
Food ~ Exit 181 (FF, rom, FMF, MF, F+M+F, slow, p

Alex Grey

Food ~ Exit 181 (FF, rom, FMF, MF, F+M+F, slow, pFood ~ Exit 181ByAnonymous(FF, rom, FMF, MF, F+M+F, slow, prostitution, prostitutes, romantic, truck stop)”Coffee, please.””Want some cream or sugar with that?””No thank you, just black” my sole patron sitting on bar stool on the civilian side of the counter spoke quietly while two truckers fifteen feet and one-eight-degrees away across from her on the commercial side of the food service island made louder conversation about nothing in particular, they glancing over occasionally to check her out as I did too as my coffee poured its three a.m. black hot risings into her cold white cup. Glancing out into the front row parking spots for autos-only the only car I saw was an old, beat-up Ford escort looking like it was older than my gally’ was.”Rough night?””Uh?” her eyes fixed down in her cup like she was trying to read it like an ebony crystal ball.”Hey Jenny, two eggs over easy with double bacon, and a Franklin too!” yelled “Greaser”, one of my regulars over to me like I was a freaking mile away instead of just across and at the other end of the upside-down-U serving counter from him.”Marvin, got that?” I yelled back to the kitchen area doors closed or not the initial volume being loud enough to where I was sure the cook heard it anyway “your eggs’ll be here ready shortly, I’m with another customer now, gimme twenty before your Franklin, okay, Greaser?””Yeah sure Jenny, you’re worth a little wait.”Smiling as sweetly as I could at her, she was so pretty, I repeated myself “rough night?””Yeah, rough night” was all I got back in reply, her eyes not leaving her reflection back at her in her coffee cup. The look of total loneliness, despair, desperation, of being completely lost and all alone in this world looked back at her from its blackhole mirror. The same look I had seen myself looking back at me from that very same bar stool almost eight years ago.”Honey, you look like you haven’t eaten in a couple of days. What about a burger and fries, or a plate of scrambled eggs and sausage patties?””I, I don’t have any money” her words mumbled as head bowed down even more towards her steaming java brew in mild embarrassment “well, I’ve got seven dollars and eight-four cents to my name, but that’s it” she brushing her nicely-style straight blond hair back from in front of her to her shoulders as her words finished leaking out.Silence. The Kansas City Chiefs fan plate on the front bumper of her old car told me she wasn’t a local, probably not at least.”Look Honey, I’ve been where you are, I understand” my hand lightly brushing the top of but not grasping her hand “the coffee’s on me, and so is anything on the menu that you see, free, if you want.”Her neck tilted her face forward enough to where our eyes met. I searched her face for the obvious. Yeah, she had been crying, a lot, but her whites and pupils didn’t show the slightest trace of d**gs or alcohol.”Seriously?” an almost-smile coming to her face but she trying to suppress it.”Yeah, seriously” my hand now resting atop hers for more than a few seconds but not enough to make her uncomfortable.”What’s the catch?” her eyes lighting up and her face now not quite as sad.”No catch, Honey, I’ve just been before where you are now, no catch, one friend to another” as Marvin brought out the greaser-food to Greaser and whispered something in my ear “Marvin here will get you anything you want, I’ll be back shortly” as I flipped up the gate at the end of the counter and walked outside to Greaser’s truck to take care of his needs and his “Franklin”.At least Greaser was always quick and easy but the pigsty which was his cab-over made truth to his nickname and made me earn every nickel of that hundred actually five “Jacksons” soon in my waitress’s apron front pocket.”Think she’s a prospect?” he making small talk as he whipped his cock for me to quickly suck before jumping me in the privacy of his bigrig.”Yeah” my mouth finding his cock which tasted like stale piss which it always had in the six years we’ve been, uuhhhmmm, “friends”, the stench of his uncleaned truckbunk his unwashed sheets almost stiff with filth and sticky with dirt the likes of which I didn’t want to know about.”Can I be her ‘first’ when you bring her around, Jen?” his cock now hard in my mouth as I raised my dress up enough as I laid back on the biological experiment which was his roadbed to expose my pussy to his desires.”If, and I mean ‘IF’ she becomes one of my gals, maybe, we’ll see; now, shove that monster inside me My Greaser Master and show me how much of a man you really are!” his tiny four-incher poking me like some little Yorkshire terrier trying to hump my leg except a little higher up his condom almost falling off because it didn’t have enough volume to cling to but what the hey he was one of my regulars and his money was as good as anyone else’s.”Squeeze me, Baby, squeeze it tighter, yeah, that’s it!” his foul breath wreaking of teeth unbrushed for who knows how many days trying to kiss me even though he knew from all our times prior that I didn’t kiss customers not usually at least gassing me from inches away as he pinned himself atop me and using all the Ben-Wa-ball-exercised-for-years muscles I could squeezed his cock as hard as I could while grabbing his ass and pulling him tighter to me.”Yeah Baby, fuck me harder, harder! Wow Greaser, I just love that cock, gimme that cock of yours!” my impassioned pleas cried not from passion but from time of wanting him to hurry the hell up so I could get back inside and take care of my new possible friend inside.”Kiss me, dammit, Jenny, kiss me!”I kissed him on the mouth hoping that would help him come quicker and it did, his cock spurting his load inside its protective cover as he wrapped his arms around me atop me and held me close for a moment and kissed me sweetly on the cheek and earlobe. I didn’t mind. I kissed him on top of the forehead and let him hold me for a couple of moments. A customer yes, but a friend, too.”That was great, Hon’, sorry about having to rush off, but if you want to be her first I do need to go see if she’s even interested” he fishing two more Jackson’s from his wallet and handing me a pint Mason jar of what I knew was ‘shine made by his uncle up Shenandoah County, the finest moonshine this side of the Blue Ridge “what, what’s this for? You know you don’t have to tip me, Greaser” as I put my panties back on and straightened my blue-grey pinstriped waitperson dress out a bit.”I know Jenny, but tonight you were something special, so here, take it” he pushing the bills back into one hand as my other one firmly grasped the pint jar of liquid pleasure. I mean, money’s money but money couldn’t buy his uncle’s moonshine, only real friendship could and I was truly touched. He had paid me goodness knows how many thousands of dollars over the years for my professional services and this was the second time in all those years that he had given me some of his most precious gift of love, his family’s legacy, from their private stock.”Want a freebie on the house?” my arm going around him as we cuddled in the almost claustrophobic space behind his rolling office.”Nah, you’re sweet, but I think you drained me, Dear. Can we just lay here and talk some?” what felt like fleas at least I hope they were just fleas making me itch in places that my short arms usually have a hard time scratching.”Yeah, sure Greaser, we can just talk some, if you’d like” he putting on an old Conway Twitty CD as we opened up his gift jar of liquid bliss and began sipping and talking and sipping and talking and sipping more and talking more still, talking about his wife and three k**s back home in Missouri and his ex-wife and two k**s she had custody of out in California and his older brother who died in ‘Nam and the first time he and I got together and I didn’t know how to even roll a condom on his cock and his SOB boss and his mom who just passed away last year and then, shit, I just happened to notice the clock on his dash through the open slit on the privacy curtain which read “6:38″, shit shit shit.”Yeah, I know, I gotta be in Queens by noon, gotta run Jen’, thanks for the company, Darlin'” he rolling out a bit to get in his driver’s seat as I did the same to scoot over the passenger’s seat and blew a good-bye kiss to him.”You can cash your freebie in next time you’re by.””I will, Darlin’, you have a good one.”Inside my new potential friend was gulping down her second plate of eggs and bacon and sausage and toast as Greaser tooted his horn at me as he drove out of the trucker’s side of the plaza parking lot and the reflection on the restaurant’s wraparound glass from our “Peru 69” giant sign out front now was backlit by the diffused rays of today’s coming dawn. Five new customers on the trucker’s side of the restaurant were waiting, two at the counter and three individually at the tables as well as another three or four on the “civilian”, general traveling public non-commercial trucking side.Henrietta, “Henny” had come on shift as had Noel and Carmen i.e. “Carmie”. I had needed at least one of them to help me handle the graveyard shift last night but none of them, not one of them had budged which in the end was okay since it was a light night and I handled myself easy and still managed to pocket eighteen-hundred gross which after the Patel’s who owned this little Empire Of Diesels & Whores outside of Richmond took their forty percent cut my usual standard ten per cent cut of all the girls’ action going to me myself leaving me a thousand-eighty and with tips came to a thousand-two-twenty, not a bad night’s work at all. But my work wasn’t quite finished.”You’re looking better, Honey” my attention turning back to my new friend who finished the last bite of her last sausage patty as she made friendly eye contact with me “I’m Jenny, by the way” my hand extending now accepted by hers.”I’m Lori.””Nice to meet you, Lori.””Thanks for the meal. I do the have money to pay for it.””Nah, you keep your money, you told me how broke you were, remember? Look, Honey, Lori, when I was sixteen.””I’m twenty, not sixteen.””When I was sixteen I wandered into this place after running away from home after my stepfather ****d me and was on the road for weeks and one night same time eight years ago as you stopped in here and someone who became my good friend, Blanche, gave me breakfast and took me to her home and let me stay with her a while before giving me a job here and helping me get on my feet. I’ve got good vibes about you, Lori. No question asked, you can stay at my place for a few days and I’ll give you some shifts here and you can earn a little money and have some time to decide what you want to do next. No questions asked” both my hands my grasping her left one as I leaned into her over the counter as the stools near us began to fill with locals as well as travelers seeking breakfast. Her eyes told me her whole story and the answer to my offer.”You’d really do that for me? Wow; uummm, sure, thanks, thanks a ton. I’m almost out of gas and don’t have gas money though. Where’ you live, how far away?””Just up the road a few miles, just outside of Peru” I making my way out from behind the counter as I motioned to Dessie and Yi-Min i.e. “Yummy” and Jan who had come in a little late and were finishing breakfast up in a booth to get to work as Noel who was one of my two assistant managers and the only non-pavement-princess among us all came over to scoot them out as well “gimme a minute first, Hon’, I need to take care of some things before we leave.”Leaving the room full of patrons waitress-and-hookerless for about five minutes, I called them all into my private office at the rear of the kitchen and chewed their asses out about not being “team players” and reminding them all that if it wasn’t for this place they would not be making near the kind of money they were all making and either they began taking directions better or they could leave the premises for good, assigning Henny and Jan to work the third shift with me later that night come highwater or hell. Shoot, it’s not like I wasn’t doing them a favor, especially if we were to have a busy night.”But you know I have trouble getting a sitter for my k**s when I do the late shift!” Henny protested.”And with a potential thousand dollar or more night, you can afford to pay your babysitter to keep them all night, can’t you?”End of discussion. I hated busting their balls, I mean, busting their ovaries but they were employees of the Peru 69 Travel Plaza Inc. and were “my girls” as well and By Golly they would do as they were told to do at least sometimes at least when it came to making me and the Patels my, I mean, “our”, money.”Go fill up your car on Pump Number Eight, I’ll put on the house’s account, and I’ll go get my car and pull around and you can follow me home once you get filled up” Lori’s grin as innocent as my intentions were if not commercial then eclectic.She followed me close as I drove down Virginia Highway and Scenic Route Old Highway 69 over the Exit 181 Bridge that crossed over I-95 the large state highway sign listing six other food places besides ours we not needing any mention of our presence out on the Interstate we being as famous to truckers and travelers as The Four Seasons is to movie stars and she almost ran up my ass I mean up on my rear bumper as I forgetfully pulled without signaling into the unmarked dirtroad which about a mile or so further down past a couple of nice neighbors ended at an old farmstead the old main house dilapidated and in need of more repairs than it was worth to one side of the large pasture area and my three-year-old nice and decent but not extravagant double-wide mobile home being at the end of my nicely-graveled driveway off from the end of the dirt road as George a neighbor who took care of my two horses in exchange for letting me let his k**s ride them as he wished waved at me as he walked “Summer” my sweetie back to the barn having just gotten through giving her a morning workout as Lori pulled in beside my two-year-old Miata as I pulled in close to the railroad crossties that marked my parking spots thirty feet or so in front of my place and motioned her to come on in.”Nice place” was all she said as I walked her through the rooms.”Thanks. This is your room. Just crash for now. This is the bathroom” I opening the door to it “I’ve got a hot tub outside on the back porch but let me show you how to use it first and I’ve got a full-sized garden tub in my room you’re welcome to use when I’m not here. Where’s your luggage, where’s your stuff?””I just got two suitcases and some junk in the trunk. I could use a shower really bad. Can I unpack later?””Sure, Honey, Lori” I leaning into her to give her a friendly hug “I’d appreciate it if you’d just stay here and not go anywhere else for the next day or two; we’ll talk about a job once you rest up; there’s plenty of beer and food in the fridge and some decent liquor at the bar in the living room and ‘got two hundred channels on the satellite, just help yourself to whatever you want and if you need anything else, come get me, I’ll be crashed out until about four or so, I’ll let you know when I get ready to leave.””I don’t; I don’t know what to say” she stammered a bit as she began peeling her clothes off in front of me.”Thanks is all.””Thanks, Jenny, I don’t know why you’re doing türbanlı sinop escort this” her jeans now off as well as her top as she began stripping down more, her very nice breasts not really needing the bra they were hiding in.”Like I said, I’ve been where you are before. Now, I’m dead, enjoy your shower, get some sleep too, we’ll talk later” as she nakedly gave me a quick hug and kiss and bopped into the shower.I slept like a rock. Yeah, I dreamt of her. Dammit, I dreamt of her. I could give her a job as a “straight” waitress and let her get on her feet. Or I could give her a few hundred bucks and send her on her way on down the road somewhere. Or I could do what I knew I really wanted to do. Dammit, she dreamed of me, had to, or I wouldn’t have been dreaming of her.”Lori, I need to go to work, you okay?”No answer. Dead sound asleep, as naked as I wanted her to be atop the covers. I playfully grabbed one of her boobs and shook it but she didn’t budge. How pretty she was. Oh well, time was wasting. I scribbled out a note and left it for her on the bed along with a couple of Jacksons’, not that she would need any money since she had been told to stay put but I just wanted to be nice.”We’ve all had good shifts, Boss Lady” Dessie slightly high-fived me as I made my way back to my office around four-ish or so “I pulled a thousand even, and I ‘Yummy’ pulled a over a thousand I think.””Let’s take a look.”I got down the old large Maxwell House Institutional Coffee cans for Dessie and Yi-Min from the shelf over and behind my desk and counted the money out, putting the Patel’s forty percent into one plain business envelope and my ten percent into another and Dessie’s remaining fifty percent in smaller bills into a slightly larger manila one for her.”Yep, a thousand even, five hundred for the day, and Yummy cleared a thousand-three-fifty, good work, Dessie” she smiling at me as she made her way out from my office to go home to her husband and young daughter.At age 28 she was on her downhill slide and she knew it, despite her tall and buxom brunette good looks for her age. Her husband whom she met through her work made good money working at the Philip Morris headquarters as some sort of engineer there and they lived in a nice house in the Apatonia section of Richmind and she didn’t need to work just actually liked the work and liked having her own money we both often laughing about that. She wanted to stay in the business maybe another year or so, finish paying off her Mercedes she had always wanted and bought last year and finish putting another twenty grand in her daughter’s college fund and then quit. I told her as long as customers continued to ask for her, she could stay, and she understood.I checked my books for the week. It was just Wednesday and my girls had already grossed pushing thirty grand since early Sunday morning and in addition to what I made myself on my back had three thousand dollars as my manager’s split in my pocket. Nice. Time to pay some bills.”Jackie, need to run down the street, be back in an hour” my co-mentor in this business of pushing flesh smiling at me as I touched her on the shoulder scooting past her near the front door.Blanche had been my mentor and best friend all those years ago, had taught me the business, but Jackie who ran with her and was one of Blanche’s girls with me was also a close friend and had taught me a lot about men, women and life. It used to tickle us to no end when we would pretend to be a real-life mother and daughter, I looking younger than my sixteen or eighteen years and Jackie looking old enough, well, to be my mother and the johns would actually fall for that line, we’d just cackle all the way to the bank after getting five hundred each for a two hour dog-and-pony act with a client. It almost killed me when ovarian cancer stuck her and Blanche the Lord bless her paid for everything and then she got herpes on top of it soon afterwards and she dropped out of the business but Blanche and now me and the Patels kept her on because she more honest than anyone and was just a good person.”Okay, Shannon and Bette are here and are busy at the moment, we’ve been stacked up all afternoon, I really do need some regular help for the dining room and we don’t have anyone to cover the register in the store” referring to the convenience store part of the same building that housed the restaurant as well “and Maria can’t do rooms because she’s by herself and has to cover the front desk” her litany of legitimate complaints about us not having enough “vanilla” help being familiar but yeah I knew I needed to try to get us some more help but all I could do was try.”See if Maria can get us some help, I don’t care if they can’t speak a word of English, she knows enough to translate, and ask Shine to see if her unemployed boyfriend doesn’t want a job as a desk clerk at the hotel, I’ll pay ten an hour to start.””Okay, but if you’re going to pay him that then I want a raise!” she giggling as she said it.That damned hotel. What a useless piece of building. Truckers seldom stayed in it, almost no tourists passing through ever did, not with its 1970’s concretre-block-wall painted façade and lack of amenities such as a pool or in-house gym or free continental breakfast. What had been a Motel Sex, pardon, a Motel 6 until the Patels came in about four years ago and bought the entire property truck plaza and hotel and all didn’t want to pay the franchise fees so they re-named it “Motel 7″ was now just an eyesore if not an embarrassment. Considering almost all business was done inside the privacy of trucks where we knew our customers wouldn’t be law enforcement, what a useless hunk of nothing the motel really was. Still, it was a way of extracting three thousand dollars up front in the form of seventy percent from each of my girls each month to start the month before their cut dropped back to forty percent and yeah each girl did have a room if and when she needed it not that anyone did more than two or three times per week but whatever, it was my job to manage and make the Patels and myself money, something I was very good at.”Jimbo in?””Yeah Jenny, he’s training a couple of new employees, come on back” Mark, Jimbo’s flunkie and asskisser and assistant manager waving me on back through the employees-only door at the McDonald’s just down the road from Peru 69 Truck Plaza and within sight of I-95.”Mark, take over, it’s good to see again, Jen’.””Good to see you too, Jimbo” his arm around my waist as we made our way back to his office.”Having a good week? You’re early” my usual Friday run to his place being a couple of days ahead of schedule.”Yeah, having a very good week, and you?” he plopping down in his executive chair behind his desk and whipping his cock out already as he began slowly jacking himself off as I knelt on the hard tile floor.”Oh, could be better; got the money? Yeah, nice” I not being sure if he was talking about his usual fifteen-hundred per week or his usual weekly blowjob. No matter.In less than two years I’d be fifty percent legal owner of this place with him. Two more years on my back and then while not retiring I’d be okay financially, be half equity owner with him, the paperwork and all having already been approved by McDonald’s National Corporate office year before last.My fingers opened the top buttons of my uniform dress so he could get to my boobs better and feel me up, something he always liked to do and made him come quicker. My mouth woodpecker’d his cock as his hands roughly pulled at my nipples and tits.”God, Jenny, you are the best business partner a guy could ever hope for; arrrgghhhhh!!!” his wad hitting the back of my throat and my tongue reluctantly swallowing his deposited relief.”You’re a pretty good business partner yourself, Jimbo, say hi to the wife for me” my knees hurting my legs a little weak from pressure on them as I stood up and re-buttoned the front of my uniform dress back up.”Yeah, right, see ya’ next week” he just grinning if not leering at me as I made my way out of his office.At least I had a game plan, an exit strategy. So many girls in the business are clueless, but I never was. For me, it was first about survival, and then it was about my future. I hadn’t taken classes in business and economics at nearby Richmond University while being a working-girl because they actually interested me, I had taken them because I wanted to prepare for the future.When the Patels came over from India to buy Motel Heaven, pardon, Motel 7 and the Peru 69 Truck Plaza complex and witness the blatant prostitution going on that the former owners, the Kellys, had not only condoned but had made me more or less manager of, at first they were really upset because it conflicted with all their deep spiritual beliefs but when the Kellys and I showed them our off-books then the numbers definitely changed their tune.That’s when those hours spent studying and taking classes paid off. When I showed them the off-books balance sheets and how we disguised income from the IRS and others, explained to them the economics of having a stable of girls running johns from the perspective of relative risk and employee turnover and possible but not probable legal consequence to total return on investment, Himo flat-out asked me where I had gotten my MBA from, a remark which brought laughter to all present but him.No matter. Himo and Sunita i.e. “Sunny” not only made me manager-proper of the girls but also of the whole shee-bang too and allowed me a straight ten percent cut of the gross as salary as long I gave them my word that I’d fall on my sword and go to jail for them before ever implicating them if, “if” ever I or we were ever caught. Sweet deal.”Hi Jen’, good to see you!” my old friend and ex-lover Sarah whispered to me as we hugged in the full aisles of merchandise inside my, our, “Jenny’s Pottery Barn & Art Gallery”; “you’re early this week?” my lips kissing hers as she slightly pushed me away a bit to regain her composure.”Yeah, had a good week already, just thought I’d make my runs early this week; you okay, Hon’?”Silence. Her hands went back to stocking the shelves with some miscellaneous smaller pieces of her pottery. Her eyes focused on her hard-won quality pitchers and vases and face-jugs and storage pots and some odd bits of ceramic sculpture now being price-tagged on the newish white metal shelving.”Yeah, it just looks like we’ll have to spend another thousand on the roof is all.””Damn! And that roof is less than a year old. Get that slimeball roofer out here that re-roofed last year and tell him if he doesn’t fix it for free we’ll sue him in small claims court, Jeez!” my hands now absentmindedly helping move her ceramic art from boxes to shelves.”Already had him out here, Jen, and he said that the new leak was caused by the recent bad storm, those high winds and all, and he took pictures while he was out here, it’s not his fault.””Damn. Oh well, how much?””Eight-ninety-five. Jen, you got the money to finish paying the electrician with you?””Yeah, here’s this week’s five and another five to finish paying the electrical guy. Anything else I need to know about?” Sarah now easing her old shopping cart past me towards the front of the store as a car pulled up with two out-of-state tourists inside, an old middle-aged couple in a new Caddie with Indiana plates, typical of our customers drawn off the Interstate by our highway billboards there both north and south of Exit 181.”Uh-uh; didn’t mean to seem ill with you earlier, am just focused because Jorge’ is up for promotion at work, they’re thinking about making him a vice-president of the company, and this weekend I’ll have to go off with him to some company function at Colonial Williamsburg Inn and then the weekend after that is our Virginia Friends social, wanna come with us to the social, my sweetie?”She was so very sweet and together. She always had been, since the day she first walked into my life those five or so years ago. She always been, since the day she first kissed my lips as a lover those four years and eleven months and twenty-nine days ago. She always would be, despite the fact that after living together as wife & wife while hooking the johns as fuckbuddies by night and being as close to married as two women could be during the day which is other people’s night after two and a half years Jorge whom to this day still swears that Sarah was the first working girl he had ever been with stopped in the truckstop and within five minutes of meeting my wife, the love of my life up to that point, had paid her two thousand cash for the next twenty-four hours and the following day she had quit the business and pledged her heart to him, ripping mine out in the process.Not that she quit the business entirely. She loved sex way too much for that. She loved have multiple partners way too much for that.She had just started buying a home which was our home at the time up in Little Switzerland which is about twenty-some miles up the road aways’ away from Richmond and didn’t want to leave the area. Jorge really couldn’t leave his job as some sort of consultant to one of the Beltway Bandit Firms that line the outerloop around D.C. and move down here to be here with her, not full-time at least, the commute was just too much of a hassle to make on a daily basis, but since he traveled a lot all over the country and overseas too they decided that she could continue to work some for me until he could make other work arrangements and be with her more. He made way over six figures and they didn’t need her to work for the money, he just let her because he loved her that much and she still enjoyed doing it.But she still wanted me out of the house. No, he wanted me out of the house, not her. I can understand. I would have wanted the same thing. I had been renting my doublewide out to a nice young couple and moved back in with them, it was mine for pete’s sakes to begin with, until they found a new place and moved out. At least I had been smart enough not to sell it to them even though they wanted to buy it from me. I dunno, maybe something in the back of my mind, maybe some little bird had whispered to me that as much as I was in love with Sarah and she me for me not to get rid of what was at the time the one equity asset I had in this whole world, not since it was in my name well the bank’s name but you know what I mean and if she and I were ever to split up though I never really thought we would it would still be mine.I didn’t leave immediately. I locked myself in a spare bedroom and cried like a mother for three solid days. It was only when the Patels finally showed up on that third day with Sarah in tow and told me either quit being such a fucking baby and get myself together and get back to work right then or I was as good as fired. I really didn’t believe them but didn’t want to take a chance. I asked them for the rest of the day off and gave them my word that I’d be back at work the following day.That afternoon, Sarah and I drove up I-95 to Alexandria to a little B&B which a riverview of the Potomac that she had shown me when we first got together and which had become a little romantic getaway in the time we had been together. We just talked and talked about things. She still deeply loved me, was in love with me. She just loved Jorge more. She thought türbanlı sinop escort bayan she was lesbian after she had met me, we had been more than lovers for almost three years for Chris’sakes, but the moment Jorge asked her for coffee and the breakfast special she had fallen head over lowheels for him. Yeah, she still loved me. Yeah, she hoped I didn’t hate her. How could I hate her? I loved her. She still wanted us to be lovers sometimes, just not all the time, and not as a couple any longer. Where’s some frigging nitric acid to pour on an ex-lover’s car when you need it? Sorry, I didn’t say that. We talked all night and held each other close in bed but didn’t make love. When the truth of morning sunlight came into our room, I knew it was over.And not two freaking weeks after that, after getting back into the routine, that old dilapidated but large barn on the steep lot between the Exxon and the Hardee’s just a mile or so down the road from Peru 69 closer to the Interstate came up for sale. It was an old barn from the time way back when before I-95 had been cut through way back whenever when all this area was still mostly farmland and while lots had been sold around it and gas stations and fast food places now surrounded it, it had stood proud if worn, defying the world to give a shit about it.I dunno, I just had a feeling about, so I called the number on the sign. Yep, I was right. They only wanted $75,000 for it. The lot I knew by itself had to be worth at least three or four times that. Of course there was a catch. The owners, an elderly couple that used to own a hundred acres around it and had sold it off piecemeal, wanted the old barn and the three other smaller outbuildings not just restored but preserved and all that had to be in the deed of trust. The barn and land had been in the elderly gentleman’s family for two hundred years and he wanted what was left to be preserved as his family’s legacy.Let’s see, a lot worth three to four hundred thousand selling for less than twenty-five percent of its value, and all I had to do is restore the barn? And they would do owner-financing as well? Oh yeah.Not two days later Sarah came in to help pull a shift for me, three of my girls having quit the past week and I hadn’t had time to get any replacements, and mentioned that she had noticed the old barn for sale and that it would be perfect for her, for her to do her folk pottery in that she had always wanted to pursue even though she knew it was in bad shape and would require a ton of money to fix up but that was no problem since Jorge made very large bucks. Damn, I wanted that piece of property, it would be perfect for something like she was suggesting.My mind went into rapid overdrive and then I made my pitch. If I could buy it, I’d pay for all the needed repairs and then let her set up her pottery and art studio inside it. I’d keep all equity of the property and she would make what money she could from sales of her pots and paintings and all.If she’d make a commitment to me, damn, what a fucking thing to say considering I thought we had been committed to each other but apparently not, if she’d make a commitment to staying and growing the business then I’d assume financial responsibility for everything except her salary, her supplies and incidentals, the utilities, and any other inventory she might bring in. She jumped at it and within a month began creating her studio and gallery space there and within three months we were opened for business and immediately began drawing good traffic in off the highway especially after that first billboard went up five or six months afterwards.Yeah, at first it kinda stretched me thin, especially if my girls didn’t have a good week but I always kept my word and made all my payments on time.Jorge came made it a point to be there for Sarah’s, our, first anniversary of having been open for business for one year, we throwing a little soirée that featured several well-known regional potters now featured in our gallery showing up in person and even the Richmond Times sent a reporter out to cover the event, the photographer taking a group photo of Sarah, myself and Jorge. Yeah, kinda obvious what happened next, hu?He wasn’t a bad guy, even though he had stolen my Sarah away from me. He was a very nice guy, very well-spoken, very mannerly. And in bed, his first threesome ever, Sarah and I made love for the first time in over a year, not just had sex that night but made real love the way we used to or at least a reasonable facsimile of the passion we used to feel and the real friendship we still felt for each other. And for a guy, Jorge was okay. He tried to be a gentleman as best he could, and wasn’t jealous at all when Sarah and I would get lost in each other.Soon after that Sarah talked him into going to a Virginia Friends swing club social and they became an active swing couple after they became members. She and I started seeing each other every now and then, she would still pull a shift for me if I really got in a bind but the gallery and her pottery and art now consumed most of her time so I tried not to ask her to hook for me unless I was really caught short-handed badly, and we became closer and closer friends still.Friends. Yeah, even though we still sometimes got together and had sex and sometimes included Jorge other times not he not caring or jealous, I was in Sarah’s “friend zone” and not her wife or lover-zone. What the fuck ever. Still, yeah, I love her.”I dunno, Hon’, I’ll have to see. Business has been weird lately; one night I could keep twenty girls busy, the very next night there’ll be barely enough princes to keep just me busy.””You know I’ll always help out when you get swamped if you ask me, Sweety” she now embracing me as the middle-age Midwestern couple pushed the double front doors open not having bought anything.”Yeah, I know, and thanks. You know how much I love you?” my eyes searching hers as my hand found the outline of her bum through her pants and my lips brushed hers once again.”Yeah, I know; I love you too.”The silence between mirrored the gulf apart of past hurts and disappointments and anger even more. God I love her so much.”Yeah, maybe I’ll try to go to the social with you and Jorg’, when, the weekend after next, yeah, I’ll try. Need to run, Hon’, gotta get back to business.””I know” we stepping back from each other slowly as our arms kept extended hands touching for the longest time before she finally pulled away from me to turn to get back to work as I backstepped towards the front door “I’ll tell Jorg’ that you’re a strong maybe for Virginia Friends, he’ll be happy to hear that, he really does like you, you know that.”The joint was jumping when I got back. Probably thirty or forty truckers on their side, maybe a hundred civilians on their side of the restaurant. Every single shower stall for the truckers was in use and had a waiting list of fifteen or so wanting showers. Even the motel was at half capacity which seldom hit that high a percentage of occupancy and cars and trucks continued to pour into the lot. It was going to be a busy night.”Jackie, start making phone calls, get everyone in who can come in, it looks like it’s going to be a very good night, gotta go pee and I’ll be right back” as the rush of food and girls made their respective ways from the kitchen to the dining room and from the dining room to the trucks and to the motel even too.”I already have, Boss, and most are coming in tonight to help out; there’s a J waiting for you, didn’t give his name but said you and he have been together before, wants an Oreo with you and Henny and a buddy of his” an “Oreo” being a threeway with a white chick and black chick with him in the middle and normally costing a minimum of two Franklins ($100 bills) per girl for just half an hour or three Franklins for about an hour plus expected tip.”Who is he?” Jackie following me into the ladies’ room as we continued to talk.”Didn’t say, he’s driving a Wal-Mart reefer and wears glasses and a Cubs baseball cap?””Yeah, I know who he is” my panties being pulled up after wiping myself “but with the extra guy it’ll be extra, a Franklin-full-fister for each” or five one-hundred dollar bills total for the two them having hour of having the pleasure of a multiracial lesbian/biwoman couple at their disposal.”Yeah, that’s what I told him, and he showed me the money, they’re in Motel Heaven, room number tw-oh-three.””Oh well, time to get to work, gotta get some back-time so I can have some pay-time.”He and his buddy wanted to watch Henrietta and myself do a nice lesbian scene for the first half-hour or so. That was always easy money, the easiest.”Suck my cunt, bitch!” I screamed at Henny as she dove between my legs “suck my clit good, now, my black bitch!” my hands grasping either side of her head and pulling her face hard to my crotch as she bobbed up and down between my legs.Yeah, Henny was pretty good, but really now, she wasn’t that good. She wasn’t even bi that much except doing girl-girl scenes for money, so-called “gay for pay”. For five hundred thins, though, she’d have happily pretended to be a three-legged Martian with a yeast infection if’n that’s what the john wanted her to be right then.”Urrrh, urrrgggg, urrrrgggggg!!!” was all she pretended to be able to manage as he exaggerated licking of my pussy continued for a few moments as the johns now stood beside the bed and slowly jacked themselves hard, my old client now naked scooting on the bed with us for his Oreo.”Lick her clit while I fuck her, Jen” Henny and I moving around to a more or less comfortable sixty-nine across the bed with me on the bottom, he standing at the side of the bed and entering her from behind for a few moments before gently pushing us both to where he wanted us to be, he on top of me, his breath stinking of good scotch and bad pot, and Henny beside us as we lay lengthwise on the bed, she sucking me boobs and kissing me as the other dude starting fisting her before entering her from the rear.”Yeah, yeah, YWEAH, Baby, that cock, that cock’ so, so DamNeD good, gimme that cock Baby, see Henny sucking my tits, that turn you on Baby?, yeah Yeah, like her licking your cock while you fuck me me Baby?, Yeay, Yeah, come on Baby, gimme that wonderful cock of yours, give it to me, NOW!” as he finally filled his latex penile umbrella to protect himself from my potential rain as I clamped down on his cock as hard as I could almost to the point where I knew it would be painful for him but no matter forty-five minutes had passed and I knew there was a holding pattern of cocks with wallets waiting for me.”Wow, Jenny, you and Henny were just beyond incredible tonight, here’s an extra hundred for you both” his face and voice already fading from my memory as he put his clothes back on as was his buddy so they could go back to the front desk and retrieve their room deposit before heading out.Cheap motherfucker. He’d spent five hundred on us as had his buddy too but that had only tipped us a single Franklin total or just fifty each or just ten percent of the upfront price. Cheap mutha indeed. If he came back again, next time his cock would leave with some teeth marks.Back inside the restaurant, Noel had come in for a few hours to try to help out with the customer load almost all tables and counter stools having fannies in and on them and customers for food being neglected a little as hookers playing waitresses kept flitting in and out and patrons started openly grumbling about lousy service. I really did need more “straight” waitresses who didn’t hook, but that was impractical most of the time since we needed to keep our cover going and acting as waitresses was a good way for potential johns to take a good look at the merchandise.Noel was giving the quick orientation drill to Charlotte Loring AKA “Charlie”, a new girl I had “traded” for, giving up Becka one of my better income producers for the past year but who never could lick the crack, I mean, never could successfully quit crack cocaine and that’s just something I never put up with so I had sent her down the road to another truckstop brothel, the madam of it sending me Charlotte who was pretty and young but dumb as a fence post and with a blank expression on her face that seldom changed and with no personality to speak of didn’t do that much business let alone develop a stable of regulars but I was sure I could change that much as I’m sure my fellow proprietor of female flesh felt she could somehow salvage Becka or she wouldn’t have traded with me. At nineteen more or less and a petite build and straight blond hair, even if all she could utter was “moo” I was sure I could turn her into a revenue stream generator.Yeah, there is an informal network of other truckstop and similar bordello operators in the Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Maryland and West Virginia region. We all know each other, more or less trust each other, can pick up the phone and trade girls with one another, rotating existing at least some existing stock out every few weeks being necessary to keep fresh faces present and smiling at the johns which means more revenue for all, and within the gossip network can warn each other if a girl is too much of a d**ggie or headcase or if an owner is trying to get too greedy or anything else that needs to be known by all.”Charlie, this is Jenny, your new boss” said Noel as she touched Charlotte’s shoulder to turn her around to face me a little better as I came up from behind her, she smiling at me with crosseyes her right eye going in one direction and her left one in another, very disconcerting to say the least but she did have a pleasant face and demeanor about her as her hand extended to take mine.”Good to met you, Charlie, I’m sure you’ll find it nice here, let me know if there’s anything I can do, as soon as Noel gets through with your orientation I want you to be available for johns tonights, are you okay with that, Hon’?””Yes, Jenny, sure, I’ll be happy to, that’s why I’m here!” her smile being as pleasant as her eyes were crossing and moving crazily as could be.”Did you move your things to your room at Motel Heaven yet?””No, but they’re in the van and the U-Haul, I’ll be fine for tonight. Jenny, is it true that a lot of girls clear a thousand or more a night here even before tips?” she turning to head to the kitchen with Noel and I following closely behind for a second before Yummy came over to me to whisper something in my ear.”Yes, that’s true, after they make their monthly nut, yes, especially on a night like tonight. Myself, I’ll probably clear about fifteen myself unless things really die down later.””Cool! Good meeting you.””You two, and don’t hesitate to ask if there’s anything I can do” as I made my way to the end of the counter to talk to a J about a Jackson. Poor old bloke had been waiting almost an hour for his $20 handjob and all the other girls had been too busy with higher priced spreads to take care of him.It didn’t take two minutes inside his cabover to get his seeds from inside to outside of him and he seemed pleased by my touch, even tipping me a tenner to go with my Andrew Jackson Presidential Twenty for the less than One-Hundred-Twenty Seconds worth of work.Then another $20 handjob then another and another and another and another and another after türbanlı escort sinop that then a fifty dollar “Grant” hand-and-blowjob and then another one of those and then another six or seven Jacksons and then even more Grants and Jacksons. You really don’t make shit doing Jacksons and Grants, not even doing a bunch of them quickly right in a row, but you do them because you have to and they’re better than no chashflow at all and most importantly you’re hoping that if you do a good job especially with new clients but also keeping existing ones happy then they’ll use you for straight fuck-Franklins or hour-long including anal and more if they want it Double-Franklins which is where you pocket your real coins, at least that’s been my experience and I have been doing this for some years now. At least by taking care of the cheapies too I was keeping my working girls busy hopefully doing Franklins and Double-Franklins and getting my ten percent cut off their higher-end laborings.”Whore, I’m not through, you suck it until I’m dry, understand?”I looked up at this nameless piece of worthless shit that was an embarrassment to all men everywhere and the glint of dawnsun pierced right into the back of my left eye to where it was almost painful. At least he was my last one, personally, for the night. Still had money to do and some paperwork but no big. Guys like this moron often think they’re in charge when they pay for sex but they have no real fucking clue and I’m not about to tell them. Fuck him. He was mine. Next time he’d want me to do a Two-Franklin and I would and he’d be through in less than fifteen minutes after I got through with him.”Yes, Master” that old “Master” word I just knew and was right would be a trigger for him, his legs stiffening out in this shortish bunk in the sleeper section of his truck cab as the last bit of his come crossed my lips as I finished my suck of him.”Good, slave. What was your name, slave?” he now grinning ear-to-ear. Yeah, I had him, had him good, he’d be a regular from now on.”Jenny, Master, just like it says here on my waitress’ name tag, Jenny” I pointing to the cheap piece of plastic with the cheaper thin labelmaker’d name stuck to it on the front of my workdress “I’m also the manager here.””Good to meet you, Jenny, I’m Marcus, call me Master Marcus, please” he pulling his pants up and redoing his belt before sliding out of the bunk and onto his seat next to me as I got one of his Marlboros from the pack atop the dash even though I seldom if ever smoke, taking a deep drag in anticipation of what I’d knew would be next.”Good to meet you Master Marcus, I hope you don’t mind, I’ve had a long night, really do need a cigarette.””No, please, help yourself, Jenny, I mean, slave” he lighting one up as well as I d****d my leg over his as we sat close to each other and both of us took deep drags from our fags.I felt like telling me I wasn’t a whore, have never liked being called that, but hey I am one so what can I say. Him calling me that told me more about him than it told him about me. He nibbled at the bait, time to reel him in.”Well, my shift is over, had a long night, need to run, you take care” my hand fishing for the passenger-side doorhandle.”Uh, slave? Uh, Jenny?” he almost panicked as I quickly scooted down to asphalt level.”Yes, Master Marcus?”It was time to set the hook.”Do you ever do any B and D or S and M type stuff?” his six-day-old-stubbly-bearded face looking like a little boy’s asking his mommy if he could go out and play.”Uh, yeah, depending. What did you have in mind?””Uhhhmmm, tie you up some, blindfold you, put clothespins on your tits and nipples, spank you with a hairbrush some, maybe a few strokes with a crop? Do you do things like that?””Uh, yeah, as long as it doesn’t leave bruises or marks on me after we’re through. Half an hour will be three Franklins for me plus one for the chaperone.””We don’t need a chaperone, I want it to be just us.””Sorry, Master, but no can do, not for the first time or two at least; has to be another girl there with a cellphone who just sits and watches us and nothing else, she won’t let you play with her or she you, she’s just there to make sure things stay cool.””I don’t know about that. I want us to be by ourselves and three hundred seems high.””Sorry, my Master, but that’s the price and those are the rules. I really do enjoy being tied up and spanked either over the knee with your hand or a hairbrush and I really enjoy clothespins and hot wax drippings from candles and even like the feel of a good leather riding crop on my butt as long as it’s not hard enough to leave marks, and after you tied me up and spank and whip me some I’ll suck your cock until you come, it’s part of the deal too, but it’s really up to you” his eyes now wider than the saucers underneath the cup a’ joes inside my nearby food and sex emporium. I am such a good liar to my johns, they believe every single word I say, because they want to believe those words.”Can we make an appointment next week, slave Jenny?” his hand turning the ignition key as he play with his dashboard controls and fired his rig up to get ready to leave.”I’m here most days, Master, I don’t do appointments, not unless they’re for all night or longer, just show up and I’ll be around, promise.””Thanks Jenny-slave, I’ll see you soon” black smoke belching from his tailpipe and from the truck as well as he swung around the sea of asphalt to head back to Route 69 which was the apron of our driveway and then to I-95 as I felt the apron of my waitress’s uniform and felt more bills there than I had in a long time.Back in my office behind the restaurant’s kitchen, the Jacksons and Grants and Franklins came to a total of three thousand three hundred and sixty, plus about another four hundred in tips.. Damn. My single best night ever, and I’m sure all my girls had at least as good a’ night as I did. Sixteen hundred and eighty dollars in my pocket for one night’s work, plus four in tips, for a hair over two thousand cash. Damn damn Damn! I couldn’t help but smile, but I was tired. Even poor little cow Charlie, her first night on the job, had grossed s*******n hundred and sixty plus another couple of hundred in tips and had that thousand bucks or close to it that she had asked me if my girls actually made some nights, and was just giggling she was so happy. I stuffed my envelope in my apron, put the Patels money and envelope back in my coffee can as the rest of the girls started coming in to similarly call it a night and Dessie and Carmen came in to take over the day shift and Jackie showed up to take over for me.”Go on home, Boss, you look like death warmed over” her arm friendly wrapping across the back of my shoulders as she stood next to me as I sat in my chair and counted and divided Shine’s money out, Shine having right at a two thousand dollar night without tips as well but she would only get twenty percent of it since her monthly nut-date had clicked over two days before, each of us having a different monthly “start” date where we owed the Patels seventy percent (plus my 10% off the top, always, of course) so she stuffed the envelope with her four-ten in it and along with her two-eighty in tips meant she still took home almost seven hundred in cash, not a bad night’s work at all. Too bad that good night last night didn’t come when she had paid her nut up for the month and she could have taken home a full fifty percent, but hey, those are the breaks.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++I’m not sure why Lori didn’t hear me when I came in, I was clomping in with tired feet and legs like some mule that had been plowing all day, I should say all night, long but she didn’t hear or pay any attention if she did but no matter. I couldn’t help but notice too that the living room had been straightened up some and the dishes in the sink were gone and had been run through the dishwasher and put up in the cabinets. She was thoughtful and appreciative, apparently.She wasn’t in her room when I peeked in. She was sitting on the toilet, my toilet, next to my garden tub in my master bathroom when I came in, naked except for a pair of panties at her ankles, a pad very visible inside them. The garden tub steamed with hot water and bubble bath next to her. She finally heard my footsteps as I fidgetdly tapped my foot a couple of times as I leaned against the doorframe between the master bathroom and master bedroom, her eyes meeting mine as she smiled at me.”My period started last night, I borrowed one of your Kotex’s, I hope you don’t mind” her eyes clear, bright, shining with innocence and love and looking right at me.”No, I don’t mind, my home is yours too, Lori, whatever you need.”Her smiled beamed at me. A whiff of something I hadn’t smelled before as I came in hit my nostrils. I couldn’t help but make a slightly exaggerated sniff-sniff motion with my nose. It smelled delicious. She continued to sit on the toilet without the slightest bit of embarrassment, her eyes now softer looking into mine, melding with them.Emotions I hadn’t felt in a long time, well, not since Sarah, rose to the surface from the well of my heart deep inside me. No, no, NO! Bad emotions. Emotions I didn’t want. Lori was a potential profit center, nothing more.”It’s a chicken and rice casserole; hope you don’t mind; just wanted to show you how much I appreciated you letting me stay here; found an old hen in the freezer and you had enough Uncle Ben’s rice to make the rest of it; hope you like chicken.”Yeah, and fish too. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. Her beauty was just ten feet and ten lightyears away from me.”Yeah, it smells great, I get tired of truckstop food, let me tell you” my weight now shifting as I stood away from the doorframe and slowly walked towards her.”I can guess. I drew up a hot bath, figured you might like it. Want me to join you, Jenny?”Damn Damn DAMN! I couldn’t help but look away for a moment, my eyes finding the tops of her feet as I moved in closer for the kill, close to be next to her still. Her body language was relaxed as she stood next to the tub, her hand outstretched to take mine. Her right foot flicked her bloody padded panties off to one side.”Yes, that was very nice of you Lori, the casserole, the bath, everything” as I gently embraced her.She looked at me and smiled. Her lips lightly kissed mine as she held me closer to her, her naked warmth being diffused by my cheap waitress dress which was quickly shucked off.”I’ve never been with a woman before, Jenny, but I’ve always been a little curious about being with a woman. Would you like to be my first?” the innocence of her truth melting both my heart and my pussy.Would the pope wipe bear’s ass after he shit in the woods? I pulled her even tighter to me and firmly groped her left breast and pulled on her nipple some.”Yes, Lori, I’d be honored to be your first” whispered through kisses.”My period, will my period make any difference?” my hand now parting her thighs to show her that it wouldn’t as we stepped into the garden tub.”Not to me it won’t unless it will to you.””Uh-uh, not to me. Just show me, Jenny, show me how to make love to you, make love to me, show me” she slipping under the foamy-topped water as she pulled me closer to her once more, my lips finding a nipple and sucking as I held it close to me while my other hand massaged her other breast and roughly pinched her nipple but only to excite and not hurt her, figuring she was like most women and had tender breasts and nipples “during” which can be used to a lover’s advantage if they know how.”Ohhh, uuuhhhh, aaahhhhhh!!!” nice noises of pleasure coming from her.”Scoot up on the side of the tub and spread your legs for me, Hon’, let me show you something no man has ever done for you I bet.”She leaned back against the faux tiled wall behind the tub and spread her legs for me as I dove deep and hard, my mouth finding her clit and my hand spreading her cuntal lips to begin a nice slow but firm frig of her, she lightly bucking back and forth to the offered rhythms of my hand as it slid in and out of her, its pinkish tinge from her blood only exciting me more as I took her lesbian virginities plural for all I was worth.”God, Jenny, you’re right, I’ve never experienced anything like that, no man has ever given me head on my period before let alone fist me, good God Jenny, what are you doing to me, it feels ssoooo gggooodddddddd!!!” my little pinky slipping inside her bummy as my other four fingers continued to work her pussy deeper and deeper and harder and faster as my tongue bathed her lips and clit as I wished and she cried out for more.”Just relax and enjoy, just relax.””Easy for you to say” she quipped between deep breaths trying to suck in enough oxygen for her deeply.”Lori like?” my hand now out and my tongue shoved as far inside her as I could possibly push it.”Lori loves! Jeez-Us, Jen, where did you learn to do that?””I’m a lesbian, silly girl” I slyly replied as I began playfully chewing on her labial lips and resumed an easy two-finger deep frig of her as she arched her back against the cheap two-sided plastic faux tile wall enclosure of the garden tub.”Then I want to be a lesbian too! Show me, Jenny, show me how to make love to a woman, show me how to make love to you!” her breath now very irregular and very deep still.”Not a problem; switch places with me.”She just stared at my vagina as I opened my legs up for her as I leaned back against the corner walls behind the tub like she had never seen a cunt before. Come to think of it, maybe she really hadn’t.”It’s beautiful, like a flower, and it smells, so, so nice.”Yeah, right. Something like twelve guys had shot their spunk inside it last night and I hadn’t douched and she thought it smelled nice. Yeah, if you think an open sewer smells nice you might think my gloryhole smells nice. She was trying to be so sweet.”Just suck and lick on it like you think you’d like to have done to you; remember what I just did to you, what felt good to you, do the same things to me, we’re both women and we’re both made the same, what felt good to you will feel good to me; now, suck my clit, Lori, play with my pussy, frig me some, do what you want, make love to me, make love to me.”I closed my eyes and went back to that special place where Sarah and I used to be. When I opened my eyes back up even though I could have sworn it was Sarah’s tongue lapping at my clit and lips it wasn’t her but was Lori, sweet little innocent Lori, sweet little innocent Lori whom as attracted as I was to her would have to soon corrupt and make her one of my whores. For a moment it felt like she might be “the one” or at least the next one, the next special lady I could spend many happy years together with. I closed my eyes once again as much to my surprise Lori’s tongue now bathed my asshole a little, something I hadn’t done to her yet. I kept my eyes closed and for another moment it felt like it was Sarah’s tongue there as it had been so many times before and in my mind’s eyes I saw Sarah between my legs so sweetly tonguing my asshole and then the image of Sarah doing so faded and then the image become sweet little innocent Lori and then the image but not sensation of her faded from my inside my heart, too.”Jenny like?” she sweetly mocking me a little as her eyes met mine from her perch in the tub between my legs.”Yeah, Jenny likes, but I had a hard night and this is killing my back, let’s go to the bedroom, grab a towel and a couple of washcloths.”I kissed her as my arm easily went around her shoulder and her arm went around my waist.”Thank you for the most special night I’ve had in a long time, Jenn-knee” she lying on her back as I scooted a towel under her butt.”My pleasure.” There was nothing more to say.

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