “It’s good for girls to come together like that, without any pesky…clothes in the way.” She paused to stare at he daughter, who was still wearing her PJs that seemed to be dotted with all sorts of creepy and cartoony alien eyes. In the past, she would have considered them strange, maybe even oddly cute, but now, the printed eyes just made the garments look even more grotesque. Why anyone would want to wear them, she had no idea. “And that applies to you too. You should really consider taking these off and roaming around in your natural state.” For emphasis, she ran her bare foot up and down Mindy’s leg under the table, clenching her toes to grab the fabric and pull it away from her. “I would really like to…see you in your birthday suit.”

“You-you would?” said Mindy in a tone Carol swore sounded more excited than she likely intended. “Er, I mean, of course you would, you being a nudist and all.”

“I am not just a nudist anymore. I am a Zenrist,” said Carol, laying a hand flat on her chest to punctuate the point, the gesture jiggling her boob. Mindy’s eyes immediately zeroed in on the trembling, shaking globe of girl-flesh. “I am not just nude because I like to be; I am nude because it is my sacred duty to be. And I firmly believe that duty falls upon all women.”

Mindy nibbled nervously on her lip. “Uh, are you saying I should get naked…right now?”

“No, I’m just saying…to give it some thought is all,” said the mother. “Being nude is truly a wonderful thing, and I would love it if you and I could share in this…someday.” Carol paused a moment to ponder how she could further extol the virtues of female nudism, but upon glancing at the clock, she realized that would have to wait. “Hm, looks like it’s time.”

“What, you have to leave right…now?” said Mindy as Carol stood up from her chair. Can’t you just…stay here? Just a little longer?”

Carol smiled. Her sweet teenaged daughter was acting like a little girl all over again, poker siteleri a child who wanted to stay up and keep playing. Only this time, it was less about staying awake and more about staying with her beautiful naked mother. Carol would have loved to oblige her, stay home, and spend quality time with her little baby. But alas, she had obligations that required her presence and they just wouldn’t be able to wait. “Oh, I would love to stay here with you, pumpkin, but I can’t. The office is holding a special assembly today and it requires that I come in early.”

“An assembly? For what?”

“What do you think, sweety?” smiled Carol as she ran her hands up and down her completely nude body again, giving both her nipples a playful pinch to emphasize the point. “I’m Trilo’s first ever Zenrist employee and my co-workers all need to be quickly educated on my…unique spiritual needs. Such as why I can no longer wear clothes, how they should properly act around a naked lady like myself, what kind of behaviors they should expect to see from me, that kind of thing.”

“So, it’s just to let everyone know that you’ll be naked from now on?”

“Not just naked,” said Carol. Leaning in close to Mindy’s ear, she whispered: “Naked and very, very sexual.”

“Uh, oh! Right! Of course! I-I see, I-I should have known,” the teen stuttered, turning red all over. Pushing herself up to her own feet, Mindy gave her mother a hug. “Well, have fun, I guess. I…I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too,” said Carol, returning the hug and wrapping her arms around her daughter. She smiled as she felt the teen’s hands press into her naked skin. She wondered if the girl was even aware of how dangerously low she had placed them, how hard she was gripping the flesh of her globes, or how much Carol’s buttocks were quivering at her touch, clenching and unclenching excitedly at the feeling of the delicate young fingers digging into their soft, gooey surface. It was enough to invoke another flutter within her excited vaginal muscles. “But don’t worry. I’ll be back soon enough, and then you can see me all you like.”

She felt the girl warm up as another blush fell over her. She warmed up even more when Carol planted a kiss on her forehead, nearly turning feverish. Then with great reluctance, the Zenrist pushed Mindy away so she could get on with her commute already. Though it didn’t escape her notice how the teen’s hands just seemed to linger on skin, trailing her contours and curves as she stepped away from her nudist mother and the holy, all-encompassing warmth she radiated.


The assembly was…disappointingly uneventful. Oh, Carol got to show off her naked body to every worker in Trilo, which was fun, and she got to take in all of their ever widening mouths as their jaws fell steadily closer to the floor with every new revelation about her that was announced. Such as how she was naked now, how she was going to be working naked everyday from here on out, how she no longer wore clothes, how it was against her religion to wear clothes period, how stimulated she was often going to be, and how they shouldn’t be surprised if she had to take some time to…calm herself down. Or ask a fellow female co-worker (and only a fellow female co-worker) to do it for her. Without even going into the restroom for privacy! All because these were core tenets of her religious beliefs, and under the terms of the Something-Or-Other Act, Proposition Fifty-Whatever, the First Amendment, and the wise words of Frank the Janitor, she was under complete protection and they had to respect that. That had definitely been amusing. But there wasn’t very much for Carol to do other than stand before everyone on stage in her birthday suit and look pretty. No one could find it in themselves to ask any questions; they were too distracted by her body, her every inch of creamy skin, her neatly trimmed patch of dark pubic hair, and especially her large, lascivious lady orbs. Well, those and the fliers describing her religion in more detail, complete with pictures that in any other context would qualify as porn.

Regardless, when the assembly came to an end, it was back to the grinder for everyone, Carol included. Permanently naked or not, she still had a job to do and those typo-ridden manuscripts wouldn’t edit themselves. It was rather anti-climatic that even after undergoing her spiritual awakening, Carol had to deal with the utter banality of her job. She kind of hoped things would become so much more exciting now that she had found the Goddess.

As she spent the next couple hours poring over the latest work-in-progress wishing she was reading the Scripture of Zenriah instead, Carol felt a slight nudge behind her that caused her whole chair to shake. Swiveling around, she saw it was Harold, who looked like he was trying to regain his footing from a near slip while staring in every direction that wasn’t her own.

“Hey, Harold,” Carol said with a wry grin and a naughty crossing of her legs, “working hard or hardly working?”

“What are you insinuating?” he half-sputtered and half-growled. “That I’m…” He looked down sheepishly and lowered the folder he was carrying down to his crotch to cover it up. “Okay, fine, you got me. But I assure you…”

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